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Biomass productivity is the main favorable trait of candidate bioenergy crops. Miscanthus × giganteus is a promising species, due to its high‐yield potential and positive traits including low nutrient requirements and potential for C sequestration in soils. However, miscanthus productivity appears to be mostly related to water availability in the soil. This is important, particularly in Mediterranean regions where the risk of summer droughts is high. To date, there have been no studies on miscanthus responses under different soil conditions, while only a few have investigated the role of different crop managements, such as irrigation and nitrogen fertilization, in the Mediterranean. Therefore, the effects of contrasting soil textures (i.e. silty‐clay‐loam vs. sandy‐loam) and alternative agricultural intensification regimes (i.e. rainfed vs. irrigated and 0, 50, 100 kg ha?1 nitrogen fertilization), on miscanthus productivity were evaluated at three different harvest times for two consecutive years. Our results confirmed the importance of water availability in determining satisfactory yields in Mediterranean environments, and how soil and site characteristics strongly affect biomass production. We found that the aboveground dry yields varied between 5 Mg ha?1 up to 29 Mg ha?1. Conversely, nitrogen fertilization played only a minor role on crop productivity, and high fertilization levels were relatively inefficient. Finally, a marked decrease, of up to ?40%, in the aboveground yield occurred when the harvest time was delayed from autumn to winter. Overall, our results highlighted the importance of determining crop responses on a site‐by‐site basis, and that decisions on the optimal harvest time should be driven by the biomass end use and other long‐term considerations, such as yield stability and the maintenance of soil fertility.  相似文献   
Plant invasions are an increasingly serious global concern, especially as the climate changes. Here, we explored how plant invasions differed between native‐ and novel exotic‐dominated grasslands with experimental addition of summer precipitation in Texas in 2009. Exotic species greened up earlier than natives by an average of 18 days. This was associated with a lower invasion rate early in the growing season compared to native communities. However, invasion rate did not differ significantly between native and exotic communities across all sampling times. The predictors of invasion rate differed between native and exotic communities, with invasion being negatively influenced by species richness in natives and by dominant species in exotics. Interestingly, plant invasions matched the bimodal pattern of precipitation in Temple, Texas, and did not respond to the pulse of precipitation during the summer. Our results suggest that we will need to take different approaches in understanding of invasion between native and exotic grasslands. Moreover, with anticipated increasing variability in precipitation under global climate change, plant invasions may be constrained in their response if the precipitation pulses fall outside the normal growing period of invaders.  相似文献   
基于节水灌溉技术原理与作物感知缺水的根源信号理论而提出的根系分区交替灌溉,是交替对作物部分根区进行正常的灌溉,其余根区受到适度水分胁迫的灌溉方式。应用同位素示踪技术追溯分根区交替供水条件下土壤-作物系统水分运转途径并揭示其节水调质机理是一个重要的研究方向。本文对根系分区交替灌溉的节水调质效应、节水机理、稳定性氢氧同位素在植物水分运移中的应用以及稳定性碳同位素在植物水分利用效率中的应用研究进展及应用前景作了简要介绍,并对将来需要重点研究的方向作了展望。以期为充分挖掘作物生理节水潜力,大幅度提高作物水分利用效率和实现节水、丰产、优质、高效的综合目标提供有效的调控途径。  相似文献   
于2013—2014和2014—2015年两个小麦生长季进行田间试验,供试品种为‘济麦22’,设置5个处理,分别为W0(全生育期不灌水)、W1(越冬期不灌水,拔节期和开花期分别补灌至0~40 cm土层土壤相对含水量为65%和70%)、W2(越冬期、拔节期和开花期分别补灌至土壤相对含水量为70%、65%和70%)、W3(越冬期、拔节期和开花期分别补灌至土壤相对含水量为75%、65%和70%)和W4(越冬期、拔节期和开花期均定量灌溉60 mm),研究越冬期测墒补灌对小麦耗水特性和光合有效辐射截获利用的影响.结果表明: 总灌水量及其占总耗水量的比例为W4>W3>W2>W1>W0;土壤贮水消耗量占总耗水量的比例为W0>W1、W2>W3、W4;总耗水量和开花至成熟期的耗水量均为W4>W2、W3>W1>W0.两生长季小麦开花后冠层光合有效辐射(PAR)截获率为W4>W2、W3>W1>W0,而花后冠层PAR反射率各处理间的表现与之相反.灌水处理中干物质净积累量为W4处理最高,W1处理最低.两生长季小麦越冬期0~40 cm土层土壤相对含水量补灌至70%的W2处理籽粒产量仅低于定量灌溉的W4处理,水分利用效率和灌溉效益最高,是本试验条件下节水高产的最优处理.  相似文献   
机械化保护性耕作条件下土壤质量的数值化评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过9年的长期田间定位试验研究了陕西关中平原中部冬小麦 夏玉米轮作条件下深松耕(ST)、旋耕(RT)、秸秆还(SR)、免耕(NTS)等保护性耕作措施及传统耕作(TT)对土壤理化性状和作物产量的影响,并采用主成分分析方法进行土壤质量的综合评价.结果表明:与传统耕作相比,保护性耕作模式提高了土壤肥力质量,改善了土壤物理环境条件;显著提高了土壤脲酶和碱性磷酸酶的活性;除秸秆覆盖免耕处理的玉米和小麦产量低于传统耕作外,其他保护性耕作措施均不同程度地提高了作物产量,其中小麦增产13%~28%,玉米增产3%~12%.与传统耕作相比,保护性耕作土壤质量指数提高了19.8%~44.0%.综合考虑经济效应和生态效益,隔年深松、秸秆粉碎联合旋耕作业以及秸秆覆盖联合深松作业不仅能增加作物产量还可改善土壤质量,可在研究区进行推广应用.  相似文献   
It is expected that the CO2 concentration of the Earth’s atmosphere will reach 600–1000 ppm by the end of the 21st century. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on the development of rain-fed spring wheat in an attempt to identify a practical pathway to increase crop production. To accomplish this, a field experiment was conducted at Guyuan Experimental Station in a semiarid region of China during 2005–2007. During this experiment, the CO2 concentration was increased to 40.0 ppm and supplemental irrigation and nitrogenous fertilizer (N fertilizer) were applied. The experimental results showed that the elevated CO2 concentration significantly improved the thousand-grain weight and the grain number per spike. Furthermore, supplemental irrigation and N fertilizer application during the elongation and booting stage of rain-fed spring wheat in conjunction with an elevated CO2 concentration improved the water use efficiency (WUE), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), thousand-grain weight, and the yield by 14.6%, 39.6%, 9.3%, and 14.7%, respectively, when compared to groups subjected to the same treatment but not grown under elevated CO2 concentrations. Furthermore, the spring wheat yield was improved by 81.8% in response to an elevated CO2 concentration, 60 mm of supplemental irrigation and applied N fertilizer (37.5 g m?2 NH4NO3). However, the presence of an elevated CO2 concentration without supplemental irrigation and N fertilizer only resulted in an increase in the wheat yield of 7.8%. Consequently, the combination of elevated CO2 concentration, supplemental irrigation and N fertilizer application played an important role in the improvement of WUE, NUE, thousand-grain weight, and grain yield of rain-fed spring wheat in this region.  相似文献   
气候变化背景下松嫩平原玉米灌溉需水量估算及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄志刚  肖烨  张国  曹云  彭保发 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2368-2381
开展农作物需水规律研究对于干旱半干旱区域旱作物节水灌溉和水分管理实践具有重要意义。以松嫩平原玉米为研究对象,研究玉米生育期需水量规律及灌溉需水量。结果表明:(1)历史时期和未来气候变化情景下,松嫩平原玉米全生育期和L~(mid)时段灌溉需水量等值线沿西南—东北方向递减,其中全生育期和L~(mid)时段2000s灌溉需水量临界等势线(灌溉需水量为0的等势线)分别比1970s北移70.2km和53.4km,全生育期和L~(mid)时段2040s灌溉需水量临界等势线分别比2010s北移30.9km和55.2km。(2)历史时期和气候变化情景下玉米全生育期灌溉需水量随年代呈波动增加趋势,其中前者以29.1mm/(10a)速度增加,后者以17.5mm/(10a)速度增加。(3)未来温度和降雨量变化对玉米需水量的贡献率为波动上升趋势,与1970s相比,2000s温度和降雨量变化对玉米需水量的贡献率为22.1%,增加6.8亿m~3灌溉水量;2040s温度和降雨量变化对玉米需水量的贡献率为38.3%,增加12.6亿m~3灌溉水量。  相似文献   
水杨酸对不同灌水下限青花菜生理特性及产量品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以青花菜为试材,采用大田试验研究了0.15mmol/L水杨酸(SA)对不同灌水下限(75%、60%和45%土壤相对含水量)青花菜生理特性及产量品质的影响。结果显示:(1)随灌水下限的降低,青花菜叶片相对含水量、水势及叶绿素含量均呈下降趋势,而其叶片电解质渗透率以及游离脯氨酸(Pro)、丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性蛋白(Pr)含量逐渐升高;青花菜的花球重及维生素C含量(Vc)随灌水下限的降低而降低,相反硝酸盐含量及可溶性固形物含量随之升高。(2)叶面喷施0.15mmol/L SA显著提高了青花菜叶片相对含水量、水势、渗透调节物质含量、产量及品质,且降低了膜脂过氧化产物MDA含量,其中以45%灌水下限处理效果最为显著,60%灌水下限处理次之,75%灌水下限处理最小。研究认为,适宜浓度外源SA通过改善青花菜叶片水分生理状况,提高叶片渗透调节物质含量,降低质膜透性来增强其对干旱胁迫的抗性,且以60%灌水下限配合叶面喷施0.15mmol/L SA处理较佳。  相似文献   
马欣  夏孟婧  陆兆华  裴定宇  刘志梅  苗颖 《生态学报》2010,30(11):3001-3009
造纸废水含有大量有机营养物质,可以用来恢复退化湿地。研究了处理后的造纸废水灌溉重度退化滨海盐碱湿地对土壤pH值、水溶性总盐、Na+、Cl-以及营养成分的影响。结果表明:灌溉后土壤pH值略有升高,没有加重土壤碱化;土壤水溶性总盐、Na+、Cl-分别比对照降低9.61%37.05%、3.16%21.66%、5.38%28.44%,且上层土壤降低率高于中下层土壤;土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷含量显著提高,增加率分别比对照高13.68%31.45%、30.01%101.2%、1.08%18.28%;速效钾含量没有显著提高。和正常芦苇湿地比较可知:灌溉后重度退化滨海盐碱湿地土壤化学性质得到改善,达到芦苇生长条件,可以进行芦苇湿地的恢复与重建。  相似文献   
覆膜与滴灌对河套灌区玉米花粒期叶片光合特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光合作用是作物生长发育和产量形成的基础,栽培方式和土壤含水量变化显著影响作物的光合作用.灌浆期和乳熟期是玉米花粒期2个重要阶段,是玉米籽粒形成和干物质积累的关键时期.通过大田试验研究了河套灌区不同覆膜方式与滴灌水平对不同生育时期玉米光合特征及产量的影响.结果表明: 灌浆期玉米叶片光合特征在不同处理下无显著差异,乳熟期净光合速率和蒸腾速率在半覆膜(B2)和全覆膜(Q2)滴灌水平2(350 mm)处理下均显著高于半覆膜(B1)和全覆膜(Q1)滴灌水平1(200 mm),并且B1和Q1处理下灌浆期叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率及气孔导度等显著高于乳熟期.不同处理下灌浆期和乳熟期叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率,灌浆期的气孔导度以及乳熟期的水分利用效率等在日变化上存在着同步关系,均呈现出倒“U”型的日变化特征,而胞间CO2浓度则呈现相反的变化趋势.逐步回归分析显示,光合有效辐射、大气温度和空气相对湿度等气象因子是影响玉米叶片光合特征的主要环境因子.此外,B2和Q2处理下玉米产量显著高于B1和Q1处理(分别增加了29.3%和50.9%),但B1和Q1处理间并无显著差异.这表明与覆膜方式相比,滴灌水平对干旱地区玉米产量的影响更大.  相似文献   
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