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Abstract: In this study we have examined (1) the integrated function of the mitochondrial respiratory chain by polarographic measurements and (2) the activities of the respiratory chain complexes I, II–III, and IV as well as the ATP synthase (complex V) in free mitochondria and synaptosomes isolated from gerbil brain, after a 30-min period of graded cerebral ischaemia. These data have been correlated with cerebral blood flow (CBF) values as measured by the hydrogen clearance technique. Integrated functioning of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, using both NAD-linked and FAD-linked substrates, was initially affected at CBF values of ∼35 ml 100 g−1 min−1, and declined further as the CBF was reduced. The individual mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes, however, showed differences in sensitivity to graded cerebral ischaemia. Complex I activities decreased sharply at blood flows below ∼30 ml 100 g−1 min−1 (mitochondria and synaptosomes) and complex II–III activities decreased at blood flows below 20 ml 100 g−1 min−1 (mitochondria) and 35–30 ml 100 g−1 min−1 (synaptosomes). Activities declined further as CBF was reduced below these levels. Complex V activity was significantly affected only when the blood flow was reduced below 15–10 ml 100 g−1 min−1 (mitochondria and synaptosomes). In contrast, complex IV activity was unaffected by graded cerebral ischaemia, even at very low CBF levels.  相似文献   
The mosquito Culex pipiens is subjected to organophosphate treatments in both Corsica and southern Sardinia, but the resistance gene A2-B2, which is currently in a worldwide expansion, has only reached Sardinia. In order to understand this situation, the genetic structure of populations sampled in Sardinia and Corsica was assessed using 15 isozymes. Two loci (HK1 and HK2) were not taken into account because of the possibility of selection. For trie other loci, statistical independence was not rejected for all possible pairs, and no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations was apparent. Low but significant genie differentiation was present between Corsica and Sardinia, as well as between northern and southern Sardinia, despite a large number of effective migrants per generation. These results are discussed in the context of the high probability of extinction/recolonization of breeding sites, the flight migration ability of this mosquito, and the pleiotropic cost of insecticide resistances genes. It is concluded that A2-B2 resistance is unlikely to reach Corsica from southern Sardinia, unless accidental human transportation occurs.  相似文献   
Lumen to bath J 12/C 1 and bath to lumen J 21/ C 2 fluxes per unit concentration of 19 probes with diameters (d m) ranging from 3.0–30.0 Å (water, urea, erythritol, mannitol, sucrose, raffinose and 13 dextrans with d m 9.1–30.0 Å) were measured during volume secretion (J v ) in the upper segment of the Malpighian Tubule of Rhodnius by perfusing lumen and bath with 14C or 3H-labeled probes. J net=(J 12/C 1J 21/C 2) was studied as a function of J v · J v was varied by using different concentrations of 5-hydroxy tryptamine. J net for 3H-water was not different from J v We found: (i) A strong correlation between J net and J v for 8 probes d m =3.0–11.8 Å (group a probes), indicating that the convective component of J net is more important than its diffusive component and than unstirred layers effects which are negligible. Therefore group a probes are solvent dragged as they cross the epithelium, (ii) There is no correlation between J net and J v for 11 probes with d m=11.8–30 Å (group b). Therefore these probes must cross the epithelium by diffusion and not by solvent drag, (iii) In a plot of J net/J v vs. d m group a probes show a steep linear relation with a slope = –0.111, while for group b probes the slope is –0.002. Thus there is a break between groups a and b in this plot. We tried to fit the data with models for restricted diffusion and convention through cylindrical or parallel slit pathways. We conclude that (i) group a probes are dragged by water through an 11.0 Å-wide slit, (ii) Most of J v must follow an extracellular noncytosolic pathway, (iii) Group b probes must diffuse through a 42 Å-wide slit, (iv) A cylindrical pathway does not fit the data.E.G. is a Visiting Scientist at IVIC. It is a pleasure to thank Drs. A.E. Hill and Bruria Shachar-Hill for their suggestion of the use of dextrans, their instruction and help with the dextran separation technique, and their extensive discussions. Dr. R. Apitz, Mr H. Rojas and Mrs. Fulvia Bartoli were most helpful with suggestions during the course of the experimental work. Mr. Jose Mora was fundamental help with the equipment. Mrs. Lelis Ochoa and Mr. Luis F. Alvarez helped with some of the drawings. This work was partially supported by CONICIT, Fundación Polar and CDCH of UCV. It is a pleasure to thank Dr. H. Passow and Dr. K.J. Ullrich at the Max Planck Institut für Biophysik (Frankfurt/Main) where this work was initiated.  相似文献   
The behaviour ofSitobion avenae (F.), was compared on resistant wheat lines ofTriticum monococcum (L.) and a susceptible variety ofTriticum aestivum (L.). Firstly, stylet penetration activities were monitored with the Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) technique and subsequently analysed using flow charts combined with correspondence analysis. Plant resistance was shown to be associated with repeated penetrations without access to either the xylem or the phloem, and with numerous failures in starting a sustained sap ingestion (as represented by pattern E2). Access to sieve elements of the phloem did not seem to be much affected on resistant plants but it took the aphid three times as long to produce a sap ingestion pattern when maintained on the resistant lineT. monococcum no 44 (Tm44) as compared with aphids maintained on susceptible plants. As a result the total time spent in ingesting from sieve elements was reduced by 72% on Tm44. Secondly, direct observations of freely-moving apterous adults were performed. Aphids did not discriminate between resistant and susceptible wheat during the first 30 min of access to test leaves, but only 4 out of 25 aphids were still probing after eight hours on resistant Tm44. The relevance of these results to possible location of the resistance factor(s) are discussed. Although detection of plant resistance before sieve elements are reached can not be rigorously excluded, the factors involved inT. monococcum resistance toS. avenae undoubtedly occur within the phloem vessels.  相似文献   
Zooplankton with calcareous skeletons are birefringent under cross-polarized light, and thus this technique can be quite useful, indeed sometimes almost essential, for the detection and enumemeration of these types of organisms in plankton samples. A simple and inexpensive application of this technique is described and illustrated with quantitative examples from research on the veligers of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas). The time required to detect veligers in plankton samples was decreased by an order of magnitude; the accuracy of counts was substantially improved (15% more than controls), and the time required for counts was greatly reduced (41% of control times). This technique is especially useful in situations in which veligers are difficult to find or see (e.g., at low densities, in samples cluttered with extraneous organisms or material) or when the investigator is inexperienced with plankton sampling and planktonic organisms. The major limitations are its inability to discriminate among various bivalve species that have planktonic larvae and the similar appearance of ostracods which also have calcareous shells. Expanded use of this technique should (1) increase our ability to use plankton sampling for the early detection of veligers during range expansion and reproductive cycles and (2) permit more accurate estimates of veliger abundance.  相似文献   
Investigations of fifteen sections of seven Austrian epipotamal (barbel region) streams between 1981 and 1984 demonstrate the impact of instream river bed structures on fish communities. Reduced spatial heterogeneity due to river straightening resulted in decreasing species number, diversity, stock density and biomass. Reincreased variability of the river bed in the frame of a subsequent restructuring project improved all community-specific values significantly within a 3-year investigation period (1988–1990). Besides the regained habitat variability in form of riffle pool sequences and other instream structures, the newly created riparian zones obviously provided important niches, e.g. as refuge areas during flooding and as nursery grounds for fish fry. The positive effects of the recreated land/water ecotone are discussed with respect to river restoration projects.  相似文献   
Four tributaries of Lake St-Jean (Québec, Canada) are used for spawning and juvenile habitat by land-locked Atlantic salmon. Spawning runs have drastically declined since the mid-1980s, and consequently, a supportive-breeding programme was undertaken in 1990. In this study, we analysed seven microsatellite loci and mtDNA, and empirically estimated effective population sizes to test the hypotheses that (i) fish spawning in different tributaries form genetically distinct populations and (ii) the supportive breeding programme causes genetic perturbations on wild populations. Allele frequency distribution, molecular variance and genetic distance estimates all supported the hypothesis of genetic differentiation among salmon from different tributaries. Gene flow among some populations was much more restricted than previously reported for anadromous populations despite the small geographical scale (40 km) involved. Both mtDNA and microsatellites revealed a more pronounced differentiation between populations from two tributaries of a single river compared with their differentiation with a population from a neighbouring river. The comparison of wild and F1-hatchery fish (produced from breeders originating from the same river) indicated significant changes in allele frequencies and losses of low-frequency alleles but no reduction in heterozygosity. Estimates of variance and inbreeding population size indicated that susceptibility to genetic drift and inbreeding in one population increased by twofold after only one generation of supplementation.  相似文献   
The habitat occupied by a subpopulation and withinwhich there is random mating is known as itsneighborhood area. Neighborhood area is dependenton dispersal rates and organisms with low rates ofdispersal are expected to have small neighborhoodareas. In the absence of evolutionary forces,neighborhood areas under sexual reproduction will beconstant in size as long as dispersal patterns do notchange. This scenario differs when reproduction is bycyclical parthenogenesis since recombination anddispersal may occur in different generations. Ingeneral, dispersal distances increase with the numberof parthenogenetic generations. We show that cyclicalparthenogenesis increases neighborhood area which,concomitantly, decreases the potential for geneticsubdivision. It is noteworthy, however, that theincrease in neighborhood area is a decreasing functionof the number of parthenogenetic generations.This mechanism may have important implications for thepopulation structure of planktonic rotifers living ina horizontally undifferentiated habitat. In suchhabitats organisms are effectively unrestricted intheir lateral movements. Because rotifers typicallyhave low dispersal rates spatial geneticdiscontinuities may develop that divide the populationinto genetically distinct subpopulations. Counteringthis tendency is the increased neighborhood areaproduced by dispersal during the parthenogeneticphase. Thus cyclical parthenogenesis in organismslike rotifers may have important and previouslyunreported effects on the population's geneticstructure.  相似文献   
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