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2005年4—12月在四川老君山自然保护区,通过计算机声谱分析技术,对四川山鹧鸪(Arborophilarufipectus)雄性的鸣声行为特征进行了研究,其结果表明,雄性单音节鸣声出现在啼叫、保护领域和求偶中,这些鸣声持续时间差异明显,主峰值差异不明显;雄性双音节鸣声出现在啼叫、保护领域、竞争雌体和求偶中,这些鸣声第一音节时间、第二音节时间、音节间隔时间和主峰值差异极显著,全句时间差异不明显;雄性多音节鸣声出现在保护领域、警戒和惊吓中。雄性亚成体多音节鸣声出现在惊吓和警戒中;雄性成体和亚成体警戒鸣叫的音节持续时间、音节间隔时间和主峰值差异均不明显,全句持续时间差异明显;雄性亚成体和雄性成体的惊吓鸣叫音节持续时间、音节间隔时间、全句持续时间和主峰值差异均不明显。四川山鹧鸪表现出的各种鸣声行为是为了保护配偶和防止天敌,使该种群更好地繁衍。  相似文献   
贵州山区3种木本植物无机碳利用特性的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以生长在喀斯特高原地区玉舍国家森林公园内的成熟银鹊树(Tapiscia sinensis)、白栎(Quercus fabri)和亮叶桦(Betula luminifera)为实验材料,通过对光合作用、叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数、羧化效率(CE)、呼吸速率(Resp)、碳酸酐酶活性(WA)以及稳定碳同位素组成(δ13 C)等指标的测定,分析3种植物不同的无机碳利用特性,为该区生态环境修复选择合适的建群植物种提供依据。结果显示:(1)银鹊树、白栎和亮叶桦分布都较为广泛,银鹊树生长的最佳土壤pH是4.5~5.5,而白栎更倾向于中性到弱酸性土壤,肥沃的酸性土壤则更有益亮叶桦生长;白栎和亮叶桦都能忍受干旱和贫瘠,但是银鹊树不能忍受干旱和高温。(2)银鹊树叶片的Pn、Tr和Gs显著大于白栎和亮叶桦,亮叶桦和白栎的Pn、Tr和Gs分别是银鹊树的69.5%、48.2%、66.7%和28.6%、21.7%、22.2%;亮叶桦叶绿素含量均为银鹊树和白栎的2倍,但3种植物间的WUE则无显著差异。(3)3个树种叶片净光合速率均随着CO2浓度升高呈持续上升的趋势,但它们之间的CO2补偿点和饱和点明显不同。其中,银鹊树和亮叶桦的CO2补偿点均低于50μmol·mol-1,而白栎的则在250~300μmol·mol-1之间;银鹊树的CO2饱和点在1 200μmol·mol-1左右,亮叶桦则在2 300μmol·mol-1左右,而白栎的CO2饱和点明显高于2 300μmol·mol-1。(4)3个树种的CE、Resp和WA均为银鹊树>亮叶桦>白栎;而δ13 C值则以银鹊树最低,亮叶桦和白栎较高。其中,白栎和亮叶桦的CE、Resp、WA分别为银鹊树的5.1%、25.7%、4.0%和45.3%、54.6%、6.8%,且树种间差异显著;白栎和亮叶桦的δ13 C值显著高于银鹊树。研究表明,银鹊树能够吸收大气中的CO2或者在高活性碳酸酐酶作用下转化利用细胞内的HCO3-,它拥有较高的CO2利用能力及无机碳同化效率,因而能够拥有较高的产能;亮叶桦只能获取大气中的CO2作为无机碳源,但它对CO2的利用能力也较高,其产能仅次于银鹊树;白栎同样只能获取大气中的CO2作为无机碳源,同时它对大气中CO2的捕获、利用能力均低于银鹊树和亮叶桦,因而白栎生长非常缓慢,造成其本身对无机碳的需求也最低,所以其产能最低。  相似文献   
鹤山亚热带丘陵人工林群落分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文研究鹤山亚热带丘陵5个有代表性的人工林群落。通过研究这5个人工林群落的林地生物量、生长量、林内各层次的种类结构、生物量的垂直空间分布结构、叶面积的垂直分布结构和群落的组成结构以及群落的发展动态,揭示这5个人工林的群落学特征。并进一步进行5个群落的生态学比较和评价。研究结果表明,马占相思、大叶相思等豆科纯林具有在贫瘠丘陵地上快生速长的特征,是良好的先锋林。马尾松、湿地松等种类也具有抗贫瘠的特性,但生长不如豆科纯林。利用豆科与乡土树种的混交,生长速度快,发展趋势良好,是目前丘陵山地绿化较为可行的途径。  相似文献   
频繁的人类生产活动使植被遭到破坏,造成基岩裸露的石漠化现象,严重制约了喀斯特地区自然和社会经济的发展,随着生态修复工程的大力开展,微生物群落的结构和功能在生态修复中逐渐受到重视,因为微生物作为喀斯特生态系统的重要组成部分,不仅在物质循环过程中起着重要作用,也在喀斯特生态系统修复中占有十分重要的地位。所以微生物群落结构和功能的研究可以作为衡量生态系统稳定性的重要指标。就中国喀斯特地区的典型植被恢复的不同阶段、成土过程、不同的土地利用方式、矿山修复过程以及不同水域中的微生物群落结构及功能等方面的研究状况进行系统梳理,结合实例综合论述喀斯特地区生态修复过程中微生物作用的研究进展,以期为喀斯特地区生态修复提供参考。  相似文献   
树木死亡作为森林生态系统中一个重要的生态学过程,研究其如何影响物种的空间分布格局及种间关联性,可以为揭示树木死亡机制及群落动态变化规律提供重要参考。本研究根据木论25 hm2喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶林动态监测样地两次木本植物调查数据,采用点格局分析方法,分析了树木死亡前后空间格局和种间关系的变化。结果表明: 样地内个体死亡前后主要表现为聚集分布,但死亡后聚集分布的物种比例较死亡前略微下降,小尺度上呈现随机分布的物种比例有所增加,个体的死亡呈非随机性死亡。在物种水平上,13个优势种的死树和活树之间在0~30 m各尺度上呈显著正关联,表明样地内优势物种个体之间种内和种间竞争作用不激烈;树木死亡前后种间关联性主要为正关联,且大部分物种种间关系在死亡前后并未发生变化,表明群落已发展到相对稳定的阶段;死亡后,在1~30 m尺度上表现为正关联的物种对比例有所增加,负关联和无关联的物种对在大部分尺度上有所减少,说明个体死亡发生后,各个物种之间的竞争压力在一定程度上有所缓解。  相似文献   
Microbiological studies were performed in three small gypsum karst lakes in northern Lithuania, most typical of the region. Samples were taken in different seasons of 2001. The conditions for microbial growth in the lakes are determined by elevated content of salts (from 0.5 to 2.0 g/l), dominated by SO 4 2? and Ca2+ ions (up to 1.4 and 0.6 g/l, respectively). The elevated sulfate concentration is favorable for sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRBs). Summer and winter stratification gives rise to anaerobic water layers enriched in products of anaerobic degradation: H2S and CH4. The lakes under study contain abundant SRBs not only in bottom sediments (from 103 to 107 cells/dm3) but also in the water column (from 102 to 106 cells/ml). The characteristic spatial and temporal variations in the rate of sulfate reduction were noted. The highest rates of this process were recorded in summer: 0.95–2.60 mg S2?/dm3 per day in bottom sediments and up to 0.49 mg S2?/l per day in the water column. The maximum values (up to 11.36 mg S2?/dm3) were noted in areas where bottom sediments were enriched in plankton debris. Molecular analysis of conservative sequences of the gene for 16S rRNA in sulfate-reducing microorganisms grown on lactate allowed them to be identified as Desulfovibrio desulfuricans.  相似文献   
The pharmacological properties of (±)-2-(N-tert-butylamino)-3′-iodo-4′-azidopropiophenone [(±)-SADU-3-72], a photoreactive analog of bupropion (BP), were characterized at different muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) by functional and structural approaches. Ca2+ influx results indicate that (±)-SADU-3-72 is 17- and 6-fold more potent than BP in inhibiting human (h) embryonic (hα1β1γδ) and adult (hα1β1εδ) muscle AChRs, respectively. (±)-SADU-3-72 binds with high affinity to the [3H]TCP site within the resting or desensitized Torpedo AChR ion channel, whereas BP has higher affinity for desensitized AChRs. Molecular docking results indicate that both SADU-3-72 enantiomers interact with the valine (position 13′) and serine (position 6′) rings. However, an additional domain, between the outer (position 20′) and valine rings, is observed in Torpedo AChR ion channels. Our results indicate that the azido group of (±)-SADU-3-72 may enhance its interaction with polar groups and the formation of hydrogen bonds at AChRs, thus supporting the observed higher potency and affinity of (±)-SADU-3-72 compared to BP. Collectively our results are consistent with a model where BP/SADU-3-72 and TCP bind to overlapping sites within the lumen of muscle AChR ion channels. Based on these results, we believe that (±)-SADU-3-72 is a promising photoprobe for mapping the BP binding site, especially within the resting AChR ion channel.  相似文献   
Abstract. Sixteen different Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian Courceyan to Chadian age, Mississippian) chondrichthyan teeth types have been extracted from Triassic erosional/aeolian fills in shallow karst systems found in the limestone quarry at Cromhall, Gloucestershire, England. These Carboniferous teeth have been found within a much larger assemblage of disarticulated bones and teeth belonging to small late Triassic terrestrial reptiles, for which Cromhall quarry is famous. The Carboniferous teeth are derived fossils, released during subaerial dissolution of the surrounding limestones. Owing to low specimen numbers and uncertainty of intraspecific character, 10 types of teeth are left in open nomenclature, although it is likely they represent new taxa. They belong to Jalodus, Ctenacanthiformes, Protacrodus, Orodus, Chomatodus, Petalodontidae, Euchondrocephali?, Helodus and Psephodus. A new genus and species, Cromhallia parvunda, of indeterminate phylogenetic relationships, is also erected. The assemblage includes also an identified suite comprising Thrinacodus ferox, Bransonella cf. nebraskensis and Stethacanthus cf. altonensis. The identification of all fish teeth found in the Cromhall assemblages as derived fossils from the Carboniferous removes any ambiguity regarding the fully terrestrial nature of the late Triassic fauna preserved in the residue‐bearing karst systems.  相似文献   
Complex aquatic systems of karst harbour a rich but little‐investigated biodiversity. In Croatia and Bosnia–Herzegovina karst, temporal springs are inhabited by a group of minnow‐like fishes that retreat to the associated ground water during dry seasons and spend several months underground. The most abundant species in this group is Delminichthys adspersus (Heckel 1843), which also has the most fragmented distribution range. To determine the population composition and dispersal patterns, and to detect potential underground migration, a large genetic data set comprising 544 specimens of D. adspersus covering most of its distribution area was analysed. Analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences (~1000 bp) and eight microsatellite loci showed that D. adspersus comprises at least three subpopulations with gene flow occurring among them. Coalescent‐based analysis revealed a complex migration pattern, with several unidirectional dispersal paths, including between temporal springs that share no surface connection. The results of this study suggest the existence of recurrent underground migration of fish in a karst environment and demonstrate the complexity of its hydrological network. The findings are relevant to conservation strategies for endemic karst organisms and karst ecosystems as a whole.  相似文献   
英格兰洞穴苔藓植物区系特征及其岩溶沉积研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据作者1998-2000年采自英格兰7个岩溶洞穴452份苔藓植物标本研究,英格兰岩溶洞穴苔藓植物区系具有下列特征:(1)区系种类由20科41属65种(含变种亚种)组成;(2)区系地理成分含北温带分布(52.30%)、温带欧洲分布(15.38%)、欧洲-亚洲分布(1.54%)、欧洲-北美分布(12.31%)、旧世界温带分布(4.62%)、英国特有(1.54%)和世界广泛分布(12.31%)等7种成分;(3)生活型含高丛集型(9.22%)、矮丛集型(20%)、交织型(61.54%)、扇型(4.08%)和平铺型(4.08%)5种类型。14种洞穴苔藓植物参与了洞穴洞口钙华沉积,沉积形态包括钟乳石、洞壁钙华、洞底泉华和洞底滴水钙华4种类型。  相似文献   
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