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Publicly available databases are analysed to demonstrate their relevance to life cycle inventory for energy production in the Canadian context. Site specific emissions along with sectoral emissions data are combined with production data to construct an energy production model, which has been applied to air emissions. The allocation procedure leads to reasonable results for coal, natural gas and electricity. The detailed allocation of the inventory among petroleum co-products is outside the scope of this study as it requires incorporating knowledge of physical relationship (unit process) or using economic data.  相似文献   
The availability of suitable habitat is a key predictor of the changing status of biodiversity. Quantifying habitat availability over large spatial scales is, however, challenging. Although remote sensing techniques have high spatial coverage, there is uncertainty associated with these estimates due to errors in classification. Alternatively, the extent of habitats can be estimated from ground‐based field survey. Financial and logistical constraints mean that on‐the‐ground surveys have much lower coverage, but they can produce much higher quality estimates of habitat extent in the areas that are surveyed. Here, we demonstrate a new combined model which uses both types of data to produce unified national estimates of the extent of four key habitats across Great Britain based on Countryside Survey and Land Cover Map. This approach considers that the true proportion of habitat per km2 (Zi) is unobserved, but both ground survey and remote sensing can be used to estimate Zi. The model allows the relationship between remote sensing data and Zi to be spatially biased while ground survey is assumed to be unbiased. Taking a statistical model‐based approach to integrating field survey and remote sensing data allows for information on bias and precision to be captured and propagated such that estimates produced and parameters estimated are robust and interpretable. A simulation study shows that the combined model should perform best when error in the ground survey data is low. We use repeat surveys to parameterize the variance of ground survey data and demonstrate that error in this data source is small. The model produced revised national estimates of broadleaved woodland, arable land, bog, and fen, marsh and swamp extent across Britain in 2007.  相似文献   
近年来, 红外相机技术已被广泛应用于国内外自然保护地内地栖鸟兽的物种编目和动态评估。本文以广东车八岭国家级自然保护区为例, 探讨基于红外相机技术如何进行保护区全境大中型兽类和雉鸡类的物种编目清查与评估。通过对车八岭保护区全境为期1年的调查, 共记录兽类和雉鸡类18种, 其中兽类15种, 鸡形目鸟类3种。基于物种累计曲线, 采用全年数据所需的最小调查网格数、最少调查相机日均要少于雨季或旱季, 而旱季调查需要的最小调查网格数和最少调查相机日比雨季更少。通过红外相机图像数据获得了车八岭保护区的大中型兽类和地栖雉鸡类物种名录、物种丰富度、每个物种的相对多度、分布图和凭证标本等重要内容。  相似文献   
申文明  孙中平  张雪  初东  李飞  吕灿宾 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7846-7852
针对快速、实时、有效采集并录入生态环境野外调查大样本量、多源数据的需求,充分应用移动GIS技术、移动智能终端、3G等现代信息技术优势,提出了基于ArcGIS for Mobile的移动数据采集方案,研究解决了包括系统运行机制、数据访问模式、移动数据库技术等面向全国生态环境野外调查的移动GIS关键技术,设计并研发野外调查移动数据采集系统。该系统采用C#和Java语言,以SQL Server 2008 为服务器端的数据库环境,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008集成开发环境上实现设计开发,并在全国生态环境10年变化遥感调查与评估项目土地覆盖类型地面核查、生态系统参数野外观测等工作中予以应用。实践检验表明:该系统实现了野外调查数据的数字采集、智能校验、实时上传与有效管理,简化了填报程序,规范了填报内容,提高了工作效率,能够为生态环境相关的调查数据采集提供信息化支持。  相似文献   
依托第四次全国中药资源普查工作,摸清马尾区药用植物资源种类、分布、重点中药材品种以及药材栽培等情况。根据第四次全国中药资源普查要求,通过实地调查、走访以及栽培基地调查等方法对马尾区药用植物资源进行调查,查阅相关资料确定野生药用植物的药用部位、生活型等。马尾区野生药用植物种类共计506种,隶属于132科360属,含2~5种的寡种科占绝对优势地位;草本为主要生活型,药用部位集中在根类和全草类;有福建省重点药材50种、特色药材22种。由于长期受人为干扰,马尾区原生植被破坏严重,药用植物种类较为贫乏。因此,可考虑林下种植中药改善土壤环境,实现中药资源可持续发展。  相似文献   
“中国山地植物物种多样性调查计划”及若干技术规范   总被引:76,自引:5,他引:76  
我国是个多山的国家,拥有丰富的生物多样性资源。为研究我国山地的植物物种多样性垂直格局及其地理分异,北京大学自20世纪90年代中期开始,实施了中国山地植物物种多样性调查计划(Peking University's Survey Plan for Plant Species Diversity of China's Mountains,简称PKU-PSD计划)。本文简要介绍该计划的主要研究内容、研究的山地以及野外调查和数据分析方法,试图为同类研究提供参考。  相似文献   
The weedy relative of cultivated rice, red rice, can invade and severely infest rice fields, as reported by rice farmers throughout the world. Because of its close genetic relationship to commercial rice, red rice has proven difficult to control. Clearfield (Cl) varieties, which are resistant to the inhibiting herbicides in the chemical group AHAS (acetohydroxyacid synthase), provide a highly efficient opportunity to control red rice infestations. In order to reduce the risk of herbicide resistance spreading from cultivated rice to red rice, stewardship guidelines are regularly released. In Italy, the cultivation of Cl cultivars started in 2006. In 2010, surveillance of the possible escape of herbicide resistance was carried out; 168 red rice plants were sampled in 16 fields from six locations containing Cl and traditional cultivars. A first subsample of 119 plants was analysed after herbicide treatment and the resistance was found in 62 plants. Of these 119 plants, 78 plants were randomly selected and analysed at the level of the AHAS gene to search for the Cl mutation determining the resistant genotype: the Cl mutation was present in all the resistant plants. Nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite markers revealed a high correlation between genetic similarity and herbicide resistance. The results clearly show that Cl herbicide‐resistant red rice plants are present in the field, having genetic relationships with the Cl variety. Finding plants homozygous for the mutation suggests that the crossing event occurred relatively recently and that these plants are in the F2 or later generations. These observations raise the possibility that Cl red rice is already within the cultivated rice seed supply.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Traditional index-based techniques have indicated declines in Rio Grande wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia; hereafter, wild turkey) populations across much of Texas, USA. However, population indices can be unreliable. Research has indicated that road-based surveys may be an efficacious technique for monitoring wild turkey populations on an ecoregion level. Therefore, our goal was to evaluate applicability of road-based distance sampling in the Cross Timbers, Edwards Plateau, Rolling Plains, and South Texas ecoregions of Texas. We conducted road-based surveys in each ecoregion during December 2007—March 2008 to estimate wild turkey flock encounter rates and to determine survey effort (i.e., km of roads) required to obtain adequate sample sizes for distance sampling in each ecoregion. With simulations using inflatable turkey decoys, we also evaluated effects of distance to a flock, flock size, and vegetative cover on turkey flock detectability. Encounter rates of wild turkey flocks from road-based surveys varied from 0.1 (95% CI = 0.0–0.6) to 2.2 (95% CI = 0.8–6.0) flocks/100 km surveyed. Encounter rates from surveys restricted to riparian communities (i.e., areas ≤1 km from a river or stream) varied from 0.2 (95% CI = 0.1–0.6) to 2.9 (95% CI = 1.5–6.7) flocks/100 km surveyed. Flock detection probabilities from field simulations ranged from 22.5% (95% CI = 16.3–29.8%) to 25.0% (95% CI = 13.6–39.6%). Flock detection probabilities were lower than expected in all 4 ecoregions, which resulted in low encounter rates. Estimated survey effort required to obtain adequate sample sizes for distance sampling ranged from 2,765 km (95% CI = 2,597–2,956 km) in the Edwards Plateau to 37,153 km (95% CI = 12,861–107,329 km) in South Texas. When we restricted road-based surveys to riparian communities, estimated survey effort ranged from 2,222 km (95% CI = 2,092–2,370 km) in the Edwards Plateau to 22,222 km (95% CI = 19,782–25,349 km) in South Texas.  相似文献   
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