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Circularly polarized chlorophyll luminescence (CPL) may serve as a measure of chiral macroaggregates of the light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein complexes (LHC II) in both isolated chloroplasts and intact leaves (Gussakovsky et al (2000) Photosynth Res 65: 83–92). In the present work, we applied the CPL approach to study the effect of fast (1–2 min) thermal impacts on LHC II macroaggregates. The results revealed unexpected temperature-response kinetics, composed of initial bell-shaped changes in the CPL signal, followed by degradation down to a steady state (equilibrium). The bell-shape effect was dependent upon illumination, and vanished in the dark. A mathematical analysis of the temperature-response kinetics uniquely indicated that LHC II chiral macroaggregates may persist in both left- and right-handed forms. These forms differ in their response to high temperatures. Both forms are more thermostable in leaves than in isolated chloroplasts. The cooperative degradation of LHC II macroaggregates, which is induced by the thermal impact, is irreversible. It is therefore suggested that the native LHC II macroaggregates are stable, stationary, non-equilibrium, spatially heterogeneous (dissipative) structures. The dissipative properties probably allow the interconversion between left- and right-handed forms under perturbation by certain factors. Illumination probably serves as one such perturbation factor, initiating the interconversion of dark-adapted, left-handed to light-dependent, right-handed LHC II macroaggregates. The chiral heterogeneity of the LHC II macroaggregates is a newly revealed aspect which needs to be taken into consideration in future circular dichroism or CPL studies.  相似文献   
Yield development of agricultural crops over time is not merely the result of genetic and agronomic factors, but also the outcome of a complex interaction between climatic and site‐specific soil conditions. However, the influence of past climatic changes on yield trends remains unclear, particularly under consideration of different soil conditions. In this study, we determine the effects of single agrometeorological factors on the evolution of German winter wheat yields between 1958 and 2015 from 298 published nitrogen (N)‐fertilization experiments. For this purpose, we separate climatic from genetic and agronomic yield effects using linear mixed effect models and estimate the climatic influence based on a coefficient of determination for these models. We found earlier occurrence of wheat growth stages, and shortened development phases except for the phase of stem elongation. Agrometeorological factors are defined as climate covariates related to the growth of winter wheat. Our results indicate a general and strong effect of agroclimatic changes on yield development, in particular due to increasing mean temperatures and heat stress events during the grain‐filling period. Except for heat stress days with more than 31°C, yields at sites with higher yield potential were less prone to adverse weather effects than at sites with lower yield potential. Our data furthermore reveal that a potential yield levelling, as found for many West‐European countries, predominantly occurred at sites with relatively low yield potential and about one decade earlier (mid‐1980s) compared to averaged yield data for the whole of Germany. Interestingly, effects related to high precipitation events were less relevant than temperature‐related effects and became relevant particularly during the vegetative growth phase. Overall, this study emphasizes the sensitivity of yield productivity to past climatic conditions, under consideration of regional differences, and underlines the necessity of finding adaptation strategies for food production under ongoing and expected climate change.  相似文献   
The general aim of this study is to update the inventory of the fish species and to specify distribution patterns in the Nero River ichthyofauna in order to establish some basis for the conservation of these fish communities and their habitat. From February 2009 to January 2010, thirty-three sites were sampled monthly with gill nets and a backpack electrofisher, and environmental variables were recorded. Overall, 46 species included in 33 genuses, 24 families and 9 orders were collected. Eleven families and 30 species were the first records for the Nero River. Including all species previously listed in the literature, the number of species presently known in the Nero River and its tributaries is revised to 59. Four families, Alestidae (21%), Schilbeidae (19%), Cyprinidae (17%) and Cichlidae (16%) that made up 73% of the total number of the catches, were the most dominant. The most dominant numerical species were Schilbe mandibularis and Brycinus longipinnis. Fish species and sampling sites along with eight environmental variables were ordinated with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) coupled to the Monte Carlo test. Ecological status based on fish assemblage according to environmental variables and anthropogenic pressures showed that miss dead wood leaves and roots, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, mud, nitrite, basin width, dissolved oxygen and pH, were the primary factors influencing fish distribution. The environmental tolerance index (ETI), ecological tolerance (tk) and optima (uk) values of 10 species to 8 different environmental variables were analyzed. Six species (Hemichromis fasciatus, Epiplatys chaperi, Barbus ablabes, B. longipinnis, Hemichromis bimaculatus and Chromidotilapia guntheri) have high ETI and a cosmopolitan distribution in the Nero River. In the tributaries of the middle course, high concentrations of nitrite in the water, added to the presence of a lot of tolerant species in the ichthyofauna are indications of disturbance of these areas. Subsequent recommendations were formulated for efficient restoration and conservation management of this River.  相似文献   
  1. Species distribution models often fail to predict observed patterns of species diversity, and this is because some species within a regional pool that are tolerant of conditions at a given location may nevertheless be absent from the local community. These missing species have been termed “dark diversity”. In the present study, we investigated which factors explain dark diversity among fish assemblages in Amazonian streams.
  2. We sampled 71 streams in areas with different types of land use within two river basins and estimated dark diversity from patterns of species co-occurrence, using Beals’ index, along environmental gradients. From this procedure, taxa are designated as dark diversity components when they are absent from a given stream, but often co-occur with the local species at other streams, indicating similar ecological requirements. We used generalised linear models both to determine whether environmental or landscape variables, connectivity, instream environmental heterogeneity or some combination of these factors explained dark diversity of fishes, and to evaluate whether ecomorphology is associated with the extent to which a species contributes to dark diversity and which specific traits contribute the most to explaining variation in dark diversity.
  3. Mean local diversity exceeded observed dark diversity. The magnitude of dark diversity was directly associated with the proportion of secondary forest in the immediate catchment and with the index of proximity to anthropogenic impact. Species that have high affinity for environments with higher current velocity, low swimming ability and that capture food mainly on the surface contributed more to dark diversity, which suggests that swimming ability, habitat preference and aspects related to diet are key predictors of the probability that a given species will be present at locations with suitable habitat.
  4. Our findings reinforce the idea that dark diversity results from interactions between species traits and environmental factors, including anthropogenic impacts. Understanding the interplay among environmental factors and species traits that contribute to dark diversity provides targets for improved ecosystem restoration and sustainability of native species assemblages.
人为水土流失是一种人类干扰下的典型景观退化现象.将人为侵蚀在空间上的表现称之为人为侵蚀景观.在遥感和GIS技术支持下,结合大量的实地调查资料,对珠海最主要的人为侵蚀景观类型——土石场开展空间分布分析和景观生态影响评价.调查范围内珠海土石场有235个,其中三灶、井岸两镇(区)分布最为集中,分别为28、29个.缓冲区分析表明,土石场的分布与距交通道路的远近呈对数线性相关,其中在距交通道路100~200m距离范围内分布最为集中.设计景观生态影响度评价指数,对面积大于5000m^2的152个土石场进行景观生态影响度评价结果表明,对周边景观生态环境影响极强的土石场有9个,属于强一级的有17个,应首先对这些土石场开展景观生态恢复.  相似文献   
目的:观察综合护理干预对老年住院糖尿病患者的临床影响,探讨改善老年住院糖尿病患者临床表现及预后的护理方式。方法:选择老年住院糖尿病患者160例,随机均分为对照组和观察组,对照组采取常规专科护理,观察组加行综合护理干预,治疗2周后比较两组患者焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)评分;出院3个月后比较两组患者自我管理和生活质量(GQOL-100)评分结果:治疗2周和出院3个月后,两组患者在上述方面比较,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.01,P〈0.05),观察组优于对照组。结论:对老年住院DM患者施行综合护理干预措施,具有积极的临床意义。  相似文献   
We reconstructed the Holocene developmental history of a kettle-hole peatland in the Tuchola Forest of Northern Poland, using pollen, testat amoebae and plant macrofossil indicators. Our aims were to determine the timing and pattern of autogenic succession and natural and anthropogenic influences on the peatland. Northern Poland is under mixed oceanic and continental climatic influences but has so far been less studied in a palaeoecological context than more oceanic regions of Europe. In the first terrestrial developmental phase of the mire, the testate amoebae-inferred depth to water table revealed two major dry shifts at ca. 9400 (end of lake phase) and ca. 7100 cal BP (a period of global cooling and dry shift in Western Europe). Conditions became wetter again in two steps at ca. 6700 and ca. 5800 BP after a dry event at ca. 6100 BP. The timing of the wet shift at 5800 BP corresponds to wet periods in Western Europe. Peat accumulation rates were low (0.1 mm yr− 1) between ca. 5600 and ca. 3000 BP when sedges dominated the peatland. In the last 2500 yrs surface moisture fluctuated with wet events at ca. 2750–2400, and 2000 BP, and dry events at ca. 2250–2100 and 1450 BP. After 1450 BP a trend towards wetter conditions culminated at ca. 500 cal BP, possibly caused by local deforestation. Over the mire history, pH (inferred from testate amoebae) was mostly low (around 5) with two short-lived shifts to alkaline conditions (7.5) at ca. 6100 and 1450 BP indicating a minerotrophic influence from surface run-off into the mire. Up to about 1000 BP the ecological shifts inferred from the three proxies agree with palaeoclimatic records from Poland and Western Europe. After this date, however correlation is less clear suggesting an increasing local anthropogenic impact on the mire. This study confirms that kettle-hole peatlands can yield useful palaeoenvironmental data as well as recording land-use change and calls for more comparable studies in regions are the interface between major climate influences.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a member of the Flaviviridae family and causes acute and chronic hepatitis. Chronic HCV infection may result in severe liver damage including liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver is the primary target organ of HCV, and the hepatocyte is its primary target cell. Attachment of the virus to the cell surface followed by viral entry is the first step in a cascade of interactions between the virus and the target cell that is required for successful entry into the cell and initiation of infection. This step is an important determinant of tissue tropism and pathogenesis; it thus represents a major target for antiviral host cell responses, such as antibody-mediated virus neutralization. Following the development of novel cell culture models for HCV infection our understanding of the HCV entry process and mechanisms of virus neutralization has been markedly advanced. In this review we summarize recent developments in the molecular biology of viral entry and its impact on pathogenesis of HCV infection, development of novel preventive and therapeutic antiviral strategies.  相似文献   
Rapid adaptation to global change can counter vulnerability of species to population declines and extinction. Theoretically, under such circumstances both genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity can maintain population fitness, but empirical support for this is currently limited. Here, we aim to characterize the role of environmental and genetic diversity, and their prior evolutionary history (via haplogroup profiles) in shaping patterns of life history traits during biological invasion. Data were derived from both genetic and life history traits including a morphological analysis of 29 native and invasive populations of topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva coupled with climatic variables from each location. General additive models were constructed to explain distribution of somatic growth rate (SGR) data across native and invasive ranges, with model selection performed using Akaike's information criteria. Genetic and environmental drivers that structured the life history of populations in their native range were less influential in their invasive populations. For some vertebrates at least, fitness‐related trait shifts do not seem to be dependent on the level of genetic diversity or haplogroup makeup of the initial introduced propagule, nor of the availability of local environmental conditions being similar to those experienced in their native range. As long as local conditions are not beyond the species physiological threshold, its local establishment and invasive potential are likely to be determined by local drivers, such as density‐dependent effects linked to resource availability or to local biotic resistance.  相似文献   
土壤测试表明供试土壤已富P.大田试验结果表明,P肥投入提高了土壤树脂P和田面水总P水平,且两者随着时间的推移而下降.但施P后的20d内,有机无机配施P肥对土壤有效P的贡献大于单施化肥P.在施P第7d时,有机无机配施P的田面水总P水平是单施化肥P的3.4倍,是施P量2倍的处理Ⅲ的2.8倍.与有机肥配施的处理,其田表水P素流失潜能较单施化肥大.经33d后,P肥结构对田面水P素的影响不明显.两次水稻季节性排水而导致的P素净流失负荷和P素表观流失率变幅分别为-0.038~0.076kg·hm-2和0.034~0.100%.从减少水稻田排水P素流失角度考虑,可以认为,施P或土层被搅动后1周内是控制P素流失的主要环节.  相似文献   
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