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科尔沁沙地紫花苜蓿的光合日动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐丽君  王波  孙启忠 《应用生态学报》2008,19(10):2189-2193
利用Li-6400光合测定系统,田间实地测定了紫花苜蓿3个品种(敖汉苜蓿、Rangelander和 阿尔冈金)的光合作用日变化特征.结果表明:不同生长年限紫花苜蓿3个品种的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(WUE)日变化并不完全呈双峰曲线.其中,敖汉苜蓿和阿尔冈金叶片的Pn和Tr峰值均出现在9:00—11:00,Rangelander在11:00,最低值均出现在7:00和19:00;Rangelander和阿尔冈金叶片的WUE最高值出现在7:00,敖汉苜蓿在9:00,最低值均出现在15:00—17:00.综合分析Pn、Tr和WUE 3项指标,2 年生苜蓿各项指标最佳,1年生次之,而4年生最差;对Pn和Tr影响最大的环境因子是气温,其次是水分亏缺和空气相对湿度.  相似文献   
大田增温对夏玉米光合特性的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在大田条件下研究了增温对两个夏玉米品种农大108(ND108)和掖单13号(YD13)光合特性及产量的影响.结果表明:大喇叭口期到成熟期增温显著降低了夏玉米籽粒产量,ND108和YD13的籽粒产量分别较对照降低了46.6%和45.1%;叶面积指数平均值分别降低了15.4%和11.5%;穗位叶叶片光合速率平均值分别降低了22.85%和18.14%;两个玉米品种叶片的叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量显著降低,但对叶绿素a的影响更显著.增温后玉米叶片的磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPCase)和核酮糖二磷酸羧化酶(RuBPCase)活性都显著降低,ND108、YD13叶片的PEPCase和RuBPCase活性分别较对照降低了51.1%、32.4%和29.5%、7.7%.  相似文献   
Species interactions play key roles in linking the responses of populations, communities, and ecosystems to environmental change. For instance, species interactions are an important determinant of the complexity of changes in trophic biomass with variation in resources. Water resources are a major driver of terrestrial ecology and climate change is expected to greatly alter the distribution of this critical resource. While previous studies have documented strong effects of global environmental change on species interactions in general, responses can vary from region to region. Dryland ecosystems occupy more than one‐third of the Earth's land mass, are greatly affected by changes in water availability, and are predicted to be hotspots of climate change. Thus, it is imperative to understand the effects of environmental change on these globally significant ecosystems. Here, we review studies of the responses of population‐level plant‐plant, plant‐herbivore, and predator‐prey interactions to changes in water availability in dryland environments in order to develop new hypotheses and predictions to guide future research. To help explain patterns of interaction outcomes, we developed a conceptual model that views interaction outcomes as shifting between (1) competition and facilitation (plant‐plant), (2) herbivory, neutralism, or mutualism (plant‐herbivore), or (3) neutralism and predation (predator‐prey), as water availability crosses physiological, behavioural, or population‐density thresholds. We link our conceptual model to hypothetical scenarios of current and future water availability to make testable predictions about the influence of changes in water availability on species interactions. We also examine potential implications of our conceptual model for the relative importance of top‐down effects and the linearity of patterns of change in trophic biomass with changes in water availability. Finally, we highlight key research needs and some possible broader impacts of our findings. Overall, we hope to stimulate and guide future research that links changes in water availability to patterns of species interactions and the dynamics of populations and communities in dryland ecosystems.  相似文献   
植物物候是生态系统对气候变化响应的重要指示器,是植物生产力与植被动态模拟的重要参数。但是植物物候对全球变化的响应是否存在年际间变异、年内变异、物种间变异或生境间变异,以及如何改变,目前仍然不明确。该研究基于内蒙古荒漠草原长期增温和氮添加实验平台,选择优势植物短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)和木地肤(Kochia prostrata)为研究对象,使用物候打分观测方法和Richards生长曲线拟合方法,研究了实验处理第11、12和13年(2016–2018年)期间增温和氮添加对植物物候的影响。研究结果表明:(1)短花针茅开花时间集中在第129–145天,冷蒿开花时间集中在第230–248天,木地肤开花时间集中在第194–222天。增温、氮添加和增温+氮添加均使短花针茅和木地肤开花时间趋于提前,冷蒿开花时间趋于推迟。(2)短花针茅结果时间集中在第134–148天,冷蒿结果时间集中在第241–260天,木地肤结果时间集中在第207–231天。增温、氮添加和增温+氮添加处理均使短花针茅和木地肤结果时间趋于提前,冷蒿结果时间趋于推迟。(3)短...  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) serves as an important mineral element affecting plant productivity and nutritional quality. However, few studies have addressed the interactive effects of elevated CO2 and precipitation change on leaf N of dominant grassland genera such as Stipa L. This has restricted our understanding of the responses of grassland to climate change. We simulated the interactive effects of elevated CO2 concentration and varied precipitation on leaf N concentration (Nmass) of four Stipa species (Stipa baicalensis, Stipa bungeana, Stipa grandis, and Stipa breviflora; the most dominant species in arid and semiarid grassland) using open-top chambers (OTCs). The relationship between the Nmass of these four Stipa species and precipitation well fits a logarithmic function. The sensitivity of these four species to precipitation change was ranked as follows: S. bungeana S. breviflora > S. baicalensis S. grandis. The Nmass of S. bungeana was the most sensitive to precipitation change, while S. grandis was the least sensitive among these Stipa species. Elevated CO2 exacerbated the effect of precipitation on Nmass. Nmass decreased under elevated CO2 due to growth dilution and a direct negative effect on N assimilation. Elevated CO2 reduced Nmass only in a certain precipitation range for S. baicalensis (163–343 mm), S. bungeana (164–355 mm), S. grandis (148–286 mm), and S. breviflora (130–316 mm); severe drought or excessive rainfall would be expected to result in a reduced impact of elevated CO2. Elevated CO2 affected the Nmass of S. grandis only in a narrow precipitation range. The effect of elevated CO2 reached a maximum when the amount of precipitation was 253, 260, 217, and 222 mm for S. baicalensis, S. bungeana, S. grandis, and S. breviflora, respectively. The Nmass of S. grandis was the least sensitive to elevated CO2. The Nmass of S. breviflora was more sensitive to elevated CO2 under a drought condition compared with the other Stipa species.  相似文献   
Biomass allocations between aboveground and belowground organs provide pivotal information for connecting aboveground productivity and belowground carbon sequestration. As accurate measurement of belowground biomass is essential for determining the biomass allocation, we first reviewed the methods in quantifying belowground biomass and their merits. We then presented the major advances on plant biomass allocations between aboveground and belowground organs, as well as the potential drivers such as precipitation, warming, atmospheric CO2 concentration, and nitrogen deposition. We finally provided a list of challenges in studying belowground biomass allocation for the future. This review has important implications for studies on carbon cycling in grassland ecosystems under the changing climate.  相似文献   
与传统方法相比, 利用树木年轮学方法研究树线过渡区树木生长温度敏感性高低的问题更注重比较树木个体间的生长情况, 从各个树轮序列间的生长一致性程度和树轮序列对气候因素(气温、降水)的响应一致性程度可探讨树线过渡区树木生长的温度敏感性。为了认识高山树线过渡区内树木生长的温度敏感性问题, 选择西藏昌都地区八宿县的一条川西云杉树线过渡区为研究对象, 比较了过渡区内树木个体间的生长一致性, 分析了树木生长与气候因素的相关性及其在个体间的异同。结果显示: 树线过渡区内树轮生长在个体间的一致性较低, 树轮生长与气温的关系在树木个体间的一致性也较低, 而树轮生长与当年4-9月降水的关系相对较强。西藏八宿树线过渡区属于干旱区, 相对于气温而言, 降水对树木生长的影响更大。此外, 小生境的异质性及干扰事件的发生也有可能降低树木对温度的敏感性。在全球变暖及极端气候事件增加的背景下, 树木生长的温度敏感性被高估可能会导致对树线过渡区位置及树线过渡区内群落生产力等的预测产生偏差, 这一问题应该在区域生态模拟研究和相关林业经营与管理上得到重视。  相似文献   
1962-2011年来宁夏不同等级降水的变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了了解宁夏地区不同等级降水的结构特征,以1962-2011年宁夏地区9个气象台站逐日降水资料为基础,运用线性趋势法、相关分析法、Hurst趋势分析法及IDW空间插值法,分析了宁夏地区不同等级降水量、降水日数和降水强度的变化特征.结果表明:年降水量、降水日数整体呈减少趋势,而年降水强度则表现为微弱增加,未来的年降水量将呈反持续性,而年降水日数、降水强度则表现为持续性;从空间变化来看,受不同因素影响,年降水量、降水日数及降水强度均表现为由南至北的减少趋势,且降水量、降水日数的空间分布具有一致性;从时间变化来看,夏季降水量丰、降水日数多、降水强度大,其中暴雨的降水强度最大,冬季则降水量枯、日数少、强度小;年、季不同等级降水事件气候趋势分析表明,年降水量和降水日数呈减小趋势,而受冬、夏、秋小雨及暴雨的影响,年降水强度呈微弱增加之势.  相似文献   
Understanding how climate change impacts species and ecosystems is integral to conservation. When studying impacts of climate change, warming temperatures are a research focus, with much less attention given to extreme weather events and their impacts. Here, we show how localized, extreme rainfall events can have a major impact on a species that is endangered in many parts of its range. We report incubation temperatures from the world's largest green sea turtle rookery, during a breeding season when two extreme rainfall events occurred. Rainfall caused nest temperatures to drop suddenly and the maximum drop in temperature for each rain‐induced cooling averaged 3.6°C (n = 79 nests, min = 1.0°C, max = 7.4°C). Since green sea turtles have temperature‐dependent sex determination, with low incubation temperatures producing males, such major rainfall events may have a masculinization effect on primary sex ratios. Therefore, in some cases, extreme rainfall events may provide a “get‐out‐of‐jail‐free card” to avoid complete feminization of turtle populations as climate warming continues.  相似文献   
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