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This study examines the optimal seasonal timing of the life cycle for univoltine and bivoltine insects, assuming that resource availability has a peak in the middle of a year and is symmetric around it. Results show that if the growth rate increases in proporrion to the bodyweight, bivoltine life cannot be optimal. If the growth rate is a power function of the bodyweight with a power smaller than unity, a symmetric bivoltine solution can be the optimal provided that the resource availability has a plateau in the middle of the season. If the resource availability has a sharp peak, the optimal pattern is an asymmetric bivoltine solution in which the larval periods of two generations differ in length. The bivoltine life cycle is more likely to be superior to the univoltine one if: growth is fast, suitable growing season is long, biomass loss during nonlarval stages is small, and egg size is small.  相似文献   
青甘边区黑河流域森林植被带及其昆虫区系的组成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑河发源于青海、甘肃交界的祁连山区,是甘肃河西走廊最大的内陆河水系之一,水源丰富,流量稳定,这不仅取决于祁连山区大气降水和冰川融水,更重要的是与上游森林植被密不可分。但是,由于森林害虫猖獗成灾,严重威胁着这一地域森林的生存。近几年我们在森林昆虫普查的基础上,对黑河流域森林昆虫  相似文献   
A GABA-operated Cl channel that is bicuculline-insensitive is abundant in the nervous tissue of cockroach, in housefly head preparations and thorax/abdomen preparations, and in similar preparations from several insect species. Bicuculline-insensitive GABA-operated Cl channels, which are rare in vertebrates, possess sites of action of benzodiazepines, steroids and insecticides that are pharmacologically-distinct from corresponding sites on vertebrate GABAA receptors. The pharmacological profile of the benzodiazepine-binding site linked to an insect CNS GABA-operated Cl channel resembles more closely that of vertebrate peripheral benzodiazepine-binding sites. Six pregnane steroids and certain polychlorocycloalkane insecticides, which are active att-butylbicy-clophosphorothionate (TBPS)-binding sites, also differ in their effectiveness on vertebrate and insect GABA receptors. Radioligand binding and physiological studies indicate that in insects there may be subtypes of the GABA receptor. Molecular biology offers experimental approaches to understanding the basis of this diversity.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Eugene Roberts  相似文献   
Larvae from two populations of Euphydryas chalcedona Doubleday & Hewitson (Nymphalidae) were reared on their own hostplant and that of the other population, in both pre-diapause and post-diapause instars. One population, Chico, uses Penstemon breviflorus Lindl. (Scrophulariaceae), and the other, Echo Lake, uses P. newberryi Gray. Growth rate and survival were determined for pre-diapause and post-diapause larvae from both populations on both plant species; and digestive efficiencies were calculated during the prediapause instars. The results showed that larvae from the two populations differed in their responses to the two plant species. Pre-diapause larvae from Chico performed equally well on both plant species—survival and digestive indices were not significantly different for two Penstemon species. In contrast, pre-diapause larvae from Echo Lake performed significantly worse on the non-hostplant—growth and survival were significantly lower on the non-host, P. breviflorus. In addition, comparison of digestive efficiencies for the two plants showed that larvae from Echo Lake digested P. breviflorus better than P. newberryi, but were significantly less able to convert P. breviflorus to body mass. In the post-diapause instars, larvae from Chico grew faster on the host than on the non-host. Larvae from Echo Lake grew quite slowly on both plant species and significantly more of the Echo Lake larvae returned to diapause instead of completing development.
Résumé Des chenilles de deux populations d'E. chalcedona ont été élevées sur leur propre plante-hôte et sur celle de l'autre population, aux stades avant et après diapause. Les deux populations s'alimentent sur différentes espèces de Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae), et une population—Echo Lake—est monophage sur P. newberry, tandis que l'autre—Chico—utilise d'abord P. breviflorus, mais les chenilles après diapause sont trouvées sur au moins deux autres espèces de plantes. Les taux de croissance et de survie ont été déterminés pour des chenilles avant et après diapause pour les deux populations sur les deux plantes; les efficacités digestives ont été calculées sur les chenilles avant diapause.Les résultats ont montré que les chenilles des deux populations différaient par leur degré de spécialisation digestive sur leur plante hôte normale: les chenilles de Chico ont utilisé aussi bien les deux plantes, tandis que celles d'Echo Lake le faisaient significativement moins bien sur la plante non-hôte, par suite de l'inaptitude à la digérer. Ainsi la population oligophage est alimentairement moins spécialisée et plus capable de se débrouiller avec une plante non-hôte. Après diapause, les chenilles de Chico s'alimentaient significativement mieux sur plante hôte que non-hôte, ce qui était le cas aussi pour la population monophage. Dans l'ensemble, les chenilles de la population monophage semblaient moins capables de se débrouiller dans des conditions défavorables ou moins avantageuses.
Behaviour of drifting insect larvae   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The larval drift behaviour of 23 species representing Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera was investigated in the laboratory using different current regimes. Mayfly nymphs often performed swimming, while caddis larvae were reluctant to do so. Stonefly nymphs were intermediate. In mayflies swimming seemed to be used to reach the substrate as soon as possible. In contrast most stonefly nymphs by swimming prolonged the time spent in the water column. Modes of swimming and sinking posture differed markedly between the orders. Living passively sinking animals often reached bottom faster than dead control specimens, so consequently behaviour did not always express itself in activity. Some caddis larvae spun adherent anchor lines. Differences among taxa seemed more important in explaining swimming activity compared to preferred habitats (as stream, river and lake) in each species. However, observed differences among closely related species indicated subtle differences related to microhabitat to be of profound importance in explaining the alternative behavioural strategies used.  相似文献   
Summary Active HCO 3 t- secretion in the anterior rectal salt gland of the mosquito larva,Aedes dorsalis, is mediated by a 11 Cl/HCO 3 exchanger. The cellular mechanisms of HCO 3 and Cl transport are examined using ion- and voltage-sensitive microelectrodes in conjunction with a microperfused preparation which allowed rapid saline changes. Addition of DIDS or acetazolamide to, or removal of CO2 and HCO 3 from, the serosal bath caused large (20 to 50 mV) hyperpolarizations of apical membrane potential (V a) and had little effect on basolateral potential (V bl). Changes in luminal Cl concentration alteredV a in a repid, linear manner with a slope of 42.2 mV/decaloga Cl l –. Intracellular Cl activity was 23.5mm and was approximately 10mm lower than that predicted for a passive distribution across the apical membrane. Changes in serosal Cl concentration had no effect onV bl, indicating an electrically silent basolateral Cl exit step. Intracellular pH in anterior rectal cells was 7.67 and the calculated was 14.4mm. These results show that under control conditions HCO3 enters the anterior rectal cell by an active mechanism against an electrochemical gradient of 77.1 mV and exits the cell at the apical membrane down a favorable electrochemical gradient of 27.6 mV. A tentative cellular model is proposed in which Cl enters the apical membrane of the anterior rectal cells by passive, electrodiffusive movement through a Cl-selective channel, and HCO 3 exits the cell by an active or passive electrogenic transport mechanism. The electrically silent nature of basolateral Cl exit and HCO3 entry, and the effects of serosal addition of the Cl/HCO3 exchange inhibitor, DIDS, on and transepithelial potential (V ic) suggest strongly that the basolateral membrane is the site of a direct coupling between Cl and HCO 3 movements.  相似文献   
Bayberry whitefly (Parabemisia myricae [Kuwana]) crawlers were placed on young and mature lemon leaves and were allowed 7–9 days to settle. Afterwards, the nymphs were fixed and sectioned in situ on the leaves and the area of leaf under each whitefly was examined at 1 000 x for stylet penetration. Both stylets and stylet tracks were readily visible in the sections. The path of penetration was mostly intercellular and the objective appeared to be the phloem. Passage of the stylets through the plant tissue did not cause detectable damage to most cells; however, damaged plant cells occasionally were noticed. Nymphs that had moulted during the 7–9 day settling period reached the phloem significantly more often than those that were still in their first instar. In each of the three replicates, penetration in the mature leaf occurred significantly less often than penetration in the young leaf (4% vs. 72%, p<0.01, 2). Penetration appears to be inhibited in the mature leaf either by the leaf cuticle or by factors detected by the nymphs after very shallow penetration into the leaf. The cuticle of mature leaves was much thicker than the cuticle of young leaves and may have been a barrier to stylet penetration.
Résumé Des larves de premier stade (avant la fixation) de l'aleurode, Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana), ont été placées, pour qu'elles se fixent, pendánt 2 à 9 jours, sur des feuilles jeunes ou mûres de citronnier. Des morceaux de feuilles avec des larves fixées ont été trempés dans 2% d'agar; ce procédé a permis de maintenir les larves à leurs sites de fixation finale. Des pièces d'agar contenant les morceaux de feuilles avec les larves ont ensuite été trempées dans de la paraffine, et sectionnées en séries de 10 . Il était nécessaire de maintenir une basse température pendant l'opération afin d'obtenir de bonnes sections des feuilles mûres durcies. Les stylets et leurs traces étaient faciles à voir dans les sections teintées aux safranins, et fast green. Presque toutes les traces des stylets étaient intercellulaires et leur destination semblaient être de phloème. En général, la plupart des cellules ne semblaient pas endommagées, les larves qui avaient mué pendant la période de 7 à 9 jours de fixation avaient atteint significantivement plus le phloeme que les larves du premier stade. Dans trois essais, la pénétration des feuilles mûres était significativement moins fréquente que celle des feuilles jeunes (p<0.01, 2).La pénétration dans des feuilles mûres semble être empêchée par la cuticule ou par des facteurs perçus par les nymphes après une pénétration superficielle. La cuticule des feuilles mûres était beaucoup plus épaisse que la cuticule des jeunes feuilles et pourrait donc représenter une barrière à la pénétration des stylets.
J Francois 《Biochimie》1985,67(9):1035-1042
The collagen from the mesenteric sheath of the tenebrionid insect Tenebrio molitor was extracted by limited pepsin digestion and purified. This collagen was characterized using CM-cellulose chromatography, sodium-dodecylsulfate disc-gel electrophoresis and aminoacid analysis. This molecule was found to be assembled from three identical alpha chains and could be represented by the formula (alpha) 3. The amino acid composition is characteristic of collagen (one-third glycine, high iminoacid content), with high content of hydroxylysine and low content of alanine. Cyanogen bromide digests of these chains indicated that they are not related to any of the known invertebrate or vertebrate chains of interstitial collagens. The molecular weight (M = 280000D) and length (290 nm) were typical, and the banding patterns of the segment-long-spacing crystallites (SLS) and of the reconstitued fibrils were very similar to type I collagen. The denaturation temperature (Td) was 30.7 degrees C and correlated with the total pyrrolidine content as observed in other collagens (von Hippel & Wong's relation). It was concluded that the collagen from this insect showed the classical biochemical and biophysical features of other invertebrate interstitial "primitive" collagens.  相似文献   
The life stages ofEntomophaga grylli (Fresenius) Batko Pathotype 2 were purified and separated by centrifugation in PercollR density-gradient medium. The ranges of buoyant densities for germinated resting spores, germ conidia, and resting spores respectively were: 1.040–1.050, 1.055–1.085, and 1.080–1.120 g/ml. Cuticular invasion by germinated germ conidia was the means by whichMelanoplus grasshoppers became infected. Scanning electron micrographs revealed germination of germ conidia on the visible host integument at 100% RH, but not at 90% RH. Significantly higher mortality (P<0.05) was obtained after 3 weeks with grasshoppers incubated in constant light than in constant dark for 24 h following treatment. The disease was not transmitted by ingestion of any life stage. Contribution No 85-153-J, Department of Entomology. Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506.  相似文献   
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