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Understanding, and therefore measuring, factors that determine fitness is a central problem in evolutionary biology. We studied a natural population of Coenagrion puella (Odonata: Zygoptera) over two entire breeding seasons, with over a thousand individuals uniquely marked and genotyped, and all mating events at the rendezvous site recorded. Using a parentage analysis, fitness of individuals in the first generation was quantified as the numbers of offspring that survived to maturity. Although mating behaviour can be predicted by environmental and demographical variables, the numbers of mature offspring produced (fitness) cannot, and crucially, are poorly correlated with behavioural observations of mating. While fitness of both sexes was positively related to mating behaviour and to female's ectoparasite burden, these behavioural observations explained little more variance in offspring production than environmental and demographical variables. Thus, we demonstrate that behavioural measures of reproductive success are not necessarily reliable estimates of fitness in natural populations.  相似文献   
Plebejus argyrognomon is an endangered grassland butterfly species in Japan. In this study we focused on the parasitism rate of tachinid flies under different mowing management to obtain knowledge of this possible top-down effect that has been largely ignored. We established three mowing treatments differing in the intensity of mowing, as represented by vegetation height. The results showed that the parasitism rate of P. argyrognomon increased with vegetation height; the parasitism rate in blocks subjected to the highest mowing intensity was 8%, whereas in blocks subjected to the lowest mowing intensity, the rate was 42%. We suggest that clarifying interspecific interactions is important for understanding how habitat management affects grassland-inhabiting butterflies in general.  相似文献   
植物的功能性状变异和表型可塑性是其应对异质生境的主要机制, 对植物的生长和分布有重要贡献。本文以湖北星斗山国家级自然保护区的水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)原生母树为研究对象, 分析了母树种群功能性状对树木形态、地形因子及人为干扰的响应机制。结果表明: 水杉原生母树叶面积、叶干重和比叶面积的变异幅度大, 可塑性较强, 而枝和叶的干物质含量稳定性最高。人为干扰和4个地形因子均对每个功能性状变异方差有5%-20%的解释度, 冠幅对枝、叶干物质含量的变异方差有高达38%和76%的解释度。5个功能性状主要受海拔、坡位和人为干扰影响, 其中, 比叶面积对环境因子和干扰的响应规律不明显, 叶面积和叶干重在强烈人为干扰的环境中普遍增大, 枝和叶的干物质含量对坡向的变化最敏感。总之, 水杉原生母树种群通过功能性状变异对环境能产生一定的可塑性响应, 但人为干扰对母树生长影响较大, 建议人工辅助更新, 并适度减少农业和建筑对现存母树的影响。  相似文献   
The horn fly Haematobia irritans (Diptera: Muscidae) is a blood obligate ectoparasite of bovids that causes annual losses to the U.S. beef cattle industry of over US$1.75 billion. Climate warming, the anthropogenic dispersion of bovids and the cross‐breeding of beef cattle with other bovid species may facilitate novel horn fly–host interactions. In particular, hybridizing yaks [Bos grunniens (Artiodactyla: Bovidae)] with beef cows (Bos taurus) for heterosis and carcass improvements may increase the exposure of yak × beef hybrids to horn flies. The present paper reports on the collection of digital images of commingled beef heifers (n = 12) and F1 yak × beef hybrid bovids (heifers, n = 7; steers, n = 5) near Laramie, Wyoming (~ 2200 m a.s.l.) in 2018. The total numbers of horn flies on beef heifers and F1 yak × beef heifers [mean ± standard error (SE): 88 ± 13 and 70 ± 17, respectively] did not differ significantly; however, F1 yak × beef steers had greater total horn fly abundance (mean ± SE: 159 ± 39) than female bovids. The present report of this experiment is the first such report in the literature and suggests that F1 yak × beef bovids are as susceptible as cattle to horn fly parasitism. Therefore, similar monitoring and treatment practices should be adopted by veterinarians, entomologists and producers.  相似文献   
The 400 million-year-old Rhynie chert has provided a wealth of information about various types of fungal interactions that existed in this Early Devonian paleoecosystem. In this paper we report the first unequivocal evidence of a lichen symbiosis from the Rhynie chert. Specimens of a new genus, Winfrenatia, consist of a thallus of superimposed layers of aseptate hyphae and, on the upper surface, numerous uniform depressions. Extending into the base of each depression are hyphae that form a three-dimensional netlike structure. Enclosed within each of the net spaces is a coccoid cyanobacterium, each cell of which is surrounded by a thick sheath. These photobiont cells divide in three planes, resulting in cell clusters of up to perhaps 64 individuals. The photobiont is parasitized by the fungus in the base of each net as new cyanobacterial cells are formed distally. Reproduction is by endospores and soredia. Affinities of the mycobiont appear closest to members of the Zygomycetes, while the photobiont is most similar to coccoid cyanobacteria of the Gloeocapsa and Chroococcidiopsis types. We speculate that this cyanobacterial symbiosis was well adapted to exploit and colonize new ecological niches, especially in the periodically desiccated environment postulated for the Rhynie chert paleoecosystem.  相似文献   
Selected nutritional and developmental factors regulating the predatory behavior of first-instar spined assassin bugsSinea diadema (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) were investigated. The longevity of unfed nymphs provided with free water, bean pod sections, or glucose solutions was not significantly greater than that of unfed nymphs which were not provided with a source of water. First-instarS. diadema that were provided with larvae ofEphestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as prey began feeding 1.9 (±0.9) days after hatching. In contrast, first-instarS. diadema that were provided with conspecifics of the same age did not begin feeding until they were 3.9 (±0.9) days old. These results suggest that the potential nutritional benefits to be gained from feeding equal or outweigh the risk of attacking prey capable of effective self-defense only when nymphs have not fed for 4 days after hatching. Providing the nymphs with water or glucose solutions significantly delayed the onset of conspecific predation. Additional data are presented which demonstrate that first-instarS. diadema are not restrained from preying on siblings by kin recognition.  相似文献   
Many generalist species consist of specialised individuals that use different resources. This within‐population niche variation can stabilise population and community dynamics. Consequently, ecologists wish to identify environmental settings that promote such variation. Theory predicts that environments with greater resource diversity favour ecological diversity among consumers (via disruptive selection or plasticity). Alternatively, niche variation might be a side‐effect of neutral genomic diversity in larger populations. We tested these alternatives in a metapopulation of threespine stickleback. Stickleback consume benthic and limnetic invertebrates, focusing on the former in small lakes, the latter in large lakes. Intermediate‐sized lakes support generalist stickleback populations using an even mixture of the two prey types, and exhibit greater among‐individual variation in diet and morphology. In contrast, genomic diversity increases with lake size. Thus, phenotypic diversity and neutral genetic polymorphism are decoupled: trophic diversity being greatest in intermediate‐sized lakes with high resource diversity, whereas neutral genetic diversity is greatest in the largest lakes.  相似文献   
In heterogeneous habitats, camouflage via background matching can be challenging because visual characteristics can vary dramatically across small spatial scales. Additionally, temporal variation in signaling functions of coloration can affect crypsis, especially when animals use coloration seasonally for intraspecific signaling (e.g., mate selection). We currently have a poor understanding of how wild prey optimize background matching within continuously heterogeneous habitats, and whether this is affected by requirements of intraspecific signaling across biological seasons. Here, we quantified color patterns of a wild population of shore skink (Oligosoma smithi), a variably colored lizard endemic to New Zealand, to (a) investigate whether background matching varies across a vegetation gradient; (b) assess potential signaling functions of color; and (c) to determine whether there is a trade‐off between requirements for crypsis and intraspecific signaling in coloration across seasons. Although all pattern types occurred throughout the vegetation gradient, we found evidence for background matching in skinks across the vegetation gradient, where dorsal brightness and pattern complexity corresponded with the proportion of vegetation cover. There was also a significant disparity between ventral color (saturation) of juveniles and adults, and also between sexes, suggestive of sex recognition. However, there was little indication that color was condition‐dependent in adults. Despite some evidence for a potential role in signaling, crypsis did not greatly differ across seasons. Our study suggests that selection favors a mix of generalist and specialist background matching strategies across continuously heterogeneous habitats.  相似文献   
代平礼  徐志强 《昆虫知识》2007,44(3):402-405
利用中间寄主黄粉甲Tenebrio molitor L.蛹大量扩繁管氏肿腿蜂Scleroderma guani Xiao et Wu经多代后寄生效果下降,系由蜂种退化所致:利用一种中间寄主导致蜂种的营养来源单一;采用同一种群的蜂及较低的蜂虫比造成近亲繁殖。据此设计复壮措施:利用自然寄主回接、杂交和控制交尾方式。结果表明:(1)回接1代,其子代蜂种的寄生率和寄生成功率分别提高26%和28%~33%。(2)用外缘蜂种与本群蜂种杂交,其子代蜂的发育历期比对照少4d,寄生率和寄生成功率分别提高22%和17%。(3)控制交尾方式促进蜂种复壮。  相似文献   
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