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Much of eastern Australia's coastal lowlands are underlain by Holocene sulfidic sediments. Large areas have been drained for agriculture. Drained, sulfidic sediments oxidize and produce highly acidic discharge (pH<4) with significant impacts on estuarine ecosystems. The rate of production of acid from drained floodplains is between 100 to 300 kg H2SO4 /ha/y and hundreds of tonnes of H2SO4 can be discharged in a single flood from the floodplain. Generation and export of acidity is controlled by the water balance of the floodplain, the characteristics of the drainage system and the distribution of sulfides. Evapotranspiration by native plants and crops plays a dominant role in the oxidation of sediments in dry periods. In wet periods, upland discharges to floodplains dominate the water balance. Drain spacing and drain depth are critical factors in the export of acidity into coastal streams. Amelioration of acidic outflows requires an understanding of the interaction between chemical and hydrological processes in sulfidic landscapes. Redesign of drainage systems to manage surface waters and reduce drain density with the treatment of drains with lime offer promise for treating acidic discharge and reducing impacts. Reflooding of drained, partially oxidized floodplains with freshwater may not be a panacea because of the large volumes of acid stored in the soil, a lack of labile organic matter in the sediments needed to reduce sulfate and irreversible changes to the soil due to oxidation. Tidal brackish water reflooding of unproductive acidified lowlands offers promise for rehabilitating wetlands. Sulfidic wetlands which are still undrained should remain so unless all acidic discharge can be treated.  相似文献   
Methane monooxygenase (MMO), found in aerobic methanotrophic bacteria, catalyzes the O2-dependent conversion of methane to methanol. The soluble form of the enzyme (sMMO) consists of three components: a reductase, a regulatory "B" component (MMOB), and a hydroxylase component (MMOH), which contains a hydroxo-bridged dinuclear iron cluster. Two genera of methanotrophs, termed Type X and Type II, which differ markedly in cellular and metabolic characteristics, are known to produce the sMMO. The structure of MMOH from the Type X methanotroph Methylococcus capsulatus Bath (MMO Bath) has been reported recently. Two different structures were found for the essential diiron cluster, depending upon the temperature at which the diffraction data were collected. In order to extend the structural studies to the Type II methanotrophs and to determine whether one of the two known MMOH structures is generally applicable to the MMOH family, we have determined the crystal structure of the MMOH from Type II Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b (MMO OB3b) in two crystal forms to 2.0 A resolution, respectively, both determined at 18 degrees C. The crystal forms differ in that MMOB was present during crystallization of the second form. Both crystal forms, however, yielded very similar results for the structure of the MMOH. Most of the major structural features of the MMOH Bath were also maintained with high fidelity. The two irons of the active site cluster of MMOH OB3b are bridged by two OH (or one OH and one H2O), as well as both carboxylate oxygens of Glu alpha 144. This bis-mu-hydroxo-bridged "diamond core" structure, with a short Fe-Fe distance of 2.99 A, is unique for the resting state of proteins containing analogous diiron clusters, and is very similar to the structure reported for the cluster from flash frozen (-160 degrees C) crystals of MMOH Bath, suggesting a common active site structure for the soluble MMOHs. The high-resolution structure of MMOH OB3b indicates 26 consecutive amino acid sequence differences in the beta chain when compared to the previously reported sequence inferred from the cloned gene. Fifteen additional sequence differences distributed randomly over the three chains were also observed, including D alpha 209E, a ligand of one of the irons.  相似文献   
In a previous paper we reported that an acidic 36 kDa peptide is the most strongly induced peptide among several peptides induced by Fe deficiency in barley roots. In this paper, polyclonal antibodies were raised against the 36 kDa peptide. This peptide appeared in the roots of all the graminaceous species tested (barley, rye, wheat, oat, maize, sorghum and rice) in response to Fe deficiency. More of the peptide was found in the roots of graminaceous species which secrete higher amounts of mugineic acids (MAs) under Fe deficient nutrition status. Induction of the 36 kDa peptide was first observed on the third day of Fe deficiency, rising to a maximum value on the seventh day. The trend has a positive correlation with secretion of MAs during Fe deficiency. Further, resupply of Fe resulted in a decrease in peptide production on the second day, reaching a control level on the seventh day. The rate of decrease in peptide production was observed to be slower than that of MA secretion. Other nutrient stresses such as B excess, B deficiency, Cu excess, Cu deficiency, Mn excess, Mn deficiency, Zn excess and Zn deficiency induced far less of the peptide. The specific expression of the 36 kDa peptide in roots of graminaceous species under Fe deficiency suggested the positive association of the peptide with a specific Fe deficiency tolerance mechanism in graminaceous plants.  相似文献   
Transferrin and transferrin receptors play an important role in the transport of iron into the brain. To determine whether gallium enters the brain by the same mechanism, uptakes of Ga and 59Fe have been compared under controlled conditions. Rates of gallium penetration into brain (K) were four times slower than those for 59Fe. Kin for Ga when infused with citrate were 0.88 ± 0.24 and 0.94 ± 0.39 x 10 ml gh for cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, respectively. When infused as the transferrin complex, Ga uptake into the brain was not different from that when infused with citrate. The presence of the anti-transferrin receptor antibody OX-26 significantly reduced uptake of Fe by 60% and 64% into cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, respectively. By contrast, pretreatment of rats with OX-26 enhanced the uptake of Ga into brain, particularly when infused with citrate; mean increases in uptake of Ga were 120% and 144% for cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, respectively. Purified Ga-transferrin was also taken up into both brain regions examined in the presence of OX-26. These results indicate that the transport of non-transferrin bound gallium is an important mechanism for gallium uptake into brain.  相似文献   
Neutrophil influx into tissues occurs in many diverse diseases and can be associated with both beneficial and injurious effects. We hypothesize that the stimulus for certain neutrophilic inflammatory responses can be reduced to a series of competing reactions for iron, with either a labile or reactive coordination site available, between host chelators and chelators not indigenous to that specific living system. The iron focuses the transport of host phagocytic cells through a metal catalyzed generation of oxidant sensitive mediators including cytokines and eicosanoids. Many of these products are chemotactic for neutrophils. We also postulate that the iron increases the activity of the phagocyte associated NADPH oxidoreductase in the neutrophil. The function of this enzyme is likely to be the generation of superoxide in the hostÕs attempt to chemically reduce and dislodge the iron from its chelate complex. After the reoxidation of Fe in an aerobic environment, Fe will be coordinated by host lactoferrin released by the neutrophil. When complexed by this glycoprotein, the metal does not readily undergo oxidation/reduction and is safely transported to the macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system where it is stored in ferritin. Finally, we propose that the neutrophil will attempt to destroy the chelator not indigenous to the host by releasing granular contents other than lactoferrin. Inability to eliminate the chelator allows this sequence to repeat itself, which can lead to tissue injury. Such persistence of a metal chelate in the host may be associated with biomineralization, fibrosis, and cancer.  相似文献   
Klebsiella aerogenes forms electron-dense partieles on the cell surface in response to the presence of cadmium ions in the growth medium. These particles ranged from 20 to 200 nm in size, and quantitative energy dispersive X-ray analysis established that they comprise cadmium and sulfur in a 1:1 ratio. This observation leads to the conclusion that the particles are cadmium sulfide crystallites. A combination of atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and acid-labile sulfide analysis revealed that the total intracellular and bound extracellular cadmium:sulfur ratio is also 1:1, which suggests that the bulk of the cadmium is fixed as extracellular cadmium sulfide. The tolerance of K. acrogenes to cadmium ions and the formation of the cadmium sulfide crystallites were dependent on the buffer composition of the growth medium. The addition of cadmium ions to phosphate-buffered media resulted in cadmium phosphate precipitates that remove the potentially toxic cadmium ions from the growth medium. Electrondense particles formed on the surfaces of bacteria grown under these conditions were a combination of cadmium sulfide and cadmium phosphates. The specific bacterial growth rate in the exponential phase of batch cultures was not affected by up to 2mM cadmium in Tricine-buffered medium, but formation of cadmium sulfide crystallites was maximal during the stationary phase of batch culture. Cadmium tolerance was much lower (10 to 150 M) in growth media buffered with Tris, Bistris propane, Bes, Tes, or Hepes. These results illustrate the importance of considering medium composition when comparing levels of bacterial cadmium tolerance.Abbreviations EDXA Energy dispersive X-ray analysis - AAS Atomic absorption spectroscopy - TEM Transmission electron microscopy - SEM Scanning electron microscopy - ICP-MS Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry - ALSA Acid-labile sulfide analysis  相似文献   
V. D. Appanna  H. Finn 《Biometals》1995,8(2):142-148
Pseudomonas fluorescens multiplied in a minimal mineral medium supplemented with iron(III) (5 mm) complexed to citrate, the sole source of carbon, with no apparent diminution in cellular mass. Atomic absorption studies of different cellular fractions and supernatant at various growth intervals revealed that the trivalent metal was initially internalized. At approximately 41 h of incubation, the soluble cellular extract contained 9.5% of the iron originally found in the growth medium. However, as bacterial multiplication progressed, most of the metal was deposited as an extracellular insoluble gelatinous residue. Phosphatidylethanolamine appeared to be an important organic constituent of this precipitate. X-ray fluorescence and diffraction studies revealed that iron(III) was deposited as amorphous hydrated oxide. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis of the pellet aided in the identification of irregular shaped bodies rich in iron and oxygen that were associated with carbon-containing elongated structures. Examination of the bacterial cells by a transmission electron microscope equipped with an electron energy loss spectrometer indicated the deposition of iron within the cells.  相似文献   
The dissociation constants for the binding of ferric enterobactin with FepA and FecA are quantitated with displacement experiments. It is found that K d for FepA is 12 times lower than the one for FecA. This indicates that FepA is an high-affinity receptor while FecA binds ferric enterobactin with a lower affinity. Monoclonal antibodies specific for binding epitopes of FepA inhibit the binding of ferric enterobactin with purified FepA. These same antibodies do not inhibit the binding of ferric enterobactin with purified FecA. This indicates that the binding epitopes in FecA and FepA are different.  相似文献   
Cultures of Isochrysis galbana Parks and Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin were grown in iron-limited chemostats. With increasing iron deficiency, photosynthetic rate per cell and assimilation number decreased. The pattern of photosynthesis was also altered; in Fe deficient cells the proportion of 14C fixed in glycine and serine decreased with an accompanying increase into alanine after 3 min assimilation. Although there was no significant effect of Fe deficiency on the proportion of 14C incorporated into total amino acids and amides, the percentage of total 14C fixed in protein increased with increasing Fe deficiency. Cellular levels of chlorophyll a, carotenoids, cytochromes and protein also decreased with increasing Fe deficiency. However, the reduction in chlorophyll a/cell was not as great as that of cytochrorne f1 and Fe deficient cells therefore showed a marked increase in chlorophyll a:cytochrorne f1 ratio.  相似文献   
Summary Application of a granular formulation of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) to the potted soil at flooding decreased the concentration of iron and. to some extent, manganese in rice plants, especially at concentrations above 3 ppm active ingredient (a.i.) Likewise, HCH, applied to rice fields at transplanting (several days after submergence) caused a significant decrease in the concentration of iron, and not manganese, in the rice plant but only at concentrations above 12.5 kg a.i./ha despite high levels of reduced iron in the soil. Inhibition of iron reduction by HCH was more pronounced when applied at flooding than at several days after flooding.  相似文献   
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