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The reproductive behaviour of the kelp bass Paralabrax clathratus was studied on Santa Catalina Island, California, U.S.A. from April 2000 to September 2002. Adults formed aggregations of three to > 200 individuals, and spawning occurred within subgroups of three to 23 individuals that contained a single female. The gonado‐somatic index ( I G) of collected ripe males (mean = 5·8%, range = 0·5–13·1%) indicated a large investment in sperm production that is common in group‐spawning fishes characterized by intense sperm competition. Spawning occurred 32 min before sunset to 120 min after sunset, and both males and females were capable of spawning multiple times during a single evening. Behavioural observations of adults and estimates of spawning periodicity from the collection of females with hydrated oocytes suggested that spawning occurred continuously throughout the summer months and showed no significant relationship with the lunar cycle. In general, the spawning behaviour of kelp bass was similar to other functionally gonochoric, group‐spawning serranids. The dynamics of P. clathratus spawning aggregations, however, were inconsistent with that of tropical reef fish spawning aggregations, including the transient spawning aggregations of some tropical serranids. Aggregation spawning appeared to be an important component of the annual reproduction of this species.  相似文献   
The presence of the stoloniferous hydroid Obelia geniculata (L.) had no effect on the pigment concentration or nitrogen status of underlying blade tissue of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh. The sheet-like colonies of the bryozoan Membranipora membranacea (L.) markedly reduced the pigment concentration of colonized blade tissue, but only during winter. Reductions in pigment concentration are most likely a result of damage to underlying tissue due to some factor related to the presence of bryozoan colonies on blade surfaces. Blade tissue colonized by M. membranacea also had higher δ15N signatures than surrounding bryozoan-free tissue, possibly indicating the provision of nitrogen to M. pyrifera by bryozoan colonies. Results show that seasonal changes in nitrogen and colony size can strongly modify the effect of epifauna on macroalgae they colonize. Unlike bryozoans, hydroid colonies provided no barrier to nitrogen uptake by colonized M. pyrifera tissue and enhanced ammonium uptake was observed for tissue colonized by O. geniculata during nitrogen limitation. Epifauna with stoloniferous growth forms such as hydroids are more likely to have benign or even mutualistic relationships with macroalgae they colonize than the sheet-like colonies of bryozoans.  相似文献   
Historically, marine ecologists have lacked efficient tools that are capable of capturing detailed species distribution data over large areas. Emerging technologies such as high‐resolution imaging and associated machine‐learning image‐scoring software are providing new tools to map species over large areas in the ocean. Here, we combine a novel diver propulsion vehicle (DPV) imaging system with free‐to‐use machine‐learning software to semi‐automatically generate dense and widespread abundance records of a habitat‐forming algae over ~5,000 m2 of temperate reef. We employ replicable spatial techniques to test the effectiveness of traditional diver‐based sampling, and better understand the distribution and spatial arrangement of one key algal species. We found that the effectiveness of a traditional survey depended on the level of spatial structuring, and generally 10–20 transects (50 × 1 m) were required to obtain reliable results. This represents 2–20 times greater replication than have been collected in previous studies. Furthermore, we demonstrate the usefulness of fine‐resolution distribution modeling for understanding patterns in canopy algae cover at multiple spatial scales, and discuss applications to other marine habitats. Our analyses demonstrate that semi‐automated methods of data gathering and processing provide more accurate results than traditional methods for describing habitat structure at seascape scales, and therefore represent vastly improved techniques for understanding and managing marine seascapes.  相似文献   
The genus Laminaria has a wide distribution range compared with other kelp genera because it is found in both the North and the South Atlantic, on both sides of the North Pacific, as well as in the Mediterranean. Hypotheses behind this biogeographical pattern have been discussed by several authors but have not yet been fully evaluated with time‐calibrated phylogenies. Based on the analysis of four molecular markers (ITS2, rbcL, atp8 and trnWI), our goal was to reassess the Laminaria species diversity in South Africa, assess its relationship with the other species distributed in the South Atlantic and reconstruct the historical biogeography of the genus. Our results confirm the occurrence of a single species, L. pallida, in southern Africa, and its sister relationship with the North Atlantic L. ochroleuca. Both species belonged to a clade containing the other South Atlantic species: L. abyssalis from Brazil, and the Mediterranean L. rodriguezii. Our time‐calibrated phylogenies suggest that Laminaria originated in the northern Pacific around 25 mya, followed by at least two migration events through the Bering Strait after its opening (~5.32 mya). Today, the first is represented by L. solidungula in the Arctic, while the second gave rise to the rest of the Atlantic species. The colonization of the North Atlantic was followed by a gradual colonization southward along the west coast of Europe, into the Mediterranean (~2.07 mya) and two recent, but disconnected, migrations (~1.34 and 0.87 mya) across the equator, giving rise to L. abyssalis in Brazil and L. pallida in southern Africa, respectively.  相似文献   
This study was designed to understand better if and how juvenile sporophytes of Macrocystis pyrifera can photoacclimate to high-light conditions when transplanted from 10 to 3 meters over 7 d. Acclimation of adult sporophytes to light regimes in the bathymetric gradient has been extensively documented. It primarily depends on photoacclimation and translocation of resources among blades. Among other physiological differences, juvenile sporophytes of M. pyrifera lack the structural complexity shown by adults. As such, juveniles may primarily depend on their photoacclimation capacities to maintain productivity and even avoid mortality under changing light regimes. However, little is known about how these mechanisms operate in young individuals. The capacity of sporophytes to photoacclimate was assessed by examining changes in their photosynthetic performance, pigment content, and bio-optical properties of the blade. Sporophytes nutritional status and oxidative damage were also determined. Results showed that juvenile sporophytes transplanted to shallow water were able to regulate light harvesting by reducing pigment concentration, and thus, absorptance and photosynthetic efficiency. Also, shallow-water sporophytes notably enhanced the dissipation of light energy as heat (NPQ) as a photoprotective mechanism. Generally, these adjustments allowed sporophytes to manage the absorption and utilization of light energy, hence reducing the potential for photo-oxidative damage. Furthermore, no substantial changes were found in the internal reserves (i.e., soluble carbohydrates and nitrogen) of these sporophytes. To our knowledge, these results are the first to provide robust evidence of photoprotective and photoacclimation strategies in juveniles of M. pyrifera, allowing them to restrict or avoid photodamage during shallow-water cultivation.  相似文献   
Kelp gulls at Península Valdés, Argentina, have recently developed the habit of feeding on pieces of skin and blubber that they gouge from the backs of southern right whales. In response, the whales flinch violently, submerge, and swim rapidly away underwater. The level of harassment in 1995 was almost five times higher than when first studied in 1984 by Thomas (1988). In 1995, 67% of attacks were aimed at large white lesions on the whales' backs. The proportion of whales with lesions increased from 0.01 in 1974 to 0.32 in 1990. Mother-calf pairs that were attacked traveled at medium and fast speeds for 3.1 h per day, compared to 0.8 h for undisturbed pairs. Mother-calf pairs are estimated to spend approximately 24% of their daylight hours in states of gullinduced disturbance. Little food is available at Península Valdés, so mothers must rely on blubber reserves to support their calves' growth, behavioral development, and migration to the feeding grounds. Even when undisturbed by gulls, mothers often curtail their calves' play and nursing bouts, suggesting that their energy reserves are limited. Increasingly intense harassment by gulls may therefore compromise calf development and might even induce right whales to abandon Península Valdés for other calving grounds.  相似文献   
Climate models predict a dramatic increase in the annual frequency and severity of extreme weather events during the next century. Here we show that increases in the annual frequency of severe storms lead to a decrease in the diversity and complexity of food webs of giant kelp forests, one of the most productive habitats on Earth. We demonstrate this by linking natural variation in storms with measured changes in kelp forest food web structure in the Santa Barbara Channel using structural equation modeling (SEM). We then match predictions from statistical models to results from a multiyear kelp removal experiment designed to simulate frequent large storms. Both SEM models and experiments agree: if large storms remain at their current annual frequency (roughly one major kelp‐removing storm every 3.5 years), periodic storms help maintain the complexity of kelp forest food webs. However, if large storms increase in annual frequency and begin to occur year after year, kelp forest food webs become less diverse and complex as species go locally extinct. The loss of complexity occurs primarily due to decreases in the diversity and complexity of higher trophic levels. Our findings demonstrate that shifts in climate‐driven disturbances that affect foundation species are likely to have impacts that cascade through entire ecosystems.  相似文献   
Different from the traditional knowledge about kelp, three sexual phenotypes (female, male, and monoecious) exist in the haploid gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida. However, the sex-determining mechanisms remain unknown. Genetic linkage mapping is an efficient tool to identify sex-linked regions. In the present study, we resequenced a segregating gametophyte family based on the male genome of U. pinnatifida. A high-density genetic linkage map was constructed using 9887 SNPs, with an average distance of 0.41 cM between adjacent SNPs. On the basis of this genetic map and using the composite interval mapping method, we identified 62 SNPs significantly linked with the sexual phenotype. They were located at a position of 67.67 cM on the linkage group 23, corresponding to a physical range of 14.67 Mbp on the HiC_Scaffold_23 of the genome. Reanalysis of the previous specific length amplified fragment sequencing data according to the reference genome led to the identification of a sex-linked genomic region that encompassed the above-mentioned 14.67 Mbp region. Hence, this overlapped genomic range was likely the sex-determining region. Within this region, 129 genes were retrieved and 39 of them were annotated with explicit function, including the potential male sex-determining gene-encoding high mobility group (HMG) domain protein. Relative expression analysis of the HMG gene showed that its expression was higher in male gametophytes during the vegetative phase and monoecious gametophytes during both the vegetative and gametogenesis phases, but significantly lower in male gametophytes during the gametogenesis phase. These results provide a foundation for deciphering the sex-determining mechanism of U. pinnatifida.  相似文献   
Warming ocean temperatures have been linked to kelp forest declines worldwide, and elevated temperatures can act synergistically with other local stressors to exacerbate kelp loss. The bull kelp Nereocystis luetkeana is the primary canopy-forming kelp species in the Salish Sea, where it is declining in areas with elevated summer water temperatures and low nutrient concentrations. To determine the interactive effects of these two stressors on microscopic stages of N. luetkeana, we cultured gametophytes and microscopic sporophytes from seven different Salish Sea populations across seven different temperatures (10–22°C) and two nitrogen concentrations. The thermal tolerance of microscopic gametophytes and sporophytes was similar across populations, and high temperatures were more stressful than low nitrogen levels. Additional nitrogen did not improve gametophyte or sporophyte survival at high temperatures. Gametophyte densities were highest between 10 and 16°C and declined sharply at 18°C, and temperatures of 20 and 22°C were lethal. The window for successful sporophyte production was narrower, peaking at 10–14°C. Across all populations, the warmest temperature at which sporophytes were produced was 16 or 18°C, but sporophyte densities were 78% lower at 16°C and 95% lower at 18°C compared to cooler temperatures. In the field, bottom temperatures revealed that the thermal limits of gametophyte growth (18°C) and sporophyte production (16–18°C) were reached during the summer at multiple sites. Prolonged exposure of bull kelp gametophytes to temperatures of 16°C and above could limit reproduction, and therefore recruitment, of adult kelp sporophytes.  相似文献   
Predators select prey so as to maximize energy and minimize manipulation time. In order to reduce prey detection and handling time, individuals must actively select their foraging space (microhabitat) and populations exhibit morphologies that are best suited for capturing locally available prey. We explored how variation in diet correlates with habitat type, and how these factors influence key morphological structures (mouth gape, eye diameter, fin length, fin area, and pectoral fin ratio) in a common microcarnivorous cryptic reef fish species, the triplefin Helcogrammoides cunninghami. In a mensurative experiment carried out at six kelp‐dominated sites, we observed considerable differences in diet along 400 km of the Chilean coast coincident with variation in habitat availability and prey distributions. Triplefins preferred a single prey type (bivalves or barnacles) at northern sites, coincident with a low diversity of foraging habitats. In contrast, southern sites presented varied and heterogeneous habitats, where triplefin diets were more diverse and included amphipods, decapods, and cumaceans. Allometry‐corrected results indicated that some morphological structures were consistently correlated with different prey items. Specifically, large mouth gape was associated with the capture of highly mobile prey such as decapods, while small mouth gape was more associated with cumaceans and copepods. In contrast, triplefins that capture sessile prey such as hydroids tend to have larger eyes. Therefore, morphological structures co‐vary with habitat selection and prey usage in this species. Our study shows how an abundant generalist reef fish exhibits variable feeding morphologies in response to the distribution of potential habitats and prey throughout its range.  相似文献   
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