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Marine bivalves are sessile or sedentary as adults but have planktonic larvae which can potentially disperse over large distances. Consequently larval transport is expected to play a prominent role in facilitating gene flow and determining population structure. The sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) is a dioecious species with high fecundity, broadcast spawning and a c. 30-day planktonic larval stage, yet it forms discrete populations or 'beds' which have significantly different dynamics and characteristics. We analysed variation at six microsatellite loci in 12 locations throughout the geographic range of the species from Newfoundland, Canada, to New Jersey, USA. Significant differentiation was present and the maximum pairwise theta value, between one of the Newfoundland samples in the north and a sample from the southern portion of the range, was high at 0.061. Other proximate pairs of samples had no detectable genetic differentiation. Mantel tests indicated a significant isolation by distance, but only when one of the populations was excluded. A landscape genetic approach was used to detect areas of low gene flow using a joint analysis of spatial and genetic information. The two major putative barriers inferred by Monmonier's algorithm were then used to define regions for an analysis of molecular variance (amova). That analysis showed a significant but low percentage (1.2%) of the variation to be partitioned among regions, negligible variation among populations within regions, and the majority of the variance distributed between individuals within populations. Prominent currents were concordant with the demarcation of the regions, while a novel approach of using particle tracking software to mimic scallop larval dispersal was employed to interpret within-region genetic patterns.  相似文献   
The Amazon basin holds very high parrot species richness but almost nothing is known of parrot population densities in the region or how these vary between species, habitats, sites, and seasons. Such data are becoming important as humans impact on increasing areas of the region. Seventeen parrot species were surveyed using a line transect distance sampling method over 3 yr in floodplain and terra firme forests at two sites in the Tambopata region of southeast Peru. Density estimates for most species were in the range of 3.3–7.8/km2, with Brotogeris cyanoptera and Amazona farinosa reaching densities of 22 and 23/km2 in floodplain forest during the dry season. Parrot densities were higher in floodplain forest than in terra firme forest at both sites. The parrot communities of terra firme forests were similar across sites and seasons, but those in floodplain forests differed widely across sites and across seasons. Upper canopy birds are notoriously difficult to survey. We introduce a procedure to correct for the likely violation of the assumption that all birds on the transect line are detected (distance sampling assumption g(0) = 1). We correct g(0) based on calling rates of birds using a cue‐counting technique. Multipliers for g(0) differ across species and site, but not season. This method yielded density estimates on average 22 percent higher (6–40% higher in individual species) than those from the standard method.  相似文献   
Tomato apex necrosis virus (ToANV, species Tomato marchitez virus, genus Torradovirus, family Secoviridae) causes a severe tomato disease in Mexico. One distinctive feature of torradoviruses compared with other members of the family Secoviridae is the presence of an additional open reading frame (ORF) in genomic RNA2 (denominated RNA2‐ORF1), located upstream of ORF2. RNA2‐ORF2 encodes a polyprotein that is processed into a putative movement protein and three capsid proteins (CPs). The RNA2‐ORF1 protein has homologues only amongst other torradoviruses and, so far, no function has been associated with it. We used recombinant and mutant ToANV clones to investigate the role of the RNA2‐ORF1 protein in various aspects of the virus infection cycle. The lack of a functional RNA2‐ORF1 resulted in an inability to systemically infect Nicotiana benthamiana and tomato plants, but both positive‐ and negative‐strand RNA1 and RNA2 accumulated locally in agroinfiltrated areas in N. benthamiana plants, indicating that the RNA2‐ORF1 mutants were replication competent. Furthermore, a mutant with a deletion in RNA2‐ORF1 was competent for virion formation and cell‐to‐cell movement in the cells immediately surrounding the initial infection site. However, immunological detection of the ToANV CPs in the agroinfiltrated areas showed that this mutant was not detected in the sieve elements even if the surrounding parenchymatic cells were ToANV positive, suggesting a role for the RNA2‐ORF1 protein in processes occurring prior to phloem uploading, including efficient spread in inoculated leaves.  相似文献   
通过野外和室内实试检测蝘蜒逃逸行为的影响因子。野外研究显示,蝘蜒可接近距离与隐蔽所间距呈显著正相关。与动物体温和基底温度无关;在开阔生境中,成体和幼体的可接近距离相似.而郁闭生境中成体的可接近距离显著大于幼体。室内试验表明。两性蝘蜒的可接近距离差异显著,繁殖期雌体的可接近距离大于雄体。  相似文献   
生态保护价值的距离衰减性——以三江平原湿地为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
敖长林  陈瑾婷  焦扬  王静 《生态学报》2013,33(16):5109-5117
应用二分式条件价值评估法对三江平原湿地生态保护价值进行定量评价。运用支付意愿函数模型构建双边界二分式CVM数据分析模型,应用生存分析中的参数回归模型建立支付意愿影响因素分析模型。建立具有距离变量及个人社会、经济属性变量的支付意愿函数,验证支付意愿具有"距离衰减性"。研究采用以面访调查为主、网上调查为辅的方式,进行支付意愿问卷调查,得出2010年三江平原湿地生态保护的人均支付意愿为134.582元/a,三江平原湿地的生态保护价值为33.412亿元/a。研究结论为政府相关政策的制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   
A major aim of landscape genetics is to understand how landscapes resist gene flow and thereby influence population genetic structure. An empirical understanding of this process provides a wealth of information that can be used to guide conservation and management of species in fragmented landscapes and also to predict how landscape change may affect population viability. Statistical approaches to infer the true model among competing alternatives are based on the strength of the relationship between pairwise genetic distances and landscape distances among sampled individuals in a population. A variety of methods have been devised to quantify individual genetic distances, but no study has yet compared their relative performance when used for model selection in landscape genetics. In this study, we used population genetic simulations to assess the accuracy of 16 individual‐based genetic distance metrics under varying sample sizes and degree of population genetic structure. We found most metrics performed well when sample size and genetic structure was high. However, it was much more challenging to infer the true model when sample size and genetic structure was low. Under these conditions, we found genetic distance metrics based on principal components analysis were the most accurate (although several other metrics performed similarly), but only when they were derived from multiple principal components axes (the optimal number varied depending on the degree of population genetic structure). Our results provide guidance for which genetic distance metrics maximize model selection accuracy and thereby better inform conservation and management decisions based upon landscape genetic analysis.  相似文献   
王鹏  张龙 《环境昆虫学报》2021,43(3):633-641
植食性昆虫的嗅觉在其选择食物的过程中发挥了重要的作用,它能通过对植物挥发物的感受来定向和定位食物源并产生趋近行为,进而根据特殊的化合物或者多种化合物的特异浓度组合来区分寄主和非寄主植物.在这个过程中,昆虫嗅觉器官上相关的嗅觉感受蛋白被植物挥发物激活,形成特异的嗅觉感受通路,在行为上调控昆虫嗅觉选食的能力.本文主要从植食...  相似文献   
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