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This study investigated the environmental restoration effects of Ranunculus sceleratus in a sewage system microcosm trial, including the removal of pollutants and algal inhibition. We compared the removal of pollutants by R. sceleratus in a eutrophic sewage system in the presence and the absence of algae. The rate of removal without algae was 16.2–20.5% of that with algae. NH4+N was removed most readily by R. sceleratus. The effects of R. sceleratus on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa were also investigated in two allelopathic modes. The level of algal inhibition after the addition of an extract of Ranunculus scleratus was 57.1–78.9% greater than that in a co-culture test. To understand the role of allelopathy interference with algal development, we also determined the total flavonoid contents of plants, which ranged from 3.57 g to 20.19 g per plant. The cell density of Microcystis aeruginosa was negatively correlated with the total flavonoids in R. sceleratus, although aquatic macrophytes may contain other allelochemicals involved with algal inhibition in addition to flavonoid compounds. The environmental effects of R. sceleratus were significantly correlated with its growth stage (or water retention time), plant height, and biomass. This study suggests that R. sceleratus has potential for the low-effort and sustainable management of freshwaters, particularly the removal of nutrient pollutants and the reduction of excessive algal growth, which may be attributable to allelochemicals such as flavonoids. The in situ environmental restoration effects of R. sceleratus require further investigation at the ecosystem level.  相似文献   
深远海浮游动物生态学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙栋  王春生 《生态学报》2017,37(10):3219-3231
深远海浮游生态系统依据水深的差别可以被划分为几个子系统,包括上层、中层、深层和深渊层等。目前大量的研究结果表明在海洋上层,由于光照、温度、海冰和营养盐补充等因素的影响,浮游生物群落往往呈现出显著的时空变化。但在海洋中层及更深的区域,传统观点认为随着水深的增加,海洋的理化环境趋向于稳定,在这一区域生态系统的时空变化要弱于海洋上层。同时受调查技术和经费的限制,人们对于这一广阔区域内浮游生态系统时空变化规律的认识要局限的多。随着我国海洋科学的发展和海洋强国战略的实施,海洋科学研究也逐渐由过去的以近海研究为主发展到当前的近海、边缘海和深远海研究协同发展。但与我国近海浮游生态学过去数十年间积累的大量研究成果相比,我国科学家对深远海,特别是中层、深层和深渊层浮游生态学方面的研究极为缺乏。从大洋浮游动物群落的垂直分布及其变化、种间关系与生态位分化、深海浮游动物群落在碳沉降和生物地球化学循环中的作用等多个角度全面总结了当前国内外深海浮游生态学的研究进展,同时介绍过去十余年来深海浮游生态学研究技术手段上的巨大进步,以期为今后国内同行的研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
潘莹  郑华  易齐涛  李若男 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5204-5213
生态系统服务簇是多种生态系统服务的组合,是生态系统多功能性中的主导功能表征。识别生态系统服务簇的空间和功能变化及影响因素,可为基于主导功能实施分区管理策略、统筹土地多功能性,进而为整体提升区域生态系统服务提供参考。本研究以大清河流域为例,选取6种生态系统服务(水资源供给服务、粮食供给服务、水源涵养服务、水质净化服务、土壤保持服务、固碳服务),在乡镇尺度上探讨了生态系统服务簇的变化特征,研究了影响其变化的主要因素。结果表明:(1)依据主导的生态系统服务类型,大清流域可以分为3个生态系统服务簇,生态调节服务簇(B1),农产品供给服务簇(B2)和人居环境簇(B3);(2)2000-2015年,生态调节服务簇的空间格局变幅最大,乡镇变化率为19.6%,而农产品供给服务簇和人居环境簇的空间稳定性较强,变化率小于5.0%;生态系统服务簇类型发生转化的区域主要位于服务簇交界处;(3)尽管服务簇在空间上有变化,但生态调节服务簇、农产品供给服务簇和人居环境簇的生态系统服务呈增长趋势,平均增幅高达8.62%;(4)自然本底条件和生态保护政策是驱动生态调节服务簇变化的主要因素,农产品供给和建设用地面积的变化分别是驱动农产品供给服务簇和人居环境簇时空变化的主要因素。该案例研究结果为管理土地多功能属性、整体提升国土空间功能提供了有效的途径。  相似文献   
Extreme heat wave events are now causing ecosystem degradation across marine ecosystems. The consequences of this heat‐induced damage range from the rapid loss of habitat‐forming organisms, through to a reduction in the services that ecosystems support, and ultimately to impacts on human health and society. How we tackle the sudden emergence of ecosystem‐wide degradation has not yet been addressed in the context of marine heat waves. An examination of recent marine heat waves from around Australia points to the potential important role that respite or refuge from environmental extremes can play in enabling organismal survival. However, most ecological interventions are being devised with a target of mid to late‐century implementation, at which time many of the ecosystems, that the interventions are targeted towards, will have already undergone repeated and widespread heat wave induced degradation. Here, our assessment of the merits of proposed ecological interventions, across a spectrum of approaches, to counter marine environmental extremes, reveals a lack preparedness to counter the effects of extreme conditions on marine ecosystems. The ecological influence of these extremes are projected to continue to impact marine ecosystems in the coming years, long before these interventions can be developed. Our assessment reveals that approaches which are technologically ready and likely to be socially acceptable are locally deployable only, whereas those which are scalable—for example to features as large as major reef systems—are not close to being testable, and are unlikely to obtain social licence for deployment. Knowledge of the environmental timescales for survival of extremes, via respite or refuge, inferred from field observations will help test such intervention tools. The growing frequency of extreme events such as marine heat waves increases the urgency to consider mitigation and intervention tools that support organismal and ecosystem survival in the immediate future, while global climate mitigation and/or intervention are formulated.  相似文献   
曹梦琪  蔡英楠  张丽  徐建英 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9341-9353
自然保护区作为生态系统服务的产生区和生物多样性保护的重点区,评估其关键生态系统服务,对提高保护区管理水平和生态保护与建设效率有重要意义。利用CASA模型、RUSLE模型、InVEST模型及水量平衡原理等方法分别定量评估了卧龙自然保护区2000年和2015年碳固定(NPP)、土壤保持、生境质量和水源涵养4种生态系统服务并分析了其时空分布及其变化特征,揭示了不同地形位梯度和土地利用类型上生态系统服务的差异,识别了生态系统服务的热点区域。研究结果揭示了2000-2015年4种生态系统服务及其变化的时空异质性:1)研究期间保护区4种生态系统服务供给量均有所增加,且增益面积大于减损面积;2)空间上,NPP、土壤保持和生境质量3种服务表现为东南高、西北低,水源涵养空间分布无明显规律,4种服务的空间分布特征均变化不大且保持相对稳定;3)4种生态系统服务空间分布及变化与地形位和土地利用类型有关。4种服务的高值和增益的优势分布区均位于较低地形位指数梯度上,以保护区东南部最为突出;林地和草地是对保护区生态系统服务贡献较大的土地利用类型,尤以林地突出;4)热点分析表明保护区东南部是主要的生态系统服务供给热点区,研究期间Ⅳ类热点区面积显著增加。结合研究区域生态系统特征和生态恢复与管理政策,探讨分析了目标生态系统服务时空变化的自然生态和社会经济驱动力,为本区域生态系统恢复和生物多样性保护提供依据和建议。  相似文献   
建立自然保护区是保护和维持生物多样性最有效、最基本的措施。在有限的资金和人力条件下,如何参考不同人类干扰在保护优先区建设中的影响并选择合适的保护规划方案,在更大程度上的保护本区域的生物多样性,一直以来都是保护生物学家争论的焦点。以横断山南段区为例,重点关注保护区建设过程中不同的人类干扰程度,以人类干扰的高低为切入点,基于多准则决策分析的原理和方法,以横断山南植被生态系统和人类干扰强度因子为基础,对比分析横断山南的生态系统保护价值分布、人类干扰格局和保护成效,结果显示:一是区域内森林生态系统(针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、落叶混交林、常绿针叶林)、湿地生态系统(湖泊、河流、草本湿地)、高山生态系统(冰川和永久积雪、高寒草甸、高寒草原)价值高且分值在21分以上;二是从人类干扰高低分析入手,基于维持和提升区域生物多样性的角度出发,提出了不同的保护优先区域和保护策略。三是识别出横断山南段区的保护优先区主要包括峨边县、马边县、石棉县、越西县、保山市、腾冲市、维西县、德钦县、察隅县等区域。  相似文献   
Use of fast-growing domesticated and/or genetically modified strains of fish is becoming increasingly common in aquaculture, increasing the likelihood of deliberate or accidental introductions into the wild. To date, their ecological impacts on ecosystems remain to be quantified. Here, using a controlled phenotype manipulation by implanting growth hormone in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), we found that growth-enhanced fish display changes in several phenotypic traits known to be important for ecosystem functioning, such as habitat use, morphology and excretion rate. Furthermore, these phenotypic changes were associated with significant impacts on the invertebrate community and key stream ecosystem functions such as primary production and leaf-litter decomposition. These findings provide novel evidence that introductions of growth-enhanced fish into the wild can affect the functioning of natural ecosystems and represent a form of intraspecific invasion. Consequently, environmental impact assessments of growth-enhanced organisms need to explicitly consider ecosystem-level effects.  相似文献   
滕雅丽  谢苗苗  王回茴  陈燕  李峰 《生态学报》2022,42(19):7941-7951
资源型城市前期发展导致了生境丧失或退化,实现高质量转型需要深入理解城市转型与生态环境质量之间的关系,土地利用转型特征及其对生境质量的影响规律研究为此提供依据与支撑。以资源型城市--乌海市为研究区,通过地学信息图谱和InVEST模型探究2005-2018年乌海市土地利用转型特征、生境质量时空变化及土地利用转型对生境质量的影响。结果表明:(1)2005-2018年乌海市土地利用变化趋势发生改变,土地利用转型明显,土地利用变化图谱单元数量逐渐增加78.14%,分布范围逐渐广泛。主要表现为草地与建设用地、采矿用地之间的相互转化,第一阶段(2005-2015年)草地大面积减少,建设用地和采矿用地大面积增加,第二阶段(2015-2018年)趋势相反。(2)乌海市生境质量变化呈现先强退化后弱提升趋势。2005-2015年乌海市18.75%的区域生境质量退化,提升面积较小;2015-2018年生境质量提升面积略大于退化面积。(3)2005-2015年草地向采矿用地、建设用地转化是区域生境质量降低的主要原因,2015-2018年区域生境质量提升的主导因素是采矿用地和建设用地向草地转化。研究结果揭示了资源型城市土地利用转型过程中生境质量的响应规律,可为资源型城市土地利用转型决策提供参考。  相似文献   
以20世纪70年代植被类型图作为参照生态系统,采用径流量和径流系数作为径流调节功能的表征指标,建立了基于历史参照系的三江源区径流调节功能评估模型,以参照系径流系数与实际径流系数的比值作为径流系数质量指数,分析了2000-2017年三江源区生态系统径流调节功能参照值、现状值及变化量的时空变化规律。结果表明:2000-2017年,三江源区多年平均径流量为495.15亿m3,地表径流量为96.64亿m3,参照系条件下多年平均径流量为468.37亿m3,地表径流量为68.60亿m3。相比参照系,三江源区生态系统的径流蓄纳能力降低,总径流量和地表径流量均明显增加。空间上,基于参照系和实际生态系统的多年平均径流量表现为东南高西北低的空间分布特征,地表径流量则呈西部高东部低的空间分布特征。从时间变化看,实际径流和参照系径流的差别率在4%-9%之间,实际地表径流和参照系地表径流的差别率在22%-58%之间。径流系数质量指数得分显示,2000-2017年,三江源区径流系数质量指数平均得分为98.63,地表径流系数质量指数平均得分为96.98,两者均呈现先降低后增加的趋势,地表径流系数质量指数变化更为明显。2000-2017年,各县(镇)径流系数和地表径流系数质量指数得分具有较大差别,但各县(镇)得分变化均不明显,变化率分别在-1.95%-0.71%和-0.35%-1.90%之间。通过建立基于历史生态系统的评估参照系,定量评估了三江源区参照系和实际条件下的径流变化过程,实现了不同时间、不同区域生态系统径流调节功能的可比较,可对量化生态系统恢复进程提供支撑。  相似文献   
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