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Six-week-old, mycorrhiza-free, bareroot jack pine and black spruce seedlings were outplanted in ten reforestation sites, situated between 45–48° latitude N and 69–74° longitude W, within the province of Quebec, representing diverse operational forestry disturbances and ecological conditions. Two months after outplanting, root systems of black spruce seedlings had fewer mycorrhizae than those of jack pine seedlings. Ectomycorrhizal colonization on black spruce seedlings did not vary significantly with the reforestation site. Percent mycorrhizal colonization for these seedlings was positively correlated with seedling dry weight while with the jack pine seedlings, mycorrhizal colonization varied significantly with the outplanting site and there was no correlation between mycorrhizal formation and seedling dry weight. Multiple linear regressions showed pH to be a determinant soil factor for mycorrhizal colonization for the two species. Drainage was the other influential factor affecting colonization of black spruce while organic matter accumulation was more important for jack pine. Inoculation with selected ectomycorrhizal fungi could be more important for black spruce than for jack pine seedlings.  相似文献   
Nymphs of Hyalymenus , unlike adults, have a highly differentiated ant-like morphology. Both H. tarsatus and H. limbativentris feed mainly on reproductive parts of composites and solanaceous plants, respectively. Mimetic nymphs were observed on plants, together with ants, both day and night; adult Hyalymenus , however, are predominantly nocturnal. Ant-resemblance in nymphs is achieved by several structural adaptations which, when coupled with the mimic's zig-zag locomotion and constantly agitated antennae, produces a striking visual deception. Experiments in captivity showed that mimetic nymphs, but not adult Hyalymenus , are somewhat protected against attacks from the praying mantid Oxyopsis media found on their host plant. Colour and size changes through different nymphal instars of Hyalymenus allow the immature bugs to resemble, during their development, differently sized and coloured ant models. Similar-looking ant species seem to act as Mullerian mimics toward insectivorous vertebrates and invertebrates that avoid ants. It is suggested that nymphs of Hyalymenus gain Batesian protection by resembling available ant models of different Mullerian complexes. Density-dependent selection is thought to be responsible for the observed differences in mimetic morph proportions between populations of mimics, as well as for the mimetic strategy itself employed by nymphs of Hyalymenus.  相似文献   
Several mechanisms may contribute to the high species richness often reported in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal communities, including spatial and temporal partitioning. Here, we focus on temporal partitioning. Using molecular methods, we determined the frequencies of occurrence of ECM fungal species detected as hyphae and ECM roots in the forest floor of a Pinus resinosa plantation during a 13-month period. We then used a novel statistical procedure to place the most frequently occurring ECM fungal species into groups distinguished by their patterns of relative frequency over time. Three groups with contrasting temporal patterns were distinguishable for fungal species detected as hyphae. Two groups were distinguishable for species detected as ECM roots. Our results support the hypothesis that temporal partitioning occurs among the species of ECM fungi in this community, but we did not address its causes, which may have involved interactions among species' physiological tolerances, temporal environmental variability, temporal patterns of root production, and variation in fungal genet lifespan. These interactions should be the subjects of future research.  相似文献   
Lindblad  C.  Kautsky  U.  André  C.  Kautsky  N.  Tedengren  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):277-283
The effects of antifouling paint leachate containing tributyltin on community metabolism and nutrient dynamics were measured in situ on natural communities dominated by Fucus vesiculosus. The measurements were made in two areas with different salinities and at various TBT concentrations up to about 5 µg 1–1. A portable continuous flow-through system was used in which the communities were incubated for a week. Continual measurements of oxygen, temperature, light and flow rate of water were made. A Perturbation Index (PI) and an Absolute Disturbance Index (ADI) were used to describe the changes due to treatment relative to the control, and to obtain a total picture of disturbance using all measured parameters. Photosynthesis was particularly strongly affected and changes were obvious in oxygen production and nutrient uptake at TBT levels as low as 0.6 µg 1–1.  相似文献   
根据对新疆博格达山岩面生地衣群落20个样点(20m×20m)调查的数据,以各地衣种的盖度为指标结合双向指示种分析方法(TWINSPAN)和除趋势对应分析法(DCA)对博格达山岩面生地衣群落进行数量分类并分析了群落结构特征及其多样性和相似性。采用典范对应分析法(CCA)对各群落的物种分布格局与环境因子的关系进行研究。结果表明,TWINSPAN分析和DCA排序将分布在博格达山的37种岩面生地衣分为以下5个群丛。群丛1:斑纹网衣(Lecidea tessellate Florke)+粉芽盾衣(Peltula euploca(Ach.)Poelt)+杜瑞氏黄梅(Xanthoparmelia durietzii Hale)群丛,有25个种,总覆盖度为30.145%,多样性为4.025;群丛2:袋衣(Hypogymnia physodes(L.)Nyl.)+白边平茶渍(Aspicilia sublaqueata(H.Magn.)J.C.Wei)+砖孢胶衣(Collema subconveniens Nyl.)群丛,有17个种,地衣总盖度为15.885%,多样性为3.196;群丛3:聚茶渍(Lecanora accumulate H.Magn.)+丽石黄衣(Xanthoria elegans(Link)Th.Fr.)+亚洲平茶渍(Aspicilia asiatica(H.Magn.)Yoshim.)群丛,有30个种,地衣总盖度为37.87%,多样性为4.357;群丛4:中华石果衣(Endocarpon sinense H.Magn.)+伴藓大孢蜈蚣衣(Physconia muscigena(Ach.)Poelt.)+垫脐鳞衣(Rhizoplaca melanophthalma(DC.)LeuckertPoelt)群丛,有24个种,地衣总盖度为30.458%,多样性为3.912;群丛5:石胶衣(Collema flaccidum(Ach.)Ach.)+短绒皮果衣(Dermatocarpon vellereum Zschacke)+绿黑地图衣(Rhizocarpon viridiatrum(Wulfen)Korber.)群丛,有18个种,地衣总盖度为19.331%,多样性为3.515。CCA排序结果反映,该地区岩面生地衣的分布与海拔高度、光照强度、岩石pH和人为干扰有关,其中影响最大的因素是海拔高度,其次为光照强度和干扰。坡向和岩石大小对地衣种类分布的影响不显著。  相似文献   
Local plants are a very important resource for the community of Gamboa, located at Itacuruçá Island, Sepetiba Bay, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Ninety species of plants, belonging to 40 families, are used for a variety of purposes, such as food, construction, handicraft, and medicine. In a survey medicinal uses for plants were the most quoted by the community. Uses of medicinal plants within Gamboa and with other coastal communities are analyzed using diversity indices. Use by different categories of people based on sex, age, and economic activity was compared and significant differences were found among the groups compared, except for economic categories (fishermen and non-fishermen). The theory of island biogeography is shown to be useful for analyzing different levels of resource uses on different islands.  相似文献   
Plant allocation patterns may affect soil C and N storage due to differences in litter quality and the depth of plant C and N inputs into the soil. We studied the dynamics of dual-labeled (13C/15N) Pinus ponderosa needles and fine roots placed at two soil depths (O and A horizon) in a temperate conifer forest soil during 2 y. Input of C as fine roots resulted in much more C retained in soil (70.5 ± 2.2% of applied) compared with needle C (42.9 ± 1.3% of applied) after 1.5 y. Needles showed faster mass loss, rates of soil 13CO2 efflux, and more 15N immobilized into microbial biomass than did fine roots. The larger proportion of labile C compounds initially present in needles (17% more needle C was water soluble than in fine roots) likely contributed to its shorter C residence time and greater degree of transformation in the soil. A double exponential decay function best described the rate of 13C loss, with a smaller initial pulse of C loss from fine roots (S1k1) and a slower decay rate of the recalcitrant C pool for fine roots (0.03 y−1) compared with (0.19 y−1) for needles. Soil 13C respiration, representing heterotrophic respiration of litter C, was much more seasonal from the O horizon than from the A. However, offsetting seasonal patterns in 13C dynamics in the O horizon resulted in no net effect of soil depth on total 13C retention in the soil after 1.5 y for either litter. Almost 90% of applied litter N was retained in the soil after 1.5 y, independent of litter quality or soil depth. Very small amounts of 13C or 15N (<3% of applied) moved to the horizon above or below the placement depth (i.e., O to A or A to O). Our results suggest that plant allocation belowground to fine roots results in more C retained and less N mineralized compared with allocation aboveground to needles, primarily due to litter quality differences.  相似文献   
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