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Summary The toxicity of some heavy metals to the common macrophytic freshwater algaChara vulgaris was studied under laboratory conditions. For experiments, apical tips of algae containing two internodes were cultivated for fourteen days in the presence of various concentrations of cadmium, mercury or lead (as triethyl lead or lead nitrate). Fifty percent growth inhibition occurred with concentrations of 8.5×10–8 M (9.5 ppb) cadmium, 7.5×10–7M (150ppb) mercury, 1.6×10–6 M (330ppb) organic lead or 4× 10–5 M (8000 ppb) inorganic lead. Sublethal concentrations of these metals caused alterations in the fine structure of internodal cells which turned out to be at least partly metal-specific or in the case of lead, the effects depended on whether the lead was ionic or organically bound. Cadmium and inorganic lead induced disorders of cell wall microfibrils which resulted in local wall protuberances. Mercury affected the chloroplasts which mostly showed considerably increased grana stacks. In addition, mercury caused a dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and of the mitochondrial tubuli. Organic lead damaged the membrane system of chloroplasts; sheet- or tubule-like thylakoids were disarranged and showed whorl-like structures. At higher concentrations of organic lead, tubular invaginations of the plasmalemma (charasomes) disappeared. The fine structure of nuclei was not altered by any of the metals.  相似文献   
Summary We have analyzed and compared the amino acid sequences of the type 4 fimbrial subunits fromPseudomonas aeruginosa, Moraxella bovis, M. nonliquefaciens, Bacteroides nodosus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, andN. meningitidis. We propose a consensus sequence for the highly conserved aminoterminal regions of these proteins. In the variable regions, a domain corresponding to an epitope common toN. gonorrhoeae andN. meningitidis fimbriae is conserved, both in sequence and in environment, in fimbrial subunits fromB. nodosus. The subunits fromM. bovis andP. aeruginosa do not show any homologies to this sequence. In all of the subunits, the carboxy-terminal half of the molecule consists of a series of fairly hydrophobic domains. The last three domains, two of which include the cysteines of the disulfide bridge inN. gonorrhoeae, P. aeruginosa, andM. bovis, are more or less conserved in sequence in all of the proteins including that ofB. nodosus. We propose that these conserved hydrophobic regions, which have the potential to form a series of beta-sheets, form a structural framework around which more variable hydrophilic sequences determining immunological profile are arranged. The evolutionary relationships of the contemporary proteins and the distribution of type 4 fimbriae are also discussed.  相似文献   
An attempt has been made to build a model of human rhinovirus 2 (HRV2) based on the known human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) structure. HRV2 was selected because its amino acid sequence is known and because it belongs to the minor rhinovirus receptor class as compared to HRV14, which belongs to the major class. Initial alignment of HRV2 with HRV14 based on the primary sequence and the knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of HRV14 showed that the most probable position of the majority of insertions and deletions occurred in the vicinity of the neutralizing immunogenic sites (NIm). Out of a total of 855 amino acids present in one copy of each of the capsid proteins VP1 through VP4 of HRV14, 411 are different between the two viruses. There are also 6 amino acid residues inserted and 14 residues deleted in HRV2 relative to HRV14. Examination of amino acid interactions showed several cases of conservation of function, e.g., salt bridges or the filling of restricted space. The largest variation amongst the residues lining the canyon, the putative receptor binding site, was in the carboxy-terminal residues of VP1.  相似文献   
Twelve natural populations of Drosophila ananassae were sampled and laboratory populations were derived. All the populations were maintained in food bottles in the laboratory for ten generations by transferring fifty flies (females and males in equal number) in each generation. After ten generations they were analysed chromosomally to determine the frequency of different chromosome arrangements. The results show that there is significant variation in the frequencies of chromosome arrangements and in the level of inversion heterozygosity. Although some of the populations became mo-nomorphic for certain inversions, in general all populations remained polymorphic even after ten generations. The degree of genetic differentiation in the populations after they were transferred to laboratory conditions has been estimated by calculating genetic identity and distance between the initial and final populations based on the differences in chromosome arrangement frequencies. The estimates of I and D suggest that there is considerable variation in the degree of genetic divergence in D. ananassae populations. Some populations have remained unchanged while others have diverged to a considerable extent.  相似文献   
A gene (Bmn) with a major effect on -mannosidase activity in kidney and liver of the house mouse was revealed by assay with the synthetic substratep-nitrophenyl--d-mannoside. Activity is low in DBA/2J and CSB mice and high in C57BL/6J mice. By the use of the BXD series of recombinant inbred strains and by crosses between C57BL and CSB, it was possible to map the gene to the distal part of chromosome 3 by demonstration of linkage to a gene for cadmium resistance,cdm, as well as to theAdh-3 locus.This work was supported by Swedish Natural Science Research Council Project B-BU 2992-108.  相似文献   
Genetic variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in 18 great tits (Parus major) from three neighboring localities in Sweden was investigated with eight tetranucleotide restriction endonucleases. The 18 individuals could be separated into 13 different maternal lineages. The high number of female lineages present in this regional population contrasts with a low level of sequence divergence between the different mtDNA clones, with a mean of 0.19% sequence divergence between all individuals. There was no obvious spatial structuring of mtDNA clones among the three localities. The presence of a high number of different clones with a low degree of sequence divergence could be explained by the effects of a large long-term effective population size, with the mtDNA clones having diverged about 25,000–200,000 years ago.This study was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation, and the Nilsson-Ehle Foundation.  相似文献   
Summary The mutagen-sensitive mutant mus(1)104 D1 of Drosophila melanogaster maps to a position on the X chromosome very close to the meiotic mutant mei-41 D5 . Both mutants have been characterized as mutagen-sensitive and defective in post-replication repair. In the present report we show by complementation studies that mus(1)104 and mus(1)103 are allelic with mei-41. In addition, two reported alleles of mus(1)104 lie between the mei-41 alleles A10 and D5. The size of the mei-41 locus is estimated to be about 0.1 centimorgans (cM). Because several alleles of mei-41 have been shown to reduce recombination and increase meiotic chromosome loss and nondisjunction, mus(1)104 D1 females were examined for defects in meiosis. Although there was no evidence for reduced recombination on the second chromosome in homozygous mus(1)104 D1 females, heterozygous mus(1)104 D1 /mei-41 >D5 and mus(1)104 D1 /deficiency females showed reduced levels of recombination. However, there was no evidence of an increase in nondijunction in these females.We dedicate this article to the memory of Larry Sandler, who passed away suddenly on February 7, 1987  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of middle repetitive sequences in the genic and extragenic regions of the rat albumin and -fetoprotein genes was analyzed. Their presence was determined by probing Southern blots of restriction fragments of albumin and -fetoprotein genomic subclones with 32P-labeled total rat DNA. Repetitive sequences were detected in both genes. They were classified as weak, moderate and intense hybridizing elements according to the intensity of hybridization. Weak repetitive sequences were characterized as dG·dT repeats by using 32P-labeled poly-(dG·dT)(dC·dA) oligomer probe. They occurred in 5 and 3 extragenic regions of the two genes and in introns 4 and 5 of the albumin gene. The moderate repetitive sequence present in intron 6 of the albumin gene was identified as the rat SINES element, 4D12. The intense repetitive sequence, localized in the 3 non-coding region of the albumin gene, corresponded to the terminal segment of a rat high repeat long interspersed DNA family, L1Rn. 4D12 and L1Rn sequences were also scattered throughout the -fetoprotein locus as moderate and intense repetitive elements, respectively, but their distribution was different from that of the albumin genomic region. These results indicate that repetitive sequences invaded the two loci in a non-conservative manner.  相似文献   
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