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水文情势与盐分变化对湿地植被的影响研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
章光新 《生态学报》2012,32(13):4254-4260
湿地植被是湿地生态系统的重要组成部分。水文情势与盐分变化直接影响到湿地植被的分布与演替。目前,全球气候变化和人类活动导致的水文情势改变与盐分聚集已造成大面积的湿地退化和盐渍化,已严重威胁全球淡水湿地生态系统的稳定和健康。系统总结了水文情势与盐分变化单一环境变量及其交互作用对湿地植物生理生态、物种多样性、群落结构与演替和植被动态等诸多方面的影响研究进展,并探讨了湿地水文动态-盐分变化-植被响应的综合模型研究现状,认为发展湿地综合模型预测未来水文情势与盐分变化情景下湿地演变,是应对气候变化湿地水盐管理和生态保护的重要工具,最后指出今后亟需加强的研究方向。  相似文献   
北京市域生态敏感性综合评价   总被引:30,自引:6,他引:24  
颜磊  许学工  谢正磊  李海龙 《生态学报》2009,29(6):3117-3125
区域生态敏感性评价对于制定区域环境政策,有效进行环境管理具有重要作用.在综述当前生态敏感性评价研究的基础上,综合考虑自然和人文两大类影响因子,构建了反映对水土流失、河流水量水质、土地沙化、泥石流、采矿、路网、濒危物种不同敏感程度的7个指标,运用地理信息系统和遥感技术,综合分析和评价了北京市域生态敏感性程度及其空间分布状况.结果表明,高生态敏感区主要有两类,分别分布于北京东北-西南走向的山区-平原过渡地带和永定河、潮白河、北运河、大石河河岸带,此外,大兴南部也有集中分布.中敏感区除分布于上述高敏感区外围以外,还集中分布于怀柔中部的红螺山、云蒙山地区和门头沟妙峰山地区.不敏感区则主要集中在怀柔、延庆的北部山区,其余地区为低敏感区.敏感性程度的空间变化基本规律是:在山区,从平原-山区过渡地带沿西北方向朝低山区和中山区衰减,在平原,则沿河道两侧向外围衰减.在评价的基础上,尝试提出了环境保育和生态建设的相关对策.  相似文献   
复合稻田生态系统温室气体交换及其综合增温潜势   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
展茗  曹凑贵  汪金平  蔡明历  袁伟玲 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5461-5468
研究稻田CO2、CH4、N2O等温室气体的综合增温潜势,有助于科学评价复合稻田生态系统在减少温室气体排放和减缓全球变暖方面的作用,为稻鸭、稻鱼复合种养模式的发展提供依据。2006年采用静态箱法研究了养鸭稻田(RD)、养鱼稻田(RF)和常规淹水稻田(CK)的CH4、N2O的排放量。水稻整个生育期间,RD、CK和RF的CH4排放量分别是19.11、26.71g/m^2和25.01g/m^2;N2O排放量分别是0.237、0.229、0.237g/m^2。采用干物质积累法测得,水稻整个生长期内RD处理地上稻株对CO2的净固定量为2766.4g/m2,RF为2759.59g/m^2,CK为2533.9g/m^2。采用土壤有机碳库的变化估算土壤CO2净交换通量,水稻整个生育期间,三类稻田土壤亚系统均表现为对CO2的净固定,相当于固定CO2量分别为RD675.55g/m^2、CK575.43g/m^2、RF562.62g/m^2。三类稻田温室气体的交换均表现为CO2的净吸收、CH4、N2O的净排放,综合增温潜势以RD为最低。稻田养鸭能显著减少甲烷排放,降低增温潜势,其减缓综合温室效应的潜力是常规淹水稻田的1.6倍左右。  相似文献   
陆地生态系统是地球生物圈系统的核心组分,是人类生活、生产及社会经济活动的场所.然而,人类文明发展和科学技术进步在不断地扩大对资源的利用规模和强度,也导致了严重威胁社会可持续发展的全球气候变化、生物多样性丧失、环境污染、资源枯竭、生态系统退化等环境问题.社会公众期望生态学研究能够为区域、大陆及全球尺度的生态系统的利用和保...  相似文献   
亚洲飞蝗在中国新疆维吾尔自治区的发生与防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范福来  王元信 《生态学报》1995,15(2):134-141
从亚洲飞蝗在新疆发生基地的生境特点;形成和消退过程,分析亚洲飞蝗灾害发生消退的原因。自然条件变化和人们经济活动常改变亚洲飞蝗发生基地的生态条件及环境,并诱发或抑制飞蝗灾害的发生。文章指出根治亚洲飞蝗灾害的有效途径是贯彻“改治并举、根除蝗”的方针;加强蝗情监测;适时防治以及通过水利建设和农田开垦,改变飞蝗发生基地和生态条件等。  相似文献   
Western flower thrip, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is among the most economically important agricultural pests globally, attacking a wide range of vegetable and horticultural crops. In addition to causing extensive crop damage, the species is notorious for vectoring destructive plant viruses, mainly belonging to the genera Orthotospovirus, Ilarvirus, Alphacarmovirus and Machlomovirus. Once infected by orthotospoviruses, thrips can remain virulent throughout their lifespan and continue transmitting viruses to host plants when and wherever they feed. These irruptive viral outbreaks in crops will permanently disrupt functional integrated pest management systems, and typically require a remedial treatment involving insecticides, contributing to further development of insecticide resistance. To mitigate against this continuing cycle, the most effective management is early and comprehensive surveillance of the pest species and recognition of plant viruses in the field. This review provides information on the pest status of F. occidentalis, discusses the current global status of the viruses vectored by this thrip species, examines the mechanisms involved in transmitting virus‐induced diseases by thrips, and reviews different management strategies, highlighting the potential management tactics developed for various cropping systems. The early surveillance and the utilization of potential methods for control of both F. occidentalis and viruses are proposed.  相似文献   
The micropore structure is prerequisite for fast and durable endothelialization of artificial small diameter blood vessels (ASDBVs). Although some methods, such as salt leaching, coagulation, and electrospinning, have been developed to construct micropores for ASDBVs, the uncontrollability of the structure and the complicated procedures of the process are still the issues to be concerned about. In this study, a compact device based on the principle of centrifugal force is established and used to prepare polyurethane (PU) ASDBVs with micropore structures by blasting different porogens. It is found that the glass beads could construct micropores with regular round shape, uniform distribution, and controllable size (60–350 µm), which significantly improves the endothelialization of PU‐based ASDBVs, especially when the pore size is about 60 µm. This method is easy‐accessible and wide‐applicable, which provides a new pathway for the research and development of ASDBVs.  相似文献   
Ovarian cancer (OvCa) causes the highest mortality among all gynaecologic cancers. A large number of mRNA‐ or miRNA‐based signatures were identified for OvCa patient prognosis. However, the comprehensive analysis of function‐level prognostic signatures is currently not considered in OvCa. In the present study, we respectively inferred subpathway activities from mRNA and miRNA levels based on high‐throughput expression profiles and reconstructed subpathways. Firstly, the activities of two tumour pathways were calculated and the difference between normal and tumour samples were analysed using multiple tumour types. Then, we calculated subpathway activities for OvCa based on the expression profiles from both mRNA and miRNA levels. Furthermore, based on these subpathway activity matrices, we performed bootstrap analysis to obtain sub‐training sets and utilized univariate method to identify robust OvCa prognostic subpathways. A comprehensive comparison of subpathway results between these two levels was performed. As a result, we observed subpathway mutual exclusion trend between the levels of mRNA and miRNA, which indicated the necessary of combining mRNA‐miRNA levels. Finally, by using ICGC data as testing sets, we utilized two strategies to verify survival predictive power of the mRNA‐miRNA combined subpathway signatures and performed comparisons with results from individual levels. It was confirmed that our framework displayed application to identify robust and efficient prognostic signatures for OvCa, and the combined signatures indeed exhibited advantages over individual ones. In the study, we took a step forward in relevant novel integrated functional signatures for OvCa prognosis.  相似文献   
目的:研究脐血管前置产前超声表现及临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2017年1月至2018年12月期间本院收治的34例脐血管前置孕妇临床资料,均进行产前超声检查,将结果与产后病理结果进行比较,分析超声表现。结果:同产后病理检查结果相比较,34例孕妇的产前超声诊断准确率、误诊率分别为97.06%、2.94%,数据对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),产前超声检查显示的胎盘及脐带入口情况主要为帆状胎盘、脐带胎盘边缘附着、边缘性前置胎盘、低置性前置胎盘、副胎盘等。结论:产前超声检查具有较高的脐血管前置诊断准确率,可为临床分娩结局的改善提供指导,适合推广应用在临床中。  相似文献   

Background: Cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) is associated with future stroke. Although pathological alteration in small vessels of patients with CSVD can be detected by neuroimaging, diagnosis of CSVD is delayed because it is an asymptomatic disease. The stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP) show similar pathological features to human CSVD and develop stroke-related symptoms with advancing age.

Objective: We investigated the time course of haematological parameters in Wistar rats and SHRSP.

Material and Methods: Blood cells were analysed using an automated haematological analyser.

Results: SHRSP develop stroke-related symptoms including onset of neurological symptoms, decreased body weight and blood brain barrier leakage between 12 and 14?weeks of age. Lymphocyte counts were gradually decreased at 3?weeks before development of stoke-related symptoms and then were further decreased after the development of stroke-related symptoms. The both mean platelet volume and large platelet ratio gradually increased at 3?weeks before the development of stoke-related symptoms. However, although SHRSP showed more microcytic red cells than Wistar rats, the trajectories of change in erythrocyte-related parameters were similar between Wistar rats and SHRSP.

Conclusion: Our pilot study suggests that alterations of lymphocyte count and platelet volume predictive indicators for asymptomatic CSVD and symptomatic stroke in SHRSP.  相似文献   
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