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Abstract: Wild mammals cause foraging damage to crops worldwide and nonlethal methods are required for controlling such damage. Many wildlife management situations demand protection of untreated foods. We tested learned food aversion plus an odor cue as a paradigm for protecting untreated model crop items from European badgers (Meles meles). Following conditioning with a combination of ziram and clove oil, badgers avoided untreated maize cobs in presence of a clove odor cue. A clove oil control did not condition badgers. This work has been an important step before proceeding to full-scale field trials for protecting growing crops on a wider scale. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):785–791; 2008)  相似文献   
The question of whether the appearance of a novel deleterious chemical in a preferred host plant could alter the relative degree of preference by a polyphagous insect during its lifetime was considered. The behavioral preference of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), for corn (Zea mays L.) over red kidney bean Phaseolus spp. was quantified in a two-way choice test, and followed by a no-choice test in which the same larvae were fed either treated or untreated corn. Each treatment consisted of one of 15 compounds, including 13 naturally occurring allelochemicals and two synthetic insecticides. None of the test chemicals had any inherently deterrent effect at the rates tested. Deleterious effects on the larvae during exposure included reduced growth, reduced size, irritancy, and in some cases death. After this exposure the two way choice test was repeated. All test compounds failed to elicit a change in relative preference during the final two-way choice test. However, larvae exposed to gossypol and chrysanthemum monocarboxylic acid ester fed less than expected during the latter stages of no-choice conditions. The degree of aversion learning by each larva was related to the degree of prior sickness it had experienced.
Résumé Nous avons examiné si l'introduction d'une substance chimique nocive dans la plante-hôte préférée pouvait modifier la hiérarchie des choix durant le reste de la vie d'un insecte phytophage. Le comportement de préférence de Spodoptera frugiperda pour le maïs (Zea mays) vis à vis des Phaseolus, a été quantifié dans un dispositif à choix binaire, ont suivi des expériences au cours desquelles les chenilles devaient s'alimenter, soit sur maïs sain, soit sur maïs traité. Chaque essai concernait un composé chimique (15 au total), 13 étant des substances allélochimiques naturelles, 2 des insecticides de synthèse. Aux concentrations étudiées, aucun des produits n'a eu d'effet dissuasif. Les effets nocifs pendant l'exposition sur les chenilles comprenaient une croissance et une taille réduites, une irritation et, dans quelques cas, la mort. Aucune des expériences de choix binaire, avec des chenilles ayant subi cette exposition, n'a modifié les préférences. Cependant les chenilles, qui avaient été exposées au gossypol ou à l'acide monocarboxylique éthyl ester de chrysanthemum, ont consommé moins pendant les stades ultérieurs que ce que l'on pouvait attendre en absence de choix. Le degré d'aversion acquis par chaque chenille dépendait de l'importance des maux qu'elle avait subis précédemment.
Genetic studies of nicotine addiction in mice have utilizedthe oral self-administration model. However, it is unclear ifstrain differences in nicotine consumption are influenced byvariation in bitter taste sensitivity. We measured both nicotineconsumption and nicotine brief-access licking behavior in severalcommonly used inbred strains of mice that were previously shownto differ in nicotine consumption. A/J (A), C57BL/6J (B6), andDBA/2J (D2) mice were given a 2-bottle choice test with a singleconcentration of nicotine (75 µg/ml; nicotine vs. water).Mice of these strains were also tested with a range of nicotineconcentrations (5–400 µg/ml) using a brief-accesstest, which measures orosensory response and minimizes postingestiveeffects. Although B6 mice consumed more 75-µg/ml nicotinethan A or D2 mice in the 2-bottle test, these strains did notdiffer in level of aversion to nicotine when tested with thebrief-access procedure. Strain differences in orosensory responseto nicotine were not found; yet, differences emerged duringthe 2-bottle tests. This study provides evidence that variationin intake level of nicotine is likely not due to differencesin taste or trigeminal sensitivity but likely due to postingestivefactors.  相似文献   
Improved prevention and treatment of drug addiction will require deeper understanding of genetic factors contributing to susceptibility to excessive drug use. Intravenous operant self-administration methods have greatly advanced understanding of behavioral traits related to addiction. However, these methods are not suitable for large-scale genetic experiments in mice. Selective breeding of mice can aggregate 'addiction alleles' in a model that has the potential to identify coordinated effects of multiple genes. We produced mouse lines that orally self-administer high (MAHDR) or low (MALDR) amounts of methamphetamine, representing the first demonstration of selective breeding for self-administration of any psychostimulant drug. Conditioned place preference and taste aversion results indicate that MAHDR mice are relatively more sensitive to the rewarding effects and less sensitive to the aversive effects of methamphetamine, compared to MALDR mice. These results validate the oral route of self-administration for investigation of the motivational effects of methamphetamine and provide a viable alternative to intravenous self-administration procedures. Gene expression results for a subset of genes relevant to addiction-related processes suggest differential regulation by methamphetamine of apoptosis and immune pathways in the nucleus accumbens of MAHDR and MALDR mice. In each line, methamphetamine reduced an allostatic state by bringing gene expression back toward 'normal' levels. Genes differentially expressed in the drug-naï ve state, including Slc6a4 (serotonin transporter), Htr3a (serotonin receptor 3A), Rela [nuclear factor κB (NFκB)] and Fos (cFos), represent candidates whose expression levels may predict methamphetamine consumption and susceptibility to methamphetamine reward and aversion.  相似文献   
Animals with neonatal ventral hippocampal lesions develop during or after adolescence abnormal behaviors related to schizophrenia such as anxiety and latent inhibition disruption. The aim of this study was to test whether haloperidol injection prior to pre-exposure session in the latent inhibition test would facilitate latent inhibition.  相似文献   
Humans reject uneven divisions of resources, even at personal cost. This is observed in countless experiments using the ultimatum game, where a proposer offers to divide a resource with a responder who either accepts the division or rejects it (whereupon both earn zero). Researchers debate why humans evolved a psychology that is so averse to inequity within partnerships. We suggest that the scale of competition is crucial: under local competition with few competitors, individuals reject low offers, because they cannot afford to be disadvantaged relative to competitors. If one competes against the broader population (i.e. global competition), then it pays to accept low offers to increase one''s absolute pay-off. We support this intuition with an illustrative game-theoretical model. We also conducted ultimatum games where participants received prizes based on pay-offs relative to immediate partners (local competition) versus a larger group (global competition). Participants demanded higher offers under local competition, suggesting that local competition increases people''s demands for fairness and aversion to inequality.  相似文献   
In tropical Australia, conditioned taste aversion (CTA) can buffer vulnerable native predators from the invasion of a toxic prey species (cane toads, Rhinella marina). Thus, we need to develop methods to deploy aversion‐inducing baits in the field, in ways that maximize uptake by vulnerable species (but not other taxa). We constructed and field‐tested baiting devices, in situ with wild animals. Apparatus were set next to waterbodies and baited concurrently at multiple locations (over water, water''s edge, and on the bank). Baits were checked and replaced twice daily during the trial; remote cameras recorded visitation by native predators. Bait longevity was compared at sun‐exposed and shaded locations over 12 h. The strength required to remove baits from apparatus was measured in varanids and crocodiles. The device promoted high rates of bait uptake by freshwater crocodiles (47% baits consumed), varanid lizards (19% baits consumed), and non‐target taxa (34% baits consumed). Targeting specific predators can be achieved by manipulating bait location and time of deployment, as well as the force required to dislodge the bait. Crocodiles were best targeted with over‐water baits, whereas varanid lizards preferred baits located at the edges of waterbodies. When testing bait longevity in ambient conditions, during the daytime baits desiccated fully within 12 h, and faster in the sun than in the shade. Based on studies using captive animals, the “pulling force” strength of reptilian predators scaled with body size and was greater in crocodiles than in varanid lizards. We present the first conservation baiting protocol designed specifically for reptiles. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of widespread and taxon‐specific deployment of aversion‐inducing baits to buffer the impacts of invasive cane toads, and our methods are applicable (with modification) to other research and management programs globally.  相似文献   
We investigated how the plant‐inhabiting, anthocorid predator, Anthocoris nemoralis, copes with variation in prey, host plant and associated herbivore‐induced plant volatiles and in particular whether the preference for these plant odours is innate or acquired. We found a marked difference between the olfactory response of orchard‐caught predators and that of their first generation reared on flour moth eggs in the laboratory, i.e. under conditions free of herbivory‐induced volatiles. Whereas the orchard‐caught predators preferred odour from psyllid‐infested pear leaves, when offered against clean air in a Y‐tube olfactometer, the laboratory‐reared first generation of (naive) predators did not. The same difference was found when a single component (methyl salicylate) of the herbivore‐induced plant volatiles was offered against clean air. After experiencing methyl salicylate with prey, however, the laboratory‐reared predators showed a pronounced preference for this volatile. This acquired preference did not depend on whether the volatile had been experienced in the juvenile period or in the adult phase, but it did depend on whether it had been offered in presence or absence of prey. In the first case, they were attracted to the plant volatile in subsequent olfactometer experiments, but when the volatile had been offered during a period of prey deprivation, the predators were not attracted. We conclude that associative learning is the most likely mechanism underlying acquired odour preference.  相似文献   
Social animals may employ evolved implicit rules to maintain a balance between cooperation and competition. Inequity aversion (IA), the aversive reaction to an unequal distribution of resources, is considered such a rule to avoid exploitation between cooperating individuals. Recent studies have revealed the presence of IA in several nonhuman species. In addition, it has been shown that an effort is crucial for this behavior to occur in animals. Moreover, IA may well depend on the partner's identity. Although dominant individuals typically monopolize food, subordinate individuals obtain less preferred food and usually do not protest. Furthermore, "friends" may pay less attention to equity than "nonfriends." We tested whether long-tailed macaques show IA with different cost-benefit ratios. In addition, we determined whether IA depends on relationship quality (RQ). Dominant subjects expressed IA only when a small effort was required. At a very large effort, however, long-tailed macaques did not show IA, possibly owing to bottom effects on the number of rewards they aim to receive. Moreover, and contrary to our predictions, an individual's inequity response was similar when tested with a "friend" or a "nonfriend." Therefore, we conclude that long-tailed macaques show IA only in conditions of moderate effort, yet that IA seems independent of RQ. Furthermore, IA may not be domain specific. Altogether, IA may be a trait present in all species that habitually cooperate, independent of their social organization.  相似文献   
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