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植物种间相互作用及其对环境胁迫的响应一直是物种共存和生物多样性维持研究的一个热点, 从地下根系入手来探讨混生群落植物种间关系及其对环境胁迫响应的研究少见报道。该文以荒漠草原区(灵武)、典型荒漠区(张掖)和极端荒漠区(酒泉) 3个不同生境条件下单生与混生红砂(Reaumuria soongarica)和珍珠猪毛菜(Salsola passerina)为实验材料, 采用分层取样法对其垂直根系参数进行测定和分析, 探讨了两种植物根系分布对混生及荒漠环境梯度的响应。结果表明: 同一生境条件下, 混生红砂和珍珠猪毛菜比根长和比表面积均高于单生, 说明红砂、珍珠猪毛菜混生后其根系相互作用关系表现为互惠, 促进了植株对土壤养分和水分的吸收。不同生境条件下, 同一生长方式的红砂根系分布深度均大于珍珠猪毛菜, 且根系消弱系数也普遍高于珍珠猪毛菜, 说明二者在不同生境条件下占据不同生态位, 红砂表现为深根性, 根系位于土壤深层, 珍珠猪毛菜表现为浅根性, 根系分布于土壤浅层。随着荒漠环境胁迫增强, 单生和混生红砂与珍珠猪毛菜的比根长和比表面积均呈现出极端荒漠区>典型荒漠区>草原荒漠区的规律, 且生境越干旱, 混生群落根系分离越明显; 单生与混生红砂根系消弱系数也逐渐增大, 在极端干旱区达到最大值, 珍珠猪毛菜变化不大, 表明红砂-珍珠猪毛菜混生群落根系生态位分离随荒漠环境胁迫增强而加大, 验证了环境胁迫梯度假说。可见“地上聚生, 地下分离”的混生方式可能是红砂-珍珠猪毛菜混生群落适应干旱胁迫环境的生长策略。  相似文献   
螺旋粉虱产卵分泌物所圈定的叶片范围可阻碍一些植食性昆虫如香蕉网蝽的取食。本文采用叶碟法测定了螺旋粉虱产卵分泌物中的芳香酯类、酚类和烷烃类物质对香蕉网蝽5龄若虫的拒食活性。结果表明:在10mg·mL-1质量浓度下,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯表现出较强的拒食活性,其次为3,5-二(1,1-二甲基乙基)-4-羟基苯丙酸甲酯、邻苯二甲酸正辛酯和正十六烷,4,4’-亚甲基双(2,6-二叔丁基苯酚)则没有拒食活性;浓度梯度试验显示,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯对香蕉网蝽若虫的拒食活性随浓度增大而增强,拒食中浓度为0.929mg·mL-1;表明螺旋粉虱产卵分泌物中的芳香酯对一些植食性昆虫有很强的拒食活性,同时为植食性昆虫种间竞争关系提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
Abstract Tadpoles and mosquito larvae often coexist in natural freshwater bodies. We studied competitive interactions between: (i) tadpoles of the striped marsh frog (Limnodynastes peronii) and larvae of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus; and (ii) tadpoles of the common eastern froglet (Crinia signifera) and larvae of the mosquito Aedes australis. These two sets of taxa occur in natural water bodies in the Sydney region. Laboratory trials revealed competition between mosquito larvae and tadpoles in both systems. For example, mosquitoes displayed reduced rates of survival, growth and development, and smaller size at metamorphosis, when they were raised with tadpoles. The intensity of competitive suppression was influenced by attributes such as pond size (and hence, larval density), the location of food (on the water surface vs the substrate), and the extent of opportunities for direct physical interactions between the two competing organisms. These effects differed between the two study systems, suggesting that the mechanisms of suppression also differed. Limnodynastes peronii tadpoles suppressed C. quinquefasciatus even when the two types of organisms were separated by a physical partition, suggesting that chemical or microbiological cues may be responsible. Pond attributes also affected the impact of C. signifera tadpoles on Aedes larvae, but (unlike the Limnodynastes–Culex system) these effects disappeared when densities were lowered or when the tadpoles and mosquito larvae were physically separated. Thus, direct physical interactions may suppress mosquitoes in the Crinia–Aedes system. Our results suggest that tadpoles suppress the viability of larval mosquitoes by multiple pathways.  相似文献   
基于盐分梯度的荒漠植物多样性与群落、种间联接响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤盐分是影响干旱区荒漠植物群落动态的决定因素之一。基于样方调查和不同土壤盐分梯度下植物多样性指数及群落与种间关联的计算结果,分析干旱区荒漠群落植物多样性、群落联接性和种间关联对土壤盐分梯度的响应动态。结果表明,在土壤盐含量为0.03%-0.55% (S1)、0.61%-1.24% (S2)和1.41%-1.79% (S3)的盐分梯度上,(1)随土壤盐含量升高,群落生活型结构改变,草本比例减少,乔木比例增加;(2)植物多样性指数随土壤盐分增加而下降,低盐分梯度下,二者极显著正相关(P<0.01),中盐梯度下二者间呈部分显著负相关(P<0.05),高盐梯度下则转为以正相关为主(P>0.05);(3)群落联接性随土壤盐分梯度转变,在0.61%-1.24%的中度盐含量时正联接性最强(VR=1.89),高盐度含量下群落转为不显著的负联接,稳定性降低;(4)沿盐分升高梯度,种间的负相关种对数增加,正相关种对数减少,种间关联(相关)强度提高,正负相关种对比(PNR)与多样性指数呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。综上可知,干旱区荒漠植物多样性在土壤盐含量达到1.41%-1.79%水平时总体显著降低;土壤盐分水平显著影响植物群落和种间联接性,种间互利性随盐分梯度增加下降,物种趋于独立分布,并最终导致荒漠植物多样性降低。  相似文献   
Role of intraguild predation in aphidophagous guilds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concept of intraguild predation (IGP) appeared in 1987–1989 to describe trophic interactions within a guild of arthropods inhabiting a sand dune desert: consumers B prey on consumers A and both of them prey on a common resource. Theory predicts that the two types of consumers should only coexist if consumer A is more efficient in the conversion of the common resource than B. As a consequence, this resource is more abundant in the presence than in the absence of intraguild predators. Such a theoretical prediction probably explains the vivid interest shown by ecologists involved in biological control for IGP. It is therefore not surprising that many papers report on IGP among natural enemies of aphids. A close examination of these reported cases indicates that they rarely fulfil the theoretical requirements for IGP. That is, guilds of aphidophagous insects are rarely the theatre of IGP but frequently of interspecific predation. This is confirmed by experimental assessment of the cost of attacking and eating intraguild prey instead of extraguild in ladybird beetles.  相似文献   
以南京老山1 hm 2样地秤锤树(Sinojackia xylocarpa)天然种群为研究对象,运用成对g(r)函数,选择完全随机模型、异质泊松模型与先决条件零模型,分析秤锤树种群结构和空间分布格局及其空间关联性,从空间格局角度来深入认识其种群结构和分布格局及形成该格局可能存在的机制并提出保护建议。结果表明:(1)秤锤树天然种群中小径个体数量占优,属于增长型种群。(2)种内空间分布研究中,基于完全随机模型分析,秤锤树种群在尺度0~26 m时为聚集分布,尺度29~30 m时为均匀分布;基于异质泊松模型分析,秤锤树种群在0~23 m时为聚集分布,尺度27~30 m时为均匀分布。秤锤树空间分布表现为由聚集分布向均匀分布变化。(3)主要种间关联性研究中,秤锤树与朴树(Celtis sinensis)的种间关联性表现为小尺度下负关联,随着空间尺度的增加变为正关联。秤锤树与黄连木(Pistacia chinensis)和秤锤树与三角槭(Acer buergerianum)的种间关联性大致相同,基本为大尺度下正关联,偶尔出现负关联和无关联。上述结果表明,秤锤树种群更新状况良好,种群空间分布以聚集分布为主,其主要受种间竞争、扩散限制与密度制约的影响。基于种群现状开展就地保护与适当干扰其生存群落,是濒危物种秤锤树的科学有效的保护措施。  相似文献   
Selected nutritional and developmental factors regulating the predatory behavior of first-instar spined assassin bugsSinea diadema (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) were investigated. The longevity of unfed nymphs provided with free water, bean pod sections, or glucose solutions was not significantly greater than that of unfed nymphs which were not provided with a source of water. First-instarS. diadema that were provided with larvae ofEphestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as prey began feeding 1.9 (±0.9) days after hatching. In contrast, first-instarS. diadema that were provided with conspecifics of the same age did not begin feeding until they were 3.9 (±0.9) days old. These results suggest that the potential nutritional benefits to be gained from feeding equal or outweigh the risk of attacking prey capable of effective self-defense only when nymphs have not fed for 4 days after hatching. Providing the nymphs with water or glucose solutions significantly delayed the onset of conspecific predation. Additional data are presented which demonstrate that first-instarS. diadema are not restrained from preying on siblings by kin recognition.  相似文献   
How plant competition varies across environmental gradients has been a long debate among ecologists. We conducted a growth chamber experiment to determine the intensity and importance of competition for plants grown in changed environmental conditions. Festuca rubra and Trifolium pratense were grown in monoculturs and in two- and/or three-species mixtures under three environmental treatments. The measured competitive variations in terms of growth (height and biomass) were species-dependent. Competition intensity for Festuca increased with decreased productivity, whilst competition importance displayed a humpback response. However, significant response was detected in neither competition intensity nor importance for Trifolium. Intensity and importance of competition followed different response patterns, suggesting that they may not be correlated along an environmental gradient. The biological and physiological variables of plants play an important role to determine the interspecific competition associated with competition intensity and importance. However, the competitive feature can be modified by multiple environmental changes which may increase or hinder how competitive a plant is.  相似文献   
元宝山南方红豆杉种群结构——Ⅱ、高度结构   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
黄玉清  李先琨  苏宗明   《广西植物》2000,20(2):126-130
在资源调查的基础上选择样地 ,采用样方调查法研究红豆杉种群高度结构 ,结果表明南方红豆杉种群是通过茎干萌生幼苗 (构件 )来延续和扩大的 ,其结构为塔型 ,存活曲线为中间微凸而近于直线 ,是稳定型种群结构。幼苗幼树级占 95.3% ,其次为高度 9.1~ 11m的成年树级 ,占 1.6 %。为了扩大和延续 ,南方红豆杉种群通过大量萌生 (繁殖 )构件并进行自我调节 ,使幼树幼苗有较高的死亡率 ;种群个体进入优势层后 ,高度生长缓慢 ,而径向生长加快 ,因此 9.1~ 11m级数量增多。种间种内竞争的结果形成南方红豆杉种群世代不同大小个体的高度结构。南方红豆杉种群高度与胸径的关系为幂函数相关关系 ,高度与年龄 (<6 0 a)的关系为线性相关关系  相似文献   
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