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Nina Hewitt 《Oecologia》1998,114(3):432-440
Large seed size is a trait associated with plant species of mature, closed habitats, and is thought to supply an ample nutrient reserve necessary for seedling establishment. While this relationship has been shown for annuals and short-lived perennials, it is poorly documented for trees. A comparative method was used to determine whether North American temperate tree species which typically establish in shady conditions have larger seeds than those requiring more open conditions. Both angiosperms (hardwoods) and gymnosperms (conifers) were involved in the study. A significant relationship was found between large seed mass and shade-tolerance for angiosperms, but not for gymnosperms. These contrasting results seem to relate to unique evolutionary opportunities or constraints in different taxa. The absence of a relationship for gymnosperms is discussed in terms of character traits which might prevent seed size selection in response to shade. The finding for angiosperms underlines the importance of the regeneration niche in promoting coexistence among temperate hardwood species through seed size differentiation. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 26 November 1997  相似文献   
Fresh-water, marine or parasitic protozoa can be immobilized for microscopic observation on protaminecoated slides. They appear not to be harmed by this procedure. The type of protamine derivative and its concentration are important, best results being obtained with 0.015–0.05% (w/v) of protamine sulfate.  相似文献   
Summary Following an intracisternal injection of sodium chloride, sodium has been localized in paraventricular and subpial tissues of the posterior fossa by means of the pyroantimonate histochemical technique, with the use of a buffered pyroantimonate medium. The electron dense deposit is present in these tissues within 4 minutes after injection and is found only extracellularly except in the area postrema. This finding supports the contention that sodium is chiefly an extracellular ion and that the cerebrospinal fluid and the extracellular fluid are in equilibrium at these sites. In the area postrema, an intracellular precipitate is noted in the vesicular structures of the atypical astrocytes of this structure and in pinocytic vesicles of the large blood vessels. The intraglial localization of sodium in the area postrema is discussed in relation to a possible function of this structure as a regulator of cerebrospinal fluid ionic content.This work was supported by grant number NB-08549-02 from the National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke, Bethesda, Maryland.  相似文献   
基于表型数据的辣椒核心种质构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以收集保存的603份辣椒种质为材料,根据果形指数大小将其分成5组。基于28个性状的表型数据,采用简单比例、平方根比例、对数比例及遗传多样性指数比例法计算各组内取样份数,比较4种组内取样比例法、6种总体取样规模和2种取样方法在构建辣椒核心种质中的作用和效果。结果表明:(1)简单比例、平方根比例、对数比例、遗传多样性指数比例法入选的材料份数占预选核心种质份数依次为24.2%、22.2%、21.1%、17.8%,说明遗传多样性指数比例法对各组取样数量的修正能力最强,使取样更加均衡。(2)当总体取样规模为15%时,遗传多样性指数比例法构建的预选核心种质遗传多样性指数(I)达到最大,表型保留比例(RPR)超过98%;当总体取样规模超过20%时,RPR值、变异系数(CV)和极差符合率(CR)虽然平缓增加,但I值反而减小;说明15%为合适的总体取样规模。(3)利用对数比例法和多样性比例法,在15%的总体取样规模下,聚类取样构建的核心种质I值、RPR值、CV值及CR值均高于随机取样。(4)该研究根据所获得的优化方案最终在表型水平建立了包含91份种质的辣椒核心种质。  相似文献   
王亦尘  李毅  肖珍珍 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):3769-3776
土壤斥水性(SWR)阻碍入渗及再分布过程.虽然斥水土壤在世界广泛存在,但其产生机理并不明确.本文采用滴水穿透时间(WDPT)法、酒精摩尔浓度(MED)法和接触角(θ)法测定了新疆玛纳斯河流域典型土壤的SWR指标,其中θ的测定采用高度法和质量法.对WDPT是否受烘干及不同容重的影响进行对比,探讨各SWR指标之间的联系,并分析了SWR的关键理化性质影响因子,探讨土壤斥水的机理和原因.结果表明: 高容重土壤的WDPT值更大,烘干土壤的WDPT值比风干土壤大;3种SWR指标(WDPT、MED及θ)之间有一定的相关关系,但MED与θ的相关性并不明显,表明各SWR指标之间虽有一定联系,但表征方面具有差异性;采用高度法和质量法测量水与土壤的θ值时,高度法的θ值大于质量法,高度法之间重复差异小于质量法;使用正辛烷作为参比溶液测量水与土壤的θ值时,其重复的差异较小,低于无水乙醇;在多种理化性质中,黏粒含量比其他土壤属性更显著地影响WDPT和θ;[K+]、[Na+]均与θ呈正相关;蒙脱石含量与WDPT、MED呈负相关.综上,土壤SWR的测定方法中,WDPT法操作简单但易受影响;MED法缩短了入渗时间但试验过程耗时;接触角法操作复杂,结果相对精确,采用正辛烷作为参比溶液的高度法更可靠.建议采用多种指标综合表征土壤斥水性.  相似文献   
贵州兴仁煤矿区农田土壤重金属化学形态及风险评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解煤矿区周边农田土壤重金属污染状况,采集了贵州省兴仁县某典型煤矿区农田土壤样品64份,测定了土样中重金属(As、Cr、Pb、Zn、Cd、Hg、Cu、Ni)总量及各形态含量,采用单因子指数法、潜在生态风险指数法(Hkanson法)和风险评估编码法(RAC)对研究区主要土壤利用类型(水稻土、薏米地、植烟土和菜园土)中重金属进行潜在生态风险评估和环境风险评价.结果表明: 不同利用类型土壤中重金属含量除Zn外,其他元素均明显超过贵州省背景值.单因子指数法评价结果表明,As、Pb、Hg和Cu污染较为严重,均属重度污染.形态分析表明,土壤中重金属形态构成差异明显,酸可提取态As、酸可提取态Cd所占比例较高;Cr、Zn、Cu、Ni主要以残渣态为主;Pb主要以可还原态和残渣态为主;而Hg的酸可提取态、可还原态、可氧化态均占有相当比例,三者之和大于55%.重金属可利用度大小顺序为:As(63.6%)>Hg(57.3%)>Cd(56.4%)>Pb(52.5%)>Cu(45.7%)>Zn(32.8%)>Ni(26.2%)>Cr(13.2%).潜在生态风险指数表明,各类型土壤潜在生态风险(RI)〖JP2〗为:菜园土(505.19)>薏米地(486.06)>植烟土(475.33)>水稻土(446.86),均处于较高风险.风险评估编码法结果显示,As在水稻土、薏米地及植烟土中均处于高风险,在菜园土中处于中等风险;Cd、Hg均处于中等风险,Cr、Pb、Zn、Cu和Ni均处于低风险.因此,对该区域农田土壤进行管控时应重点考虑As、Cd和Hg污染.  相似文献   
This work explores the heterogeneity of aggregation of polyglutamine fusion constructs in crude extracts of transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans animals. The work takes advantage of the recent technical advances in fluorescence detection for the analytical ultracentrifuge. Further, new sedimentation velocity methods, such as the multi‐speed method for data capture and wide distribution analysis for data analysis, are applied to improve the resolution of the measures of heterogeneity over a wide range of sizes. The focus here is to test the ability to measure sedimentation of polyglutamine aggregates in complex mixtures as a prelude to future studies that will explore the effects of genetic manipulation and environment on aggregation and toxicity. Using sedimentation velocity methods, we can detect a wide range of aggregates, ranging from robust analysis of the monomer species through an intermediate and quite heterogeneous population of oligomeric species, and all the way up to detecting species that likely represent intact inclusion bodies based on comparison to an analysis of fluorescent puncta in living worms by confocal microscopy. Our results support the hypothesis that misfolding of expanded polyglutamine tracts into insoluble aggregates involves transitions through a number of stable intermediate structures, a model that accounts for how an aggregation pathway can lead to intermediates that can have varying toxic or protective attributes. An understanding of the details of intermediate and large‐scale aggregation for polyglutamine sequences, as found in neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's Disease, will help to more precisely identify which aggregated species may be involved in toxicity and disease.  相似文献   
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