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Asian cultivated rice(Oryza sativa L.),an important cereal crop worldwide,was domesticated from its wild ancestor 8000 years ago.During its long-term cultivation and evolution under diverse agroecological conditions, Asian cultivated rice has differentiated into indica and japonica subspecies.An effective method is required to identify rice germplasm for its indica and japonica features,which is essential in rice genetic improvements.We developed a protocol that combined DNA extraction from a single rice seed and the insertion/deletion(InDel) molecular fingerprint to determine the indica and japonica features of rice germplasm.We analyzed a set of rice germplasm,including 166 Asian rice varieties,two African rice varieties,30 accessions of wild rice species,and 42 weedy rice accessions,using the single-seeded InDel fingerprints(SSIF).The results show that the SSIF method can efficiently determine the indica and japonica features of the rice germplasm.Further analyses revealed significant indica and japonica differentiation in most Asian rice varieties and weedy rice accessions.In contrast,African rice varieties and nearly all the wild rice accessions did not exhibit such differentiation.The pattern of cultivated and wild rice samples illustrated by the SSIF supports our previous hypothesis that indica and japonica differentiation occurred after rice domestication under different agroecological conditions.In addition,the divergent pattern of rice cultivars and weedy rice accessions suggests the possibility of an endoferal origin(from crop)of the weedy rice included in the present study.  相似文献   
During the process of plant domestication, below-ground communities are rarely considered. Some studies have attempted to understand the changes in root symbionts owing to domestication, but little is known about how it influences mycorrhizal response in domesticated crops. We hypothesized that selection for above-ground traits may also result in decreased mycorrhizal abundance in roots. Breadfruit (Artocarpus sp.) has a long domestication history, with a strong geographical movement of cultivars from west to east across the Melanesian and Polynesian islands. Our results clearly show a decrease in arbuscular mycorrhizas (AMs) along a domestication gradient from wild to recently derived cultivars. We showed that the vesicular and arbuscular colonization rate decreased significantly in more recently derived breadfruit cultivars. In addition, molecular analyses of breadfruit roots indicated that AM fungal species richness also responded along the domestication gradient. These results suggest that human-driven selection for plant cultivars can have unintended effects on below-ground mutualists, with potential impacts on the stress tolerance of crops and long-term food security.  相似文献   
张晓宇  图力古尔  李玉 《菌物学报》2019,38(7):1099-1110
对采自海南省白沙县鹦哥岭阔叶树腐木上的标本,根据形态学特征和多基因分析,鉴定为脆木耳Auricularia fibrillifera,经分离纯化获得纯菌株作为实验材料,为了充分利用和开发木耳属资源,首次对该种的生物学特性和驯化栽培进行了研究。研究不同碳源、氮源、无机盐和生长因子在固体培养条件下对脆木耳菌丝生长的影响,对以上4个因素进行单因素试验,从中选出3个最优的水平进行正交试验。结果表明:脆木耳菌丝最适生长温度为33℃,最佳碳源为麦芽糖,最佳氮源为牛肉粉,最佳无机盐添加量为1.5% PO43--1% Mg2+,最佳生长因子为玉米汁。驯化栽培过程中,栽培配方为:木屑78%,麸皮20%,石膏粉1%,石灰粉1%,发菌温度为22℃可使脆木耳菌丝在40d左右满袋,且生长旺盛,可培育出子实体。  相似文献   
光肋螺蛳(Margarya mansugi)是仅分布于云南省的特有螺类。受过度捕捞、栖息环境破坏等人为因素影响,光肋螺蛳自然种群急剧萎缩,目前已被世界自然保护联盟列为极危物种。由于光肋螺蛳的研究资料匮乏,其生物学特征尚未被完全掌握,制约了光肋螺蛳保护对策的制定。为此,通过室内人工驯养观察,记述了光肋螺蛳的形态、活动习性、食性、生长和繁殖等主要生物学特征。光肋螺蛳壳质厚且坚硬,呈长圆锥形,褐色,角质厣,螺壳一般有5~6个螺层,体螺层有4条环肋,雌螺体型一般比同龄雄螺大;喜栖息在水体底层,夜晚活动频率明显高于白天;主要以藻类为食,成螺经驯化可摄食人工配合饲料;仔螺、幼螺和成螺的生长速度顺次降低;性成熟时间需要两年以上,卵胎生,终年生产,一般在白天交配,交配时间7~10 h,分批产仔,每次产仔1~2只,观察到的一只雌螺分9批产仔,共产仔螺14只。从受精到仔螺产出需85 d以上。本研究可为光肋螺蛳基础生物学研究积累资料,同时也可为高原湖泊特有螺类的人工驯养繁育提供参考。  相似文献   
Biological changes occurring as a consequence of domestication and/or captivity are not still deeply known. In Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), endangered (Southern Europe) populations are enhanced by supportive breeding, which involves only 6 months of captive rearing following artificial spawning of wild‐collected adults. In this work, we assess whether several fitness‐correlated life‐history traits (migratory behavior, straying rate, age at maturity, and growth) are affected by early exposure to the captive environment within a generation, before reproduction thus before genetic selection. Results showed significant differences in growth and migratory behavior (including straying), associated with this very short period of captivity in natural fish populations, changing even genetic variability (decreased in hatchery‐reared adults) and the native population structure within and between rivers of the species. These changes appeared within a single generation, suggesting very short time of captivity is enough for initiating changes normally attributed to domestication. These results may have potential implications for the long‐term population stability/viability of species subjected to restoration and enhancement processes and could be also considered for the management of zoo populations.  相似文献   
Juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta from natural populations reacted to the presence of piscivorous brown trout by increasing the use of refuges. In contrast, second‐generation hatchery fish and the offspring of wild fish raised under hatchery conditions were insensitive to predation risk. The diel pattern of activity also differed between wild and hatchery brown trout. Second‐generation hatchery fish were predominantly active during daytime regardless of risk levels. Wild fish, however, showed a shift towards nocturnal activity in the presence of predators. These findings emphasize the potential role of domestication in weakening behavioural defences. They support the idea that the behavioural divergence between wild and domesticated individuals can arise from a process of direct or indirect selection on reduced responsiveness to predation risk, or as a lack of previous experience with predators.  相似文献   
Aim Woody vegetation patterns in African savannas north of the equator are closely connected to human presence, but the distinctions between natural and anthropogenic landscapes have not been clear to many observers. Criteria for identifying savanna landscapes on a continuum of intensity of anthropic impact are explored. Methods A key savanna tree species, Vitellaria paradoxa (Sapotaceae), was used as model for evaluating anthropic impact. Fruits harvested from tree populations across the species range were analysed for variation in traits valued by indigenous peoples. A simple selection index was used to scale tree populations from a hypothetical wild state to a hypothetical domesticated state. Index values were compared with trait values along climate zone gradients and evaluated in the context of indigenous savanna management practices and historical species distribution reports. Results Trait values such as fruit size and shape, pulp sweetness, and kernel fat content show a significant influence of temperature and rainfall. At the same time, the mean values of groups of traits vary perpendicular to the general climatic zone gradient. Selection index values between Vitellaria populations vary up to sixfold, with highest values in central Burkina Faso. Comparison of present day Vitellaria distribution with historical range limits show range expansion by human migration. Main conclusions The prevalence of major economic tree species in the savannas of Africa north of the equator is a strong indicator of human involvement in tree dispersal. This conclusion is supported by paleobotanical evidence and by recent Vitellaria range expansion as a result of human migration. The presence of high mean values of several Vitellaria fruit traits in central Burkina Faso suggests that selection for desired characteristics has occurred. The impact of indigenous savanna peoples on woody species composition and spatial distribution is probably much greater than usually thought and is the result of a deliberate strategy of altering the landscape to provide needed human resources.  相似文献   
Sequence polymorphism of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop was used to determine the genetic diversity of horses recovered from a Scythian princely tomb dating from the beginning of the 3rd century BC. Eight haplotypes were found among the 13 ancient horse samples tested. Phylogenetical analysis showed that these ancient horse's sequences, along with two Yakut ones, were distributed throughout the tree defined by modern horses' sequences and are closely related to them. No clear geographical affiliation of the specimens studied was thus determined. Our work, among others, supports the very ancient origin of the matrilines in horses.  相似文献   
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