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啮齿动物的贮藏行为与植物种子的扩散   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
绝大多数啮齿动物一方面取食大量的植物种子和果实,另一方面通过其贮食行为将植物种子和果实搬运到远离母树的地点,即扩散,并将它们分散埋藏在落叶下或浅表的土层中,从而影响种子和果实的时空分布,最后导致幼苗在有利的条件下发生和建成,实现植物更新。啮齿动物与植物种子和果实之间已广泛形成了互惠或协同进化的关系。啮齿动物的贮食行为主要通过以下几个过程对植物种子和果实的扩散产生影响:选择、搬运和埋藏以及随后对种子和幼苗存活和死亡的影响等。本综述了啮齿动物对植物种子和果实贮藏的研究结果,以期为进一步开展啮齿动物的贮食行为在植物种子和果实的扩散中的作用的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
鼠类对山杏和辽东栎种子的贮藏   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
路纪琪  张知彬 《兽类学报》2004,24(2):132-138
在北京市东灵山地区,选择灌丛生境,人工释放山杏和辽东栎种子,对两种种子在释放处被鼠类就地取食、存留动态、种子被搬运和贮藏的距离、位置、状态、微生境等进行了分析比较。采用活捕饲喂和咬痕比较的方法,对野外取食山杏和辽东栎种子的鼠类进行了鉴定。结果表明:1)取食山杏和辽东栎种子的鼠类主要是大林姬鼠和岩松鼠;2)山杏种子被鼠类搬运的平均距离大于辽东栎种子,两种种子大多数被搬运至21m之内,在9m之内最为集中;3)山杏种子的中位存留时间较辽东栎种子长;4)在释放处,鼠类对辽东栎种子的就地取食强度(54.83%)大于对山杏种子的取食(0.17%);5)在搬运之后,大部分山杏种子被埋藏起来,仅有3粒被取食;而辽东栎种子大部分被取食;6)鼠类趋向于把种子搬运到灌丛下方或灌丛边缘进行贮藏或取食。山杏种子在贮藏点的数量为1—3粒,而辽东栎种子在贮藏点的数量均为1粒。  相似文献   
High frequency of polyandry in a lek mating system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adaptive significance of polyandry by female birds in theabsence of direct benefits remains unclear. We determined thefrequencies of polyandrous mating and multiple paternity inthe ruff, a lekking shorebird with a genetic dimorphism inmale mating behavior. More than half of female ruffs mate with, and have clutches fertilized by, more than one male. Individualfemales mate with males of both behavioral morphs more oftenthan expected. Polyandrous mating was more likely followingcopulation interference, but interference was uncommon. Themultiple paternity rate of ruffs is the highest known for avian lekking species and for shorebirds. The general hypothesis thatpair-bond constraints are the major selective factor favoringmultiple mating in birds does not predict our findings. Activegenetic diversification, which has been widely dismissed asa functional explanation for polyandrous mating in birds, mayapply with respect to the behavioral polymorphism in ruffs becauseof a Mendelian genetic basis for male behavioral morph determinationand aspects of male—male cooperation and female choice.However, rates of multiple paternity in other species of lekkingbirds are higher than generally realized, and the potentialbenefits of diversification in general deserve further consideration.  相似文献   
 The role of direct and indirect interactions in intraguild predation (IGP) was investigated in a laboratory study. The study system contained two spider species, Phidippus audax and Phidippus octopunctatus, and the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. P. audax and P. octopunctatus eat D. melanogaster. P. audax (top predators) also eat P. octopunctatus (intermediate predators). Thus, P. audax and P. octopunctatus compete for the shared resource and also interact as predator and prey. Experiments consisted of two treatments: risk-IGP and full-IGP. In the risk-IGP treatments, I examined the effects of trait-mediated indirect effects generated by antipredator behavior of P. octopunctatus on the survival of fruit flies. P. audax chelicerae were waxed so that P. audax could not attack a prey. The result indicated a significant positive indirect effect of P. audax on the survival of D. melanogaster due to the antipredator behavior of P. octopunctatus (a trait-mediated indirect effect). In the full-IGP treatments, P. audax chelicerae were not restricted, so that it could attack prey; this resulted in decreased survival of D. melanogaster. Because of predation of P. audax on P. octopunctatus, even stronger positive interactions occurred between P. audax and D. melanogaster in full-IGP than in risk-IGP. Received: May 7, 2002 / Accepted: June 27, 2002  相似文献   
Ost M  Wickman M  Matulionis E  Steele B 《Oecologia》2008,158(2):205-216
The energetic incubation constraint hypothesis (EICH) for clutch size states that birds breeding in poor habitat may free up resources for future reproduction by laying a smaller clutch. The eider (Somateria mollissima) is considered a candidate for supporting this hypothesis. Clutch size is smaller in exposed nests, presumably because of faster heat loss and higher incubation cost, and, hence, smaller optimal clutch size. However, an alternative explanation is partial predation: the first egg(s) are left unattended and vulnerable to predation, which may disproportionately affect exposed nests, so clutch size may be underestimated. We experimentally investigated whether predation on first-laid eggs in eiders depends on nest cover. We then re-evaluated how nesting habitat affects clutch size and incubation costs based on long-term data, accounting for confounding effects between habitat and individual quality. We also experimentally assessed adult survival costs of nesting in sheltered nests. The risk of egg predation in experimental nests decreased with cover. Confounding between individual and habitat quality is unlikely, as clutch size was also smaller in open nests within individuals, and early and late breeders had similar nest cover characteristics. A trade-off between clutch and female safety may explain nest cover variation, as the risk of female capture by us, mimicking predation on adults, increased with nest cover. Nest habitat had no effect on female hatching weight or weight loss, while lower temperature during incubation had an unanticipated positive relationship with hatching weight. There were no indications of elevated costs of incubating larger clutches, while clutch size and colony size were positively correlated, a pattern not predicted by the ‘energetic incubation constraint’ hypothesis. Differential partial clutch predation thus offers the more parsimonious explanation for clutch size variation among habitats in eiders, highlighting the need for caution when analysing fecundity and associated life-history parameters when habitat-specific rates of clutch predation occur.  相似文献   
Trioza eugeniae oviposited significantly more eggs on Syzygium paniculatum leaves free of eggs compared to leaves with pre-existing eggs in a choice experiment, suggesting that females modify oviposition based on cues associated with the presence of eggs. In separate experiments, females avoided ovipositing on parts of leaves where eggs were present, but readily oviposited on areas of the same leaf without eggs. Epideictic pheromones are apparently not used by this species because females readily oviposited on areas of a leaf from which eggs had previously been removed. Females laid 57% of all their eggs along the margins of normal leaves, but also oviposited on artificial margins produced by cutting the leaves. The preference for natural margins over artificial margins was eliminated when the entire margin was coated with an antitranspirant compound to mask the damaged edge. These studies show that ovipositing psyllids respond both to the presence of eggs and to the suitability of the substrate.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Bacteria grow on avian eggshells and thus can potentially cause diseases in developing embryos. Little is known about culturable bacteria colonizing avian eggshells in free‐living birds, with most studies restricted to poultry. Our objective was to examine the culturable bacterial array growing on eggshells during incubation that could negatively affect hatching success of Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a temperate montane habitat in central Spain. Cloacal culturable bacteria of females were also analyzed because bacteria can be vertically transmitted from females to eggs. We used fecal samples as surrogates of cloacal samples due to the small size of sampled birds. We found that eggshells and female cloacae of Pied Flycatchers harbored 24 and 40 bacterial families and species, respectively, but only a few in each clutch and each cloaca. Rod‐shaped gram‐negative bacteria and bacteria in the family Pseudomonadaceae were the most common bacteria on eggshells during early and late incubation and in female cloacae. Although based on small sample sizes, we found that females with rod‐shaped gram‐negative bacteria in their cloacae laid eggs that also had these bacteria, providing possible evidence for vertical transmission. We found no evidence for vertical transmission of Pseudomonadaceae, suggesting a possible environmental source for these bacteria. The prevalence of bacterial morphological types and major taxonomical categories on eggshells did not vary from early to late stages of incubation, providing support for the hypothesis that incubation may have bacteriostatic effects on bacterial proliferation on eggshells. Despite being primary egg invaders in poultry, we detected no effects of culturable Pseudomonadaceae or Pseudomonas luteola on hatching success. Our study represents the first to examine the culturable bacteria growing on the eggshells of a wild bird in a temperate habitat and additional studies based on culture‐independent techniques are required to confirm our results.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Recent elevation of critically endangered Bahama Orioles (Icterus northropi) to species status prompted us to evaluate their population status, habitat use, and breeding ecology. From surveys, we estimated that at least 141 to 254 individuals remain globally, with 90 to 162, 24 to 44, and 27 to 48 individuals remaining on North Andros Island, Mangrove Cay, and South Andros Island, The Bahamas, respectively. Orioles were observed nesting exclusively in anthropogenic habitat (residential and agricultural land), but home ranges also included nearby pine forest and coppice (dry broadleaf forest). Most nests (40 of 46, or 87%) were in nonnative coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), with native Sabal palmetto and Thrinax morrisii, and an introduced Brassaia actinophylla also used. Trees selected by orioles for nesting were significantly taller, less likely to have shrubs underneath, further from cover, and had more palm trees nearby than randomly selected palm trees. Three of eight nests with known contents were parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis). Lethal yellowing disease recently devastated coconut palms and reduced the number of orioles on North Andros, but palms on Mangrove Cay and South Andros remain healthy. The juxtaposition of anthropogenic habitat to suitable native habitats may be more important than any single factor for Bahama Orioles, especially for breeding adults and fledged young. Conservation of coppice habitat, at high risk for agricultural and residential development, is crucial for survival of this critically endangered synanthropic species.  相似文献   
Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) inhabit coastal regions because they feed on the aquatic vegetation that grows in shallow waters, which are the same areas where human activities are greatest. Noise produced from anthropogenic and natural sources has the potential to affect these animals by eliciting responses ranging from mild behavioral changes to extreme aversion. Sound levels were calculated from recordings made throughout behavioral observation periods. An information theoretic approach was used to investigate the relationship between behavior patterns and sound level. Results indicated that elevated sound levels affect manatee activity and are a function of behavioral state. The proportion of time manatees spent feeding and milling changed in response to sound level. When ambient sound levels were highest, more time was spent in the directed, goal‐oriented behavior of feeding, whereas less time was spent engaged in undirected behavior such as milling. This work illustrates how shifts in activity of individual manatees may be useful parameters for identifying impacts of noise on manatees and might inform population level effects.  相似文献   
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