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Allozyme diversity was examined in 30 populations of the maritime perennial plant Hedyotis strigulosa var. parviflora , which is distributed from subtropical islands to the central mainland of Japan. Genetic diversity within populations tended to be larger in southern island populations than in northern mainland populations. In the southern part of the distribution, the population size is generally large and populations are distributed more continuously than in the northern area, resulting in the larger effective size of southern populations as a whole. These factors play a major role in maintaining greater genetic diversity in the southern populations. By contrast, genetic diversity in the northern populations is very low, probably resulting from bottlenecks of population establishments during recolonization from refugial area to the northern areas. Geographically close populations were located near each other in the multidimensional scaling and the phenogram based on genetic distances, suggesting that gene flow among remote populations is rather limited. The pattern of genetic diversity in H. strigulosa var. parviflora is likely caused by the distribution expansion of the species; in the last glacier era, the species was restricted to the southern area; its advance to the northern area is relatively recent. Another variety endemic only to the Daito Islands, H. strigulos a var. luxurians , has lower genetic diversity than H. strigulosa var. parviflora and has genetically diverged from H. strigulosa var. parviflor a.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 679–688.  相似文献   
Polyploidy and hybridization often provide genetic and phenotypic variability upon which evolutionary forces can act and are therefore considered as fundamental evolutionary processes for diversification in vascular plants, resulting in plant adaptation to changing environmental conditions. However, polyploid speciation is a complex process, potentially involving ecological divergence between lineages of different ploidies and/or genetic mixing with parental species. In the present study, we investigated the origins and dynamics of the Sicilian endemic orchid Neotinea commutata and its relationships with putative parental species. Molecular, cytogenetic and morphometric analyses revealed that N. commutata is a tetraploid derived from hybridization between N. tridentata and N. lactea. However, we also found variation in chromosome number and genome content within N. commutata, indicating that other events, including the possible replacement of the diploid progenitor N. tridentata by N. commutata, may have contributed, or still be contributing, to the evolutionary dynamics of this neoendemic taxon, which appears to be partially reproductively isolated from its progenitors. Distributional data indicate that the allopolyploid N. commutata has been able to establish and spread on the island when compared with its putative parents. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 173 , 707–720.  相似文献   
Taste sensation is the process of converting chemical identities in food into a neural code of the brain. Taste information is initially formed in the taste buds on the tongue, travels through the afferent gustatory nerves to the sensory ganglion neurons, and finally reaches the multiple taste centers of the brain. In the taste field, optical tools to observe cellular-level functions play a pivotal role in understanding how taste information is processed along a pathway. In this review, we introduce recent advances in the optical tools used to study the taste transduction pathways.  相似文献   
The aim of this work is to develop and analyse a mathematical model for a predator-2 preys system arising in insular environments. We are interested in the evolution of a native prey population without behavioural traits to cope with predation or competition, after the introduction of alien species. Here, we consider a long living bird population with low fertility rate. We point out the effects of the preference of the predator for either juvenile or adult stages. In addition, we study the impact of alien prey introduction in such a model. We use a reaction-diffusion system with a singular logistic right hand side. The aim of this work is to bring interesting dynamics to the fore. As a first example, oscillatory behaviour takes place in the model without alien preys and when predators have an average preference coefficient. Introduction of alien preys can lead to species extinction.  相似文献   
Biogeographers working under different approaches have proposed several terms to refer to biotas, e.g. the flora and fauna of a region, and to name subsets of taxa within such biotas. It is not clear whether they refer exactly to the same entities and which is the most adequate term to refer to them. Ten concepts refer to the set of taxa that inhabit an area at a single temporal plane (concrete biota, chronofauna, area of endemism, nuclear area, phytocorion, centre of endemism, generalized track, biogeographical assemblage, taxonomic assemblage, and species assemblage), whereas another nine concepts refer to subsets of taxa within a biota (biotic element, historical source, historical component, faunal element, cenocron, dispersal pattern, distributional pattern, lineage, and historical biota). Three concepts can be ascribed to both groups, depending on the author considered (horofauna, chorotype and biotic component). I propose to use the terms ‘biota’ and ‘cenocron’ as general terms, within a framework of integrative pluralism. Biotas can be considered individuals, for which the terms area of endemism, generalized track or chorotype can be preferred for specific analyses. Cenocrons incorporate a temporal dimension when implying explicitly or implicitly a different time of their incorporation to the biota.  相似文献   
We expand a framework for estimating minimum area thresholds to elaborate biogeographic patterns between two groups of snakes (rattlesnakes and colubrid snakes) on islands in the western Gulf of California, Mexico. The minimum area thresholds for supporting single species versus coexistence of two or more species relate to hypotheses of the relative importance of energetic efficiency and competitive interactions within groups, respectively. We used ordinal logistic regression probability functions to estimate minimum area thresholds after evaluating the influence of island area, isolation, and age on rattlesnake and colubrid occupancy patterns across 83 islands. Minimum area thresholds for islands supporting one species were nearly identical for rattlesnakes and colubrids (~1.7 km2), suggesting that selective tradeoffs for distinctive life history traits between rattlesnakes and colubrids did not result in any clear advantage of one life history strategy over the other on islands. However, the minimum area threshold for supporting two or more species of rattlesnakes (37.1 km2) was over five times greater than it was for supporting two or more species of colubrids (6.7 km2). The great differences between rattlesnakes and colubrids in minimum area required to support more than one species imply that for islands in the Gulf of California relative extinction risks are higher for coexistence of multiple species of rattlesnakes and that competition within and between species of rattlesnakes is likely much more intense than it is within and between species of colubrids.  相似文献   
Dry eye disease (DED) affects nearly 55% of people worldwide; several studies have proposed that central sensitization and neuroinflammation may contribute to the developing corneal neuropathic pain of DED, while the underlying mechanisms of this contribution remain to be investigated. Excision of extra orbital lacrimal glands established the dry eye model. Corneal hypersensitivity was examined through chemical and mechanical stimulation, and open field test measured the anxiety levels. Restingstate fMRI is a method of functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) was performed for anatomical involvement of the brain regions. The amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) determined brain activity. Immunofluorescence testing and Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction were also performed to further validate the findings. Compared with the Sham group, ALFF signals in the supplemental somatosensory area, secondary auditory cortex, agranular insular cortex, temporal association areas, and ectorhinal cortex brain areas were increased in the dry eye group. This change of ALFF in the insular cortex was linked with the increment in corneal hypersensitivity (p < 0.01), c-Fos (p < 0.001), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (p < 0.01), TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β (p < 0.05). In contrast, IL-10 levels (p < 0.05) decreased in the dry eye group. DED-induced corneal hypersensitivity and upregulation of inflammatory cytokines could be blocked by insular cortex injection of Tyrosine Kinase receptor B agonist cyclotraxin-B (p < 0.01) without affecting anxiety levels. Our study reveals that the functional activity of the brain associated with corneal neuropathic pain and neuroinflammation in the insular cortex might contribute to dry eye-related corneal neuropathic pain.  相似文献   
Island species and their ecosystems play an important role in global biodiversity preservation, and many vulnerable island species are conservation priorities. Although insular habitat likely facilitates the species diversification process, it may also aggravate the fragility of these species with high risk of inbreeding. The Shedao pit-viper Gloydius shedaoensis is an island endemic species with an extremely high population density, which has been categorized as vulnerable in the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) Red List. We collected 13,148 SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) from across its genome and examined its genetic diversity and demographic history. The Shedao pit-viper has a low genetic diversity but shows no sign of inbreeding. Furthermore, population genetic structure analysis, including the neighbor-joining tree, principal coordinate analysis, clustering, and spatial autocorrelation, revealed a general lack of spatial structure. Only the isolation by distance residues suggested a weak patchiness. Overall, the population is nearly panmictic and gene flow is evenly distributed across the island. A large number of individuals, small size of the island, and the lack of population structure likely all contribute to the lack of inbreeding in this species. We also detected signs of male-biased dispersal, which likely is another inbreeding avoidance strategy. Historical demographic analysis suggested that the historical population size and distribution of the species are much larger than their current ones. The multiple transgressive–regressive events since the Late Pleistocene are likely the main cause of the population size changes. Taken together, our results provide a basic scientific foundation for the conservation of this interesting and important species.  相似文献   
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