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The differential allocation theory predicts that females should invest more in offspring produced with attractive partners, and a number of studies support this prediction in birds. Females have been shown to increase reproductive investment when mated to males showing elaborated sexual traits. However, mate attractiveness might also depend on the interaction between male and female genotypes. Accordingly, females should invest more in offspring sired by individuals that are genetically dissimilar or carry superior alleles. Here, we show in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) that pairs of unfamiliar genetic brothers and sisters are less likely to reproduce in comparison with randomly mated pairs. Among the brother–sister pairs, those that attempted to breed laid smaller clutches and of lower total clutch mass. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that females adjust their reproductive effort in response to the genetic similarity of their partners. Importantly, these results imply a female ability to assess relatedness of a social mate without prior association.  相似文献   
Ten microsatellite loci were used to investigate the impact of human activity on the spatial and temporal genetic structure of Vitellaria paradoxa (Sapotaceae), a parkland tree species in agroforestry systems in southern Mali. Two stands (forest and fallow) and three cohorts (adults, juveniles and natural regeneration) in each stand were studied to: (i) compare their levels of genetic diversity (gene diversity, HE; allelic richness, Rs; and inbreeding, FIS); (ii) assess their genetic differentiation (FST); and (iii) compare their levels of spatial genetic structuring. Gene diversity parameters did not vary substantially among stands or cohorts, and tests for bottleneck events were nonsignificant. The inbreeding coefficients were not significantly different from zero in most cases (FIS = -0.025 in forest and 0.045 in fallow), suggesting that the species is probably outbreeding. There was a weak decrease in F(IS) with age, suggesting inbreeding depression. Differentiation of stands within each cohort was weak (FST = 0.026, 0.0005, 0.010 for adults, juveniles and regeneration, respectively), suggesting extensive gene flow. Cohorts within each stand were little differentiated (FST = -0.001 and 0.001 in forest and fallow, respectively). The spatial genetic structure was more pronounced in fallow than in forest where adults showed no spatial structuring. In conclusion, despite the huge influence of human activity on the life cycle of Vitellaria paradoxa growing in parkland systems, the impact on the pattern of genetic variation at microsatellite loci appears rather limited, possibly due to the buffering effect of extensive gene flow between unmanaged and managed populations.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

A reduction in offspring fitness resulting from mating between neighbours is interpreted as biparental inbreeding depression. However, little is known about the relationship between the parents'' genetic relatedness and biparental inbreeding depression in their progeny in natural populations. This study assesses the effect of kinship between parents on the fitness of their progeny and the extent of spatial genetic structure in a natural population of Rhododendron brachycarpum.


Kinship coefficients between 11 858 pairs of plants among a natural population of 154 R. brachycarpum plants were estimated a priori using six microsatellite markers. Plants were genotyped, and pairs were selected from among 60 plants to vary the kinship from full-sib to unrelated. After a hand-pollination experiment among the 60 plants, offspring fitness was measured at the stages of seed maturation (i.e. ripening) under natural conditions, and seed germination and seedling survival under greenhouse conditions. In addition, spatial autocorrelation was used to assess the population''s genetic structure.

Key Results

Offspring fitness decreased significantly with increasing kinship between parents. However, the magnitude and timing of this effect differed among the life-cycle stages. Measures of inbreeding depression were 0·891 at seed maturation, 0·122 (but not significant) at seed germination and 0·506 at seedling survival. The local population spatial structure was significant, and the physical distance between parents mediated the level of inbreeding between them.


The level of inbreeding between individuals determines offspring fitness in R. brachycarpum, especially during seed maturation. Genetic relatedness between parents caused inbreeding depression in their progeny. Therefore, biparental inbreeding contributes little to reproduction and instead acts as a selection force that promotes outcrossing, as offspring of more distant (less related) parents survive better.  相似文献   
Hulecoeteomyia japonica japonica (= Aedes japonicus japonicus) (Diptera: Culicidae) (Theobald 1901), a container‐breeding invasive species in North America and Europe, is attracting particular attention for its high local abundances and possible roles in the transmission of human and animal pathogens. The preferential habitats of this species are forested and bushy areas, which renders control measures extremely inefficient. Use of the sterile insect technique (SIT) may contribute to the implementation of area‐wide integrated pest management strategies, as has been successfully proven with other aedine mosquito species. The present study investigates the effects of irradiation at a dose of 40 Gy on fitness parameters in H. j. japonica. Irradiation was performed on 16–24‐h‐old pupae from a colonized strain (PA) using a TrueBeam linear accelerator. Males from the PA strain were crossed with females of the same colony or with field‐collected females. Irradiation induced a slight increase in mortality in male pupae, but did not alter the survival and mating abilities of emerging adult males. Rates of blood feeding and fertility were lower when PA strain males were kept with field‐collected females rather than PA females. Irradiated males induced reductions in fertility (residual fertility: 2.6%) and fecundity in mated females. The data indicate that the SIT is a suitable technique to enhance the control of this species.  相似文献   
Hatchery broodstocks used for genetic conservation or aquaculture may represent their ancestral gene pools rather poorly. This is especially likely when the fish that found a broodstock are close relatives of each other. We re-analysed microsatellite data from a breeding experiment on red sea bream to demonstrate how lost genetic variation might be recovered when gene frequencies have been distorted by consanguineous founders in a hatchery. A minimal-kinship criterion based on a relatedness estimator was used to select subsets of breeders which represented the maximum number of founder lineages (i.e., carried the fewest identical copies of ancestral genes). UPGMA clustering of Nei's genetic distances grouped these selected subsets with the parental gene pool, rather than with the entire, highly drifted offspring generation. The selected subsets also captured much of the expected heterozygosity and allelic diversity of the parental gene pool. Independent pedigree data on the same fish showed that the selected subsets had more contributing parents and more founder equivalents than random subsets of the same size. The estimated mean coancestry was lower in the selected subsets, meaning that inbreeding in subsequent generations would be lower if they were used as breeders. The procedure appears suitable for reducing the genetic distortion due to consanguineous and over-represented founders of a hatchery gene pool.  相似文献   
Population subdivision into behaviorally cohesive kin groups influences rates of inbreeding and genetic drift and has important implications for the evolution of social behavior. Here we report the results of a study designed to test the hypothesis that harem social structure promotes inbreeding and genetic subdivision in a population with overlapping generations. Genetic consequences of harem social structure were investigated in a natural population of a highly polygynous fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), in western India. The partitioning of genetic variance within and among breeding groups was assessed using 10-locus microsatellite genotypes for 431 individually marked bats. Genetic analysis of the C. sphinx study population was integrated with field data on demography and social structure to determine the specific ways in which mating, dispersal, and new social group formation influenced population genetic structure. Microsatellite data revealed striking contrasts in genetic structure between consecutive offspring cohorts and between generations. Relative to the 1998 (dry-season) offspring cohort, the 1997 (wet-season) cohort was characterized by a more extensive degree of within-group heterozygote excess (F(IS) = -0.164 vs. -0.050), a greater degree of among-group subdivision (F(ST) = 0.123 vs. 0.008), and higher average within-group relatedness (r = 0.251 vs. 0.017). Differences in genetic structure between the two offspring cohorts were attributable to seasonal differences in the number and proportional representation of male parents. Relative to adult age-classes, offspring cohorts were characterized by more extensive departures from allelic and genotypic equilibria and a greater degree of genetic subdivision. Generational differences in F-statistics indicated that genetic structuring of offspring cohorts was randomized by natal dispersal prior to recruitment into the breeding population. Low relatedness among harem females (r = 0.002-0.005) was primarily attributable to high rates of natal dispersal and low rates of juvenile survivorship. Kin selection is therefore an unlikely explanation for the formation and maintenance of behaviorally cohesive breeding groups in this highly social mammal.  相似文献   
Breeding system in a population of Trigonella balansae (Leguminosae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although some taxonomic studies in the genus Trigonella have been conducted, there has been no concerted effort to study the breeding system. This paper examines the floral structure and pollination system in a population of T. balansae, an annual pasture legume. METHODS: Floral morphology, hand and vector pollination, stigma receptivity, pollen tube growth, using scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy, were conducted. KEY RESULTS: Measurements of floral structure from before to after anthesis indicates an inability for T. balansae to self-pollinate and a requirement for an external vector to effectively transfer pollen from the anthers onto the stigmas of this species. Seed set can be obtained by hand or honeybee manipulation of T. balansae flowers. CONCLUSIONS: Trigonella balansae is a self-compatible species, but which requires vectors such as honeybees to bring about pollination.  相似文献   
Many functionally hermaphroditic plants have evolved mechanisms to reduce interference between the sex functions and to optimize reproductive output. In addition to physical mechanisms such as the spatial (herkogamy) and temporal (dichogamy) separation of male and female functions, plasticity in sex expression by means of mate-recognition (flexible mating) could be important in plants with variable access to cross-pollen. This applies particularly to clonal plants because of their modular growth form. We experimentally tested for the effects of pollen source and vegetative neighbourhood on instantaneous sex ratio and seed production in the self-compatible clonal marine angiosperm Zostera marina L. To this end, we exposed the (monoecious) flowering shoots to self and cross-pollen and to neighbourhoods of their own and a mix of foreign vegetative shoots. Flowering shoots that had been exposed to cross-pollen showed (1) a significantly lower female/male ratio at peak flowering, evidence for mate-recognition, and (2) a significantly higher seed set by the end of the season. Both effects were independent of the genetic composition of their vegetative neighbourhood. The results suggest that Z. marina maintains a cryptic self-incompatibility system not previously described for angiosperms with sub-aqueous pollination. In Z. marina, and possibly other self-compatible clonal plant species, mate-recognition could be a means of increasing the out-crossing probability for flowering shoots with central positions within their clone.  相似文献   
In order to estimate the isonymy structure of Spain, we studied surname distribution in 283 Spanish towns based on 3.625 million telephone users selected from 6.328 million users, downloaded from a commercial CD-ROM which contains all 13 million users in the country. Since in Spain the surname is made by the paternal and the maternal surname, it was possible to classify surnames according to parental origin. Two matrices of isonymy distances, one for paternal and one for maternal surnames, were constructed and tested for correlation with geographic distance. For the whole of Spain, Euclidean distance was significantly but weakly correlated with geographic distance both for paternal and maternal surnames, with r = 0.205 +/- 0.013 and r = 0.263 +/- 0.012, respectively. Two dendrograms of the 283 sampled towns were built from the two matrices of Euclidean distance. They are largely colinear. Four main clusters identified by the dendrograms are correlated with geography. Given the surname structure of Spain, we were able to calculate from isonymy and for each town 1). total or expressed inbreeding, 2). random or expected inbreeding, and 3). local inbreeding. Total inbreeding, F(IT), was highest in the North Atlantic regions and lowest along the Mediterranean Coast. The lowest levels were found in Andalusia, Catalunyia, Valencia, and Navarra. Random inbreeding, F(ST), had a similar geographical pattern. Local inbreeding, F(IS), was relatively uniform in the whole of Spain. In towns, random inbreeding dominates over local inbreeding. From the analysis, it emerges that the northwestern area of Spain is the most inbred.  相似文献   
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