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ABSTRACT. Spores of Nosema bombycis Y9101, isolated from the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua , were primed with an alkaline solution and inoculated into Antheraea eucalypti cell cultures. Infected cells were subcultured every five days at three cell densities (2.5 × 103, 5.0 × 103, and 1.0 × 104 cells/cm2). A difference was observed in the spread of N. bombycis Y9101 infection between low-density and higher-density cultures of host cells. The host cell density did not affect the productivity of secondary infective forms of the parasite. The principal factor determining the rate of microsporidian infection in vitro was the number of host cells existing within the reach of extruded short-coiled polar tubes from spores germinated intracellularly.  相似文献   
Summary Lepidopteran insects are major defoliating pests of soybean in the southeastern United States. Soybean plants transgenic for a nativecryIA(b) gene fromBacillus thuringiensis var.kurstaki HD-1 were obtained. Embryogenic cultures were induced by plating cotyledons on a Murashige and Skoog-based medium supplemented with 40 mg/liter of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The embryogenic cultures were maintained in liquid medium containing 5 mg/liter 2,4-D. These cultures were subjected to microprojectile bombardment, followed by selection on 50 mg/liter hygromycin. Resistant embryogenic cell lines were transferred to growth regulator-free medium to permit recovery of mature somatic embryos. After a desiccation period, the somatic embryos were returned to growth regulator-free medium for conversion into plants. Southern hybridization analysis verified transformation. Feeding assays of T1 plants from one cell line deterred feeding, development, and survival of velvetbean caterpillar at a level comparable to that of GatIR81-296, a soybean breeding line with a high level of insect resistance. Reduced feeding on T1 plants correlated with the presence of the transgene.  相似文献   
Summary During postembryonic development of insects, molting cycles affect epidermal cells with alternate periods of proliferation and differentiation. Cells of the cell line established from imaginal discs of the Indian meal moth (IAL-PID2) differentiate under the action of the molting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone, in a manner that is meaningful in terms of the development of the tissue from which they were derived. In particular, the hormone caused an accumulation of the cells in the G2 phase of their cycle and induced the formation of epithelial-like aggregates and the synthesis of specific proteoglycans. Recent discovery of members of the insulin superfamily in insects and the role of growth factors played by this family of molecules in vertebrates led us to check for their potential effects on IAL-PID2 cell cycle regulation. On the one hand, our results showed that insulin was involved in partial resumption of the cell cycle after an arrest caused by serum deprivation, but that other growth factors present in fetal calf serum were needed for full completion of mitosis. On the other hand, the cytostatic effect of 20-hydroxyecdysone was reversible, and, prior exposure of the cells to the hormone allowed the cells to complete one cell cycle in serum-free medium. These results suggest that the production of autocrine growth factors induced by ecdysteroids could circumvent the absence of serum. This cell culture model provides potential for further study of interactions between ecdysteroids and growth factor homologs during differentiation of insect epidermal cells.  相似文献   
Summary Sexuals ofFormica lugubris fly to mating places, where females attract males by using a sex pheromone. Females collected on the nest surface before departing on a mating flight are much less attractive than those collected on the mating place after the mating flight, suggesting that the mating flight triggers the release of the sex pheromone. Olfactory cues are essential for males to locate females while they patrol. Males probably use visual cues to locate females once they have alighted nearby them. Males are also attracted by aggregations of other males on the ground, probably because one or several females are likely to be close to male aggregations.  相似文献   
Summary Experimental evidence for flower-marking in honeybees (Apis mellifera ligustica), using pairs of workers from the same colony foraging on an artificial patch of flowers, is reported. Workers marked artificial flowers with scent and strongly rejected all flowers they had recently visited. The same rejection behavior, in a lower although significant proportion, was observed when bees visited flowers just abandoned by the other individual of the pair. The repellent nature of this scent-mark was demonstrated with the use of an air extractor connected to the patch of artificial flowers. When the apparatus was turned on, the rejection behavior disappeared and bees accepted both flowers just abandoned by themselves and flowers just abandoned by the other bee. Differences in the response level of bees to their own marks or to the partner's marks suggest that the repellent scent-mark applied by a bee during foraging would basically be a self-use signal, although it certainly has value in communicating with other workers.  相似文献   
Abstract: Muscarinic receptor-mediated cyclic GMP formation and release of nitric oxide (NO) (or a precursor thereof) were compared in mouse neuroblastoma N1E-115 cells. [3H]Cyclic GMP was assayed in cells prelabeled with [3H]guanine. Release of NO upon the addition of muscarinic agonists to unlabeled neuroblastoma cells (NO donor cells) was quantitated indirectly by its ability to increase the [3H]cyclic GMP level in labeled cells whose muscarinic receptors were inactivated by irreversible alkylation (NO detector cells). Carbachol increased NO release in a concentration-dependent manner, with half-maximal stimulation at 173 μ M (compared to 96 μ M for direct activation of cyclic GMP formation). The maximal effect of carbachol in stimulating release of NO when measured indirectly was lower than that in elevating [3H]cyclic GMP directly in donor cells. Hemoglobin was more effective in blocking the actions of released NO than in attenuating direct stimulation of [3H]cyclic GMP synthesis. There was a good correlation between the ability of a series of muscarinic agonists to release NO or to activate [3H]cyclic GMP formation directly, and the potency of pirenzepine in inhibiting the two responses. Furthermore, there was a similar magnitude of desensitization of both responses by prolonged receptor activation or stimulation of protein kinase C. NO release was also regulated in relation to the cellular growth phase. A model is proposed in which a fraction of NO generated upon receptor activation does not diffuse extracellularly and stimulates cyclic GMP synthesis within the same cell where it is formed (locally acting NO). The remainder of NO that is extruded extracellularly might travel to neighboring cells (neurotransmitter NO) or might be taken back into the cells of origin (homing NO).  相似文献   
A two-stage bioreactor scheme was developed for the large-scale production of recombinant proteins using a genetically engineered baculovirus/insect cell system. The first bioreactor was employed for cell growth and the second for cell infection. Silkworm Bm5 cells were infected with a recombinant baculovirus, BmNPV/P5.cat, containing a bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene under the control of the polyhedrin gene promoter of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV). This recombinant baculovirus has been used as an expression vector for the production of recombinant CAT enzyme. A specific productivity of 82 to 90 mug CAT/(10(6) cells) was obtained using the BmNPV/Bm5 expression system, a yield similar to that achieved using the AcNPV/Sf expression system. Repeated infection of high-density cell cultures did not reduce the specific productivity of the CAT enzyme. Most importantly, the problems associated with the infection of high-density cell cultures were resolved by means of controlled infection conditions and appropriate replenishment of spent culture medium following infection. The glucose uptake rate by the cells following infection was 50% higher than that by the cells before infection. Not only did the infection of high-density cell cultures result in consistent yields of 250 mg/L of CAT enzyme, but also the two-stage bioreactor system was proven to be reliable for a long-term operation beyond 600 h. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Most hypotheses concerning the evolution of insect-plant relationships are based on the assumptions that, (1) phytophagous insects reduce plant fitness, and that (2) insect-plant relationships are the result of unconstrained selection. It can be shown, however, that there is little evidence to support these assumptions. As an alternative, it is proposed that the evolution of insect-plant relationships results primarily from autonomous evolutionary events; namely from heritable functional changes within the insects' nervous system that determine plant recognition and ultimately host plant specificity. These changes cannot be evoked by selective ecological agents. They originate from intrinsic changes (mutationssensu lato) within the insect genome. Ecological factors play a secondary role: by either supporting or preventing the establishment of the new genotype with the novel food preference. This paper has been dedicated in warm friendship to Professor Louis M. Schoonhoven, the leading scientist in sensory physiology of phytophagous insects, on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   
Antisera raised to the cardioactive peptide corazonin were used to localize immunoreactive cells in the nervous system of the American cockroach. Sera obtained after the seventh booster injection were sufficiently specific to be used for immunocytology. They recognized a subset of 10 lateral neurosecretory cells in the protocerebrum that project to, and arborize and terminate in the ipsilateral corpus cardiacum. They also reacted with bilateral neurons in each of the thoracic and abdominal neuromeres, a single dorsal unpaired median neuron in the suboesophageal ganglion, an interneuron in each optic lobe, and other neurons at the base of the optic lobe, in the tritocerebrum and deutocerebrum. The presence of corazonin in the abdominal neurons and the lateral neurosecretory cells was confirmed by HPLC fractionation of extracts of the abdominal ganglia, brains and retrocerebral complexes, followed by determination of corazonin by ELISA, which revealed in each tissue a single immunoreactive peak co-eluting with corazonin in two different HPLC systems. Antisera obtained after the first three booster injections recognized a large number of neuroendocrine cells and neurons in the brain and the abdominal nerve cord. However, the sera from the two rabbits reacted largely with different cells, indicating that the majority of this immunoreactivity was due to cross-reactivity. These results indicate that the production of highly specific antisera to some neuropeptides may require a considerable number of booster injections.  相似文献   
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