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The germination of spores of the endophytic brown algae Laminariocolax aecidioides and Laminarionema elsbetiae (Ectocarpales sensu lato) on their host Laminaria saccharina was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Zoids were the infective units in both taxa. Despite a large difference in size between spores of the species studied, the initial steps of infection were similar. Zoids settled on the host surface, and during secretion of adhesive material from their anterior end, the spores became elongated to rod-shaped and stood erect on the host. A single germ tube developed at the proximal end and penetrated the intact surface of the host. Sharp edges around the entrance hole and the absence of inward deformation of the host surface around the settled zoids suggest an enzymatic rather than a mechanical penetration mechanism.  相似文献   
Species interactions are integral drivers of community structure and can change from competitive to facilitative with increasing environmental stress. In subtidal marine ecosystems, however, interactions along physical stress gradients have seldom been tested. We observed seaweed canopy interactions across depth and latitudinal gradients to test whether light and temperature stress structured interaction patterns. We also quantified interspecific and intraspecific interactions among nine subtidal canopy seaweed species across three continents to examine the general nature of interactions in subtidal systems under low consumer pressure. We reveal that positive and neutral interactions are widespread throughout global seaweed communities and the nature of interactions can change from competitive to facilitative with increasing light stress in shallow marine systems. These findings provide support for the stress gradient hypothesis within subtidal seaweed communities and highlight the importance of canopy interactions for the maintenance of subtidal marine habitats experiencing environmental stress.  相似文献   
Mechanisms for inorganic carbon acquisition in macroalgal assemblages today could indicate how coastal ecosystems will respond to predicted changes in ocean chemistry due to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2). We identified the proportion of noncalcifying macroalgae with particular carbon use strategies using the natural abundance of carbon isotopes and pH drift experiments in a kelp forest. We also identified all calcifying macroalgae in this system; these were the dominant component of the benthos (by % cover) at all depths and seasons while cover of noncalcareous macroalgae increased at shallower depths and during summer. All large canopy‐forming macroalgae had attributes suggestive of active uptake of inorganic carbon and the presence of a CO2 concentration mechanism (CCM). CCM species covered, on average, 15–45% of the benthos and were most common at shallow depths and during summer. There was a high level of variability in carbon isotope discrimination within CCM species, probably a result of energetic constraints on active carbon uptake in a low light environment. Over 50% of red noncalcifying species exhibited values below ?30‰ suggesting a reliance on diffusive CO2 uptake and no functional CCM. Non‐CCM macroalgae covered on average 0–8.9% of rock surfaces and were most common in deep, low light habitats. Elevated CO2 has the potential to influence competition between dominant coralline species (that will be negatively affected by increased CO2) and noncalcareous CCM macroalgae (neutral or positive effects) and relatively rare (on a % cover basis) non‐CCM species (positive effects). Responses of macroalgae to elevated CO2 will be strongly modified by light and any responses are likely to be different at times or locations where energy constrains photosynthesis. Increased growth and competitive ability of noncalcareous macroalgae alongside negative impacts of acidification on calcifying species could have major implications for the functioning of coastal reef systems at elevated CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   
Kelp forests are highly productive and species‐rich benthic ecosystems in temperate regions that provide biogenic habitat for numerous associated species. Diverse epifaunal communities inhabit kelp sporophytes and are subject to variations in the physical environment and to changes experienced by the kelp habitat itself. We assessed seasonal variations in epifaunal invertebrate communities inhabiting giant kelps, Macrocystis pyrifera, and their effects on this seaweed. Six seasonal samplings were conducted over a year at an upwelling‐dominated site in northern‐central Chile where physical conditions are known to fluctuate temporally. More than 30 taxa were identified, among which peracarid crustaceans stood out in both diversity and abundance. Species richness and abundance differed among sporophyte sections (holdfast and fronds) and throughout the year. The frond community was dominated by two grazers (the amphipod Peramphithoe femorata and the isopod Amphoroidea typa), while suspension feeders, grazers, and omnivores (the amphipod Aora typica, the isopod Limnoria quadripunctata, and polychaetes) dominated the holdfasts. Abundances of the dominant species fluctuated throughout the year but patterns of variation differed among species. The most abundant grazer (P. femorata) had highest densities in summer, while the less abundant grazer (A. typa) reached its peak densities in winter. Interestingly, the area of kelp damaged by grazers was highest in autumn and early winter, suggesting that grazing impacts accumulate during periods of low kelp growth, which can thus be considered as ‘vestiges of herbivory past.’ Among the factors determining the observed seasonal patterns, strong variability of environmental conditions, reproductive cycles of associated fauna, and predation by fishes vary in importance. Our results suggest that during spring and early summer, bottom‐up processes shape the community structure of organisms inhabiting large perennial seaweeds, whereas during late summer and autumn, top‐down processes are more important.  相似文献   
The brown alga Agarum clathratum (Dumortier) is the only large, perennial, fleshy macrophyte commonly found on urchin‐dominated barrens in the northwestern North Atlantic. We examined the spatial and temporal stability of A. clathratum stands and their impact on algal recruitment in the Mingan Islands, northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The stands were highly stable in space and time, with only small intersite variations. The percent cover of A. clathratum in 144‐m2 areas increased by 6.5%–11.4% over a 2‐year period, and most changes in abundance occurred at the edge of the stands. The surface area of small (<13 m2) single stands of A. clathratum increased by approximately 1.8%·month?1, although marked increases (>95%) occurred during winter, largely because adjacent stands merged into larger single stands. Mature stands of A. clathratum appear to enhance algal recruitment, as juvenile A. clathratum and the understory red alga Ptilota serrata (Kützing) were orders of magnitude more abundant inside than outside the stands. The experimental removal of the A. clathratum canopy (1‐m2 portions) had no long‐term effect on the abundance of A. clathratum, which within 14 months had recolonized most of the cleared areas. In contrast to juvenile A. clathratum, the abundance of P. serrata rapidly decreased after canopy removal. Our results demonstrate that A. clathratum stands are a stable component of urchin barrens in spite of the heavy grazing that typically occurs there. Maintenance and expansion of A. clathratum stands and associated flora appear to depend on positive interactions with self‐defended adult A. clathratum.  相似文献   
Aim We aimed to redress a current limitation of local ecological studies (i.e. piecemeal information on specific taxa) by integrating existing ecological knowledge with quantifiable patterns in primary habitat (i.e. composition, distribution and cover) from local to continental scales. By achieving this aim, we sought to provide a biogeographical framework for the interpretation of variation in the ecology of, and threats to, subtidal rocky landscapes. Location The subtidal rocky coast of continental Australia, with longitudinal comparisons spanning > 4000 km of southern coast (115°03′ E–153°60′ E) between latitudes of 33°05′ S and 35°36′ S, and latitudinal comparisons across 26°40′ S to 37°08′ S of eastern Australia. Methods The frequency and size of patches of major benthic habitat were quantified to indicate contemporary function (ecology) and to establish patterns that may result from contrasting regional‐scale processes (biogeography). This was achieved by quantifying the composition and patchiness of key subtidal habitats across the continent and relating them to the known ecology of subsets of locations in each region. A nested design of several spatial scales (1000s, 100s, 10–1 km) was adopted to distinguish patterns at local through to biogeographical scales. Results We show biogeography (in terms of longitude and latitude) to have a fundamental influence on the patterns of abundance and composition of subtidal habitats across regional (1000s of kilometres) to local (10s of kilometres to metres) scales. Across the continent, the most fundamental patterns related to (1) the proportion of rock covered by kelp forests, as related to particular functional groups of herbivores, and (2) the small‐scale heterogeneity (metres) that characterizes these forests. Main conclusions We interpret these results within a framework of alternative processes known to maintain habitat heterogeneity across these regions (e.g. productivity versus consumption as shapers of habitat structure). These interpretations illustrate how regional differences in ecological patterns and processes can create contradictory outcomes for the management of natural resources. We suggest that researchers and managers of natural resources alike may benefit from understanding local issues (e.g. the effects of fishing and its synergies with water pollution) in their biogeographical contexts.  相似文献   
Kelp rafts in the Southern Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kelp rafts were surveyed during three summer traverses between Hobart and Macquarie Island (subAntarctic) to determine the potential for dispersal of kelp‐associated macroinvertebrates across the latitudes of 46–53°S. Rafts of Durvillaea antarctica dominated the sightings (94% of rafts) and extrapolations to the full Southern Ocean between these latitudes indicate a figure of over 70 million rafts afloat at any one time, 20 million of which support a holdfast, the habitat supporting the highest faunal diversity in attached kelp plants. In contrast, few, small rafts of Macrocystis pyrifera were observed. The potential for dispersal of fauna is presumed to be related to the species of kelp with which they are associated. Empirical studies of survival of animals while drifting at sea, and also on making land‐fall, are required to allow fuller interpretation of the significance of these findings.  相似文献   
Laminaria is an abundant kelp genus in temperate nearshore ecosystems that grows with a circannual ‘stop-start’ pattern. Species of Laminaria play important ecological roles in kelp forests worldwide and are harvested commercially as a source of food and valuable extracts. In order to evaluate seasonal differences in tissue properties and composition, we compared the material properties, histology and cell-wall composition of overwintering blades with newly synthesized, actively growing blades from Laminaria setchellii. We found that overwintering blades were fortified with a thicker cortex and increased cell wall investment, leading to increased material strength. Overwintering tissues were composed of higher proportions of cellulose and fucose-containing polysaccharides (i.e. FCSPs, fucoidans) than newly formed blades and were found to possess thicker cell walls, likely to withstand the waves of winter storms. Chemical cell wall profiling revealed that significant proportions of fucose were associated with cellulose, especially in overwintering tissues, confirming the association between cellulose and some fucose-containing polysaccharides. Changes in material properties during the resting phase may allow these kelps to retain their non-growing blades through several months of winter storms. The results of this study demonstrate how one species might regulate its material properties seasonally, and at the same time shed light on the mechanisms that might control the material properties of kelps in general.  相似文献   
Measurements of net photosynthesis (PS, O2 evolution), dark respiration (R, O2 consumption), and light and dark carbon fixation (14C) were conducted on whole blades, isolated blade discs, sporophylls, apical scimitars and representative portions of stipe and holdfast of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera L.C. Ag. On a dry weight basis, highest net PS rates were observed in apical scimitar segments and whole blades (3.81 and 3.07 mgC · g dry wt?1· h?1, respectively), followed by sporophylls (1.42 mgC·g dry wt?1· h?1) and stipe segments (0.15 mgC·g dry wt?1· h?1). No PS capacity was observed in holdfast material. Respiration rates showed similar ranking ranging from 1.22 mgC·g dry wt?1·h?1 for apical scimitar to 0.18–0.22 mgC·g dry wt?1· h?1 for holdfast material. Considerable within blade variability in both PS and R was also found. Steepest PS and R gradients on both an areal and weight basis were found within immature blades followed by senescent and mature blade material. Highest net PS rates were associated with the blade tips ranging from 3.08 (mature blades) to 10.3 mgC·dry wt?1·h?1 (immature blades). Highest rates of R generally occurred towards the basal portions of blades and ranged from 1.03–1.80 mgC·g dry wt?1·h?1 for immature blades. The variability within and between blades was high, with coefficients of variation approaching 50%. The observed patterns can be related to the decreasing proportionment of photosynthetic tissue and increasing proportionment of structural tissue as occurs from the blade tip to the blade base. Rates of light carbon fixation (LCF) revealed longitudinal profiles similar to oxygen measurements for the different blade types, with the absolute rates being slightly lower. Patterns of dark carbon fixation (DCF) were less easily interpreted. Highest rates of DCF (0.04–0.06 mgC·g dry wt?1·h?1) occurred at the basal portions of immature and senescent blades. Longitudinal profiles of total chlorophyll (a + c) on both an areal and weight basis were very similar to the profiles of PS. Normalized to chlorophyll a, PS displayed an unusual longitudinal profile in immature tissue; however, such profiles for mature and senescent tissues were similar to those for PS on an areal basis. It was demonstrated that it is difficult, if not impossible, to select single tissue discs that are representative of whole blades. The metabolic longitudinal profiles reveal a characteristic developmental pattern; the previous working definitions of immature, mature, and senescent blades, based on morphology and frond position thus have a physiological basis.  相似文献   
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