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Abstract The relationship among the Ecklonia radiata holdfast macrofaunal community, sediment content and sponge cover was evaluated for data collected over a four year period at Coffs Harbour, mid-north coast, New South Wales. While several taxa demonstrated significant relationships with these factors, the correlations explained a maximum of 24% of the variation in the data and explanatory power was consequently low. Differences in the composition of the holdfast community were also evaluated at two depths (2m and 6m) at two sites in a mensurative field experiment conducted in summer and winter 1991. The results of both ANOVA and non-parametric multivariate statistical analyses (MDS, ANOSIM, SIMPER) indicated that there were consistent, significant differences between depths over the two sample times. Although some common species demonstrated significant associations with one depth, small differences in the abundance of a large number of species were primarily responsible for the overall differences in community structure between depths. Sediment content and holdfast age were both significantly greater in samples collected from 6 m which may account for some of the depth-related faunistic differences. However, the overall differences between depths are probably related to unmeasured factors such as turbulence due to wave action and holdfast morphology which covary with depth. The results highlight the enormous variability associated with the Ecklonia radiata holdfast macrofaunal community and the consequent necessity to consider as many factors as possible in comparative studies of community structure.  相似文献   
Brown algae of the order Laminariales, commonly referred to as kelps, are the largest and most productive primary producers in the coastal inshore environment. The genus Ecklonia (Lessoniaceae, Phaeophyceae) consists of seven species with four species in the Northern Hemisphere and three in the Southern Hemisphere. It was recently transferred to the family Lessoniaceae based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear and chloroplastic markers, though the type of the genus was not included and its relationship with allied genera Eckloniopsis and Eisenia remained unresolved. The present study is the first to produce a phylogeny focussed on the genus Ecklonia. It included sequences from nuclear, mitochondrial, and chloroplastic DNA, for most of the distribution range of the three current Southern Hemisphere species (Ecklonia radiata, Ecklonia maxima, and a sample of a putative Ecklonia brevipes specimen), sequences for East Asiatic species (Ecklonia cava, Ecklonia kurome, and Ecklonia stolonifera), as well as the closely related genera Eckloniopsis and Eisenia. Results confirmed E. radiata and E. maxima as two distinct species in South Africa, E. radiata as a single species throughout the Southern Hemisphere (in South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand) and East Asiatic species as a distinct lineage from the Southern Hemisphere clade. Results further pointed out a close sister relationship between Eckloniopsis radicosa and two Eisenia species (including the type species: Eisenia arborea) to the genus Ecklonia suggesting that the genera Eckloniopsis and Eisenia are superfluous.  相似文献   
Ecosystem engineers are species that influence the abiotic and biotic environment around them and may assist the restoration of associated species, including other habitat‐forming species. We deployed an array of 28 artificial reefs with transplanted Ecklonia radiata, the dominant canopy‐forming kelp species across southern Australia, to investigate how the patch size and density of E. radiata influenced the establishment of the associated communities of plants and animals. Many of the reefs were rapidly colonized by Ostrea angasi, a critically depleted reef‐forming oyster. Over the 24‐month deployment of the reefs, thick oyster mats formed across the entire surface of many of the reefs with estimated biomass densities exceeding 5 kg of live oysters/m2; however, oyster density was dependent on E. radiata patch size and density. Increasing patch size and the presence of kelp resulted in significantly higher densities of oysters 5 months after the reefs were deployed and at the end of the experiment, where oysters were approximately three times more numerous on reefs with kelp compared to those without kelp. E. radiata appeared to facilitate the establishment of O. angasi largely through its capacity to reduce benthic light and thus suppress competition from turfing algae. These results may inform the development of novel approaches to tackle recruitment bottlenecks affecting the restoration of O. angasi reefs.  相似文献   
The Aleutian Archipelago coastal ecosystem has undergone a dramatic change in community composition during the past two decades. Following the removal of ~99% of the sea otters, Enhydra lutris, from the ecosystem, changes to the benthic communities resulted in widespread losses to most of the region’s kelp beds and corresponding increases in the prevalence of urchin barrens. Within the urchin barrens, the few kelps that have remained are exposed to elevated light, nutrients and currents, all of which may enhance their physiological condition and thus result in greater fecundity. To explore this further, we examined patterns of sporophyte fecundity in the dominant canopy‐forming kelp, Eualaria fistulosa, in both urchin barrens and in nearby kelp beds at seven Aleutian Islands spanning a range of 800 km. We found that the average weight of E. fistulosa sporophyll bundles was significantly greater on sporophytes occurring in the urchin barrens than in the nearby kelp beds. Furthermore, the average number of zoospores released per cm2 of sporophyll area was also significantly greater in individuals from the urchin barrens than the nearby kelp beds. When these two metrics were combined, our results suggest that individual E. fistulosa sporophytes occurring in the urchin barrens may produce as many as three times more zoospores than individual E. fistulosa sporophytes occurring in the nearby kelp beds, and thus they may contribute disproportionately to the following year’s sporophyte recruitment in both urchin barrens and the adjacent kelp beds.  相似文献   
In South Africa, more than 7000 t (f wt) of kelp (Ecklonia maxima) fronds are harvested annually to feed cultured abalone. Carpoblepharis flaccida, Gelidium vittatum and Polysiphonia virgata are conspicuous red algal epiphytes on older kelps and provide habitat and food for numerous animals. Over 4.5 y, we examined the effects of one destructive harvest of E. maxima on these 3 epiphytes. Two 20 × 20 m plots of kelp with similar epiphyte loads were demarcated. In one, all E. maxima sporophytes with stipes longer than 50 cm were harvested. The other plot served as a control. After 2.5 y the biomass of E. maxima in the harvested plot had recovered to control levels, but the epiphyte load (g epiphytes. Kg kelp−1) was statistically lower in the harvested plot after 2.5 and 3.5 y, and only recovered after 4.5 y. While most commercial harvesters cut through the “heads” (primary blades) of the kelp, effectively killing them, a new, non-lethal method removes secondary blades 20–30 cm from their bases, leaving the meristems and primary blades intact. At 5 sites studied, G. vittatum and P. virgata were found almost entirely on stipes and primary blades, and harvesting only distal parts of secondary blades limited losses to about 50% of C. flaccida biomass. To protect epiphytes, non-lethal harvesting is recommended and permanent non-harvest zones have been established in addition to limiting kelp yields and disallowing harvesting in Marine Protected Areas.  相似文献   
Organisms occurring in environments subject to severe disturbance and/or periods of poor environmental quality that result in severe adult mortality can survive these periods by relying on alternate life stages that delay their development in a resistant state until conditions improve. In the northeast Pacific, the forest‐forming giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh periodically experiences widespread adult mortality during extended periods of extremely low nutrients and high temperatures, such as those associated with El Niño. Recovery following these periods is hypothesized to occur from microscopic life stages that delay their development until the return of favorable conditions. In the laboratory, we experimentally examined the environmental conditions responsible for regulating delayed development of the microscopic stages of M. pyrifera from Southern California, USA. Nutrients controlled the delay and resumption of gametophyte growth and reproduction, perhaps linked to the large fluctuations in nutrients occurring seasonally and interannually in this region. Although growth of gametophytes proceeded in the virtual absence of nitrate, both nitrate and other trace nutrients were necessary for gametogenesis. Upon exposure to elevated nutrients, delayed gametophytes produced sporophytes more quickly (5–20 d) and at smaller sizes (10–200 μm) than gametophytes that had never been delayed (18–80 d, 80–400 μm, respectively), reducing negative density‐dependent effects. This finding demonstrates that delayed gametophytes of M. pyrifera rapidly utilize increased resources to consistently produce sporophytes. Further work is needed to assess their potential role in population recovery following periods of poor environmental quality.  相似文献   
Quaternary glacial–interglacial cycles create lasting biogeographic, demographic and genetic effects on ecosystems, yet the ecological effects of ice ages on benthic marine communities are unknown. We analysed long-term datasets to develop a niche-based model of southern Californian giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) forest distribution as a function of oceanography and geomorphology, and synthesized palaeo-oceanographic records to show that late Quaternary climate change probably drove high millennial variability in the distribution and productivity of this foundation species. Our predictions suggest that kelp forest biomass increased up to threefold from the glacial maximum to the mid-Holocene, then rapidly declined by 40–70 per cent to present levels. The peak in kelp forest productivity would have coincided with the earliest coastal archaeological sites in the New World. Similar late Quaternary changes in kelp forest distribution and productivity probably occurred in coastal upwelling systems along active continental margins worldwide, which would have resulted in complex shifts in the relative productivity of terrestrial and marine components of coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   
The year‐to‐year variability of total length and abundance of young cod Gadus morhua in the littoral zone of the Norwegian Skagerrak coast was dominant over spatial variability. The 0 year group cod was slightly larger in exposed areas than in protected areas. Contrary to expectations, the 0 year group cod was less abundant in the protected inner parts of the fjords. Although the natural variability was very large, exposed areas (the skerries) seemed to be the better area for the 0 year group cod, while for the 1 year group cod, no differences in abundance or growth could be identified indicating that they had adopted a mature pattern of movement, utilizing the entire fjord for feeding. Available habitat data indicated that the availability of shelter was a potential cause for the distributional pattern.  相似文献   
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