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Our research demonstrates that juvenile hormone (JH I) stimulates thymidine incorporation into ovarian follicle cell DNA in the ovoviviparous cockroach, Leucophaea maderae.A rapid, quantitative method for monitoring 3H-thymidine incorporation into ovarian DNA, in vitro, is described. Cultured ovarian tissue from L. maderae incorporates 3H-thymidine into DNA at a linear rate between 16 and 120 min; analysis of the incorporated label revealed at least 98% of it to be in DNA.Using L. maderae females that had been mated 7 days after adult emergence, we monitored the following biochemical phenomena during the 18–22 day period of terminal oöcyte growth: (1) 3H-thymidine incorporation into ovarian DNA: (2) general protein synthesis in fat body; and (3) specific fat body vitellogenin synthesis.Decapitation of mated females with maturing oöcytes arrested both ovarian DNA synthesis and fat body vitellogenin synthesis. Substantial restoration of both types of synthesis was induced by injection of JH I. The resumption of thymidine incorporation into DNA was localized in the follicular epithelium of the terminal oöcyte.In decapitated virgin females, injection of JH I stimulated oöcyte growth and 3H-thymidine incorporation into ovarian DNA. Dose and time response curves indicate that peak stimulation of ovarian DNA synthesis occurred between 72 and 96 hr after administration of a single optimal dose of 25 μg JH I. The concurrent manifestation of 3H-thymidine uptake into ovarian DNA and activity within the fat body indicates that a similar hormonal mode of action may be operative with respect to both tissue types in virgin females.  相似文献   
The biochemical and biophysical characteristics of the closely related Diacrisia virginica and Hyphantria cunea granulosis virus isolates were examined. Sucrose gradient sedimentation patterns of alkali-solubilized DGV and HcGV capsules were identical. The top, middle, and bottom fractions from either viral isolate were infectious when injected into susceptible host larvae. Electrophoretic analysis of alkaline-solubilized granulin extracts demonstrated that both viruses contain alkaline proteolytic activity. The major granulin protein (~28,000 daltons) of both isolates comigrated in a SDS-PAGE. Electrophoretic separation of the virus proteins demonstrated some quantitative differences between the two granulosis viruses. The enveloped nucleocapsids and the nucleocapsids of the two viruses were morphologically indistinguishable.  相似文献   
Epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma theileri were grown at 25°C in insect cell culture media and in Glossina tissue cultures for more than 6 months. Doubling times of 10–14 h during exponential growth were observed. In cell cultures which had been derived from pupal tsetse flies growth rates were higher than in cell free media; in a larval cell line, however, growth of T. theileri was inhibited. Ecdysteroids and juvenile hormone I reduced multiplication of T. theileri in cell free media. When T. theileri was incubated in different sera only fetal calf serum (FCS) supported growth. Epimastigote forms transformed into trypomastigote bloodforms when cultured at 37°C in FCS, vertebrate cell cultures, and Eagle's medium, but not in insect media or Glossina cell cultures. Oxygen uptake of epimastigotes could be inhibited by rotenone antimycin A and cyanide; trypomastigotes were not affected by these inhibitors.  相似文献   
大针茅草原蝗虫的群落结构和能流研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大针茅草原蝗虫的常见种类有11种,其中7种属蝗亚科。毛足棒角蝗短星翅蝗和鼓翅皱膝蝗狭翅雏蝗分别构成蝗虫早、中、晚期的优势种类蝗虫九落的物 丰富度及多样性指数在蝗虫的性中期较高。蝗虫的次级生产力为5.18kJ/m^2.a,是地上净初级生产国物0.18%。通过整个蝗虫群落的能流为16.84kJ/m^2.a不同的蝗虫各 在生态秕有流中具有不同的贡献;其中毛尼中棒角蝗天整个蝗虫 能流中直着十分重要的作用,  相似文献   
昆虫迁飞行为的参数化Ⅱ.模式与检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
翟保平  张孝羲 《生态学报》1997,17(2):190-199
对通过昆虫迁飞行为分析得到的迁飞时间参数、高度参数、速度和方向参数等分别以一定的数学形式加以表达。其中,起飞时间以日出日没及晨昏朦影时刻为基准,用天文公式求出;边界层顶与飞行低温阈限所在高度及运行高度上的风速、风向由一维湍能(TKE)模式以E-ε闭合做数值模拟:对飞行力较弱的小型或微小昆虫做随风运行处理,而对大型昆虫则根据其自身的飞行速度和定向方位与其飞行高度上的风向风速做矢量运算,求得位移方向和速度。通过我国小地老虎和草地螟标放回收试验结果的检验,表明本文提出的迁飞行为参数化方案是合理可行的。以此为基础组建数值模型进行昆虫迁飞轨迹分析,可望进一步提高迁飞性害虫异地预测的水平  相似文献   
Understanding the effect of ground types on foraging movements of ground‐dwelling arthropods is a key step to managing their spatial distribution as required for successful conservation biological control. Indeed, fine movements at the centimeter scale can strongly influence the foraging ability of pest predators. However, because radio frequency identification or harmonic tracking techniques are not yet suitable for small species and video tracking focuses on uniform and light backgrounds, foraging movements have rarely been studied in relation to ground types. We present a method to track a ground‐dwelling arthropod (the earwig Euborellia caraibea) at night, walking on two contrasted ground types: bare soil and soil partly covered with a stratum of banana plant residues allowing individuals to hide periodically. The tracking of individuals within these ground types was achieved by infrared light, tagging individuals, video treatments, and semi‐automatic cleaning of trajectories. We tested different procedures to obtain segments with identical durations to quantify speeds and sinuosities. These procedures were characterized by the junction time gap between trajectory fragments, the rediscretization time of trajectories, and whether or not to use interpolation to fill in missing points in the trajectories. Earwigs exhibited significantly slower and more sinuous movements on soil with banana plant residues than on bare soil. Long time gaps for trajectory junction, extended rediscretization times, and interpolation were complementary means to integrate concealed movements in the trajectories. The highest slowdown in plant residues was detected when the procedure could account for longer periods under the residues. These results suggest that earwigs spent a significant amount of time concealed by the residues. Additionally, the residues strongly decreased the earwigs'' movement. Since the technical solutions presented in this study are inexpensive, easy to set up, and replicate, they represent valuable contributions to the emerging field of video monitoring.  相似文献   
2007年10月南海北部浮游纤毛虫的丰度和生物量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张翠霞  张武昌  肖天 《生态学报》2010,30(4):867-877
报道2007年10月南海北部海域(21°25.47′N 17°24.95′N,109°28.86′E 113°13.01′E)纤毛虫丰度和生物量的水平分布及砂壳纤毛虫的种丰富度。包括了13个断面的82个站位,Rosette采水器采水,水深低于15 m的站位采0,5 m和10 m;小于30 m站位,采0,10 m和底层;大于30 m的站位,采0,10,30 m和底层。纤毛虫丰度为0 5757 ind./L,平均(848±776)ind./L。无壳纤毛虫占绝对优势,其丰度占纤毛虫总丰度的比例平均为(91.9±9)%;纤毛虫生物量为0 12.09μg C/L,平均是(1.2±1.54)μg C/L,无壳纤毛虫的生物量平均为(0.94±1.27)μg C/L,占纤毛虫总生物量的78.6%。共发现砂壳纤毛虫16个属,49种,拟铃虫最多,具有一定的季节性。纤毛虫水体(40 m到表层)丰度为6.4×1069.1×107ind./m2,平均是(3.6×106±1.4×106)ind./m2;水体生物量3.6 195.8 mg C/m2,平均(48.1±33.7)mg C/m2。纤毛虫多分布于近岸浅水区(高温低盐,高Chl a),最大丰度要高于我国其他海区,不是Chl a最高的地方纤毛虫的丰度也最大,纤毛虫丰度最大时Chl a偏低。  相似文献   
湿地是介于水体与陆地之间的特殊的生态系统,其中昆虫扮演着重要的角色。通过选取扎龙村、烟筒屯、土木台和育苇场为样地以诱集夜间活动的昆虫为主,对扎龙湿地昆虫群落结构进行了探讨。结果表明:扎龙湿地夜间活动的昆虫分属14目54科139种,以鳞翅目、鞘翅目和双翅目为优势类群。各区域昆虫群落种-多度关系均表现为对数正态分布。物种丰富度为扎龙村>烟筒屯>育苇场>土木台,而群落多样性和均匀度均为烟筒屯>扎龙村>土木台>育苇场,Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H') 与均匀度(J')和物种丰富度(S)时间动态关系表现为:烟筒屯Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H')与均匀度(J')和物种丰富度(S)均一致;扎龙村和育苇场Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H')与均匀度(J')一致,而与物种丰富度(S)弱相关;土木台 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数(H')与均匀度(J')和物种丰富度(S)均表现为弱相关。研究得出扎龙湿地总体环境质量较好,但局部地区(如土木台)有退化的趋势,并分析造成上述结果的原因。  相似文献   
农田-荒地边缘地带中蝗虫边缘反应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
廉振民  于广志 《生态学报》2001,21(8):1269-1275
探讨了中华蚱蜢等10种蝗总科昆虫对农田-荒地的边缘反应。研究发现,就同一边缘而言,有些物种的多度在靠近边缘时上升,而有些物种则下降。从科的水平上分析的结果与物种水平上的分析有差异。为了更精确地了解边缘对蝗虫的分布格局的影响,从物种水平上对其进行分析是 很有必要的。  相似文献   
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