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The injection of serum from chickens hyperimmune to the avian malaria parasite, Plasmodium gallinaceum, or of nonimmune serum into the chorioallantoic cavity of chicken embryos infected with the same parasite resulted in changes in the blood picture of such embryos. In those embryos receiving serum from hyperimmunized birds: The level and rate of parasite increase were depressed; the maturation of the erythroid elements was reduced; the hematocrit values increased only by 27% as compared with 69% in untreated embryos. While hematocrit levels and rates of erythrocytic maturation were depressed in those embryos injected with nonimmune serum, there was no suppression of parasitemia. The results suggest a definite role of immunity in the anemia accompanying malaria.  相似文献   
In the devastating rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, six Magnaporthe appressoria‐specific (MAS) proteins are encoded by MoGAS1, MoGAS2 and MoMAS3MoMAS6. MoGAS1 and MoGAS2 were previously characterized as M. oryzae virulence factors; however, the roles of the other four genes are unknown. Here, we found that, although the loss of any MAS gene did not affect appressorial formation or vegetative growth, ∆Momas3 and ∆Momas5 mutant strains (but not the others) were reduced in virulence on susceptible CO‐39 rice seedlings. Focusing on ∆Momas3 and ∆Momas5 mutant strains, we found that they could penetrate host leaf surfaces and fill the first infected rice cell but did not spread readily to neighbouring cells, suggesting they were impaired for biotrophic growth. Live‐cell imaging of fluorescently labelled MoMas3 and MoMas5 proteins showed that during biotrophy, MoMas3 localized to the apoplastic compartment formed between fungal invasive hyphae and the plant‐derived extra‐invasive hyphal membrane while MoMas5 localized to the appressoria and the penetration peg. The loss of either MoMAS3 or MoMAS5 resulted in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in infected rice cells, resulting in the triggering of plant defences that inhibited mutant growth in planta. ∆Momas3 and ∆Momas5 biotrophic growth could be remediated by inhibiting host NADPH oxidases and suppressing ROS accumulation. Thus, MoMas3 and MoMas5 are novel virulence factors involved in suppressing host plant innate immunity to promote biotrophic growth.  相似文献   
During pathogenesis, effector proteins are secreted from the pathogen to the host plant to provide virulence activity for invasion of the host. However, once the host plant recognizes one of the delivered effectors, effector‐triggered immunity activates a robust immune and hypersensitive response (HR). In planta, the effector AvrRps4 is processed into the N‐terminus (AvrRps4N) and the C‐terminus (AvrRps4C). AvrRps4C is sufficient to trigger HR in turnip and activate AtRRS1/AtRPS4‐mediated immunity in Arabidopsis; on the other hand, AvrRps4N induces HR in lettuce. Furthermore, AvrRps4N‐mediated HR requires a conserved arginine at position 112 (R112), which is also important for full‐length AvrRps4 (AvrRps4F) processing. Here, we show that effector processing and effector recognition in lettuce are uncoupled for the AvrRps4 family. In addition, we compared effector recognition by lettuce of AvrRps4 and its homologues, HopK1 and XopO. Interestingly, unlike for AvrRps4 and HopK1, mutation of the conserved R111 in XopO by itself was insufficient to abolish recognition. The combination of amino acid substitutions arginine 111 to leucine with glutamate 114 to lysine abolished the XopO‐mediated HR, suggesting that AvrRps4 family members have distinct structural requirements for perception by lettuce. Together, our results provide an insight into the processing and recognition of AvrRps4 and its homologues.  相似文献   
Leaf‐cutting ants and their fungal crops are a textbook example of a long‐term obligatory mutualism. Many microbes continuously enter their nest containing the fungal cultivars, destabilizing the symbiosis and, in some cases, outcompeting the mutualistic partners. Preferably, the ant workers should distinguish between different microorganisms to respond according to their threat level and recurrence in the colony. To address these assumptions, we investigated how workers of Atta sexdens sanitize their fungal crop toward five different fungi commonly isolated from the fungus gardens: Escovopsis sp., Fusarium oxysporum, Metarhizium anisopliae, Trichoderma spirale, and Syncephalastrum sp. Also, to investigate the plasticity of these responses toward recurrences of these fungi, we exposed the colonies with each fungus three times fourteen days apart. As expected, intensities in sanitization differed according to the fungal species. Ants significantly groom their fungal crop more toward F. oxysporum, M. anisopliae, and Syncephalastrum sp. than toward Escovopsis sp. and T. spirale. Weeding, self‐, and allogrooming were observed in less frequency than fungus grooming in all cases. Moreover, we detected a significant increase in the overall responses after repeated exposures for each fungus, except for Escovopsis sp. Our results indicate that A. sexdens workers are able to distinguish between different fungi and apply distinct responses to remove these from the fungus gardens. Our findings also suggest that successive exposures to the same antagonist increase hygiene, indicating plasticity of ant colonies'' defenses to previously encountered pathogens.  相似文献   
The arms race between fungal pathogens and plant hosts involves recognition of fungal effectors to induce host immunity. Although various fungal effectors have been identified, the effector functions of ribonucleases are largely unknown. Herein, we identified a ribonuclease secreted by Verticillium dahliae (VdRTX1) that translocates into the plant nucleus to modulate immunity. The activity of VdRTX1 causes hypersensitive response (HR)‐related cell death in Nicotiana benthamiana and cotton. VdRTX1 possesses a signal peptide but is unlikely to be an apoplastic effector because its nuclear localization in the plant is necessary for cell death induction. Knockout of VdRTX1 significantly enhanced V. dahliae virulence on tobacco while V. dahliae employs the known suppressor VdCBM1 to escape the immunity induced by VdRTX1. VdRTX1 homologs are widely distributed in fungi but transient expression of 24 homologs from other fungi did not yield cell death induction, suggesting that this function is specific to the VdRTX1 in Vdahliae. Expression of site‐directed mutants of VdRTX1 in N. benthamiana leaves revealed conserved ligand‐binding sites that are important for VdRTX1 function in inducing cell death. Thus, VdRTX1 functions as a unique HR‐inducing effector in V. dahliae that contributes to the activation of plant immunity.  相似文献   
干旱与条锈病复合胁迫对小麦的生理影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以抗旱性和抗病性不同的小麦为材料,以正常生长为对照,观察了病原菌和水分复合胁迫对小麦叶片相对含水量、活性氧代谢以及对抗氰呼吸的发生、运行的影响。讨论了在干旱与病原菌侵染复合胁迫下,抗氰呼吸在植物抗逆机制中所扮演的角色。复合胁迫下,抗病小麦显然具备更强的水分调控能力,而感病品种不能有效控制病叶水分散失。水分胁迫能引起抗氰呼吸的下降,但不能抵消因病原菌侵染引起的抗氰呼吸的增强,条锈菌侵染对小麦抗氰呼吸的影响远远大于水分胁迫。病原菌侵染和水分复合胁迫下,活性氧产生的速率表现出累加效应,而抗氰呼吸表现出和基质抗氧化酶的活性互补。植物交替氧化酶在干旱与病原菌侵染复合胁迫中具有重要的抗氧化功能,并可能调节着逆境下物质与能量需求间的矛盾。  相似文献   
Beyond its role in cellular homeostasis, autophagy plays anti‐ and promicrobial roles in host–microbe interactions, both in animals and plants. One prominent role of antimicrobial autophagy is to degrade intracellular pathogens or microbial molecules, in a process termed xenophagy. Consequently, microbes evolved mechanisms to hijack or modulate autophagy to escape elimination. Although well‐described in animals, the extent to which xenophagy contributes to plant–bacteria interactions remains unknown. Here, we provide evidence that Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv) suppresses host autophagy by utilizing type‐III effector XopL. XopL interacts with and degrades the autophagy component SH3P2 via its E3 ligase activity to promote infection. Intriguingly, XopL is targeted for degradation by defense‐related selective autophagy mediated by NBR1/Joka2, revealing a complex antagonistic interplay between XopL and the host autophagy machinery. Our results implicate plant antimicrobial autophagy in the depletion of a bacterial virulence factor and unravel an unprecedented pathogen strategy to counteract defense‐related autophagy in plant–bacteria interactions.  相似文献   
致倦库蚊对登革Ⅱ型病毒的中肠感染屏障作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨致倦库蚊对登革Ⅱ型病毒的中肠感染屏障作用,通过病毒分离、逆转录聚合酶链反应、透射电镜等技术进行了相关研究。结果表明:吸食感染性血液后,登革Ⅱ型病毒能侵染白纹伊蚊中肠上皮细胞并大量复制,但不能侵染致倦库蚊中肠上皮细胞。以上研究证明致倦库蚊对登革Ⅱ型病毒存在中肠感染屏障。  相似文献   
泛素化修饰与植物免疫应答   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物暴露在细菌、病毒和真菌等病原微生物环境中,病虫害是限制农作物产量和品质的主要因素,而植物病虫害的防治依赖于对植物抗病机制的深入认识。近年来的研究表明,蛋白质泛素化广泛地参与植物防御调节。蛋白质泛素化是真核生物中重要的翻译后修饰方式之一,在植物中,泛素化修饰在多种信号传导途径中发挥作用,如激素、光、糖应答,发育调节和病原菌防御信号途径等。综述了蛋白质泛素化修饰在植物免疫应答中的调控作用。  相似文献   
Ⅱ类反式激活因子(class Ⅱ trans-activator,CIITA)为非DNA结合蛋白,在MHC Ⅱ类基因的转录激活过程中以协同激活分子的形式发挥主导开关的作用。CIITA还可以调节其他与抗原递呈相关的基因,如H-2M基因、Ia相关恒定链(Ii chain)基因等。结构上,CIITA分子又是NOD样受体(NOD-likereceptor,NLR)家族成员之一,其功能与固有免疫密切相关。除此之外,CIITA在T细胞分化、FasL介导的细胞死亡、胶原的合成等方面也发挥着重要的调节作用。  相似文献   
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