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A review of major studies of tetrapod skin development since the 1870s illustrates how knowledge of structure and mechanism progressed through phases emphasizing Natural History, morphology, endocrinology, and tissue manipulation prior to the prevailing "molecular era." Each successive phase of investigation, while suffering from its own limitations and constraints, has produced conceptual advances. At various times, different systems in various organisms have been research models of choice for practical and/or technical reasons. Comparative studies of scaled and non-scaled integuments and appendages thereof, e.g., nails, claws, glands, hair, and especially feathers, revealed data that suggested new directions for research programs. Some non-mammalian models still offer unique opportunities for pursuit of specific questions pertinent to studies of hair: arguments between American and British schools concerning feather development that originated in the 1930s remain unresolved and may thus affect interpretation of recent investigations. The current emphasis on the study of diffusible molecules involved in papilla-follicle interactions in hair development and replacement can only be understood in the context of the interwoven history of questions relating sequentially to evolutionary homology, physiological controls of tissue homeostasis, embryonic induction, and, most recently, molecular genetics.  相似文献   
Disruption or absence of hepatocyte keratins 8 and 18 is associated with chronic hepatitis, marked hepatocyte fragility, and a significant predisposition to stress-induced liver injury. In contrast, pancreatic keratin disruption in transgenic mice that express keratin 18 Arg89 --> Cys (K18C) is not associated with an obvious pancreatic pathology. We compared the effects of keratin filament disruption on pancreatic acini or acinar cell viability, and on cholecystokinin (CCK)-stimulated secretion, in transgenic mice that overexpress wild-type keratin 18 and harbor normal extended keratin filaments (TG2) and K18C mice. We also compared the response of these mice to pancreatitis induced by a choline-deficient ethionine-supplemented diet or by caerulein. Despite extensive cytoplasmic keratin filament disruption, the apicolateral keratin filament bundles appear intact in the acinar pancreas of K18C mice, as determined ultrastructurally and by light microscopy. No significant pancreatitis-associated histologic, serologic, or F-actin/keratin apicolateral redistribution differences were noted between TG2 and K18C mice. Acinar cell viability and yield after collagenase digestion were lower in K18C than in TG2 mice, but the yields of intact acini and their (125)I-CCK uptake and responses to CCK-stimulated secretion were similar. Our results indicate that keratin filament reorganization is a normal physiologic response to pancreatic cell injury, but an intact keratin cytoplasmic filament network is not as essential in protection from cell injury as in the liver. These findings raise the possibility that the abundant apicolateral acinar keratin filaments, which are not as evident in hepatocytes, may play the cytoprotective role that is seen in liver and other tissues. Alternatively, identical keratins may function differently in different tissues.  相似文献   
中间纤维(intermediate filament,IF)与微管、微丝一起组成细胞骨架的蛋白质纤维网络体系。三种骨架纤维中最复杂的是IF,它由最大的基因家族所编码,组成了一个包含73个成员的蛋白大家族。IF除了支架作用还形成复杂的信息平台,并与各种激酶、受体和凋亡蛋白相互作用。目前,已知80多种人类相关疾病包括皮肤起泡、肌肉萎缩症、心肌病、早衰综合征、神经退行性疾病和白内障等与IF有关,且数量仍在增长。其中,IF的变异至少与30多种人类组织特异性疾病有关,在几种神经退行性疾病、肌肉疾病或其他相关疾病还会出现特征性的包涵体。IF可作为细胞类型的标志,其抗体被广泛应用于病理诊断,因此研究这些疾病与IF之间的相互联系、揭示它们的作用机制对全面认识IF在细胞和组织中所起的作用以及对临床疾病的治疗有着重要意义。  相似文献   
The genomic database for a marsupial, the opossum Monodelphis domestica, is highly advanced. This allowed a complete analysis of the keratin I and keratin II gene cluster with some 30 genes in each cluster as well as a comparison with the human keratin clusters. Human and marsupial keratin gene clusters have an astonishingly similar organization. As placental mammals and marsupials are sister groups a corresponding organization is also expected for the archetype mammal. Since hair is a mammalian acquisition the following features of the cluster refer to its origin. In both clusters hair keratin genes arose at an interior position. While we do not know from which epithelial keratin genes the first hair keratins type-I and -II genes evolved, subsequent gene duplications gave rise to a subdomain of the clusters with many neighboring hair keratin genes. A second subdomain accounts in both clusters for 4 neighboring genes encoding the keratins of the inner root sheath (irs) keratins. Finally the hair keratin gene subdomain in the type-I gene cluster is interrupted after the second gene by a region encoding numerous genes for the high/ultrahigh sulfur hair keratin-associated proteins (KAPs). We also propose a tentative synteny relation of opossum and human genes based on maximal sequence conservation of the encoded keratins. The keratin gene clusters of the opossum seem to lack pseudogenes and display a slightly increased number of genes. Opossum keratin genes are usually longer than their human counterparts and also show longer intergenic distances.  相似文献   
The prostate gland is the site of the second most common cancer in men in the UK, with 9,280 deaths recorded in 2000. Another common disease of the prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia and both conditions are believed to arise as a result of changes in the balance between cell proliferation and differentiation. There are three types of prostatic epithelial cell, proliferative basal, secretory luminal, and neuroendocrine. All three are believed to be derived from a common stem cell through differentiation along different pathways but the mechanisms behind these processes is poorly understood. In particular, there has until recently been very little information about prostate stem cell growth and differentiation. This review will discuss ways of distinguishing these prostate cell types using markers, such as keratins. Methods available for the culture of prostate epithelial cells and for the characterisation of stem cells both in monolayer and three-dimensional models are examined. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Summary Tracheas from vitamin A-deficient hamsters in organ culture in vitamin A-free medium developed squamous metaplasia. Addition of retinyl acetate to the medium prevented squamous metaplasia and a mucociliary epithelium was maintained. Indirect immunofluorescent staining with antikeratin antibodies AE1 and AE3 indicated positive reactions with epithelium of tracheas either cultured in vitamin A-free or retinyl acetate (RAc)-containing medium. The “stratum corneum”-like squames in metaplastic tracheas were strongly stained by AE3. Immunoprecipitation of cytoskeletal extracts from [35S]methionine labeled tracheas with a multivalent keratin antiserum indicated that the concentration of keratins synthesized in tracheas cultured in vitamin A-free medium was greater than that observed in tracheas cultured in the presence of RAc. In addition, new species of keratin were expressed in tracheas cultured in RAc-free medium. Alterations in the program of keratin synthesis were clearly detectable after 1 d in vitamin A-free medium, even though squamous metaplasia was not yet obvious. Squamous tracheas were shown by immunoblot analysis to contain keratins of 50, 48, 46.5, and 45 kilodalton (kd) detected with AE1; and 58, 56, and 52 kd detected with AE3. Immunoblot analysis with monospecific antimouse keratin sera also demonstrated the presence of 60, 55, and 50 kd keratins in the metaplastic tracheas. All these various species of keratins were either absent or present in much reduced quantity in mucociliary tracheas in RAc-containing medium. Interestingly, the induction of squamous metaplasia in tracheal epithelium did not result in the expression of the 59 and 67 kd keratins which are characteristically expressed in the differentiated layers of the epidermis. Therefore, this study shows that squamous metaplasia of tracheas due to vitamin A-free cultivation is accompanied by an increase in keratin synthesis as well as by the appearance of keratin species not normally present in mucociliary tracheal epithelium.  相似文献   
The microsporidian spore stage of the nerve parasite, Spraguea lophii, consists of outer envelope stabilized in part by keratins, including K4 and K13. The nonepidermal K4 and K13 keratins were found only in the spore envelope and were absent in the internal microsporidian sporoplasm. At the time of spore activation, the keratin-based outer spore envelope assemblage dissociated and became phosphorylated when the spores were placed in the presence of labeled ATP. Verapamil or lanthanum, agents which block S. lophii spore activation, also blocked spore envelope keratin disassembly and phosphorylation when the spores were incubated in activation medium with labeled ATP. However, after the removal of the verapamil or lanthanum, the spores regained the capacity to activate in discharge medium and the keratin analogues appeared to dissociate and phosphorylate.  相似文献   
The fine structure and cornification of marsupial hairs are unknown. The distribution of keratins, trichohyalin, and transglutaminase in marsupial hairs was studied here for the first time by electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry. The localization of acidic and basic keratins in marsupial hairs is similar to that of hairs in placental mammals, and the keratins are mainly localized in the outer root sheath and surrounding epidermis. Marsupial trichohyalin in both medulla and inner root sheath (IRS) cross-reacts with a trichohyalin antibody that recognizes trichohyalin across placental species, indicating a common epitope(s) among mammalian trichohyalin. Roundish to irregular trichohyalin granules are composed of a network of immunolabeled 10-15-nm-thick coarse filaments within an amorphous matrix in which a weak labeling for transglutaminases is present. This suggests that the enzyme, and its substrate trichohyalin, are associated in mature granules. Transglutaminase labeling mainly occurs in condensing chromatin of mature cells of the outer and inner root sheaths, suggesting formation of the nuclear envelope connected with terminal differentiation of these cells. In mature Huxley or Henle layers the filaments lose the immunolabeling for trichohyalin when they are reoriented into parallel rows linked by short bridges, thus suggesting that the filaments with their reactive epitopes are chemically modified during cornification, as seen in the IRS of hairs of placental mammals. The Huxley layer probably acts as a cushion, absorbing the tensions connected with the distalward movement of the growing hair fiber. Variations in stratification of the Huxley layer are probably related to the diameter of the hair shaft. The cytoplasmic and junctional connections between cells of the Huxley layer and the companion layer and the outer root sheath enhance the grip of the IRS and hair fiber within the follicle. The role of cells of the IRS in sculpturing the fiber cuticle and in the mechanism of shedding that allows the exit of hair on the epidermal surface in mammals are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Many of the morphologic and biochemical changes that occur during human fetal skin development have been described, yet there has been little experimental analysis of the processes that regulate the development of human fetal skin. This is due in part to difficulties in culturing human fetal epidermal keratinocytes. We have successfully cultured fetal keratinocytes in two different in vitro systems; in a serum-free keratinocyte growth medium (KGM) on tissue culture plastic and cocultured with dermal fibroblasts as spheroidal aggregates. To characterize these fetal keratinocytes in vitro we have assessed their ability to express several markers of epidermal differentiation. Human fetal keratinocytes grown on plastic in KGM stratify and express some of the components of the differentiated epidermis, such as involucrin and the high molecular weight keratins. However, these keratinocytes co-express keratins and vimentin and do not form a structured basement membrane. More characteristics of fetal skin are preserved in mixed aggregates of epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts including epidermal stratification, synthesis of basement membrane components, tissue-specific expression of intermediate filaments, involucrin, and expression of high molecular weight keratins. The maintenance of human fetal epidermal keratinocytes in these two in vitro systems and their ability to express many differentiated characteristics suggests that these cultures will be valuable for studies of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the regionally specific differentiation of the human fetal epidermis. This work was supported by the Dermatology Foundation Fellowships funded by Herbert Laboratories and The Upjohn Company and awarded to A. R. H., NIH Training Program in Dermatological Research #5T32AR07472, and NIH grant #5R01HD20996 to A. T. L. Publication no. 74 of the Dermatology Department, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY.  相似文献   
Variation at 22 gene loci was investigated in a flock of Australian Merino sheep using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Polymorphism was observed at 20 loci, including loci for wool keratin, hormone and immunoglobulin light chain genes. Eleven loci yielded unambiguous genotypes suitable for population data analysis. Average heterozygosity, determined from these and two monomorphic loci, was estimated as 0.107 (SE = 0.024). Average heterozygosity excluding all monomorphic data was estimated as 0–377 (SE = 0.031), which is comparable with human RFLP heterozygosities for loci chosen in the same way that we selected sheep loci.  相似文献   
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