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滇池试验围隔内不同形态铁浓度的变化与物化因子的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在蓝藻水华形成以后,通过围隔实验,从2003年6月份到10月份定期采样测定水体中的pH、溶解氧(DO)、水温、总铁、亚铁、过滤性铁(<0.45μm)和可溶性磷的浓度,研究物化因子对不同形态铁浓度变化的影响。实验结果表明,蓝藻水华优势种微囊藻在pH 7—9和水温17.5—20.5℃的条件下,生长旺盛,消耗了大量的亚铁,使亚铁浓度大幅度下降;溶解氧和磷酸盐对亚铁浓度没有显著影响;在水华蓝藻严重发生的条件下,水体中的总铁和过滤性铁浓度没有显著意义的变化,而亚铁浓度的变化与水华蓝藻的种群密度成显著负相关(r=-0.8391,P<0.05)。  相似文献   
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大沙河水库冬季浮游植物群落结构与水华分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李季东  肖利娟  胡韧 《生态科学》2011,30(5):500-506
于2009年12月、2010年1月和2月对广东省大沙河水库湖泊区距水表层0.5m、5m和10m三个水层的浮游植物进行了定性与定量分析,同时对环境变量进行了测定.采样期间三个月的总降雨量为263mm,水温范围在15.5~19.4℃之间,水体处于混合状态.三次采样中,共检测出浮游植物69种(属),隶属于6个门,浮游植物丰度范围在4.1×106~14.8×106cells·L-1之间.三个水层的浮游植物优势种类差异不显著(p>0.05),丰度的主要优势种为蓝藻门的卷曲鱼腥藻(Anabaena circinalis)、铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa),这两个种的丰度之和占总丰度的70%以上,在2009年12月和2010年2月的表层出现了轻度鱼腥藻和微囊藻水华.蓝藻自身的浮力调节机制和适应低磷的生活策略是其成为优势种的重要原因,相对稳定的外部条件、水体混合与富营养共同导致的光的可获得性的减少是形成蓝藻水华的关键外部因子.  相似文献   
铅锌矿渣场植被自然演替与基质的交互效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘鸿雁  邢丹  肖玖军  刘方 《应用生态学报》2010,21(12):3217-3224
矿业废弃地生态系统自然恢复的植被演替过程与机理是生态恢复研究的重要内容之一.以空间代替时间的方法,选择立地条件基本一致的4个不同自然恢复年限铅锌矿区为对象,研究黔西北土法炼锌渣场废弃地植被自然演替与矿渣基质理化性质的交互效应.结果表明: 随着堆置时间的增加,矿渣基质的营养条件明显得到改善,全氮、全磷和全钾含量极显著增加, pH上升,电导率下降,容重降低,有效铅和镉显著降低. 同时,随着恢复时间的增长,植物群落的物种丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度也相应提高.植物群落组成以多年生草本植物为主,植物群落演替在前20年较为缓慢,30年后植被群落盖度可达到53%,超过40年盖度可达87%.矿渣理化性质与物种多样性显著相关,典型变量分别是全氮、全磷和全钾;物种多样性指数与有效铅和镉呈显著负相关.土法炼锌渣场废弃地植被自然演替过程在30年后速度加快,植被生长的限制因子是营养供给不足和重金属的有效性高.  相似文献   
We have isolated an integrin-beta and -alpha subunit from Podocoryne carnea (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) and studied their expression in the life-cycle and during cell migration, in vitro transdifferentiation and regeneration. Comparison of the integrin expression pattern with a Podocoryne talin homologue by RT-PCR demonstrates that all three genes are maternal messages and continuously expressed in the life-cycle, in medusa development and in all medusae tissues. In situ hybridisation experiments confirm co-expression of both integrin subunits in the different life-stages. Integrin expression was furthermore studied in isolated striated muscle induced to transdifferentiate to new cell types, or grafted on ECM where the muscle adheres and migrates. Integrin expression was maintained continuously throughout both processes. These results suggest that in Podocoryne carnea processes such as cell migration and differentiation are not controlled by up- or downregulation of alternative integrin subunits, but by a single integrin heterodimer which activates different downstream signalling cascades.  相似文献   
Jatropha curcas L. is the subject of many research and breeding programs concerned with its potential as an oil crop for biodiesel production. Despite an increasing amount of information regarding this relatively new crop, pollination requirements of this plant are largely neglected. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relative significance of ants and honeybees as potential pollinators of J. curcas grown under Mediterranean conditions. Jatropha curcas plants bloomed throughout the summer and fall, peaking twice, in early summer and late fall. During this period, the plants were visited by 70 species of insects representing 45 families from seven orders, with most species rarely being observed. Ants and Honeybees were the most common species, accounting for >95% of all flower visits. The foraging behavior of the honeybees followed the pattern of bloom phenology, especially during the summer, and mostly promoted cross‐pollination. Ants on the other hand, mostly promoted self pollination showing no such correlative behavior, reacting often too late to nectar availability, and were highly susceptible to climatic changes. Pollinator exclusion treatments revealed that during summer, fruit and seed sets, as well as seed size and oil and protein contents, were relatively similar for ant and bee‐pollinated flowers. During fall, however, reproductive success of bee‐pollinated flowers was relatively high (66%), while fruit set of ant‐pollinated flowers was significantly reduced from 71 to 11%. In conclusion, while both groups are equal in their pollination effectiveness in the summer, during the fall the honeybees are almost the sole pollinators of the plant. Based on bloom phenology and pollination activity data, the honeybees are responsible for the pollination of more than 80% of the annual reproductive potential of J. curcas, under Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   
[背景] 近岸海域赤潮的发生能显著改变包括真菌在内的微生物群落组成,进而影响海洋中碳氮元素循环。真菌是海洋中重要的分解者,但赤潮过程对真菌群落的影响少有报道。[目的] 探明赤潮过程对真菌群落的影响,对进一步阐释赤潮对生态系统中物质循环的影响具有重要意义。[方法] 针对2017年春季象山港硅藻赤潮,对真菌内源转录间隔区1(Internally Transcribed Spacer 1,ITS1)序列进行高通量测序,研究赤潮过程中真菌群落响应及共现性特征。[结果] 真菌群落的α多样性指数在赤潮暴发的各阶段差异显著,而且均与磷酸盐、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐有显著相关性(P<0.05)。子囊菌门(Ascomycota,90.2%)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota,8.27%)是本次硅藻赤潮的优势菌门,其中子囊菌门遍布赤潮暴发的4个阶段;锤舌菌纲(Leotiomycetes,16.1%)和散囊菌纲(Eurotiomycetes,9.3%)是纲水平上的主要优势类群。赤潮暴发过程中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、磷酸盐和温度等环境因素的改变,驱动真菌群落组成及结构发生显著变化。Helotiales、Eurotiales、Xylariales、Sacc haromycetalesAgaricostilbales构成了真菌群落共现网络的主体。[结论] 真菌群落在赤潮的各阶段具有显著的演替特征,赤潮藻生消是引起真菌群落演替的主要因素,但是环境因子也扮演着重要角色。赤潮过程中,真菌群落同类群内的互作要强于不同类群间的互作,这对维持群落的稳定性具有重要意义。  相似文献   
也西湖噬藻体的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周科  杜康  朱洁  周丛照  李琼 《微生物学通报》2020,47(10):3161-3170
【背景】噬藻体是一类特异性侵染蓝藻的病毒,广泛存在于淡水和海水水体中,参与调控宿主蓝藻的丰度和种群密度,被认为是潜在的蓝藻水华生物防控工具。但目前的研究多集中于海洋噬藻体,对淡水噬藻体的生物学特性和结构生物学等研究较少。【目的】分离更多种类的淡水噬藻体,为研究淡水噬藻体的三维结构、侵染机制、与宿主的共进化关系,及其在蓝藻水华防治中的应用提供理论基础。【方法】采集中国科学技术大学西校区内景观湖也西湖水华暴发水域的水样,利用液体培养基和双层固体平板法对17种宿主蓝藻进行筛选,通过NaCl-PEG沉淀法和氯化铯密度梯度离心分离和纯化噬藻体,并利用负染电镜观察噬藻体的形态,同时采用梯度稀释法测定裂解液的效价。【结果】发现也西湖的水样可特异性侵染本实验室分离自巢湖的一株拟鱼腥藻Pan。侵染后的裂解液中存在4株形态各异的噬藻体,包括1株短尾噬藻体和3株长尾噬藻体,其中包括首次发现的1株含有非典型长轴状头部结构的淡水噬藻体。【结论】也西湖作为巢湖流域的一个小型水体,具有与巢湖类似的水华蓝藻及其噬藻体分布谱,因此可以用于模拟大型湖泊进行相关分子生态学和生物防控的研究。  相似文献   
Seven small (3.2 to 5.2 m total length) whale sharks were observed suction feeding on patches of surface plankton in the Bay of La Paz within 1 km of shore and 2 km N of the phosphate dock at San Juan de la Costa, on 1–2 November 1993. The sharks were photographed and videotaped from the boat and by snorkelers in the water. When actively feeding the shark turned its head from side to side, part of the head was lifted out of the water, and the mouth opened and closed 7 to 28 times per minute (x=17, N=13). These suction gulps were synchronized with the opening and closing of the gill slits. This feeding behavior occurred only in the patchy areas of densely cloudy water, a layer 10 to 30 cm thick at the surface containing an immense concentration of copepods, 95% of which were identified as Acartia clausi. Remoras accompanying the whale sharks also fed on the plankton bloom. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Lake eutrophication: Control countermeasures and recycling exploitation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Boqiang Qin   《Ecological Engineering》2009,35(11):1569-1573
Eutrophication is a world-wide environmental issue. Lake Taihu is a typical large, shallow, eutrophic lake located in delta of River Changjiang (Yangtze River). A large-scale ecological engineering experiment targeted at water quality improvement was implemented in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu. In this special issue, there are six papers related to water purification and algal bloom control techniques applied in this experiment. Four papers address the validity and efficiency of water quality improvement of this ecological engineering and one paper presents a similar but small-size ecological engineering. The others focus on macrophyte restoration, aquatic plant management and recycling exploitation. The editorial paper highlights the main results and conclusions from these papers.  相似文献   
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