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The discovery of many noncanonical peptides detectable with sensitive mass spectrometry inside, outside, and on cells shepherded the development of novel methods for their identification, often not supported by a systematic benchmarking with other methods. We here propose iBench, a bioinformatic tool that can construct ground truth proteomics datasets and cognate databases, thereby generating a training court wherein methods, search engines, and proteomics strategies can be tested, and their performances estimated by the same tool. iBench can be coupled to the main database search engines, allows the selection of customized features of mass spectrometry spectra and peptides, provides standard benchmarking outputs, and is open source. The proof-of-concept application to tryptic proteome digestions, immunopeptidomes, and synthetic peptide libraries dissected the impact that noncanonical peptides could have on the identification of canonical peptides by Mascot search with rescoring via Percolator (Mascot+Percolator).  相似文献   
The aim of this study is built in two phases: to quantify the ability of novel milk metabolites to measure between-animal variability in response and recovery profiles to a short-term nutritional challenge, then to derive a resilience index from the relationship between these individual variations. At two different stages of lactation, sixteen lactating dairy goats were exposed to a 2-d underfeeding challenge. The first challenge was in late lactation, and the second was carried out on the same goats early in the following lactation. During the entire experiment period, samples were taken at each milking for milk metabolite measures. For each metabolite, the response profile of each goat was characterised using a piecewise model for describing the dynamic pattern of response and recovery profiles after the challenge relative to the start of the nutritional challenge. Cluster Analysis identified three types of response/recovery profiles per metabolite. Using cluster membership, multiple correspondence analyses (MCAs) were performed to further characterise response profile types across animals and metabolites. This MCA analysis identified three groups of animals. Further, discriminant path analysis was able to separate these groups of multivariate response/recovery profile type based on threshold levels of three milk metabolites: β-hydroxybutyrate, free glucose and uric acid. Further analyses were done to explore the possibility of developing an index of resilience from milk metabolite measures. Different types of performance response to short-term nutritional challenge can be distinguished using multivariate analyses of a panel of milk metabolites.  相似文献   
This study had several purposes: to define cytomorphological features of thyroid cells that might be modified by alcohol fixation; to optimize May-Grünwald–Giemsa (MGG) staining on ThinPrep® (TP; Cytyc Inc., Bexborough, MA, USA) slides and to compare the diagnostic accuracy of slides prepared by a liquid-based method with those obtained by conventional technique. This study included 120 cases of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the thyroid and 55 FNAs performed on surgically resected thyroid specimens. Histological control was available in 80 cases. In the first group of 120 FNAs, a split-sample technique was used for the TP. Three screenings were performed: first, an individual screening of the conventional smears (CS) and of the TP, a second screening to compare cells observed on the TP with the histological control and a third screening to assess the previously defined diagnostic criteria. Twenty-seven TP cases (22%) were considered unsatisfactory for diagnosis compared with 10 in CS (8%). The high rate of unsatisfactory cases with TP is likely to be due to the use of the split-sample technique. The sensitivity was 94% for CS and 81% for TP. The specificity was 67% and 60% for CS and TP, respectively. Two occult papillary carcinomas were missed by both methods. As for the MGG staining, the modified technique used for TP resulted in the same quality as the standard procedure. Conversely, TP did however induce uncommon morphological features. In this study, sensitivity and specificity levels are higher for CS than for TP; the difference may be explained by the fact that the methanol fixative used for TP induces some cytological alterations, especially in oncocytic tumours and lymphocytic thyroïditis.  相似文献   
Basic phospholipase A2 (BPLA2) from the venom of Agkistrodon halys pallas has a strong ability to hemolyze erythrocytes. The asymmetrical unit of P212121 crystal of BPLA2 contains two molecules. Self-rotation function was used to study the orientation relationship of these two molecules. Cross-rotation and translation functions were then used to determine the orientations and positions of the two molecules in the unit cell. The model building and preliminary structure refinement were carried out. The result shows that the two molecules in the asymmetrical unit of orthorhombic crystal are related by a non-crystallographic 2-fold symmetry axis.  相似文献   
Bacillus circulans xylanase contains two histidines, one of which (His 156) is solvent exposed, whereas the other (His 149) is buried within its hydrophobic core. His 149 is involved in a network of hydrogen bonds with an internal water and Ser 130, as well as a potential weak aromatic-aromatic interaction with Tyr 105. These three residues, and their network of interactions with the bound water, are conserved in four homologous xylanases. To probe the structural role played by His 149, NMR spectroscopy was used to characterize the histidines in BCX. Complete assignments of the 1H, 13C, and 15N resonances and tautomeric forms of the imidazole rings were obtained from two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation experiments. An unusual spectroscopic feature of BCX is a peak near 12 ppm arising from the nitrogen bonded 1H epsilon 2 of His 149. Due to its solvent inaccessibility and hydrogen bonding to an internal water molecule, the exchange rate of this proton (4.0 x 10(-5) s-1 at pH*7.04 and 30 degrees C) is retarded by > 10(6)-fold relative to an exposed histidine. The pKa of His 156 is unperturbed at approximately 6.5, as measured from the pH dependence of the 15N- and 1H-NMR spectra of BCX. In contrast, His 149 has a pKa < 2.3, existing in the neutral N epsilon 2H tautomeric state under all conditions examined. BCX unfolds at low pH and 30 degrees C, and thus His 149 is never protonated significantly in the context of the native enzyme. The structural importance of this buried histidine is confirmed by the destablizing effect of substituting a phenylalanine or glutamine at position 149 in BCX.  相似文献   
适用于获取最优化配方的一种算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文应用印楝种仁提取物(F3)与敌敌畏混配为例,以斜纹夜蛾(Spodopteralitura)为目标害虫,介绍一种适用于获取最优化配方的算法,在二次通用回归旋转组合设计的基础上,经参数辨识,获取二次回归方程,经失拟性、回归显著性检验,本方程基本能够反映杀虫剂用量与斜纹夜蛾幼虫死亡机率值之间的关系.在害虫防治实践中,要求在防治费用最小的基础上,目标害虫有最大的死亡率.因此,以防治目标害虫的费用作为优化算法的目标函数,以害虫死亡机率值最大作为约束条件,有如下的一组优化算式为目标函数约束条件式中a1,a2分别为参试杀虫剂1,2最低用量,b1,b2则为相应的最高用量.C1,C2分别为杀虫剂1,2的单价,N1,N2为杀虫剂l,2的用量.Y为目标害虫死亡机率值回归方程.本文所依据的试验设计中,以对数函数关系变换编码值与使用浓度之间的关系,所以应用拉格朗日求极值原理求取最优化配方.由计算所得的混配比例与其他方法所获结果一致.  相似文献   
双单抗的免疫层析一步法用于早妊诊断的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在试管式、微孔式和斑点式的酶免测定法测定人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)的基础上,发展了应用双单克隆抗体的免疫层析一步法测定HCG。此法用胶体金标记抗βHCG单克隆抗体,将抗αHCG单克隆抗体包被在硝酸纤维素膜上。无需分离步骤,特别是在进行测定时除加入样品外无需再加任何试剂,此方法特别迅速、简便,2~5min即可得结果。凡HCG浓度>25IU/L的样品可得到阳性结果。在人体血或尿中可能出现的高浓度的干扰物质,如抗坏血酸、乙酰水杨酸、雌二醇、蛋白质、胆红素、甘油三酯等对本测定均无干扰作用,在促黄体激素(LH)浓度高达500IU/L时仍与HCG没有交叉反应。能进行测定的最高值大于300IU/ml,这表示,当HCG浓度达到妊娠期的最高值时仍不会有假阴性结果。  相似文献   
The region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) operon containing the small subunit (SSU), internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), and a portion of the 5.8s rDNA gene was sequenced in one isolate each of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (Hasle) Hasle and Pseudo-nitzschia pungens (Grunow in Cleve & Möller) Hasle. The SSUs of these two species were highly similar, differing only in 14 point mutations and one insertion/deletion in 1774 bp. The ITS1 sequences were more variable, with 57 point mutations and three insertion/deletions in 257 bp. There were no differences in 44 bp of the 5.8S sequences. Restriction fragment patterns (RFPs) for the restriction endonucleases HaeIII, Hha1, and Rsa1 for 13 isolates of P. multiseries from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf coasts of the United States and 16 isolates of P. pungens from the three coasts of the United States, in addition to Japan and China, were compared. There were differences between the RFPs of P. multiseries and P. pungens that corresponded to sites mapped by the DNA sequences, but no infraspecific variation in RFPs was observed for either species. The differences in RFPs correlate with morphological, immunological, and other rDNA differences and support the recognition of these taxa as separate species.  相似文献   
We studied Dicranophorus sp., Platyias quadricornis (Ehrb.) and Rotaria tardigrada (Ehrb.). These rotifers, systematically distant from each other, show the same pattern of the catecholaminergic (CA-ergic) part of the nervous system. It is formed of a small (23–24), but steady number of neurons characteristic for each species. Three types of CA-ergic neurons are described. The sizes of neurons vary from to two to ten µm. The distribution of the brain neurons is correlated with body shape. Such a type of nervous system is topographically comparable to the concentrated orthogon of the flatworms.  相似文献   
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