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Summary In osmotic experiments involving cells of the euryhaline unicellular green algaChlorella emersonii exposed to hyperosmotic stress by immersion in a range of low molecular weight organic and inorganic solutes, a temporary breakdown in the selective permeability of the plasma membrane was observed during the initial phase of transfer to media of high osmotic strength (up to 2000 mosmol kg–1). Thus, although the cells appeared to obey the Boyle-van't Hoff relationship in all cases, showing approximately linear changes in volume (at high salinity) as a function of the reciprocal of the external osmotic pressure, the extent of change was least for the triitols, propylene glycol and glycerol, intermediate for glucose, sorbitol, NaCl and KCl, with greatest changes in media containing the disaccharides sucrose and maltose. In NaCl-treated cells, uptake of external solute and loss of internal ions was observed in response to hyperosmotic treatment while sucrose-treated cells showed no significant uptake of external solute, although loss of intracellular K+ was observed. These observations suggest that the widely used technique of estimating cellular turgor, and osmotic/nonosmotic volume by means of the changes in volume that occur upon transfer to media containing increasing amounts of either a low molecular weight organic solute or an inorganic salt may be subject to error. The assumption that all algal cells behave as ideal osmometers, with outer membranes that are permeable to water but not to solutes, during the course of such experiments is therefore incorrect, and the data need to be adjusted to take account of hyperosmotically induced external solute penetration and/or loss of intracellular osmotica before meaningful estimates of cell turgor and osmotic volume can be obtained.  相似文献   
Copulatory data derived from observations of social groups of rhesus and stumptail macaques were analyzed to test the hypothesis that pairs of animals would resume copulation significantly sooner if a second male copulated with the female shortly after the first male’s ejaculation. Data from both groups supported the hypothesis. These results, extending previous studies in Macaca nemestrina,suggest that the shortening of copulatory intervals by social stimuli occurs in several species, both in social groups and in experimentally created triads. These findings also are consistent with the hypothesis that socially mediated resumption of mating is related to intrasexual competition among males.  相似文献   
Parturitional behavior in 12 caged Macaca fuscatawas analyzed. Wild-caught mothers showed adequate maternal behaviors immediately following the neonate’s expulsion. Parity differences existed in the behaviors; primiparae were more idiosyncratic than were multiparae. Among multiparae, those with two or more offspring were uniformly adequate, but those with a single birth experience varied in the adequacy of the maternal care they provided at parturition. Mothers embraced and licked their neonates and had ventroventral contact with them frequently immediately after parturition but decreased these behaviors after expulsion of the placenta. In contrast, mothers showed allogrooming after consuming the placenta. Placentophagy was correlated with the level of orality represented by maternal licking behaviors. An isolation-reared primipara reacted to her newborn in a basically negative manner, although she showed little actual aggression. She showed a rapid shift in her negative behavior during the immediate postpartum period. This mother’s newborn sought contact with her, indicating the neonate’s active role in establishing a stable mother-neonate bond.  相似文献   
Synopsis Campostoma spp., widespread and abundant herbivorous minnows of eastern North America, produce distinctive grazing scars when feeding on algae attached to natural substrates in streams. These scars are particularly prominent upon the low growth forms of blue-green algae that dominate the attached algal flora of many upland streams. In one stream pool in the Ozark uplands of Oklahoma, numbers and sizes of grazing scars coincided with numbers and sizes of individual Campostoma that occurred across a depth gradient, demonstrating that the information contained in the scars can provide quantification of microhabitat use and grazing intensity of these important herbivores. The results also support the hypothesis that in environments free of aquatic predators, larger fish use deeper parts of available stream habitats, particularly if threats from terrestrial or avian predators exist.  相似文献   
Recently we noted the effects of experimental diets on microscopic dental wear in the American opossum and concluded that it might prove difficult to distinguish the microwear produced by an insectivorous diet from that produced by some kinds of herbivorous ones. We also noted that wear caused by gritty diets and those containing plant opal, although they might be confused with one another, are easily distinguished from other sorts of dietary wear. Our conclusions have been challenged on the basis that possibly we did not allow sufficient time in the experiments for diagnostic wear patterns to emerge. Additional data reported here show that this is not so. Even in our n “control” animals, fed a relatively soft unabrasive diet, enough time elapsed to produce significant dental wear. A new technique is described which for the first time allows the study of changing patterns of microscopic wear in a living animal over a period of time, thus allowing each animal to serve as its own control. A solution containing a broad-spectrum proteolytic enzyme when applied to the teeth of an anesthetized animal removes the proteinaceous coat (pellicle) which will otherwise obscure wear scratches. Precision dental impressions can then be made which reveal the details of the pattern of microwear on the teeth.  相似文献   
A dialysis unit was used to test whether direct physical contact between serum albumin and hamster spermatozoa is required for capacitation and/or the acrosome reaction. Sperm and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were incubated cither together (direct incubation) or separated by a dialysis membrane (indirect incubation). Sperm viability was supported with “sperm motility factors” (hypotaurine and epinephrine) and polyvinylalcohol (PVA). Spermatozoa became capacitated and underwent acrosome reactions when directly incubated in medium containing BSA (TALP-PVA), but did not undergo acrosome reactions when indirectly incubated with BSA (medium TLP-PVA). When sperm were first incubated for 4 hr indirectly with BSA, followed by 4 hr direct incubation with BSA, capacitation did not occur during indirect incubation. These findings indicate that an “intimate association” is necessary between serum albumin and spermatozoa to support capacitation under in vitro incubation conditions. The data are consistent with the concept of direct transfer of compounds from sperm to albumin and/or vice versa during sperm capacitation.  相似文献   
We quantified microscale pattern in vegetation and seed assemblages along a 24 m transect before and for two years following a controlled burn in chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum) chaparral in central coastal California. Our objective was to document scale-dependent correlation between pre-burn seed assemblages, pre-burn canopy cover, microtopography, soil temperatures during burning, post-burn seed assemblages and post-burn vegetation. Scale-dependent correlations among pre- and post-burn seed densities, maximum soil temperatures during burning, microtopography and post-burn vegetation were measured based on two-term local covariance analysis.Seed distribution varied among species prior to fire, with seeds of some annual species concentrated in gap areas. Maximum soil temperatures during burning ranged from less than 50 °C to 225 °C, and were generally lowest in gaps in the pre-burn canopy. These gaps were associated with local topographic depressions. After burning, readily germinable seeds were concentrated in or near gaps in the pre-burn canopy. Germination of different species was variously enhanced, diminished or unchanged by the passage of fire. Post-burn vegetation was very patchy, with some areas nearly devoid of seedlings and other areas, especially pre-burn canopy gaps, supporting numerous seedlings. Seedling recruitment patterns in the second year were generally highly correlated with patterns in pre-burn seed banks and first year vegetation. Although many species exhibited similar recruitment patterns, several different mechanisms may have been responsible for the origin of those patterns.  相似文献   
黑卷尾繁殖期领域性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卢欣 《生态学杂志》1989,8(4):28-30,34
鸟类的领域性是鸟类行为生态学研究的一个重要内容。在这方面国外进展很快,但国内工作较少,专文报道除三宝鸟之外,其它颇为罕见。1987年夏季,我们在太原市南郊对该地区的夏候鸟黑卷尾(Dicrurus macrocercus)的领域行为进行了观测。现将资料整理分析如下。一、工作区与工作方法太原盆地的自然环境和鸟类群落状况已有报道,在此不再赘述。工作区选在小马—加节两村之间约190ha的区域内(图1)。其  相似文献   
Mortality of eggs during incubation was estimated for three ocypodid crabs,Scopimera globosa, Ilyoplax pusillus andMacrophthalmus japonicus, and the influence of incubation sites was discussed. These crabs all lived in isolated burrows and fed on sediments during day time low tide.S. globosa andI. pusillus inhabited the upper intertidal sandflats, whereasM. japonicus inhabited the lower intertidal mudflats. Females of bothS. globosa andI. pusillus remained in their plugged burrows without feeding throughout incubation and the mortality of eggs was low despite large broods relative to body size. On the other hand, females ofM. japonicus fed actively on surface mud during incubation and the mortality of eggs was high despiite small broods relative to body size. InS. globosa andI. pusillus, the ovaries of ovigerous females were small until egg-hatching, whereas inM. japonicus, the ovaries grew rapidly during incubation and females were able to produce consecutive broods. I conclude that incubation of eggs in burrows may be advantageous in species which inhabit the upper interidal sandflats, even though the crabs cannot forage during incubation, since otherwise their eggs would be exposed to strong heat stress and desication during the summer. Furthermore, such species may produce few large broods because of less frequent interruption of feeding than that associated with production of many small broods.  相似文献   
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