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红外相机监测是了解野生动物多样性现状、动态变化和面临威胁的重要手段。本研究采用网格抽样调查法, 在贵州梵净山国家级自然保护区内选取2个监测样区共40个监测位点布设红外相机, 对区内兽类和鸟类物种进行监测调查。2017年4月至2018年12月间, 红外相机累积监测14,808个相机工作日, 共收集有效照片14,119张, 独立有效物种照片3,199张。共鉴定野生动物9目22科61种, 其中兽类26种, 隶属于4目12科; 鸟类35种, 隶属于5目10科。记录到国家I级重点保护野生动物2种: 黔金丝猴(Rhinopithecus brelichi)和白颈长尾雉(Syrmaticus ellioti), 国家II级重点保护野生动物9种; 被IUCN红色名录评估为濒危(EN)的1种、易危(VU)的5种、近危(NT)的8种。物种的相对多度指数(relative abundance index, RAI)分析结果显示, 藏酋猴(Macaca thibetana, RAI = 28.23)、毛冠鹿(Elaphodus cephalophus, RAI = 15.46)、野猪(Sus scrofa, RAI = 11.82)、小麂(Muntiacus reevesi, RAI = 9.05)、黔金丝猴(RAI = 7.70)为相对多度最高的5种兽类; 紫啸鸫(Myophonus insularis, RAI = 10.33)、红腹角雉(Tragopan temminckii, RAI = 9.59)、红腹锦鸡(Chrysolophus pictus, RAI = 6.96)、白颈长尾雉(RAI = 3.71)、勺鸡(Pucrasia macrolopha, RAI = 1.55)为相对多度最高的5种鸟类。另外, 红外相机还监测到较多的家畜活动(RAI = 11.14)和人为活动(RAI = 12.90), 保护区管理部门仍需采取相应管理措施, 进一步提高周边居民的保护意识, 促进保护区与社区的协调发展。  相似文献   
2017年5-9月,采用红外相机调查祁连山国家公园(青海片区)兽类和鸟类多样性。共布设154个相机位点,累计12 096个相机日,共获得9 675张有效独立照片,鉴定23种野生兽类和50种野生鸟类物种,分别隶属5目10科和9目19科,另记录到家畜5种。相对多度指数最高的前五种野生动物依次为岩羊(Pseudois rnayaur)(18.23)、喜马拉雅旱獭(Marmota himalayarea)(15.98)、灰尾兔(Lepus oiostolus)(5.06)、红嘴山鸦(Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)(3.39)、高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)(2.49)。中国特有物种有荒漠猫(Felis bieti)、白唇鹿(Ceryus albirostris)、西藏马鹿(Cervus wallichii)、藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)、红耳鼠兔(Ochotana erythrotis)、蓝马鸡(Crossoptilon auritum)和地山雀(Pseudopocdoces humilis)7种。国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物有4种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物有20种;被中国脊椎动物红色名录评估为极危、濒危、易危、近危的物种分别有1种、6种、3种、14种。红外相机调查结果反映出祁连山国家公园(青海片区)兽类和鸟类现状,为祁连山国家公园体制试点生物多样性保护和管理提供基础数据。  相似文献   
Plant community may provide products and services to humans. However, patterns and drivers of community stability along a precipitation gradient remain unclear. A regional‐scale transect survey was conducted over a 3‐year period from 2013 to 2015, along a precipitation gradient from 275 to 555 mm and spanning 440 km in length from west to east in a temperate semiarid grassland of northern China, a central part of the Eurasian steppe. Our study provided regional‐scale evidence that the community stability increased with increasing precipitation in the semiarid ecosystem. The patterns of community stability along a precipitation gradient were ascribed to community composition and community dynamics, such as species richness and species asynchrony, rather than the abiotic effect of precipitation. Species richness regulated the temporal mean (μ) of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), while species asynchrony regulated the temporal standard deviation (σ) of ANPP, which in turn contributed to community stability. Our findings highlight the crucial role of community composition and community dynamics in regulating community stability under climate change.  相似文献   
Studies estimating species' distributions require information about animal locations in space and time. Location data can be collected using surveys within a predetermined frame of reference (i.e., Eulerian sampling) or from animal‐borne tracking devices (i.e., Lagrangian sampling). Integration of observations obtained from Eulerian and Lagrangian perspectives can provide insights into animal movement and habitat use. However, contemporaneous data from both perspectives are rarely available, making examination of biases associated with each sampling approach difficult. We compared distributions of a mobile seabird observed concurrently from ship, aerial, and satellite tag surveys during May, June, and July 2012 in the northern California Current. We calculated utilization distributions to quantify and compare variability in common murre (Uria aalge) space use and examine how sampling perspective and platform influence observed patterns. Spatial distributions of murres were similar in May, regardless of sampling perspective. Greatest densities occurred in coastal waters off southern Washington and northern Oregon, near large murre colonies and the mouth of the Columbia River. Density distributions of murres estimated from ship and aerial surveys in June and July were similar to those observed in May, whereas distributions of satellite‐tagged murres in June and July indicated northward movement into British Columbia, Canada, resulting in different patterns observed from Eulerian and Lagrangian perspectives. These results suggest that the population of murres observed in the northern California Current during spring and summer includes relatively stationary individuals attending breeding colonies and nonstationary, vagile adults and subadults. Given the expected growth of telemetry studies and advances in survey technology (e.g., unmanned aerial systems), these results highlight the importance of considering methodological approaches, spatial extent, and synopticity of distribution data sets prior to integrating data from different sampling perspectives.  相似文献   
The availability of suitable habitat is a key predictor of the changing status of biodiversity. Quantifying habitat availability over large spatial scales is, however, challenging. Although remote sensing techniques have high spatial coverage, there is uncertainty associated with these estimates due to errors in classification. Alternatively, the extent of habitats can be estimated from ground‐based field survey. Financial and logistical constraints mean that on‐the‐ground surveys have much lower coverage, but they can produce much higher quality estimates of habitat extent in the areas that are surveyed. Here, we demonstrate a new combined model which uses both types of data to produce unified national estimates of the extent of four key habitats across Great Britain based on Countryside Survey and Land Cover Map. This approach considers that the true proportion of habitat per km2 (Zi) is unobserved, but both ground survey and remote sensing can be used to estimate Zi. The model allows the relationship between remote sensing data and Zi to be spatially biased while ground survey is assumed to be unbiased. Taking a statistical model‐based approach to integrating field survey and remote sensing data allows for information on bias and precision to be captured and propagated such that estimates produced and parameters estimated are robust and interpretable. A simulation study shows that the combined model should perform best when error in the ground survey data is low. We use repeat surveys to parameterize the variance of ground survey data and demonstrate that error in this data source is small. The model produced revised national estimates of broadleaved woodland, arable land, bog, and fen, marsh and swamp extent across Britain in 2007.  相似文献   
Objectives: The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) proposed a novel definition of the metabolic syndrome (MS) in 2005, which designated central obesity as mandatory. The new National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) version, announced by the American Heart Association and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute in October 2005, did not favor any of the five components. We set out to compare the cardiovascular profiles of patients cross‐defined by these two definitions to shed light on the differential meanings of the two. Research Methods and Procedures: We analyzed data from 2608 non‐institutionalized adults (≥19 years old) in the National Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan, who had complete data for the five MS defining components. Both definitions adopted lower cut‐points for fasting glucose and race‐specific cut‐points for waist circumference. Results: Under the IDF's and new NCEP's definitions, the MS prevalence was 6.2% and 11.6% in men and 12.6% and 16.5% in women, respectively. Although the two definitions had high agreement, IDF failed to pick up ~4% to 5% of people with more than three MS component disorders but a waist circumference less than the cut‐point. Subjects whose physical conditions only satisfied NCEP's definition had similar or worse metabolic profiles than those whose conditions satisfied both IDF's definition and the new NCEP's definition. Discussion: The IDF definition would fail to identify a portion of people who have more than three MS component disorders but a small waistline. Further research and discussion are needed on whether and how to implement the IDF's definition.  相似文献   
四川贡嘎山国家级自然保护区位于全球生物多样性热点地区之一的横断山区, 是我国生物多样性保护优先区。本文利用红外相机影像和已发表文献对该保护区的大中型兽类和地面活动鸟类进行编目并提出未来监测建议。2011-2018年在97个1 km × 1 km的网格安放红外相机, 累计39,881个相机日, 获得独立有效照片20,932张, 其中野生兽类16,244张, 鸟类2,775张, 牲畜1,737张, 人176张。鉴定出野生兽类30种, 另有文献报道4种和观察3种, 分属于5目15科; 鸟类78种, 分属于9目22科; 牲畜6种。包括12种国家I级和28种国家II级重点保护野生动物; 被CITES附录I收录的有11种, 附录II收录的有12种。被IUCN红色名录评估为濒危(EN)和易危(VU)等级的分别有3种和8种。被《中国脊椎动物红色名录》评估为极危(CR)、濒危和易危等级的分别有5、5和11种。相对多度指数(relative abundance index, RAI)排名前三的兽类是毛冠鹿(Elaphodus cephalophus, 147.39)、水鹿(Rusa unicolor, 66.10)、野猪(Sus scrofa, 36.03); 鸟类是血雉(Ithaginis cruentus, 14.64)、白马鸡(Crossoptilon crossoptilon, 10.43)、大噪鹛(Garrulax maximus, 8.05)。阔叶林、针阔混交林、高山灌丛草甸和高山流石滩是调查薄弱生境, 后期应开展重点调查, 以厘清本区域大中型兽类资源。  相似文献   
向刚  容丽 《广西植物》2022,42(Z1):99-104
自2017年参加“国家标本资源共享平台”植物子平台以来,贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院植物标本室除了数字化植物标本以外,还挖掘、整理了贵州师范大学植物分类学、植物地理学的建设和发展历程。经过3年的艰苦努力,最后向中国数字植物标本馆(CVH)提供了10 044份信息齐全的植物标本。通过此次植物标本数字化工作,彻底摸清了贵州师范大学地理与环境科学学院植物标本的家底,盘活了标本室的库存,使得老一辈植物地理学家黄威廉等老先生60余年的科研成果重新展现在世人面前。通过植物标本的数字化工作,挖掘整理出老一辈精彩的植物标本采集史和学术故事。在标本数字化的过程中,学生和老师都对植物标本以及植物标本背后的故事有了新的认识,对植物标本数字化的重要性和必要性也有了更深的体会。  相似文献   
依托第四次全国中药资源普查,采用代表区域-样地-样方-样方套,结合样线调查方法,通过野外调查、走访调查及查阅相关资料等,对福建安溪药用植物资源种类和分布进行分析。结果显示,安溪县药用植物有1515种,隶属215科844属,草本为主要生活类型,药用部位主要以根及根茎类和全草类为主;其中福建重点药材115种、特色药材46种。安溪县药用植物资源丰富,物种多样性高,今后应加强资源保护与规划,合理开发利用该地药用植物资源。  相似文献   
Tamar Keasar  Eric Wajnberg 《Oikos》2019,128(3):347-359
Polyembryony involves the production of several genetically identical progeny from a single egg through clonal division. Although polyembryonic development allows highly efficient reproduction, especially in some parasitoid wasps, it is far less common than monoembryony (development of one embryo per egg). To understand what might constrain the evolutionary success of polyembryony in parasitoids, we developed Monte Carlo models that simulate the competition between polyembryonic females and their monoembryonic counterparts. We investigated which simulated life‐history traits of the females allow the monoembryonic mode of development to succeed. Published empirical studies were surveyed to explore whether these traits indeed differ between polyembryonic parasitoids and related monoembryonic species. The simulations predict an advantage to monoembryony in parasitoids whose reproduction is limited by host availability rather than by egg supply, and that parasitize small‐bodied hosts. Comparative data on the parasitoid families Encyrtidae and (to a lesser extent) Braconidae, but not the data from Platygastridae, circumstantially support these predictions. The model also predicts monoembryony to outcompete polyembryony when: 1) hosts vary considerably in quality, 2) polyembryonic development carries high physiological costs, and 3) monoembryonic females make optimal clutch size decisions upon attacking hosts. These multiple constraints may account for the rarity of polyembryony among parasitoid species.  相似文献   
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