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Experiments dealing with the role of juvenile hormone, adipokinetic hormone and diuretic hormone in the Painted Lady butterfly Vanessa cardui are reported. The results demonstrate an important role of JH in the regulation of ovarian and colleterial gland development in females, and in the regulation of accessory gland, tubular gland and ejaculatory duct development in males. In addition, the presence of an adult reproductive diapause, characterized by decreased effective juvenile hormone haemolymph titres, is suggested. Evidence for the existence of both adipokinetic and diuretic hormones in the Painted Lady is also presented, as is data indicating that both hormones may be similar or identical to those previously described in Monarch butterflies. Owing to the above results, and the existence of an artificial diet suitable for mass rearing in the laboratory, the Painted Lady appears to be an excellent species for studies on adult lepidopteran neuroendocrinology.  相似文献   
A survey of 123 species of fishes from southeastern Queensland during 1975 revealed in 47 species nine distinct larval types of ascaridoid nematodes: Anisakis Type I, Terranova Types I and II, Contracaecum Types I and II, and Thynnascaris Types I, II, III and IV. These larvae are described and figured.  相似文献   
Life-history trade-offs are often hormonally mediated. Here, we provide a comparative perspective on the endocrine basis of life-history trade-offs by examining the invertebrate hormone juvenile hormone (JH). JH is often associated with benefits, including increased dominance and reproductive success. We tested whether JH reduced survival of Polistes dominulus wasps and whether this survival cost was influenced by factors such as advertised quality, food availability, caste and body size. Overall, JH reduced individual survival. Among fed and unfed queens, JH reduced survival in a dose-dependent manner. Among workers, JH had a stronger effect on survival of fed workers than unfed workers. Unfed workers died quickly and body size was the best predictor of survival. Surprisingly, queens and workers treated with JH survived longer when they had signals advertising high quality than when they had signals advertising low quality. The relationship between advertised quality and ability to withstand high levels of JH suggests that there are differential physiological costs associated with ornament elaboration that could play a role in maintaining signal accuracy over evolutionary time. Overall, the convergence of endocrine-mediated costs across diverse systems suggests that endocrine-mediated trade-offs may be an adaptive way to optimize resource allocation rather than a non-adaptive constraint specific to a particular hormone.  相似文献   
Differential genome duplication and fish diversity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The duplication of genes and entire genomes arebelieved to be important mechanisms underlyingmorphological variation and functionalinnovation in the evolution of life andespecially for the broad diversity observed inthe speciation of fishes. How did these fishspecies and their genetic diversity arise? Theoccurrence of three rounds of genomeduplication during vertebrate evolution mightexplain why many gene families are typicallyabout half the size in land vertebrates as theyare in fishes. However, mechanisms of geneticdiversity in fish lineages need to be furtherexplained. Here we propose that differentialgenome duplication of from two to six roundsoccurred in different fish lines, offering newopportunities during the radiation of fishlineages. This model provides a fundamentalbasis for the understanding of theirspeciation, diversity and evolution.  相似文献   
The larvae of 15 freshwater fish species from Lake Trichonis (western Greece) are described from field samples and laboratory-raised fish. Larval morphologies are compared to identify distinguishing characters. The potential utility of these data sets for assessing phylogenetic relationships is discussed.  相似文献   
Agonistic interactions were observed in dyadic contests between size-matched rainbow trout. The results suggest that male juveniles are more aggressive than females.  相似文献   
A cline in microsatellite diversity appeared among populations of Barbus carpathicus in four adjacent river basins on the northern slopes of the Carpathian Ridge, with western populations more variable than eastern ones ( H S equals 0·45, 0·32, 0·23 and 0·13, respectively). Overall genetic variation was low, likely reflecting population bottlenecks during postglacial expansions through the Danube–Vistula watershed and eastward into Carpathian tributaries of the Vistula River. Genetic similarities between populations in the westernmost tributary of the Dniester (Strwiąż River) and those in the adjacent Vistula tributary (San River) suggest that at least the western part of the Dniester basin was colonized from the Vistula River system.  相似文献   
Lake Valencia in north central Venezuela, one of the largest natural inland bodies of water north of the equator, is undergoing a very rapid deterioration process as a consequence of anthropogenically induced changes. At the Ichthyology Laboratory of Instituto de Zoología Tropical, we have been studying the fishes of the northern tributaries of Lake Valencia since the early 1990's. As a result of collections made in seven northern tributaries of the basin from 1990 to 1993, we have identified 15 species of fish in 6 families. Comparison of our results with those of several authors who have collected in the area since the 1920's, indicate a 59.5%decrease in fish diversity in a 30 year span. The Lake Valencia region has undergone a rapid, considerable industrial and urban growth in recent years. This rapid increment in population size has produced a vast contamination of the lake and its tributaries by activities associated with a growing population. This study will contribute to the understanding of the biodiversity of the region by recording changes in the characteristics of the ichthyofauna in a highly modified environment.  相似文献   
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