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Summary The development and application of in vitro alternatives designed to reduce or replace the use of animals, or to lessen the distress and discomfort of laboratory animals, is a rapidly developing trend in toxicology. However, at present there is no formal administrative process to organize, coordinate, or evaluate validation activities. A framework capable of fostering the validation of new methods is essential for the effective transfer of new technologic developments from the research laboratory into practical use. This committee has identified four essential validation resources: chemical bank(s), cell and tissue banks, a data bank, and reference laboratories. The creation of a Scientific Advisory Board composed of experts in the various aspects and endpoints of toxicity testing, and representing the academic, industrial, and regulatory communities, is recommended. Test validation acceptance is contingent on broad buy-in by disparate groups in the scientific community—academics, industry, and government. This is best achieved by early and frequent communication among parties and agreement on common goals. It is hoped that the creation of a validation infrastructure composed of the elements described in this report will facilitate scientific acceptance and utilization of alternative methodologies and speed implementation of replacement, reduction, and refinement alternatives in toxicity testing.  相似文献   
Eco-evolutionary dynamics, or eco-evolution for short, are often thought to involve rapid demography (ecology) and equally rapid heritable phenotypic changes (evolution) leading to novel, emergent system behaviours. We argue that this focus on contemporary dynamics is too narrow: Eco-evolution should be extended, first, beyond pure demography to include all environmental dimensions and, second, to include slow eco-evolution which unfolds over thousands or millions of years. This extension allows us to conceptualise biological systems as occupying a two-dimensional time space along axes that capture the speed of ecology and evolution. Using Hutchinson's analogy: Time is the ‘theatre’ in which ecology and evolution are two interacting ‘players’. Eco-evolutionary systems are therefore dynamic: We identify modulators of ecological and evolutionary rates, like temperature or sensitivity to mutation, which can change the speed of ecology and evolution, and hence impact eco-evolution. Environmental change may synchronise the speed of ecology and evolution via these rate modulators, increasing the occurrence of eco-evolution and emergent system behaviours. This represents substantial challenges for prediction, especially in the context of global change. Our perspective attempts to integrate ecology and evolution across disciplines, from gene-regulatory networks to geomorphology and across timescales, from today to deep time.  相似文献   
Wildlife trade is a key driver of extinction risk, affecting at least 24% of terrestrial vertebrates. The persistent removal of species can have profound impacts on species extinction risk and selection within populations. We draw together the first review of characteristics known to drive species use – identifying species with larger body sizes, greater abundance, increased rarity or certain morphological traits valued by consumers as being particularly prevalent in trade. We then review the ecological implications of this trade-driven selection, revealing direct effects of trade on natural selection and populations for traded species, which includes selection against desirable traits. Additionally, there exists a positive feedback loop between rarity and trade and depleted populations tend to have easy human access points, which can result in species being harvested to extinction and has the potential to alter source–sink dynamics. Wider cascading ecosystem repercussions from trade-induced declines include altered seed dispersal networks, trophic cascades, long-term compositional changes in plant communities, altered forest carbon stocks, and the introduction of harmful invasive species. Because it occurs across multiple scales with diverse drivers, wildlife trade requires multi-faceted conservation actions to maintain biodiversity and ecological function, including regulatory and enforcement approaches, bottom-up and community-based interventions, captive breeding or wildlife farming, and conservation translocations and trophic rewilding. We highlight three emergent research themes at the intersection of trade and community ecology: (1) functional impacts of trade; (2) altered provisioning of ecosystem services; and (3) prevalence of trade-dispersed diseases. Outside of the primary objective that exploitation is sustainable for traded species, we must urgently incorporate consideration of the broader consequences for other species and ecosystem processes when quantifying sustainability.  相似文献   


Investigating major freshwater fish flows (translocations) between biogeographic regions and their temporal dynamics and also quantifying spatial patterns and temporal changes in the array of introduced species, and the emergence and distance between major donor and recipient regions.



Time Period


Major Taxa Studied

Freshwater fishes.


We analysed a global dataset on freshwater fish introductions (4241 events of 688 species). Freshwater fish flows were investigated with flow diagrams and χ2 tests, while PERMANOVA (permutational multivariate analysis of variance) was used to test the association between species and regions and temporal shifts. Cluster analysis revealed major recipient areas and composition of the introduced species. Finally, changes in distances between donor and recipient sites were tested with PERMANOVA.


The number of introductions between biogeographic regions mirrored the European and North American dominance before World War II (WWII) and the trends in recreational fishing, biocontrol programmes and food production, especially in the Sino-Oriental region, which has a long tradition of aquaculture and fishkeeping. Over the years, the origins and composition of introduced species changed uniquely in each biogeographic region, although the most introduced species are common to every region. Salmonids and other cold-water species were frequently introduced before the 1950s, whereas tropical ornamental and aquaculture species currently prevail. Distances between donor and recipient sites did not vary over the time. After WWII, the Sino-Oriental region consolidated its dominance and the Ethiopian and Neotropical regions emerged as new global donor and recipient regions.

Main Conclusions

Global policy should focus on tropical ornamental and aquaculture species, which could benefit from global warming, especially in the Sino-Oriental region, because it currently dominates freshwater fish species flows, and the Ethiopian and Neotropical regions, because they recently emerged as important global donor and recipient regions of freshwater fish introductions.  相似文献   


It is crucial to monitor how the productivity of grasslands varies with its temporal stability for management of these ecosystems. However, identifying the direction of the productivity–stability relationship remains challenging because ecological stability has multiple components that can display neutral, positive or negative covariations. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the direction of the productivity–stability relationship depends on the biotic interactions and abiotic conditions that underlie ecosystem productivity and stability. We decipher the relationships between grassland productivity and two components of its stability in four habitat types with contrasting environments and flora.



Time period


Major taxa

Grassland plant species.


We used c. 20,000 vegetation plots spread across French permanent grasslands and remotely sensed vegetation indices to quantify grassland productivity and temporal stability. We decomposed stability into constancy (i.e., temporal invariability) and resistance (i.e., maximum deviation from average) and deciphered the direct and indirect effects of abiotic (namely growing season length and nitrogen input) and biotic (namely plant taxonomic diversity, trait diversity and community-weighted mean traits) factors on productivity–stability relationships using structural equation models.


We found a positive relationship between productivity and constancy and a negative relationship between productivity and resistance in all habitats. Abiotic factors had stronger effects on productivity and stability compared with biotic factors. A longer growing season enhanced grassland productivity and constancy. Nitrogen input had positive and negative effects on grassland productivity and resistance, respectively. Trait values affected the constancy and resistance of grassland more than taxonomic and trait diversity, with effects varying from one habitat to another. Productivity was not related to any biotic factor.

Main conclusions

Our findings reveal how vital it is to consider both the multiple components of stability and the interaction between environment and biodiversity to gain an understanding of the relationships between productivity and stability in real-world ecosystems, which is a crucial step for sustainable grassland management.  相似文献   
From aquatic science to ecosystem health: a philosophical perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of an ecosystem (social, economic, environmental) approach to water management is traced from its origins in the Great Lakes of North America. The focus on health and integrity of ecosystems is an outgrowth of the Lamarckian concept of The Biosphere as a global system of matter, life, and mind. The driving forces behind the development of an ecosystem approach have been negative feedback from excessive demotechnic growth and faith that we can maintain a healthy relationship with Mother Earth.  相似文献   
Ecosystem services are the numerous, essential processes that natural ecosystems provide free to human societies. Examples include the maintenance of breathable air; the movement, storage, and purification of water; the breakdown of wastes; and the provision of food, building materials, and medicines. However, the exponential increases in human population and concomitant environmental destruction make it likely that the level of ecosystem services available per capita will decline. There are three possible scenarios. First, if present practices continue, ecosystem services per capita will surely decline. Second, if a no-net-loss policy is implemented for habitats and species, ecosystem services per capita will still decline due to increases in human population, but the declines will be less precipitous. Third, if habitat is restored (including concomitant ecosystem services) at a rate exceeding that of destruction, then, perhaps the current level of ecosystem services per capita can be maintained, or even expanded to provide increased levels of ecosystem services per capita to more of the world's people.  相似文献   
IntroductionSeaweeds are a rich source of elements such as iodine, and are also able to accumulate contaminants such as trace elements.MethodsThe aim of this study was to assess the dietary exposure as well as the risk from iodine and trace elements in edible seaweeds for the French population using current consumption data. The contribution of seaweeds to overall dietary exposure to trace elements and iodine was evaluated, and for those substances with minimal contribution to overall dietary exposure, simulations were performed to propose increased maximal limits in seaweeds.ResultsCadmium, inorganic arsenic and mercury in seaweeds were very low contributors to total dietary exposure to these contaminants (0.7 % 1.1 % and 0.1 % on average, respectively). Dietary exposure to lead via seaweed may contribute up to 3.1 % of total dietary exposure. Dietary consumption of iodine via seaweed may contribute up to 33 % of total exposure to iodine, which makes seaweeds the strongest contributor to iodine in diet.DiscussionNew maximal values in seaweeds are proposed for the very low contributors to total dietary exposure: 1 mg/kg dw for cadmium, 10 mg/kg dw for inorganic arsenic and 0.3 mg/kg dw for mercury.  相似文献   
It is often necessary to estimate the number of wind turbine collision fatalities to assess impacts to birds following construction of wind farms. Detection of bird carcasses at wind turbines in the field is affected by carcass persistence and searcher detection rate. Integrated detection trials, which integrate carcass persistence and searcher detection trials into the periodic fatality search, have been proposed as an effective method for estimating these parameters. The purpose of our study was to test whether and how environmental factors affect integrated detection trial outcomes at multiple wind farms. We conducted this study at 10 wind farms in various environments of Japan. Binary data on trial outcomes in open versus forested areas served as our response variable in a generalized additive mixed model informed by days into trial, carcass body mass, season, whether snow covered the ground, and precipitation. For both ground cover types, days into trial and body mass were included in all the top models, suggesting that these factors most influenced bird carcass detection probability in integrated trials. The best model in open areas included days into trial, body mass, snow, and precipitation, and the best model in forested areas included days into trial, body mass, snow, precipitation, and season. Values of area under the curve indicated high accuracy of the best model for both ground cover types. The survey design needs to be appropriate to the size of the target species and to the environment in which the impacts will occur, such as the site's seasonality, its ground cover, and whether snow will cover the ground. Frequency of post-construction fatality monitoring should also be set cautiously, especially at wind farms located on small-bird migration routes, at wind farms in open areas, in areas with snow-covered ground in winter, or in forested areas during spring and summer because detection probabilities decline fastest under such conditions.  相似文献   
Last decade, the Government of Catalonia have urged an integrated care strategy for planning the care model to older populations living with frailty, multimorbidity and advanced illnesses. Based on international evidence that was reviewed by a group of experts from the Catalan Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics, we summarised some recommendation to adapt hospital-at-home care to older populations in our system. We defined Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) hospital-at-home (HaH) as a specialised home hospitalisation service formed by interdisciplinary teams, characterised by using the clinical methodology of CGA, and by adapting geriatric units’ protocols for the provision of person-centred care at home. Main benefits of CGA-HaH in these populations are: response to heath crises according to individualised care plans based on the situational diagnosis carried out by Primary Care teams; provision of a comprehensive health and social approach tailored to the complexity of cases and situations; and adaptation of multipurpose hospitalisation, by working on different person-centred care, aspects, such as caregivers support on care provision, focusing on function or home adaptation.  相似文献   
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