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兔痒螨和水牛痒螨第二转录间隔区(ITS-2)基因序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨水牛痒螨株和兔痒螨株的分类地位,采用 PCR 技术扩增了四川水牛痒螨株和四川兔痒螨株的第二内部转录间隔区(ITS-2)基因,并与 GenBank 中注册的 5 个国外痒螨株的同源基因进行了比较。序列分析发现:兔痒螨株和水牛痒螨株的序列长度分别为 277 bp 和 281 bp,两序列间存在多处转换、颠换和缺失。四川水牛痒螨株同四川兔痒螨株间及国外痒螨分离株间的 ITS-2 基因同源性较低(87.1%~88.0%); 而四川兔痒螨株与国外痒螨分离株的同源性较高(95.5%~100.0%)。用痒螨 ITS-2 基因构建的 MP,NJ,ME 及 UPGM 树中,兔痒螨株和水牛痒螨株在不同的系统树中其位置比较固定,且两者相距均较远。根据痒螨 ITS-2 基因同源性分析和系统树构建结果以及其他已报道的相关证据,作者认为:兔痒螨株和水牛痒螨株可能为痒螨属 Psoroptes 中两个不同的种,兔痒螨分离株为马痒螨 P. equi ;而水牛痒螨株与来自兔、山羊、绵羊和黄牛等痒螨株亲缘关系较远,可能为痒螨属中的另一个独立有效种。  相似文献   
Bayesian estimates of divergence times based on the molecular clock yield uncertainty of parameter estimates measured by the width of posterior distributions of node ages. For the relaxed molecular clock, previous works have reported that some of the uncertainty inherent to the variation of rates among lineages may be reduced by partitioning data. Here we test this effect for the purely morphological clock, using placental mammals as a case study. We applied the uncorrelated lognormal relaxed clock to morphological data of 40 extant mammalian taxa and 4,533 characters, taken from the largest published matrix of discrete phenotypic characters. The morphologically derived timescale was compared to divergence times inferred from molecular and combined data. We show that partitioning data into anatomical units significantly reduced the uncertainty of divergence time estimates for morphological data. For the first time, we demonstrate that ascertainment bias has an impact on the precision of morphological clock estimates. While analyses including molecular data suggested most divergences between placental orders occurred near the K‐Pg boundary, the partitioned morphological clock recovered older interordinal splits and some younger intraordinal ones, including significantly later dates for the radiation of bats and rodents, which accord to the short‐fuse hypothesis.  相似文献   
Smut disease caused by Sporisorium scitamineum is one of the most destructive sugarcane diseases worldwide. The pathogen spreads primarily through infected sugarcane setts, and hence, the use of disease‐free planting materials is essential for preventing disease development in the field. In this study, a species‐specific loop‐mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was developed for rapid and accurate detection of S. scitamineum. Based on the differences in internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of S. scitamineum, a set of four species‐specific primers, F3, B3, FIP and BIP, were designed by using a panel of fungal and bacterial species as controls. After optimization of the reaction conditions, the detection limit of LAMP assay was about 2 fg of the S. scitamineum genomic DNA in 25 µL reaction solution, 100‐fold lower than that of conventional polymerase chain reaction. The assay showed high specificity to discriminate all S. scitamineum isolates from nine other fungal and bacterial pathogens. The LAMP assay also detected smut infection from young sugarcane leaves with no visible smut‐disease symptoms. The findings from this study provide a simple, highly sensitive, rapid and reliable technique for early detection of S. scitamineum, which may be useful for sugarcane quarantine and production of smut‐free seedcanes. This is the first report of LAMP‐based assay for the detection of S. scitamineum in sugarcane.  相似文献   
Tricin [5,7‐dihydroxy‐2‐(4‐hydroxy‐3,5‐dimethoxyphenyl)‐4H‐chromen‐4‐one], a flavone, was recently established as an authentic monomer in grass lignification that likely functions as a nucleation site. It is linked onto lignin as an aryl alkyl ether by radical coupling with monolignols or their acylated analogs. However, the level of tricin that incorporates into lignin remains unclear. Herein, three lignin characterization methods: acidolysis; thioacidolysis; and derivatization followed by reductive cleavage; were applied to quantitatively assess the amount of lignin‐integrated tricin. Their efficiencies at cleaving the tricin‐(4′–O–β)‐ether bonds and the degradation of tricin under the corresponding reaction conditions were evaluated. A hexadeuterated tricin analog was synthesized as an internal standard for accurate quantitation purposes. Thioacidolysis proved to be the most efficient method, liberating more than 91% of the tricin with little degradation. A survey of different seed‐plant species for the occurrence and content of tricin showed that it is widely distributed in the lignin from species in the family Poaceae (order Poales). Tricin occurs at low levels in some commelinid monocotyledon families outside the Poaceae, such as the Arecaceae (the palms, order Arecales) and Bromeliaceae (Poales), and the non‐commelinid monocotyledon family Orchidaceae (Orchidales). One eudicotyledon was found to have tricin (Medicago sativa, Fabaceae). The content of lignin‐integrated tricin is much higher than the extractable tricin level in all cases. Lignins, including waste lignin streams from biomass processing, could therefore provide a large and alternative source of this valuable flavone, reducing the costs, and encouraging studies into its application beyond its current roles.  相似文献   
[目的]金黄色葡萄球菌作为一种分布广泛的致病微生物和研究革兰氏阳性菌遗传背景的模式菌株,利用real-time RT PCR对相关毒素及调控基因进行表达定量分析,在生物、医学、食品检测等领域具有较大研究价值.[方法]对制备好的反转录(RT,含有cDNA和DNA)和非反转录(RTˉ,仅含DNA)样品进行Real-time PCR检测,根据经典(1 E)ˉ△△Ct相对定量算法并结合PCR效率公式建立一种基因表达相对定量分析的DNA扣除法,将得到的Ct值转换为各样品含量,从RT样品中扣除RTˉ样品的量,无需DNaseⅠ酶解处理就可以去除DNA的影响,RTˉ样品的检测结果还可同时作为稳定的DNA内参.[结果]采用以上方法分析金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素A基因(sea)、16S rRNA和RNA Ⅲ的表达情况,在含有葡萄糖的NB培养基中sea的相对转录水平随着葡萄糖浓度的增大而升高,RNAⅢ的相对转录水平随葡萄糖浓度的变化而产生小幅度的波动,16S rRNA在菌体生长初期时的表达量较为稳定;与绝对定量法比较,结果差异较小(均小于15%),且差异不显著(p>0.05).[结论]这种基于DNA扣除法的Real-time RT PCR相对定量方法可以有效的对金黄色葡萄球菌的基因表达进行分析.  相似文献   
Selenocysteine (Sec) incorporation is an essential process required for the production of at least 25 human selenoproteins. This unique amino acid is co-translationally incorporated at specific UGA codons that normally serve as termination signals. Recoding from stop to Sec involves a cis-acting Sec insertion sequence element in the 3′ untranslated region of selenoprotein mRNAs as well as Sec insertion sequence binding protein 2, Sec-tRNASec, and the Sec-specific elongation factor, eEFSec. The interplay between recoding and termination at Sec codons has served as a focal point in researching the mechanism of Sec insertion, but the role of translation initiation has not been addressed. In this report, we show that the cricket paralysis virus intergenic internal ribosome entry site is able to support Sec incorporation, thus providing evidence that the canonical functions of translation initiation factors are not required. Additionally, we show that neither a 5′ cap nor a 3′ poly(A) tail enhances Sec incorporation. Interestingly, however, the presence of the internal ribosome entry site significantly decreases Sec incorporation efficiency, suggesting a role for translation initiation in regulating the efficiency of UGA recoding.  相似文献   
Nutrient resorption from senescing photosynthetic organs is a powerful mechanism for conserving nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in infertile environments. Evolution has resulted in enhanced differentiation of conducting tissues to facilitate transport of photosynthate to other plant parts, ultimately leading to phloem. Such tissues may also serve to translocate N and P to other plant parts upon their senescence. Therefore, we hypothesize that nutrient resorption efficiency (RE, % of nutrient pool exported) should correspond with the degree of specialization of these conducting tissues across the autotrophic branches of the Tree of Life. To test this hypothesis, we had to compare members of different plant clades and lichens within a climatic region, to minimize confounding effects of climatic drivers on nutrient resorption. Thus, we compared RE among wide‐ranging basal clades from the principally N‐limited subarctic region, employing a novel method to correct for mass loss during senescence. Even with the limited numbers of species available for certain clades in this region, we found some consistent patterns. Mosses, lichens, and lycophytes generally showed low REN (<20%), liverworts and conifers intermediate (40%) and monilophytes, eudicots, and monocots high (>70%). REP appeared higher in eudicots and liverworts than in mosses. Within mosses, taxa with more efficient conductance also showed higher REN. The differences in REN among clades broadly matched the degree of specialization of conducting tissues. This novel mapping of a physiological process onto the Tree of Life broadly supports the idea that the evolution of conducting tissues toward specialized phloem has aided land plants to optimize their internal nitrogen recycling. The generality of evolutionary lines in conducting tissues and nutrient resorption efficiency needs to be tested across different floras in different climatic regions with different levels of N versus P availability.  相似文献   
This review considers the effects of temperature on insect diapause induction and the photoperiodic response, and includes constant temperature, temperature cycles, pulses and steps in daily light–dark cycles, constant darkness and in constant light, all with reference to various circadian‐based “clock” models. Although it is a comparative survey, it concentrates on two species, the flesh fly Sarcophaga argyrostoma and its pupal parasite Nasonia vitripennis, which possess radically different photoperiodic mechanisms, although both are based upon the circadian system. Particular attention is given to the effects of daily thermoperiod in darkness and to low and high temperature pulses in conjunction with a daily light–dark cycle, treatments that suggest that S. argyrostoma “measures” night length with a “clock” of the external coincidence type. However, N. vitripennis responds to seasonal changes in photoperiod with an internal coincidence device involving both “dawn” and “dusk” oscillators. Other species may show properties of both external and internal coincidence. Although the precepts of external coincidence have been well formulated and supported experimentally, those for internal coincidence remain obscure.  相似文献   
During a 7-10 day span, circadian rhythms of sleep-wake, self-rated fatigue and mood, oral temperature, eye-hand skill and right and left hand grip strength were investigated in eight subjects: five males (21-28 years of age), members of the French sabre fencing team selected for the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, and three females (19-26 years of age) practicing fleuret (foil) fencing as a sports activity. On the average six measurements/day/variable/subject were performed. The single cosinor method showed that a circadian rhythm was detectable for only 26 out of the 56 time series (46.4%). Power spectrum analysis gave almost the same figure (19 out of 48: 39.5%) with regard to rhythms with τ=24hr indicating that with one exception (subject JFL) rhythms were internally desynchronized including differences τ between right and left hand grip strength rhythms for three subjects. Results suggest: (a) a physiologic synchronization of circadian rhythms may be a predictor of good performance; (b) however, internal desynchronization as shown previously may be a trivial phenomenon and thus does not imply in itself alterations of either health or performance; (c) chronobiologic methods should be recommended for a better understanding of changes in performance by those participating in competitive and other sports.  相似文献   
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