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Aims: To generate a recombinant Mycobacterium aurum strain for screening of antimycobacterial compounds affecting fatty acid synthase type II (FAS-II) elongation pathway. Methods and Results: kas operon locus was delineated in M. aurum, a fast growing nonpathogenic strain. Cloning and sequencing all the genes of the operon showed similar organization and sequence similarities with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv) orthologues. Further, we cloned the upstream region of M. tuberculosis kas operon in fusion with lacZ reporter gene and put it in M. aurum. Recombinant M. aurum strain showed continued expression of reporter gene throughout the growth while an increased expression of the reporter gene was noticed only after treatment with FAS-II pathway inhibitors. Swapping of the regulatory sequence aborts the increased reporter gene expression after same antibiotic treatments. Conclusions: kas operon genes are similarly organized in M. tuberculosis and M. aurum. H37Rv kas operon promoter upregulates the reporter gene expression in M. aurum only upon treatment with drugs inhibiting FAS-II pathway. Significance and Impact of the Study: It would serve as a good second-line screen for characterization of compounds showing antimycobacterial activity in a first-line screen. With the simplicity of β-galactosidase enzyme assay the system can be easily adapted in high-throughput mode.  相似文献   
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are commonly produced by algal, vascular plant, and animal cells involved in the innate immune response as cellular signals promoting defense and healing and/or as a direct defense against invading pathogens. The production of reactive species in macroalgae upon injury, however, is largely uncharacterized. In this study, we surveyed 13 species of macroalgae from the Western Antarctic Peninsula and show that the release of strong oxidants is common after macroalgal wounding. Most species released strong oxidants within 1 min of wounding and/or showed cellular accumulation of strong oxidants over an hour post‐wounding. Exogenous catalase was used to show that hydrogen peroxide was a component of immediate oxidant release in one of five species, but was not responsible for the entire oxidative wound response as is common in vascular plants. The other component(s) of the oxidant cocktail released upon wounding are unknown. We were unable to detect protein nitration in extracts of four oxidant‐producing species flash frozen 30 s after wounding, but a role for reactive nitrogen species such as peroxynitrite cannot be completely ruled out. Two species showed evidence for the production of a catalase‐activated oxidant, a mechanism previously known only from the laboratory and from the synthetic drug isoniazid used to kill the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The rhodophyte Palmaria decipiens, which released strong oxidants after wounding, also produced strong oxidants upon grazing by a sympatric amphipod, suggesting that oxidants are involved in the response to grazing.  相似文献   
利用双向电泳技术,对人源巨噬细胞U937感染异烟肼耐药结核分枝杆菌前后的全细胞蛋白表达图谱进行差异比较和分析,发现其中产生差异的有32个蛋白质斑点,利用基质辅助激光解吸/电离飞行时间质谱技术,对其中5个表达明显上调的蛋白质斑点进行分析鉴定,获得5个明确的肽质量指纹图谱,通过在数据库中进行检索分析,确定这5个蛋白质分别为热休克蛋白105β、凋亡抑制蛋白-1、磷酸甘油酸变位酶1、组织蛋白酶B、桥粒胶蛋白3.上述发现有助于了解耐药结核分枝杆菌入侵早期导致的巨噬细胞蛋白质组表达变化,为深入研究耐药结核分枝杆菌-宿主相互作用提供了探索方向.  相似文献   
本实验室曾经报道静脉注射安定对于清醒、麻痹、人工呼吸的家兔具有减低膈神经放电幅度、加快呼吸频率,缩短吸气时程(T_I)和呼气时程(T_E),降低动脉血压等作用。本工作在35只家兔中进一步分析了某些药物对安定的这些作用的影响。GABA 降低膈神经放电幅度和动脉血压,这与安定的作用相同,但 GABA 延长T_I、T_E和减慢呼吸频率,与安定的作用相反。事先用氨基酸脱羧酶抑制剂异烟肼处理,或用 GABA 受体拮抗剂印防己毒素处理,可阻遏安定减低膈神经放电幅度的作用。在事先用印防己毒素处理的家兔中,可见安定缩短 T_IT_E的作用不受影响。异烟肼或印防己毒素还能部分对抗安定的降压效应。阿片受体拮抗剂纳洛酮和5-HT 受体拮抗剂赛庚啶都不能阻遏安定降低膈神经放电幅度和动脉血压的作用。上述结果提示安定降低膈神经放电幅度的作用可能通过 GABA 这一中间环节,而内啡肽和5-HT可能不起重要作用。安定的降压作用需要有内源性 GABA 参与才得以持续较长时间,在减少GABA 或阻断 GABA 受体后,安定只有短暂的降压作用。  相似文献   
利用双向电泳技术对结核分枝杆菌(MTB)异烟肼(INH)耐药株和敏感株感染人源巨 噬细胞(U937)后的全细胞蛋白表达图谱进行差异比较和分析,发现其中产生差异的有86个蛋白质斑点.利用基质辅助激光解吸/电离飞行时间质谱技术对其中8个差异表达蛋白质斑点进行分析鉴定,获得8个明确的肽质量指纹图谱.通过在蛋白质数据库中进行检索分析,确定这8个蛋白质中的2个为在INH耐药株感染的U937中差异表达的干细胞生长因子和主要组织相容性复合物Ⅰ类抗原,6个为在敏感株感染的U937中差异表达的微管蛋白β4、信号转导和转录激活子3、延长因子-2激酶、环指蛋白29、锌指蛋白193和SNARE Vti1a-β蛋白.实验结果显示,INH耐药株和敏感株感染后的U937表达蛋白有差异,这有助于分析解释临床中观察到的受INH耐药株感染的病例出现毒力下降、致病性下降、传染性降低以及潜伏期延长的现象.结果为针对INH耐药株进行的新疫苗的设计提供了探索方向.  相似文献   
Summary Tuberculosis is a leading killer disease of the world with increasing mortality due to HIV-infected individuals becoming highly prone to this infection. An attempt has been made in the present work to identify novel plant-derived compounds active against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) through construction of a target based bio-screen to facilitate rapid screening of anti-TB plant compounds. To achieve this, construction of a genetically modified model system was attempted in fast growing, non-pathogenic, Escherichia coli in which experimental testing is relatively easier and rapid as compared to M. tuberculosis, which is pathogenic and slow growing in nature. The exquisitely high sensitivity of M. tuberculosis to isoniazid (INH) has been attributed to lesions in oxyR, a gene that positively regulates the expression of a set of hydrogen peroxide-inducible genes in E. coli and S. typhimurium. Moreover in the mechanism of emergence of INH resistance in M. tuberculosis, oxidative stress response has been implicated. In this study, mutants of E. coli defective in oxidative stress response function were derived and used to screen plant compounds, which might interfere with the oxidative stress response in MTB. Since MTB is inherently known to be oxyR defective and thus being highly sensitive to INH, mutants defective in oxidative stress response were isolated to construct a model system in E. coli, which is otherwise INH resistant, having functional oxyR. These mutants showed simultaneous sensitivity to oxidative stress-causing agents like hydrogen peroxide and cumene hydroperoxide. To further define the mutational lesions, complementation studies were carried out through mobilization of cloned wild type genes involved in the oxidative stress response and in this way a biological screen was constructed to identify plant compounds/essential oils/extracts/oil components which induce oxidative stress. The positives were finally tested for activity against M. tuberculosis strain H37Rv using the radiometric BACTEC 460 TB system. Interestingly, the bioactives were found to be active against the pathogen with marked potency, as the reduction in δGI values for the identified bioactives against M. tuberculosis were significant. The study demonstrates application of a specific target-based genetic model system in E. coli as a rapid high throughput screen in identifying anti-mycobacterials from plants.  相似文献   
朱晨 《微生物学报》2021,61(8):2530-2544
[目的]研究TetR家族转录因子Ms0606对耻垢分枝杆菌耐药性的调控作用.[方法]首先,通过测定生长曲线检测Ms0606在分枝杆菌耐药性中的调控作用;通过凝胶迁移阻滞实验和DNase Ⅰ足迹法鉴定转录因子Ms0606识别的保守序列,进而探究其潜在的靶基因;其次,利用逆转录-qPCR和β-半乳糖苷酶活性实验检测Ms06...  相似文献   
Modern chemotherapy has significantly improved patient outcomes against drug-sensitive tuberculosis. However, the rapid emergence of drug-resistant tuberculosis, together with the bacterium’s ability to persist and remain latent present a major public health challenge. To overcome this problem, research into novel anti-tuberculosis targets and drug candidates is thus of paramount importance. This review article provides an overview of tuberculosis highlighting the recent advances and tools that are employed in the field of anti-tuberculosis drug discovery. The predominant focus is on anti-tuberculosis agents that are currently in the pipeline, i.e. clinical trials.  相似文献   
【目的】探讨异烟肼(isoniazid,INH)、链霉素(streptomycin,SM)单耐药结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis,MTB)与INH/SM多耐药MTB蛋白质组差异。【方法】应用i TRAQ结合Nano LC-MS/MS定量蛋白质组学技术,分析临床分离INH、SM或INH/SM耐药MTB与H37Rv标准株间均表达差异蛋白;并以INH/SM耐药MTB与H37Rv比值为对照,相对定量分析单耐药与多耐药MTB蛋白表达差异倍数;运用DAVID 6.7分析差异蛋白生物功能;STITCH 5.0分析差异蛋白与INH和SM相互作用。【结果】与H37Rv标准株比较,58个蛋白在INH、SM耐药与INH/SM耐药MTB间均有表达差异,共同差异蛋白生物功能主要为氧化还原酶活性和转移酶活性;主要参与丙酸代谢信号通路。共同差异蛋白中,与INH/SM耐药MTB比较,Rv2986c和Rv1908c在INH、SM耐药MTB均表达上调1.25倍;Rv3133c和Rv0577则均表达下调0.7倍;生物信息学预测发现以上4种蛋白可直接或间接与INH、SM进行相互作用。【结论】INH、SM单耐药和INH/SM多耐药MTB蛋白表达谱有较大差异,蛋白Rv2986c、Rv1908c、Rv3133c和Rv0577表达水平及相互作用可能与INH和SM耐药有关。  相似文献   
A single amino acid mutation (W321F) in Mycobacterium tuberculosis catalase-peroxidase (KatG) was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. The purified mutant enzyme was characterized using optical and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and optical stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Reaction of KatG(W321F) with 3-chloroperoxybenzoic acid, peroxyacetic acid, or t-butylhydroperoxide showed formation of an unstable intermediate assigned as Compound I (oxyferryl iron:porphyrin pi-cation radical) by similarity to wild-type KatG, although second-order rate constants were significantly lower in the mutant for each peroxide tested. No evidence for Compound II was detected during the spontaneous or substrate-accelerated decay of Compound I. The binding of isoniazid, a first-line anti-tuberculosis pro-drug activated by catalase-peroxidase, was noncooperative and threefold weaker in KatG(W321F) compared with wild-type enzyme. An EPR signal assigned to a protein-based radical tentatively assigned as tyrosyl radical in wild-type KatG, was also observed in the mutant upon reaction of the resting enzyme with alkyl peroxide. These results show that mutation of residue W321 in KatG does not lead to a major alteration in the identity of intermediates formed in the catalytic cycle of the enzyme in the time regimes examined here, and show that this residue is not the site of stabilization of a radical as might be expected based on homology to yeast cytochrome c peroxidase. Furthermore, W321 is indicated to be important in KatG for substrate binding and subunit interactions within the dimer, providing insights into the origin of isoniazid resistance in clinically isolated KatG mutants.  相似文献   
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