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世界自然遗产地是全球最具有保护价值的自然保护地,强调全球突出普遍价值的完整性和在全球的唯一性。世界自然遗产有助于更好地保护生态系统的完整性和原真性,促进人类与自然的可持续发展。该研究在大量文献资料的基础上,以海南潜在世界自然遗产地(海南热带雨林国家公园)原生动植物及植被群落(亚洲北缘热带雨林)为研究对象,从植被类型、物种多样性、区系组成、特有种等生物生态过程方面,评估海南潜在世界自然遗产地的全球突出普遍价值。结果表明:(1)海南潜在世界自然遗产地分布有3 653种野生维管植物,资源植物种类丰富。陆栖脊椎动物有540种,各类野生动物占全国的比例高达10%~30%,生物多样性极高。(2)植物区系独特,海南岛的热带雨林植被区划属于印度-马来雨林群系,属马来区的部分呈现出热带性和与中国华南大陆的共源性显示出明显的热带边缘性质,为中国华南植物区系与亚洲热带雨林的过渡类型。(3)植物区系中的植物物种特有性较低,特有属仅有7个,特有种仅约占岛内植物的1/10,较低的特有性表明了其大陆起源特征,是生物多样性不可替代的元素,具有鲜明的环境指示特色。该研究明确了海南潜在世界自然遗产地在全球背景下的突出普遍价值,为海南未来申遗提供科学依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   
佛洞地遗址位于云南省临沧市耿马傣族佤族自治县勐简乡勐简村大军赛村民小组燕子洞,坐落于一处东南开口的二叠纪灰岩穿洞,南临南汀河。2016~2017年,临沧市文物管理所在公路考古调勘期间发现该遗址;为进一步认识滇西地区旧石器时代晚期文化,2017~2018年对该遗址开展考古发掘工作。发掘区域位于洞内第四台面到第五台面间,共发掘20 m2,出土了包括石制品、动植物化石等在内的大量遗物。初步地层年代学分析显示,遗址时代为距今18400~14000年,共包含3期连续文化,文化遗物以石制品为主,总数达到9735件。佛洞地遗址作为一处热带-亚热带生境下的史前遗址,为我们构建旧石器时代晚期滇西地区文化序列、探讨特定自然生态背景下史前人类的文化适应提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
视觉运动信息的感知过程,包括从局域运动检测到对模式整体运动的感知过程.我们以蝇视觉系统的图形-背景相对运动分辨的神经回路网络为基本框架,采用初级运动检测器的六角形阵列作为输入层,构造了一种感知视觉运动信息的简化脑模型,模拟了运动信息应该神经计算模型各个层次上的处理.该模型对差分行为实验结果作出了正确预测.本文并对空间生理整合的神经机制作了讨论.  相似文献   
镇海棘螈(Echinotriton chinhaiensis)为国家一级重点保护野生动物,其种群面临着生境退化及丧失的重要威胁。产卵是决定镇海棘螈种群数量增长的关键环节之一,了解其产卵选择的微生境偏好可以更有针对性地保护该物种。本研究旨在确定影响镇海棘螈产卵场微生境选择的关键环境变量,同时为该物种的产卵生境保护、改造和重建提供科学基础。本文于2021年3-5月(繁殖期)在浙江省宁波市北仑区林场对镇海棘螈产卵位点(n=105)与非产卵位点(n=70)处的18个微生境变量进行调查。采用拟合优度卡方检验判断3种无序分类变量的差异性,并利用生境喜好系数对生境选择性进行分析。采用二元逻辑斯蒂回归模型对15个数值型变量进行分析,确定影响镇海棘螈产卵微生境选择的关键变量。结果显示镇海棘螈繁殖期间对产卵场微生境有明显偏好,通常产卵于朝向水坑、落叶层较厚(5.19±0.18 cm)、坡度较陡(18.64°±1.18°)和土壤含水量较低(33.51%±1.87%)的土壤基质上。此外,在大型遮蔽物中,镇海棘螈偏好选择体积较小的石块和乔木(2,994.63±316.17 cm3)作为遮蔽...  相似文献   
In this, we consider the coordination of plant growth and ion acquisition, reporting the short-term adjustments of growth and K+ and Na+ relations which follow when plants are subject to a sudden deprivation of N and P. The plant used for the experiments, Spergularia marina (L.) Grieseb., is a small coastal halophyte, and the growth medium was 0.2 × modified seawater. By considering nutrients whose availability has not been changed, we report on an aspect of organismal integration which has received little attention either experimentally or in mathematical models. The studies are limited to the first 60 h after N and P deprivation in order to consider changes that, if they are not primary responses, are not temporally remote, passive adjustments. For growth analyses, plants were used approximately 30 days after germination and 16 days after transfer to solution culture. Random harvests were made at hourly invervals, and after 12 h, one-half of the plants were transferred to cultures without N or P. Tissue analyses were used to calculate relative growth rates, relative accumulation rates and net uptake rates. For comparison, isotope uptake studies using 42K+ and 22Na+ were conducted at 12, 36 and 60 h after deprivation. The effects on growth and biomass allocation were very rapid, detectable within 13 h. K+ transport also responded quickly, and from the beginning of the study, there was essentially no net translocation of K+ to the shoot. Isotope studies confirmed the responsiveness, with translocation reduced 33 and 90% after 12 and 36 h, respectively. Though Na+ adjustments were slower, they were coordinated with growth such that tissue concentrations in the N and P-deprived plants were comparable to those in the controls. We conclude that N and C are insufficient elements on which to build mathematical models useful to environmental physiologists. At a minimum, the incorporation of K+ relations in growth models would both allow the development of the osmotic potential needed to drive cell expansion, and provide a means to probe –experimentally as well as mathematically – the coordinating mechanisms of plant growth and resource management.  相似文献   
The physiological organisation of plants is considered in relation to the carbon economy of plant parts. Although assimilate is partitioned according to the relative strength of sinks, in many species there is also a very close relationship between partitioning and shoot phyllotaxy, giving rise to sectorial patterns of allocation whereby only certain sinks are supported by any source leaf. Essentially these sinks are in the same orthostichy as the source leaf. This constraint of the vascular architecture on assimilate distribution to developing sinks such as leaves, flowers and fruits is not always absolute, as following the loss of their principal source leaves these sinks can in many cases be supplied with assimilate by other leaves via new inter-orthostichy pathways. The supply of assimilate to major sinks such as developing fruits becomes more and more localised with time so that a fruit in an axillary position becomes largely supported by its subtending leaf; the reproductive node—a metamer-can thus be regarded as a relatively autonomous unit of the plant (an IPU). Similary, once established after a developmental phase of assimilate import, tiller ramets and branches in unitary plants tend to become physiologically autonomous modules. However, the functional autonomy of tillers is reversed following defoliation or shading as they are then sustained by the import of assimilate, subject to its availability, from unaffected tillers. Consequently the plant becomes physiologically integrated by the flow of assimilate from one part to another. The mainly autonomous ramets of many stoloniferous and rhizomatous species display a similar pattern of physiological integration in response to source manipulation, but in some species the ramets appear to maintain their independent functioning as a normal feature of the carbon allocation within the clone. In other clonal species, as the clone develops and becomes more structurally complex, vascular constraints start to restrict the movement of resources, and the clone becomes composed of a number of semi-autonomous IPUs. In unitary plants branches appear to remain very physiologically isolated in terms of their carbon economy once they become established, irrespective of a range of source-sink manipulations.These different patterns of physiological integration and organisation are discussed in relation to different strategies of assimilate utilisation and conservation.  相似文献   
The passive membrane properties of the tangential cells in the fly lobula plate (CH, HS, and VS cells, Fig. 1) were determined by combining compartmental modeling and current injection experiments. As a prerequisite, we built a digital base of the cells by 3D-reconstructing individual tangential cells from cobalt-stained material including both CH cells (VCH and DCH cells), all three HS cells (HSN, HSE, and HSS cells) and most members of the VS cell family (Figs. 2, 3). In a first series of experiments, hyperpolarizing and depolarizing currents were injected to determine steady-state I-V curves (Fig. 4). At potentials more negative than resting, a linear relationship holds, whereas at potentials more positive than resting, an outward rectification is observed. Therefore, in all subsequent experiments, when a sinusoidal current of variable frequency was injected, a negative DC current was superimposed to keep the neurons in a hyperpolarized state. The resulting amplitude and phase spectra revealed an average steady-state input resistance of 4 to 5 M and a cut-off frequency between 40 and 80 Hz (Fig. 5). To determine the passive membrane parameters R m (specific membrane resistance), R i (specific internal resistivity), and C m (specific membrane capacitance), the experiments were repeated in computer simulations on compartmental models of the cells (Fig. 6). Good fits between experimental and simulation data were obtained for the following values: R m = 2.5 kcm2, R i = 60 cm, and C m = 1.5 F/cm2 for CH cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.9 F/cm2 for HS cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.8 F/cm2 for VS cells. An error analysis of the fitting procedure revealed an area of confidence in the R m -R i plane within which the R m -R i value pairs are still compatible with the experimental data given the statistical fluctuations inherent in the experiments (Figs. 7, 8). We also investigated whether there exist characteristic differences between different members of the same cell class and how much the exact placement of the electrode (within ±100 m along the axon) influences the result of the simulation (Fig. 9). The membrane parameters were further examined by injection of a hyperpolarizing current pulse (Fig. 10). The resulting compartmental models (Fig. 11) based on the passive membrane parameters determined in this way form the basis of forthcoming studies on dendritic integration and signal propagation in the fly tangential cells (Haag et al., 1997; Haag and Borst, 1997).  相似文献   
A unique transgenic mouse line has undergone transgene integration in a very precise fashion. The phenotype displayed by mice of the line followed the predicted inheritance patterns for X-linked transgene insertion which has been confirmed. In order to investigate the mechanism of integration the DNA sequence of the transgene and cellular junctions have been determined. A comparison between wild type and transgenic mutant sequences at the site of insertion revealed that there was no loss or rearrangement of cellular DNA upon integration of the transgene. The cellular sequences at the transgene 5 and 3 joins are contiguous in the wild type. The integrant exists as a head to tail tandem dimer with minimal loss of sequence compared with the injected monomer. Analysis of the site of insertion has revealed a 5 bp homology between the 5 end of the transgene and the cellular sequences. In addition, adjacent to the site of insertion within the cellular sequences, there are several sequence motifs implicated in recombination events including a clustering of strong consensus sites for DNA topoisomerase type I and a region of homology to the human minisatellite consensus core sequence, theEscherichia coli Chi site and the meiotic recombination hotspot within the E gene of the murine major histocompatibility complex. This clustering of features is likely to have been factorial in the integrity of the insertion event. A model depicting the mechanism of this precise integration is proposed.  相似文献   
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