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Köhler  Jan  Nixdorf  Brigitte 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):187-195
The influences of imports of nutrients and planktonic algae from the River Spree on the dynamics of phytoplankton were examined in the shallow, eutrophic Müggelsee, which has a retention time of only 42 days. Phytoplankton biomass and nutrient concentrations were measured in both the lake and its inflow from 1980–1990. On a long-term average, mean biomass as well as vitality of most dominant phytoplankton populations in the lake were not significantly different from those in the river. Nevertheless, during distinct periods the external rates of biomass change of single lake populations (due to dilution or enrichment) were as high as the lake internal ones. The import of inocula populations from the river probably induced the formation of the typical community structure in the lake. Growth and decay of phytoplankton populations in the river strongly influenced the load of dissolved nutrients and thus indirectly the dynamics of planktonic algae in the downstream lake. For example, intensive assimilation of phosphorus by riverine algae in spring intensified the P-shortage and supported possible P-limitation of algal growth in the lake at that time. In years with high vernal biomass of centric diatoms in the river, and thus diminished import of dissolved silicon, the growth of diatoms was suppressed and that of cyanobacteria was favoured in the lake during summer.  相似文献   
Repeated measurements of food intake made on juvenile Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , held under different rearing conditions enabled examination of the effects of environmental manipulations on both intra– and inter–individual variations in food intake to be made. This permitted the assessment of the influences of differential food acquisition on individual growth rates and biomass gain. When charr were held in isolation individual fish showed relatively little day–to–day variability in food intake and inter–individual differences in intake were small ('base–fine' values). All fish exhibited positive rates of growth and the overall range was narrow. Nevertheless, there was a highly significant positive correlation between food intake and growth, indicating that those individuals that consumed the greatest quantities of food were also those that had the highest rates of weight gain. The rearing of charr in groups led to increases in both intra– and inter–individual variations in food intake to levels considerably above 'base–line'. This increased variability in food intake was reflected in rates of weight gain being more variable amongst the charr reared in groups, with fish that lost weight often being recorded. Manipulation of the rearing environment had marked influences upon intra–individual variability in food intake, inter–individual differences in food acquisition and rates of weight gain. High stocking densities and exposure of the fish to moderate water currents were most effective in reducing levels of variability to approach those observed under 'base–line' conditions.  相似文献   
Variation in plant performance between microhabitats is usually attributed to direct mechanisms, such as plant physiological tolerances or competitive interactions. However, indirect mechanisms, such as differences in herbivore pressure mediated by microhabitat differences, could create the same pattern of variation. In this study, we investigated the effect of insect herbivore pressure on the growth of the grassland cactus Opuntia fragilis under different regimes of grassland canopy cover. Our purpose was to establish the extent to which canopy cover plays a direct, competitive role versus an indirect, mediatory role in cactus growth. We manipulated aboveground microhabitat, specifically the cover of adjacent grasses. The three treatments were: (1) open canopy, with grass pinned down away from the cactus; (2) shaded canopy, with a partial mesh cage staked over the cactus; and (3) ambient grass canopy. We measured seasonal plant growth and recorded changes in insect herbivore occurrence and damage in relation to cover. Cactus growth, defined as the change in number of live cladodes, was higher in the open than under either treatment where the plant was more shaded (P<0.05). However, allocation to new growth, measured as the proportion of new segments (cladodes) in a patch, did not differ among cover treatments. Thus, the hypothesis that physiological constraints, or competition for light, limited cactus performance in grass is rejected. Instead, we found that both cladode mortality, caused by the larvae of a cactus moth borer (Melitara dentata), and occurrence of the moth were lower in the open microhabitat than in either shaded microhabitat. Thus, higher net growth in the open, unshaded treatment, rather than representing a release from competition for light with grasses, was better explained as an indirect effect of grass cover on the activity and impact of the cactus moth. These results show that indirect effects can lead to a misinterpretation of experimental data on direct effects. These data also contribute to an improved understanding of mixed results in the biological control of weedy cacti. Clearly, future evaluations of the relative importance of physiology, competition, and insect herbivory in plant performance must be environmentally explicit.  相似文献   
Ola M. Fincke 《Oecologia》1994,100(1-2):118-127
The relative importance of intraspecific, interspecific, and seasonal causes of larval mortality were investigated for aquatic larvae of the giant damselfly Megaloprepus coerulatus in Panama. These larvae live in water-filled holes in fallen and living trees, where they and three other common odonate species are the top predators. By mid wet season, M. coerulatus larvae were found in nearly half of all tree holes that harbored odonates. Although M. coerulatus were typically, but not always, eliminated from holes inhabited by larger hetero-specifics, M. coerulatus were more likely to encounter conspecifics than other odonate species. Hole with less than 11 of water rarely contained more than a single larva. In large holes where M. coerulatus was the only odonate species present, multiple larvae coexisted at a density of one larva per 1–21 of water. There the absence of 2–4 of the 5 larval size classes, despite a continuous input of eggs, suggested that cannibalism was a common cause of mortality. The size of the final instar, which determined adult body size, was correlated positively with tree hole volume for male, but not female, larvae. Experiments showed that when two larvae were placed together in 0.4–1 holes with abundant tadpole prey, the larger larva killed the smaller one. Often the larva that was killed was not eaten. Small larvae were more tolerant of each other than were pairs of medium or large larvae. Before killing occurred, the presence of larger larvae reduced the growth of smaller individuals, relative to controls. Obligate killing was density-dependent. In 3.0–1 holes with ad libitum prey, conspecific killing occurred until the larval density stabilized at one larva per 1–1.5 I, similar to the density found in large holes under field conditions, For M. coerulatus, cannibalism functions to reduce the number of potential competitors for food in addition to providing nutrition. When interactions between paired larvae in small holes were experimentally prevented, competition for food reduced the growth of one or both larvae relative to controls. Holes that were watered during the dry season supported larval densities similar to those in the wet season. Thus, dry season mortality could not be attributed to a decrease in available prey. Rather, M. coerulatus larvae could not survive more than 1 month of complete drying. Because the dry season typically lasts more than 6 weeks, habitat drying is a secondary source of mortality, affecting second- or third-generation larvae that fail to emerge before tree holes dry out completely.  相似文献   
A total of 32 calcicolous lichen species, one alga and one bryophyte were recorded on a limestone wall in the grassland Great Alvar on the Baltic island of Öland, Sweden. Fourteen (41%) of these 34 species and free-living cyanobacteria showed herbivore damage, most probably due to grazing by the land snails Chondrina clienta and Balea perversa which inhabited the limestone wall. Three laboratory experiments were conducted to examine the food preferences of individuals of C. clienta and B. perversa collected at this site and to evaluate any association between their preference and the net food quality of the lichens to the snails. Chondrina clienta and B. perversa exhibited food preferences, which differed significantly between species. Within species, variation in food choice was similar among individuals. This indicates that snail populations may be composed of polyphagous individuals with similar food preferences. Different lichen species were of different net food quality to the snails as indicated by growth rate differences. In both snail species the most preferred lichen species of the choice experiment caused the largest weight increase in juveniles, viz. Caloplaca flavovirescens for C. clienta and Aspicilia calcarea for B. perversa. This suggest that the snail species studied differ in their abilities to deal with secondary compounds and physical characteristics of certain lichens or that they can utilize the energy and nutrients of these lichens to a different extent. It is suggested that differential food preferences might reduce the intensity of interspecific competition for resources (lichens) between C. clienta and B. perversa.  相似文献   
Salvelinus leucomaenis (white-spotted charr) and S. malma (Dolly Varden) are distributed throughout Hokkaido Island, Japan, but sites where they occur in sympatry are rare. In general, S. malma inhabit upstream reaches and S. leucomaenis extend downstream to the ocean. Factors influencing their distribution were analyzed at four spatial scales ranging from the whole island to individual stream pools. At the island scale, S. leucomaenis were found in the warmer south-west region and at lower altitudes elsewhere, whereas S. malma were found in the colder north-east and at higher altitudes. At a regional scale, the downstream limit of S. malma and upstream limit of S. leucomaenis shifted to lower altitude from south-west to north-east across the island, coincident with the decrease in temperature. Further analysis showed that transition points from S. leucomaenis or sympatry to S. malma in individual watersheds were closely related to an index of cumulative mean monthly temperatures exceeding 5°C. However, at the scale of a single watershed, the transition occurred at different altitudes, gradients, and temperatures in two tributaries, apparently because stream discharge, habitat, and disturbances from floods interacted with these abiotic factors to limit distribution. The two charr species developed interspecific dominance hierarchies in individual pools, and there was strong complementary density compensation among stream pools that could be explained by interspecific competition but not by differences in habitat. However, patterns at watershed and regional scales suggested that interspecific competition interacts with temperature in complex ways. We conclude that the importance of various abiotic and biotic factors in shaping Hokkaido charr distributions depends on the scale at which they are viewed.  相似文献   
The Palaearctic species Drosophila subobscura has recently colonized a large area of North America where it coexists with Drosophila pseudoobscura. The viability and developmental rate of these species were studied at 13 d?C, 18d?C and 23 d?C and at densities of 10, 50, 100 and 200 eggs per vial. The two species were differently affected by density and temperature in the ranges studied. Both intra- and interspecific cultures showed that D. pseudoobscura was best adapted to 23 d?C, where it was clearly the dominant species. On the other hand, at 18 d?C and especially at 13 d?C, although D. subobscura was less viable than D. pseudoobscura, its developmental time was shorter, which may give advantage to this species. Results reported here agree with the observed distribution of these species in North America.  相似文献   
To determine the effects of soil phosphorus on pollen production, pollen grain size, phosphate concentration per pollen grain, and the siring ability of pollen, two cultivars of the common zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) were grown under two soil phosphorus conditions in an experimental garden. Overall, soil phosphorus availability had a significant effect on reproductive output through the female function and on traits affecting the male function of plants (staminate flower production, pollen production per flower, and pollen grain size). In addition, pollen produced by plants in the high phosphorus soils had a higher phosphate concentration than pollen produced by plants in the low phosphorus soils. A pollen mixture experiment revealed that pollen produced by plants in the high phosphorus treatment sired significantly more seeds than pollen produced by plants in the low phosphorus treatment. This study showed that growing conditions such as soil phosphorus can influence the size of a pollen grain and its chemical composition, which, in turn, can affect its ability to sire mature seeds.  相似文献   
The sex ratio in final-instar larvae of a birch-feeding, free-living solitary sawfly, Dineura virididorsata, was investigated in Finnish Lapland. The prepupal proportion of females, pooled over ten sites, was 56%, and at four individual sites the sex ratio was significantly female-biased. Larval survival from egg to prepupae did not differ between the sexes. This suggests a femalebiased primary sex ratio in the field. The sex ratio varied among the sites but not among host trees within sites. Contrary to previous results with hymenopterans, we did not find that differences in the sex ratio depended on forage quality: site-specific or tree-specific sex ratios did not correlate with the average prepupal weight. A literature search indicated that female-biased sex ratios are also common in other free-living sawflies. We are unable to explain sex ratios of Dineura virididorsata or other free-living sawflies with existing general models.  相似文献   
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