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Hargraves  P.E.  Zhang  J.  Wang  R.  Shimizu  Y. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):207-212
Interest in the biology of planktonic, chain-forming Pseudonitzschia species has grown recently after the discovery of toxin production in Pseudonitzschia pungens and related taxa, following the outbreak of shellfish toxicity in Canada in 1987. As part of a broader study on the effects of enhanced ultraviolet light on the growth of bloom-forming phytoplankton, we have examined the growth rates and production of the toxin domoic acid and two additional chemicals [bacillariolides I and II] by Pseudonitzschia pungens varieties and Pseudonitzschia fraudulenta from Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Growth of P. fraudulenta is significantly inhibited by enhanced UV, P. pungens var. pungens shows slight inhibition, and P. pungens var. multiseries is unaffected. Production of bacillariolides I and II by P. pungens var. multiseries is similar in enhanced and deleted UV light. Tolerance of UV light by P. pungens var. multiseries appears to be acquired, and persistent. If ambient UV light continues to increase as a result of global ozone depletion, one may expect UV-resistant taxa such as P. pungens var. multiseries to become more prominent in coastal phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   
The cyanophage AN-15 was found to have a requirement for either 1 mM calcium or 1 mM magnesium ions to maintain viral stability, whereas 1 mM calcium ions alone were essential for the infection process to proceed in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. Following prolonged incubation, phage-resistant cells were detected at a high frequency (approximately 10-5) in lysates, as either renewed growth in liquid cultures, or as colonies in confluently lysed lawns. Southern hybridisation failed to detect AN-15 DNA in any of the resistant strains, implying that resistance is unlikely to be due to the presence of temperate phages. A high rate of spontaneous mutation is therefore likely to be the cause of resistance. Two classes of resistant cells were identified; those in which AN-15 failed to attach to host cells, and those in which attachment occurred, but subsequent replication was defective. However, it was possible to overcome phage resistance by the isolation of spontaneous mutants of AN-15, capable of infecting phage-resistant cells. These observations imply that if cyanophages are to be assessed as a means of controlling cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater bodies, the ionic (notably calcium) concentration of the water must be considered, together with the possible need to employ alternative cyanophage strains if resistance to the original one arises. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The division Haptophyta is represented only by about 300 extant species showing wide diversity in morphology, biochemistry and ecology. They have a world-wide distribution and are numerically important in phytoplankton populations in nearly all marine environments. Evidence from the geological record shows that they have been the major constituent of calcareous deposits since the Late Triassic and, as they have evolved quickly through time, their coccoliths have always shown wide morphological diversity. In today's oceans they occasionally produce extensive blooms, visible by satellite imagery, which have ecological impact. As a consequence of these blooms the haptophyte algae are now receiving greater attention, as their role in the global sulphur and carbon cycles may influence the world's climate, and their potential as nuisance bloom algae have implications for commercial fishing and the marine ecosystem. As it is likely that these organisms have always produced such blooms, these effects may have been in operation for the last 200 million years.  相似文献   
The hydrological structure of the French coastal part of the eastern English Channel is strongly linked with tidal regimes and riverine input. Two distinct water masses are separated by a frontal area and drift along the coast in SW–NE direction. These two water masses are well-mixed during the entire year. We studied the seasonal dynamic of nitrogenous nutrients, chlorophyll a and organic particulate carbon and nitrogen at two stations, characteristic of these water masses, during the year 1994. Results show (i) a winter stock of nitrate and ammonium, (ii) a pre-bloom period corresponding to the use of ammonium, (iii) a high bloom period of short duration using nitrate, (iv) a post-bloom period with little phytoplanktonic activity probably limited by nutrients other than nitrogen and (v) an autumnal period of reconstitution of stock. The essential difference between the two stations is the importance of winter stock of nutrients and of bloom chlorophyll a concentration, with the coastal station richer than the offshore one. An assumption about the nitrogen available for new production in this area gives a value of 57% of the winter stock of inorganic nitrogen.  相似文献   
Abstract A new sulfated, cyclic depsipeptide, called cyanopeptolin S, from Microcystis sp. was isolated from a water bloom in the Auensee/Leipzig (Germany). The depsipeptide had a relative molecular mass of 925 and contained l-arginine, l-threonine, l-isoleucine, N-methyl-l-phenylalanine, a l-glutamic acid-δ-aldehyde ring system and a sulfated d-configurated glyceric acid as a side chain. The structure was elucidated by means of two-dimensional 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy and combined gas-liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. Cyanopeptolin S inhibited trypsin with an IC50≤ 0.2 μg ml−1.  相似文献   
This study examined the roles of seasonal blooms of green algae, Ulva expansa (Setchell) Setchell et Gardner, and biotic disturbance by burrowing ghost shrimp, Callianassa gigas Dana, and foraging rays, on the intertidal distributions of a phoronid, Phoronopsis viridis Hilton, and a tellinid bivalve, Macoma nasuta (Conrad). Algal removal experiments in 1984 and 1986 demonstrated that heavy seasonal algal cover in the lower zone significantly reduced the abundances of both Phoronopsis and Macoma. Growth of Macoma transplanted into the algal zone was significantly lower in plots with algal cover than in plots regularly cleared of algae. Algal cover did not significantly affect early recruitment of either Phoronopsis or Macoma. Neither ghost shrimp nor rays appeared to reduce the abundances of phoronids or clams, although ray disturbance did result in a significant increase in the proportion of phoronids regenerating dorsal body parts. These results indicate that seasonal algal blooms are capable of producing discrete patterns of infaunal distribution in intertidal sedimentary habitats.  相似文献   
Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur frequently in the South China Sea (SCS), causing enormous economic losses in aquaculture. We analyzed historical HAB records during the period from 1980 to 2003 in SCS. We found that HABs-affected areas have expanded and the frequency of HABs varied during this period. The seasonal and annual variations, as well as causative algal species of HABs are different among the four regions. Areas with frequent HABs include the Pearl River Estuary (China), the Manila Bay (the Philippines), the Masinloc Bay (the Philippines), and the western coast of Sabah (Malaysia). HABs occurred frequently during March–May in the northern region of SCS, May–July in the eastern region, July in the western region, and year-round in the southern region. Among the species that cause HABs, Noctiluca scintillans dominated in the northern region, and Pyrodinium bahamense in the southern and eastern regions. Causative species also varied in different years for the entire SCS. Both P. bahamense and N. scintillans were the dominant species during 1980–2003. Some species not previously recorded formed blooms during 1991–2003, including Phaeocystis globosa, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Heterosigma akashiwo, and Mesodinium rubrum. Variations in HABs are related to various regional conditions, such as a reversed monsoon wind in the entire SCS, river discharges in the northern area, upwelling in Vietnam coastal waters during southwest winds and near Malaysia coastal waters during northeast winds, and eutrophication from coastal aquaculture in the Pearl River estuary, Manila Bay, and Masinloc Bay. Handling editor: D. Hamilton  相似文献   
水华杀藻微生物的分离与分子生物学鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
正除藻方法一般分为工程物理方法、化学药剂法和生物方法三大类。作为庞大的富营养化湖泊的藻类控制技术,利用工程物理方法和化学药剂法显然是行不通的,对环境友好的生物控藻技术受到越来越多的关注,国内外许多富营养化湖泊水华的控藻技术的研究热点转向生物控藻技术。在利用生物控藻上,目前主要有三个方面,一是以鱼类控制藻类的生长;二是以水生高等植物控制水体富营养盐及藻类; 三是以微生物来控制藻类的生长。其中由于微生物易于繁殖的特点,使得微生物控藻是生物控藻里最有前途的一种控藻方式。这些杀藻微生物主要包括细菌(溶藻细菌)、病毒 (噬藻体)、原生动物、真菌和放线菌等五类。国内外对杀藻微生物的分离和鉴定有一些报道,但都不够系统和全面, 本文以本实验室的工作为基础,较全面、系统地介绍前三类水华杀藻微生物的分离与纯化及其分子生物学鉴定方法。    相似文献   
Phytoplankton bloom in commercial shrimp ponds using green-water technology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phytoplankton community composition, density, and succession were studied in tropical commercial ponds with euryhaline tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) using green-water technology at two different stocking densities [T1 10 post-larvae (PL) m−2 and T2 15 PL m−2] in one grow-out season (May–October 2005) in Leganes, Iloilo, Philippines. Weekly qualitative and quantitative analyses of phytoplankton were done along with physicochemical analyses of the pond waters. A total of 103 taxa belonging to nine different algal classes were observed. Of these classes, the Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Bacillariophyceae constituted the great bulk of the phytoplankton population. The two treatments did not show any significant differences in the growth pattern of phytoplankton over time and in their diversity indices. Although T2 had higher values than T1 for algal density and species diversity index, the differences were not significant. The mean Shannon-Wiener diversity index for T2 (1.56) was higher than T1 (1.39) but not significantly different. Both treatment ponds had Chlorophyceae as the dominant algae during the initial culture phase [0–35 days of culture (DOC)], which coincided with high salinity (average = 35.67 ppt) and relatively high N:P ratios (average = 1.95). The chlorophycean bloom was made up mostly of Nannochloropsis sp. The cyanophycean bloom occurred towards the final culture phase (84–112/126 DOC) when there was low salinity (average = 19.5 ppt) and relatively high N:P ratios (average 2.01). A short diatom bloom occurred in T2 at the same time that the N:P ratios rose dramatically to 4.2 at 42 DOC. Among the eight physicochemical parameters examined, positive correlations were noted among alkalinity, ammonium-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen and phytoplankton community. High species diversity index and species richness could have enhanced the stability of favorable Nannochloropsis blooms, especially in T2. No differences were noted between the two treatments in terms of the shrimp’s biomass at harvest time (T1 = 28.9 and T2 = 29.4 g fresh wt per shrimp), although a significantly higher survival rate (P < 0.05) was observed in T1 (97%) than in T2 (56%). Both treatments were able to control the occurrence of the luminous bacterium Vibrio harveyi. Presented at the 6th Meeting of the Asia Pacific Society of Applied Phycology, Manila, Philippines.  相似文献   
以2007年烟台四十里湾海域血红哈卡藻(Akashiwo sanguinea Hirasaka)赤潮为对象,研究赤潮消长与水环境因子的关系。研究发现大量陆源降雨污水输入后,海水盐度急剧下降、营养盐大幅增加,特别是活性磷酸盐浓度明显增加,促进了血红哈卡藻的生长繁殖并最终形成赤潮。赤潮发生前海区第一优势种为尖刺拟菱形藻(Pseudo-nitzschia pungens Halse),优势度0.47(0.42—0.52),多样性指数2.63(2.43—2.89);赤潮发生时血红哈卡藻密度范围1.05×105—4.10×106个/L,优势度0.92(0.83—0.99),多样性指数0.27(0.15—0.64);赤潮消退后中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum Cleve)为第一优势种,优势度0.49(0.43—0.55),多样性指数2.46(2.19—2.84)。赤潮的发生、发展、消亡与化学需氧量(COD)、无机氮(DIN)、活性磷酸盐(DIP)、富营养化指数(E)呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与盐度呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。赤潮前、后该海域为贫营养、P限制、叶绿素a含量中等,赤潮期间该海域为富营养、P限制、叶绿素a含量高。通过影响力评定,活性磷酸盐、COD、盐度是此次赤潮发生的主要诱发因子,当活性磷酸盐含量低于0.3μmol/L时,硅藻逐渐取代甲藻,此次赤潮消散。  相似文献   
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