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Tetrastigma (Miq.) Planch. (Vitaceae) is a genus with ca. 100 species showing great morphological diversity. Previous molecular phylogenetic studies suggested that traditional classification systems are not consistent with the molecular phylogeny, and Tetrastigma is undergoing further systematic investigation. We traced the evolutionary trends of 20 morphological characters within a robust phylogenetic framework. Our results revealed that many morphological characters show either multiple transitions or few state changes, however, some characters show distinct variation. The two subgenera in Tetrastigma (subgen. Tetrastigma and subgen. Palmicirrata) based on unbranched/bifurcate versus digitately branched tendrils are not supported because subgen. Tetrastigma is paraphyletic. However, the unbranched versus bifurcate/digitately branched tendril is of taxonomic utility to characterize some of the major clades. Inflorescences in Tetrastigma appear axillary, but are leaf‐opposed on a compressed axillary shoot. We found most of the species in Tetrastigma retained the ancestral compound dichasial inflorescence, except those of clade IV that have derived pseudo‐umbellate inflorescences. Other characters including habit, leaf organization, and berry shape provide additional morphological support for the major clades. Our morphological analysis and recent molecular study suggest each of the five major clades within Tetrastigma be treated as distinct taxonomic sections (five sections in the genus).  相似文献   
The objective was to determine the relationship of muscular and skeletal scores taken on the live animal and carcass conformation and fat scores with carcass composition and value. Bulls (n = 48) and heifers (n = 37) of 0.75 to 1.0 late-maturing breed genotypes slaughtered at 16 and 20 months of age, respectively, were used. At 8 months of age (weaning) and immediately pre-slaughter, visual muscular scores were recorded for each animal and additionally skeletal scores were recorded pre-slaughter. Carcass weight, kidney and channel fat weight, carcass conformation and fat scores, fat depth over the longissimus dorsi muscle at the 12th (bulls) or 10th (heifers) rib and carcass length were recorded post-slaughter. Each carcass was subsequently dissected into meat, fat and bone using a commercial dissection procedure. Muscular scores taken pre-slaughter showed positive correlations with killing-out rate (r ≈ 0.65), carcass meat proportion (r ≈ 0.60), value (r ≈ 0.55) and conformation score (r ≈ 0.70), and negative correlations with carcass bone (r ≈ -0.60) and fat (r ≈ -0.4) proportions. Corresponding correlations with muscular scores at weaning were lower. Correlations of skeletal scores taken pre-slaughter, carcass length and carcass weight with killing-out rate and the various carcass traits were mainly not significant. Carcass fat depth and kidney and channel fat weight were negatively correlated with carcass meat proportion and value, and positively correlated with fat proportion. Correlations of carcass conformation score were positive (r = 0.50 to 0.68) with killing-out rate, carcass meat proportion and carcass value and negative with bone (r ≈ -0.56) and fat (r ≈ -0.40) proportions. Corresponding correlations with carcass fat score were mainly negative except for carcass fat proportion (r ≈ 0.79). A one-unit (scale 1 to 15) increase in carcass conformation score increased carcass meat proportion by 8.9 and 8.1 g/kg, decreased fat proportion by 4.0 and 2.9 g/kg and decreased bone proportion by 4.9 and 5.2 g/kg in bulls and heifers, respectively. Corresponding values per unit increase in carcass fat score were -11.9 and -9.7 g/kg, 12.4 and 9.9 g/kg, and -0.5 and -0.2 g/kg. Carcass conformation and fat scores explained 0.70 and 0.55 of the total variation in meat yield for bulls and heifers, respectively. It is concluded that live animal muscular scores, and carcass conformation and fat scores, are useful indicators of carcass meat proportion and value.  相似文献   
The paper describes the regulatory functions of a new body set up in England and Wales for the management of water pollution, the National Rivers Authority. It outlines proposals for a new water quality classification scheme incorporating biological monitoring as an integral part, and describes other areas of pollution control where biology could be used with advantage. The derivation of statutory water quality objectives as a new concept in the management of natural waters is described, together with an indication of some of the legal mechanisms available to the NRA to ensure that the objectives are met.  相似文献   
新型数值分类软件X-Cluster的开发及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对目前常用数值分类软件的不足,采用多种设计模式开发了新型数值分类软件X-C luster。该软件具有界面友好、操作方便、体积小、速度快、功能强大、应用范围广等特点,能够满足大多数情况下数值分类研究工作的需求,并在芽孢杆菌分类研究中得到了验证。  相似文献   
Global classification of natural terrestrial ecosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary A global classification system of natural terrestrial ecosystems (including systematic notation), based on the climate zones of Walter, is presented. The basic units of the system are the ecological units biome and biogeocoene. The zonobiomes, which are climate zones corresponding to the largest vegetation units, are subdivided into subzonobiomes and these into individual biomes. The biomes are thus natural, geographical units within the climate zones. They are in turn subdivided into individual biogeocoenes and their constituent synusiae. In addition, the coordinate concepts of pedobiome and orobiome are introduced. These are distinguished from the zonobiomes as follows:1. the pedobiomes by extreme edaphic conditions which cause azonal vegetation.2. the orobiomes, as mountain ranges, by their vertical climate zonation and the altitudinal belts of vegetation.These relationships are explained, and two subseries of pedo-and oro-subunits are established. Transitional zones (zono-ecotones) between individual zonobiomes are also distinguished. The classification system is summarized in a schematic, and a world map of zonobiomes and zono-ecotones is included. More details are presented in Walter (1976).
Zusammenfassung Ein globales Gliederungssystem der natürlichen terrestrischen Ökosysteme (einschließlich systematischen Bezeichnungen) wird in Beziehung zu den Walter'schen Klimazonen gesetzt. Grundeinheiten des Systems sind die ökologischen Einheiten Biom und Biogeozön. Die Zonobiome werden unterteilt in Subzonobiome und diese in Biome. Die Zonobiome sind Klimazonen und entsprechen den größten Vegetationseinheiten. Die Biome sind natürliche, geographische Einheiten innerhalb der Klimazonen. Sie werden bis zu einzelnen Biogeozönen und ihren Synusien (Teilsytemen) unterteilt. Parallel dazu werden die Begriffe Pedobiom und Orobiom eingeführt. Diese heben sich aus den Zonobiomen heraus: die Pedobiomen durch extreme Böden, die eine azonale Vegetation bedingen, die Orobiome als Gebirge durch die vertikale Klimagliederung und die Höhenstufen der Vegetation. Diese Beziehungen werden erklärt, und zwei Nebenreihen der Pedo- bzw. Orobiom-Untereinheiten werden aufgestellt. Zwischen den einzelnen Zonobiomen werden Übergangszonen (Zonoökotone) unterschieden. Das Gliederungssytem wird bereits in einem Schema zusammengefaßt, und eine Weltkarte der Zonobiome und Zonoökotone wird beigefügt. Ausführlich werden alle diese Fragen bei WALTER (1976) behandelt.
黑河河岸植被与环境因子间的相互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009-2010年,对黑河流域河岸植被分季节进行了详细调查,并实地测定各样点环境因子数据,采用PC-ORD和Canoco软件对数据进行分类排序与环境因子的指示种分析:(1)黑河河岸带植被分为4个植被型和6个群系,位于黑河上游的高山苔草+矮嵩草群系植被种类和数量最为丰富,草本层盖度最大,也是唯一没有乔木分布的群系;金露梅+沙棘+膜荚黄芪+针茅群系是灌木层密度和盖度最大的群系,草本植物种类相对较丰富;位于湿地的沙枣+水柏枝+芦苇+香蒲群系,土壤养分含量最高;(2)影响黑河河岸带植被分布的主要环境因子是海拔、降水、温度、土壤有机质、含水率以及全氮含量,其中,海拔、降水和温度为最重要的影响因子,土壤影响因子中土壤含水率>有机质>全氮,而全磷和速效氮没有显著影响;(3)在黑河河岸带共有20种植物是环境因子指示种,柽柳和苦豆子是温度、降水指示种,胡杨对海拔和降水有很强的指示作用,草本植物中没有土壤含水率和海拔指示种,而在乔灌木中没有土壤有机质指示种,这为气候、土壤条件的变化提供了很好的参考价值。  相似文献   
Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) lack a well-defined three-dimensional structure under physiological conditions. Intrinsic disorder is a common phenomenon, particularly in multicellular eukaryotes, and is responsible for important protein functions including regulation and signaling. Many disease-related proteins are likely to be intrinsically disordered or to have disordered regions. In this paper, a new predictor model based on the Bayesian classification methodology is introduced to predict for a given protein or protein region if it is intrinsically disordered or ordered using only its primary sequence. The method allows to incorporate length-dependent amino acid compositional differences of disordered regions by including separate statistical representations for short, middle and long disordered regions. The predictor was trained on the constructed data set of protein regions with known structural properties. In a Jack-knife test, the predictor achieved the sensitivity of 89.2% for disordered and 81.4% for ordered regions. Our method outperformed several reported predictors when evaluated on the previously published data set of Prilusky et al. [2005. FoldIndex: a simple tool to predict whether a given protein sequence is intrinsically unfolded. Bioinformatics 21 (16), 3435-3438]. Further strength of our approach is the ease of implementation.  相似文献   
Aquatic macrophytes are one of the biological quality elements in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for which status assessments must be defined. We tested two methods to classify macrophyte species and their response to eutrophication pressure: one based on percentiles of occurrence along a phosphorous gradient and another based on trophic ranking of species using Canonical Correspondence Analyses in the ranking procedure. The methods were tested at Europe-wide, regional and national scale as well as by alkalinity category, using 1,147 lakes from 12 European states. The grouping of species as sensitive, tolerant or indifferent to eutrophication was evaluated for some taxa, such as the sensitive Chara spp. and the large isoetids, by analysing the (non-linear) response curve along a phosphorous gradient. These thresholds revealed in these response curves can be used to set boundaries among different ecological status classes. In total 48 taxa out of 114 taxa were classified identically regardless of dataset or classification method. These taxa can be considered the most consistent and reliable indicators of sensitivity or tolerance to eutrophication at European scale. Although the general response of well known indicator species seems to hold, there are many species that were evaluated differently according to the database selection and classification methods. This hampers a Europe-wide comparison of classified species lists as used for the status assessment within the WFD implementation process.  相似文献   
A novel landscape classification system was proposed in this study based on landscape ecological theory and the differentiation in climate, topography, soil, vegetation and land use mode. Five basic units (zone, tract, province, region and type) and two assistant units (sub and group) were used in this system. The tropical forest landscape in Hainan Island was regarded as a landscape province, belonging to global tropical forest landscape zone, Asiatic (oriental) tropical forest landscape tract and Chinese tropical forest landscape subtract. Based on the grade system of region, sub-region, type-group and type, this landscape province (Hainan Island) is divided into 6 landscape regions (east moist forest landscape, west semi-arid forest landscape, central-south mountainous forest landscape, tropical evergreen needle-leaved forest landscape, tropical bamboo landscape and tropical plantation landscape), 11 tropical forest landscape sub-regions represented by tropical lowland valley rain forest landscape, 26 tropical forest landscape-type groups represented by tropical lowland valley Dipterocarpaceae forest landscape, and 54 forest landscape types (FLT) represented by lowland valley Vatica mangachapoi forest. Generally, this classification system represents the landscape diversity of the tropical forest in Hainan Island. Further studies are needed to better understand the landscape diversity of Hainan Island.  相似文献   
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