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The cellular energy and biomass demands of cancer drive a complex dynamic between uptake of extracellular FAs and their de novo synthesis. Given that oxidation of de novo synthesized FAs for energy would result in net-energy loss, there is an implication that FAs from these two sources must have distinct metabolic fates; however, hitherto, all FAs have been considered part of a common pool. To probe potential metabolic partitioning of cellular FAs, cancer cells were supplemented with stable isotope-labeled FAs. Structural analysis of the resulting glycerophospholipids revealed that labeled FAs from uptake were largely incorporated to canonical (sn-) positions on the glycerol backbone. Surprisingly, labeled FA uptake also disrupted canonical isomer patterns of the unlabeled lipidome and induced repartitioning of n-3 and n-6 PUFAs into glycerophospholipid classes. These structural changes support the existence of differences in the metabolic fates of FAs derived from uptake or de novo sources and demonstrate unique signaling and remodeling behaviors usually hidden from conventional lipidomics.  相似文献   
As a conclusion, this paper reviews briefly the content of the volume. The wealth of demographic data has not been adequately exploited in anthropology; this is why this publication is valuable in showing attempts to apply demographic data in a variety of anthropological problems. This symposium has explored many interesting points which we recall here. Yet it has also opened up a whole range of further questions on the material presented as well as in this broad field. Several directions of research could be developed, for instance, testing among human populations, over long periods, the ecological thoughts of ecosystems evolving as a cascade of instabilities, rather than a succession of equilibrium states. Let us also recall the pervasive nature of demographic facts in topics such as the energy cycle or the genetic structure and evolution of human populations.  相似文献   
Abstract. The nearest‐neighbour technique is used to infer competition and facilitation between the three most abundant species in a semi‐arid region of western South Africa. Relationships among the shrubs Leipoldtia schultzei and Ruschia robusta, which are leaf‐succulent members of the Mesembryanthemaceae (‘mesembs’) and Hirpicium alienatum a non‐succulent Asteraceae, were compared on two adjacent sites with different histories of browsing intensity. Competition was more prevalent and more important than facilitation. The only evidence for facilitation was found at the heavily‐browsed site where the palatable Hirpicium was larger under the unpalatable Leipoldtia. Generally the prevalence and importance of competition was reduced at the heavily‐browsed site. Strong evidence was obtained for intraspecific competition in each of the three species; also, competition was evident between the two mesembs, where Leipoldtia was competitively dominant over Ruschia, although neither species inhibited Hirpicium. Minimal competition between the mesembs and the asteraceous shrub was interpreted in terms of differentiation in rooting depth, and competition within the mesembs, in terms of overlap in rooting depth. The mesembs had the bulk of their roots in the top 5 cm of soil, while the asteraceous shrub had the bulk of its roots, and all its fine roots, at greater depths. The shallow‐rooted morphology of the mesembs is well adapted to utilize small rainfall events, which occur frequently in the Succulent Karoo, and do not penetrate the soil deeply. Modifications of existing methods are applied for analysing nearest‐neighbour interactions.  相似文献   
Mass spectrometry is the predominant analytical tool used in the field of plant lipidomics. However, there are many challenges associated with the mass spectrometric detection and identification of lipids because of the highly complex nature of plant lipids. Studies into lipid biosynthetic pathways, gene functions in lipid metabolism, lipid changes during plant growth and development, and the holistic examination of the role of plant lipids in environmental stress responses are often hindered. Here, we leveraged a robust pipeline that we previously established to extract and analyze lipid profiles of different tissues and developmental stages from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. We analyzed seven tissues at several different developmental stages and identified more than 200 lipids from each tissue analyzed. The data were used to create a web-accessible in silico lipid map that has been integrated into an electronic Fluorescent Pictograph (eFP) browser. This in silico library of Arabidopsis lipids allows the visualization and exploration of the distribution and changes of lipid levels across selected developmental stages. Furthermore, it provides information on the characteristic fragments of lipids and adducts observed in the mass spectrometer and their retention times, which can be used for lipid identification. The Arabidopsis tissue lipid map can be accessed at http://bar.utoronto.ca/efp_arabidopsis_lipid/cgi-bin/efpWeb.cgi .  相似文献   
The boreal forest is one of the North America’s most important breeding areas for ducks, but information about the nesting ecology of ducks in the region is limited. We collected microhabitat data related to vegetation structure and composition at 157 duck nests and paired random locations in Alberta’s boreal forest region from 2016 to 2018. We identified fine‐scale vegetation features selected by ducks for all nests, between nesting guilds, and among five species using conditional logistic regression. Ducks in the boreal forest selected nest sites with greater overhead and graminoid cover, but less forb cover than random sites. Characteristics of the nest sites of upland‐ and overwater‐nesting guilds differed, with species nesting in upland habitat selecting nests that provided greater shrub cover and less lateral concealment and species nesting over water selecting nests with less shrub cover. We examined the characteristics of nest sites of American Wigeon (Mareca americana), Blue‐winged Teal (Spatula discors), Green‐winged Teal (Anas crecca), Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and Ring‐necked Ducks (Aythya collaris), and found differences among species that may facilitate species coexistence at a regional scale. Our results suggest that females of species nesting in upland habitat selected nest sites that optimized concealment from aerial predators while also allowing detection of and escape from terrestrial predators. Consequently, alteration in the composition and heterogeneity of vegetation and predator communities caused by climate change and industrial development in the boreal forest of Canada may affect the nest‐site selection strategies of boreal ducks.  相似文献   
A bacterial cDNA clone was identified carrying one third of the nucleotides coding for elongation factor EF-1 alpha from the brine shrimp Artemia. The sequence of codons corresponds with the known sequence of amino acids of EF-1 alpha in the region involved.  相似文献   
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