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Three axenic and rhizosphere microorganism-inoculated shortgrass steppe plant species were evaluated for possible differences in residual organic carbon and nitrogen present as sugars, organic acids and amino acids. IntroducedAgropyron cristatum was compared toA. smithii andBouteloua gracilis, which are dominant species in the native shortgrass steppe. These plants, grown for 90 days in root growth chambers, showed differences in residual organic carbon and nitrogen per gram of root, and rhizosphere microbe presence resulted in additional changes in these compounds. The root biomass ofB. gracilis was significantly increased with microbes present. TheAgropyron species had significantly lower amino acid levels with microbes present, while under the same conditions, theB. gracilis showed significant decreases in residual sugars. Based on the amino acids, sugars and organic acids, the C/N ratio of the sterileA. cristatum was higher than forB. gracilis. Rhizosphere microbe presence did not result in changes in these C/N ratios. These results suggest thatA. cristatum, with microbes present, will have lower levels of amino acids present, whileB. gracilis, with a lower C/N ratio, will have sugars used to a greater extent by the rhizosphere microbes. This resulted in the higher levels of residual soluble organic C and N in the rhizosphere ofB. gracilis, in comparison with the introducedA. cristatum. These differences may be critical in influencing the course of nutrient accumulation and plant competition in short-grass steppe communities, and in understanding basic aspects of plant-rhizosphere microorganism interactions.  相似文献   
A brief review of the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants is given, followed by a consideration of the modifications induced in this apparatus by changes in light intensity and light quality. Possible strategies by which plants may optimize photosynthetic activity by both long- and short-term modifications of their photosynthetic apparatus in response to changing light regimes are discussed.  相似文献   
The Lindero membranaceae-Fagetum crenatae association on Mt. Sanpoiwadake, Hakusan National Park, Japan, has been classified using traditional Braun-Blanquet methods. The association was floristically sub-divided into six communities, all of which had been included as four subassociations by Hukusima (1982). The resulting table was compared with an analogous community table derived using computer-based TWINSPAN analysis. This dual approach was shown to provide a fully objective classification by method, the subjective element in the Braun-Blanquet method thus being substantiated TWINSPAN. Subsequent ordination of the data using DCA then provided a further degree of objective evaluation allowing any misclassified stand or species to be re-examined, and at the same time displaying the detailed inter-relationships between all species or stands.  相似文献   
无样地法在暖温带落叶阔叶林群落调查中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以秦岭太白山自然保护区内锐齿栎(Quercus atiena var. acuteserrota)为优势的暖温带落叶阔叶林为对象,采用与大样地(0.5公顷)实测结果的比较,研究了无样地法中的中点四分法取样技术在暖温带落叶阔叶林中的应用。认为中点四分法取样技术,具有较高的精度和效率,可适用于暖温带落叶阔叶林。并用种点数曲线确定了暖温带落叶阔叶林的最小点数为15个。  相似文献   
Mating system of Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 We report on the mating system of a field population of the parasitic wasp, Bracon hebetor, on a corn pile infested by the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella. We demonstrate that the mating system is based upon male scramble competition polygyny with male aggregations on high places on the corn.
  • 2 The sex ratio among adults was greater than 80% males on the surface of the corn, whereas below the surface the sex ratio was less than 45%. Males actively courted females on the surface, but there were no aggressive interactions among males during courtship or mating.
  • 3 Approximately 20% of the females found on the surface of the corn had no sperm in their spermathecae, regardless of age, but the numbers of unmated females decreased later during the day.
  • 4 In laboratory studies we showed that females from this population oviposit a female biassed sex ratio, and that only 14% of females were mated before dispersing from their place of emergence.
  • 5 Thus sib-mating is unlikely in this gregarious parasitoid. This outcrossing mating system probably arose because of severe inbreeding depression that B.hebetor suffers via a sex locus: diploids that are heterozygous at the sex locus develop into females, but homozygous diploids are male and are generally inviable. The female biassed sex ratio may have evolved in B. hebetor in response to males being the more expensive sex, females dispersing more frequently from the population than males, or a fraction of females remaining unmated in the population.
Synopsis The filter feeding organ of cyprinid fishes is the branchial sieve, which consists of a mesh formed by gill rakers and tiny channels on the gill arches. In order to establish its possible role during growth we measured the following morphological gill raker parameters over a range of sizes in three cyprinid fishes, bream, white bream and roach: inter raker distance, bony raker length, raker width, cushion length and channel width. At any given standard length common bream has the largest inter raker distance, roach the lowest and white bream is intermediate. In the comb model of filter feeding the inter raker distance is considered to be a direct measure of the mesh size and retention ability (= minimal size of prey that can be retained) of a filter. For the three species under study there is a conflict between the comb model and experimental data on particle retention. Lammens et al. (1987) found that common bream has a large retention ability whereas roach and white bream have a much smaller one. A new model, the channel model (Hoogenboezem et al. 1991) has been developed for common bream; in this model the lateral gill rakers can regulate the mesh size of the medial channels on the other side of the gill slit. The present data indicate that this model is not appropriate for white bream and roach. At any given standard length white bream and roach only reach 70% of the raker length of common bream, which means that in this model the gill slits should to be very narrow during filter feeding. The gill rakers consist of a bony raker and a fleshy cushion. The bony rakers have a rather long needle-like part outside the cushion in bream, but not in white bream and roach which have blunt gill rakers. Blunt gill rakers are not suited to reduce the diameter of the medial channels. The comb model seems more appropriate for white bream and roach, but doubts about the validity of this simple model remain. The sum of the areas of the medial channels is an approximation of the area through which water flows in the filter. This channel area therefore gives an impression of the capacity or flow rate of the filter. With this capacity estimation and an estimation of energy consumption we calculated an energy ratio of filter feeding. The energy ratio decreases with increasing standard length with an exponent close to the expected exponent of -0.40. The energy ratio is highest in bream, intermediate in white bream and lowest in roach.  相似文献   
The two-oscillator model of human circadian rhythmicity was analyzed when a zeitgeber relative intensity of 1, 0.5, or 0.1 was introduced into the equations. Fourier analysis was compared with dynamic analysis such as attractor reconstruction or Liapunov exponent calculation. After a 50 or 90% reduction in zeitgeber intensity, the dynamics of the system became equivalent and differed significantly from those of a system with maximal zeitgeber intensity. When 10% aleatory noise was added to the data, the analysis was still applicable, and the results obtained were essentially the same as in the absence of noise. Dynamic analysis could thus provide a distinct classification for periodic data, based on the type of analysis.  相似文献   
Seasonal carbon isotope discrimination in a grassland community   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Summary Grassland communities of arid western North America are often characterized by a seasonal increase in ambient temperature and evaporative demand and a corresponding decline in soil moisture availability. As the environment changes, particular species could respond differently, which should be reflected in a number of physiological processes. Carbon isotope discrimination varies during photosynthetic activity as a function of both stomatal aperture and the biochemistry of the fixation process, and provides an integrated measure of plant response to seasonal changes in the environment. We measured the seasonal course of carbon isotope discrimination in 42 grassland species to evaluate changes in gas exchange processes in response to these varying environmental factors. The seasonal courses were then used to identify community-wide patterns associated with life form, with phenology and with differences between grasses and forbs. Significant differences were detected in the following comparisons: (1) Carbon isotope discrimination decreased throughout the growing season; (2) perennial species discriminated less than annual species; (3) grasses discriminated less than forbs; and (4) early flowering species discriminated more than the later flowering ones. These comparisons suggested that (1) species active only during the initial, less stressful months of the growing season used water less efficiently, and (2) that physiological responses increasing the ratio of carbon fixed to water lost were common in these grassland species, and were correlated with the increase in evaporative demand and the decrease in soil moisture.  相似文献   
Commonly used minirhizotrons consisting of a transparent tube inserted into the soil seldom attain good contact between the tube and the soil, which leads to root growth occurring in a gap rather than in the soil. A new system is described involving an inflatable flexible rubber wall, made from a modified motorcycle tube. Pressure ensures a proper tube/soil contact so that the environmental circumstances for root growth along the tube more closely correspond to those in the undisturbed soil. Before the endoscope slide is introduced into the minirhizotron for taking pictures, the inflatable tube is removed, so that there is no-often opaque-wall between the endoscope and the roots. This improves the picture quality and facilitates the analysis of root images.  相似文献   
Abstract. Electric-circuit analogue models of the water relations of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) succulents such as Agave deserti and Ferocactus acanthodes have predicted diel movement of water between the water-storage parenchyma and the photo-synthetic chlorenchyma. Injection of tritiated water into either tissue in the laboratory confirmed substantial and bidirectional water movements, especially under conditions of wet soil. For A. deserti , water movement from the water-storage parenchyma to the chlorenchyma increased at night as the chlorenchyma osmotic pressure increased. Although nocturnal osmotic pressure increases and transpiration for both species were minimal in the field under dry conditions, diel changes in the deuterium: hydrogen ratio (expressed as ΔD) were similar for the water-storage parenchyma and the chlorenchyma. Such indication of [substantial mixing of water between the tissues over a 24-h cycle was more evident under wet conditions in the field. For A. deserti , ΔD then increased by 32%o from the afternoon to midnight and was essentially identical in the water-storage parenchyma and the chlorenchyma. For F. acanthodes , the diel changes in ΔD were one-third those of A. deserti , and ΔD was always slightly higher for the chlorenchyma than for the water-storage parenchyma, apparently reflecting the lower surface-to-volume ratio of A. deserti. In summary, data obtained using radioactive and stable isotopes strongly supported model predictions concerning diel cycles of internal water distribution for these CAM species.  相似文献   
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