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不同类型人工湿地微生物群落的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物是人工湿地不可缺少的成员,对湿地生态系统中物质转化、能量流动起着重要作用.本文从人工湿地微生物群落的研究方法、微生物群落结构与组成、微生物群落调节作用与环境因素的关系等方面,综述了人工湿地微生物的研究进展.各种新颖的分子生物学方法已经成为研究人工湿地的微生物多样性的有力工具,其中最常见的是变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和寡核苷酸荧光探针原位杂交(FISH);人工湿地微生物群落的调节作用主要取决于湿地的水文条件、废水的特点(包括组成成分,污染物的特点和利用性)、湿地的过滤材料或土壤类型、植物和各种环境因素;不同人工湿地类型的微生物群落组成,从多到少依次是变形菌、噬纤维菌.黄杆菌菌群、放线菌和厚壁菌.如何进一步加深对氮循环相关微生物多样性的研究,提高废水中氮的去除效率依然是未来人工湿地技术需要解决的重要问题之一.  相似文献   
Bemisia tabaci, an invasive pest that causes crop damage worldwide, is a highly differentiated species complex, divided into biotypes that have mainly been defined based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. Although endosymbionts can potentially induce population differentiation, specialization and indirect selection on mtDNA, studies have largely ignored these influential passengers in B. tabaci, despite as many as seven bacterial endosymbionts have been identified. Here, we investigate the composition of the whole bacterial community in worldwide populations of B. tabaci, together with host genetic differentiation, focusing on the invasive B and Q biotypes. Among 653 individuals studied, more than 95% of them harbour at least one secondary endosymbiont, and multiple infections are very common. In addition, sequence analyses reveal a very high diversity of facultative endosymbionts in B. tabaci, with some bacterial genus being represented by more than one strain. In the B and Q biotypes, nine different strains of bacteria have been identified. The mtDNA‐based phylogeny of B. tabaci also reveals a very high nucleotide diversity that partitions the two ITS clades (B and Q) into six CO1 genetic groups. Each genetic group is in linkage disequilibrium with a specific combination of endosymbionts. All together, our results demonstrate the rapid dynamics of the bacterial endosymbiont–host associations at a small evolutionary scale, questioning the role of endosymbiotic communities in the evolution of the Bemisia tabaci species complex and strengthening the need to develop a metacommunity theory of inherited endosymbionts.  相似文献   
渤海东部海域秋季底层游泳动物种类组成及群落多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2014年9月在渤海东部海域(37°40'—38°20'N、120°00'—121°20'E)进行的游泳动物底拖网调查数据,应用相对重要性指数、生物多样性指数、群落结构多元统计分析等方法对该海域游泳动物种类组成及群落多样性特征进行了分析。结果表明:调查海域共捕获游泳动物54种,以头足类枪乌贼(Loliolus spp.)为绝对优势种;游泳动物资源密度为28.82kg/h和5166尾/h。游泳动物种类Margalef丰富度指数(D)的变化范围为1.99—3.67,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')变化范围为0.89—2.28,Pielou均匀度指数(J')变化范围为0.29—0.69。群落结构多元统计分析表明,渤海东部海域游泳动物群落结构以60%的相似性可划分为3个组群:长岛群岛海域组群(A组群)、龙口海域组群(B组群)和蓬莱海域组群(C组群);ANOSIM分析表明,组群之间差异极显著,两两之间差异亦极显著。受增殖放流影响,C组群资源密度和种类多样性均保持较高的水平,而A、B组群人为活动频繁,过度捕捞严重,对海域生态环境和渔业资源整体结构的破坏较大。  相似文献   
Ribosomal 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing was used to explore whether the genetically modified (GM) Bt-maize hybrid MON 89034 × MON 88017, expressing three insecticidal recombinant Cry proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis, would alter the rhizosphere bacterial community. Fine roots of field cultivated Bt-maize and three conventional maize varieties were analyzed together with coarse roots of the Bt-maize. A total of 547 000 sequences were obtained. Library coverage was 100% at the phylum and 99.8% at the genus rank. Although cluster analyses based on relative abundances indicated no differences at higher taxonomic ranks, genera abundances pointed to variety specific differences. Genera-based clustering depended solely on the 49 most dominant genera while the remaining 461 rare genera followed a different selection. A total of 91 genera responded significantly to the different root environments. As a benefit of pyrosequencing, 79 responsive genera were identified that might have been overlooked with conventional cloning sequencing approaches owing to their rareness. There was no indication of bacterial alterations in the rhizosphere of the Bt-maize beyond differences found between conventional varieties. B. thuringiensis-like phylotypes were present at low abundance (0.1% of Bacteria) suggesting possible occurrence of natural Cry proteins in the rhizospheres. Although some genera indicated potential phytopathogenic bacteria in the rhizosphere, their abundances were not significantly different between conventional varieties and Bt-maize. With an unprecedented sensitivity this study indicates that the rhizosphere bacterial community of a GM maize did not respond abnormally to the presence of three insecticidal proteins in the root tissue.  相似文献   
Questions: What is the accuracy and reliability of the commonly used random soil sampling methodology for predicting seedling density, species richness and composition of the emerging seedling community? Location: Lake Kraenepoel, western Belgium. Methods: We compared density, species composition and observed and rarefactioned species richness of the seedling community emerging on a soft water lake bed exposed after drainage with the seedling community germinating in the laboratory from random soil samples in the same plots. Results: Seedling density did not differ between the two methods and there was a significant correlation between seedling density on the exposed lake bed and in the soil samples. This indicates that future seedling density can be reliably predicted based on soil sampling, in particular for the most abundant species. The most frequently occurring and abundant species among the seedlings in the soil samples were also the most frequent and abundant species germinating on the exposed lake bed. In contrast, species richness was much higher on the exposed lake bed than in the soil samples, and this difference was still significant for annual species after correction for differences in sampling intensity by rarefaction. We found no correlation between the number of species retrieved by the two methods. Although seedlings of rare and target species emerged on the lake bed, random soil sampling clearly failed to detect seeds of most of these species. Conclusions: Random soil sampling at a commonly used intensity and using the standard germination conditions can accurately predict future total seedling density and the density of the most abundant species. However, the method is not reliable for predicting the probability of establishment of populations of uncommon species. When executing a seed bank study, sampling intensity and germination conditions need to be adapted to the nature and the level of detail of the research question to be answered.  相似文献   
We compare the primary sex ratio (proportion of haploid eggs laid by queens) and the secondary sex ratio (proportion of male pupae produced) in the Argentine ant Iridomyrmex humilis with the aim of investigating whether workers control the secondary sex ratio by selectively eliminating male brood. The proportion of haploid eggs produced by queens was close to 0.5 in late winter, decreased to less than 0.3 in spring and summer, and increased again to a value close to 0.5 in fall. Laboratory experiments indicate that temperture is a proximate factor influencing the primary sex ratio with a higher proportion of haploid eggs being laid at colder temperatures. Production of queen pupae ceased in mid-June, about three weeks before that of male pupae. After this time only worker pupae were produced. During the period of production of sexuals, the proportion of male pupae ranged from 0.30 to 0.38. Outside this period no males were reared although haploid eggs were produced all the year round by queens. Workers thus exert a control on the secondary sex ratio by eliminating a proportion of the male brood during the period of sexual production and eliminating all the males during the remainder of the cycle. These data are consistent with workers preferring a more female-biased sex ratio than queens. The evolutionary significance of the production of male eggs by queens all the year round is as yet unclear. It may be a mechanism allowing queen replacement in the case of the death of the queens in the colony.  相似文献   
澳门青洲山翻白叶树群落特征及物种多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据样方调查结果,对澳门青洲山翻白叶树(Pterospermum heterophyllum)群落的种类组成、外貌、结构特征与动态及物种多样性进行分析.结果表明:(1)在1 600 m2样地中,有维管束植物47种,隶属于29科44属;对乔木层和灌木层主要物种的重要值以及频度分析结果显示,该群落是以翻白叶树为主的单优种群落,群落种类组成多样性和水平分布不均匀,其外貌终年常绿;对优势种种群的年龄结构分析显示,该种群处于增长状态;(2)整个群落的物种丰富度Margalef指数为13.72,Shannon-Wiener指数为1.15,Simpson指数为0.875,均匀度指数为0.34,该群落的层次格局为:灌木层>藤本层>乔木层>草本层;(3) 与其他5个不同类型地区森林群的物种多样性比较结果显示,澳门翻白叶树群落的物种多样性明显低于其他5个森林群落.  相似文献   
Power densities produced by microbial fuel cells (MFCs) in natural systems are changed by exposure to light through the enrichment of photosynthetic microorganisms. When MFCs with brush anodes were exposed to light (4000 lx), power densities increased by 8–10% for glucose-fed reactors, and 34% for acetate-fed reactors. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles based on the 16S rRNA gene showed that exposure to high light levels changed the microbial communities on the anodes. Based on 16S rRNA gene clone libraries of light-exposed systems the anode communities using glucose were also significantly different than those fed acetate. Dominant bacteria that are known exoelectrogens were identified in the anode biofilm, including a purple nonsulfur (PNS) photosynthetic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, and a dissimilatory iron-reducing bacterium, Geobacter sulfurreducens. Pure culture tests confirmed that PNS photosynthetic bacteria increased power production when exposed to high light intensities (4000 lx). These results demonstrate that power production and community composition are affected by light conditions as well as electron donors in single-chamber air-cathode MFCs.  相似文献   
The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, originally from South America, is now a major pest in many parts of the world with Mediterranean-like climates. Earlier research indicated that southwestern European L. humile populations are segregated into two distinct supercolonies, the ‘Main’ supercolony extending through Portugal, Spain, southern France, and Italy, and the ‘Catalonian’ supercolony in eastern Spain. Both supercolonies are unicolonial, with workers showing no aggression towards members of the same supercolony, but severe aggression towards members of the other supercolony. Here we evaluated the behavioral relationships among non-native L. humile populations on the Macaronesian islands of Madeira and the Azores and non-native populations in southwestern Europe. We conducted aggression assays among L. humile workers from Madeira, the Azores, and the two southwestern European supercolonies. We found no aggressive interactions among any combination of workers from Madeira, the Azores, and the Main supercolony. However, workers from Madeira and the Azores always fought aggressively with workers from the Catalonian supercolony. Thus, the populations of L. humile in Madeira and the Azores appear to be unicolonial and act as if they belong to the Main supercolony of southwestern Europe. This set of geographically separated but mutually compatible supercolonies, which we term a ‘metacolony,’ appears to descend from one supercolony. Historical evidence suggests that the first L. humile population in the greater Mediterranean region was established in Madeira and that propagules from the dominant supercolony in Madeira gave rise to the dominant supercolonies in to other parts of the region.  相似文献   
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