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抗病基因Bdv2抑制大麦黄矮病毒复制和运动的分子证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小麦-中间偃麦草易位系YW642含有一个源于中间偃麦草7X染色体的抗性基因Bdv2,对大麦黄矮病毒GAV株系具有高度抗性。为有效控制该病毒和阐明抗黄矮病机制,采用半定量RT-PCR的方法,研究了大麦黄矮病毒GAV株系在YW642及其感病姊妹系YW641中积累浓度的差异。分别在接种病毒不同时间、不同部位上取样,用半定量RT-PCR的方法来检测GAV的积累浓度。在接种部位,抗病植株中病毒的浓度远远低于感病植株。在侵染的前5d,抗病植株YW642中病毒会有一定程度的复制和积累,但随后病毒浓度开始下降,接种14—16d时没有检测到病毒;而在感病株系中,病毒积累的浓度远远高于抗病植株,并一直维持一个较高的浓度。在未接种部位.感病植株中可检测到较高浓度的病毒,说明病毒能从接种点很快运动到未接种部位,并大量复制。而在抗病系YW642中,未接种部位始终未检测到病毒。实验结果从分子水平上证明,在抗病植株中BYDV的复制和运动均受到了极大的抑制:这是抗病基因Bdv2与BYDV互作后,激活了一系列防御基因的结果。另外还确定了防御基因诱导表达的时间,为从抗病植株中分离抗病相关基因、研究抗黄矮病机制提供了取样的依据。  相似文献   
Genomic in situhybridization (GISH) to root-tip cells at mitotic metaphase, using genomic DNA probes from Thinopyrum intermedium and Pseudoroegneria strigosa, was used to examine the genomic constitution of Th. intermedium, the 56-chromosome partial amphiploid to wheat called Zhong 5 and disease-resistant derivatives of Zhong 5, in a wheat background. Evidence from GISH indicated that Th. intermedium contained seven pairs of St, seven JS and 21 J chromosomes; three pairs of Th. intermedium chromosomes with satellites in their short arms belonging to the St, J, J genomes and homoeologous groups 1, 1, and 5 respectively. GISH results using different materials and different probes showed that seven pairs of added Th. intermedium chromosomes in Zhong 5 included three pairs of St chromosomes, two pairs of JS chromosomes and two pairs of St-JS reciprocal tanslocation chromosomes. A pair of chromosomes, which substituted a pair of wheat chromosomes in Yi 4212 and in HG 295 and was added to 21 pairs of wheat chromosomes in the disomic additions Z1, Z2 and Z6, conferred BYDV-resistance and was identical to a pair of St-JS tanslocation chromosomes (StJS) in Zhong 5. The StJS chromosome had a special GISH signal pattern and could be easily distinguished from other added chromosomes in Zhong 5; it has not yet been possible to locate the BYDV-resistant gene(s) of this translocated chromosome either in the St chromosome portion belonging to homoeologous group 2 or in the JS chromosome portion whose homoeologous group relationship is still uncertain. Among 22 chromosome pairs in disomic addition line Z3, the added chromosome pair had satellites and belonged to the St genome and homoeologous group 1. Disomic addition line Z4 carried a pair of added chromosomes which was composed of a group-7 JS chromosome translocated with a wheat chromosome; this chromosome was different to 7 Ai-1, but was identical to 7 Ai-2. The leaf rust and stem rust resistance genes were located in the distal region of the long arm, whereas the stripe rust resistance gene(s) was located in the short arm or in the proximal region of the long arm of 7 Ai-2. A pair of JS-wheat translocation chromosomes, which originated from the WJS chromosomes in Z4, was added to the disomic addition line Z5; the added chromosomes of Z5 carried leaf and stem rust resistance but not stripe rust resistance; Z5 is a potentially useful source for rust resistance genes in wheat breeding and for cloning these novel rust-resistant genes. GISH analysis using the St genome as a probe has proved advantageous in identifying alien Th. intermedium in wheat. Received: 17 May 1999 / Accepted: 22 June 1999  相似文献   
Carrot roots with cavity spot lesions from eight different counties in Norway were sampled and Pythium species were isolated on selective medium. Pythium spp. were characterised morphologically and by species-specific PCR. Laboratory experiments with inoculations of carrot roots were performed. A total of 130 isolates out of 230 Pythium -like isolates tested with PCR were identified as pathogenic species of Pythium. These were P. intermedium (29%), P. sulcatum (23%), P. sylvaticum (16%), P. violae (15%) and a possible new Pythium species designated P . ' vipa ' (18%). There were some differences between geographical regions and ages of cavities regarding the frequency of the different species isolated. When rating sunken lesions in the laboratory inoculation experiments, P. ' vipa ' was the most aggressive and P. violae the least aggressive species. P. intermedium and P. ' vipa ' caused more discolouration of the infected carrot tissue than the other species. The importance of the different Pythium spp. as agents of cavity spot in Norway is discussed.  相似文献   
Oxalate oxidase (EC catalyzes the oxidative cleavage of oxalate to carbon dioxide with the reduction of molecular oxygen to hydrogen peroxide. Oxalate oxidase found its application in clinical assay for oxalate in blood and urine. This study describes the purification and biochemical characterization of an oxalate oxidase produced from an endophytic bacterium, Ochrobactrum intermedium CL6. The cell-free fermentation broth was subjected to two-step enzyme purification, which resulted in a 58.74-fold purification with 83% recovery. Specific activity of the final purified enzyme was 26.78 U?mg?1 protein. The enzyme displayed an optimum pH and temperature of 3.8 and 80°C, respectively, and high stability at 4–80°C for 6?h. The enzymatic activity was not influenced by metal ions and chemical agents (K+, Na+, Zn2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Mg2+, glucose, urea, lactate) commonly found in serum and urine, with Cu2+ being the exception. The enzyme appears to be a metalloprotein stimulated by Ca2+ and Fe2+. Its Km and Kcat for oxalate were found to be 0.45?mM and 85?s?1, respectively. This enzyme is the only known oxalate oxidase which did not show substrate inhibition up to a substrate concentration of 50?mM. Thermostability, kinetic properties, and the absence of substrate inhibition make this enzyme an ideal candidate for clinical applications.  相似文献   
A study of homoeologous recombination along almost the complete genetic length of two homoeologous chromosomes in the Triticeae was conducted. Sears' phlb mutant was used to induce homoeologous pairing between chromosomes 7A of common wheat and 7Ai–l of Agropyron intermedium. 390 ph1b ph1b homozygous F3 progeny were screened using six co-dominant DNA markers (RFLP loci). 63 of the progeny (16%) were putative recombinants, showing dissociation of RFLP markers within the arm(s). Progeny tests of self-fertile putative recombinants confirmed the dissociation phenotypes observed in the F3 progeny. No recombination could be confirmed in 117 F3 progeny plants having the Ph1– allele (control population). Frequencies and distribution of chiasmata along the chromosome arm 7AS were analysed using additional RFLP markers. The patterns of recombination between the two homoeologous chromosomes were found similar to those reported for homologous recombination between the same markers on short arms of group 7 chromosomes of Triticeae.  相似文献   
The wheat line H960642 is a homozygous wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium translocation line with resistance to BYDV by genomie in situ hybridization (GISH) and RFLP analysis. The genomie DNA of Th. intermedium was used as a probe, and eonunon wheat genomie DNA as a blocking in GISH experiment. The results showed that the chromosome segments of Th. intermedium were transferred to the distal end of a pair of wheat chromosomes. RFLP analysis indicated that the transloeation line H960642 is a T7DS·7DL-7XL translocation by using 8 probes mapped on the homoeologous group 7 in wheat. The tranalocation breakpoint is located between Xpsr680 and Xpsr965 about 90—99 cM from the centromere. The RFLP markers psr680 and psr687 were closoly linked with the BYDV resistance gene. The gene is located on the distal end of 7XL around Xpsr680 and Xpsr687.  相似文献   
小麦-中间偃麦草双体异附加系的鉴定   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
利用形态学、细胞学、A-PADE和RAPD方法,对5个小麦-中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium)双体异附加系Line 1、Line 4、Line 10、Line 14和Line 15进行了鉴定。细胞学鉴定结果表明,它们根尖细胞染色体数目为2n=44,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ(PMCMⅠ)染色体构型为2n=22 Ⅱ,具有高度的细胞学稳定性;形态学鉴定和A-PADE电泳分析证明,Line 1和Line 15可能附加了中间偃麦草第7部分同源群的染色体,Line 10和Line 14可能附加了中间偃麦草第1部分同源群的染色体,Line4则可能同时存在多种染色体变异;RAPD分析表明,在供试的100个随机引物中,有5个引物S21、S29、S57、S121和S152能够在亲本中间偃麦草和双体异附加系中稳定扩增出特异带型,并可作为异附加系所附加染色体的特异RAPD标记。  相似文献   
小麦-中间偃麦草二体异附加系Z1、Z2具有一对携带抗黄矮病基因的中间偃麦草染色体2Ai-2。利用中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Bakwoth and Dewey)和拟鹅冠草(Pseudoroegneia strigosa)基因组DNA作探针,对Z1、Z2进行基因组原位杂交分析。结果表明,Z1、Z2附加的一对中间偃麦草染色体2Ai-2为St-E染色体,E组染  相似文献   
Abstract: Wide cross and molecular cytogenetic methods were used to transfer the powdery mildew resistance gene from Thinopyron intermedium(Host) Barkworth & DR Dewey to wheat. Among the progeny of crossing common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Yannong 15 with Th. intermedium, a partial amphiploid E990256, with resistance to powdery mildew, was developed. It had 56 chromosomes and could form 28 bivalents in pollen mother cells at metaphase I of meiosis. Resistance verification by race 15 at the seedling stage and by mixed strains of Erysiphales gramnis DC. f. sp. tritici Em. Marchal at the adult stage showed it was immune to powdery mildew at both stages. Gene postulation via 21 isolates of E. gramnis f. sp. tritici and 29 differential hosts showed it was nearly immune to all the isolates used, and its resistance pattern was different from all the mildew resistance genes used, which indicated it probably contained a new resistance gene to powdery mildew. Biochemical verification showed it might convey different Th. intermedium chromosomes from those of the wheat‐ Th. intermedium partial amphiploids Zhong 1–5. Genomic in situ hybridization analysis by using St genomic DNA as the probe showed E990256 contained a recombination genome of St and E. (Managing editor: Wei WANG)  相似文献   
基因库(GenBank)是由美国国立卫生研究院、美国国立医学图书馆以及美国国家生物技术信息中心建立发行的,所有已知核酸和蛋白质序列及其文献和生物学注释的公共数据库。可以通过WWW、FTP、E-mail获取其中的数据,本文主要介绍了查询服务器的检索方法。 Abstract: GenBank is a public database of all known nucleotide and protein sequences with supporting bibliographic and biological annotation, built and distributed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI), the National Library of Medicine(NLM) and the US National Institute of Health(NIH). GenBank data is available by WWW, FTP and E-mail. The retrieval of GenBank by the QUERY server is mainly introduced in this paper.  相似文献   
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