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为探讨海藻粉和抗菌肽不同添加水平对肉鸡生长性能、免疫器官指数和肠道菌群的影响。选取1日龄体重相近的AA肉鸡504羽,随机分为7个处理,每处理6个重复,每重复12羽。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮中添加不同水平(1.0%、3.0%、5.0%)的海藻粉和抗菌肽(300 mg/kg、600 mg/kg)。试验分前期(1~21 d)和后期(22~42 d)共42 d。结果表明:(1)添加不同水平的海藻粉对前期、后期和全期肉鸡的料重比有显著影响(P0.05);对21日龄肉鸡的脾脏指数和胸腺指数及对42日龄肉鸡的法氏囊指数差异显著(P0.05);降低了21日龄和42日龄肉鸡盲肠大肠杆菌的数量(P0.05),增加了盲肠乳酸菌的数量(P0.05)。(2)添加不同水平的抗菌肽对后期和全期肉鸡的料重比有显著差异(P0.05);对21日龄肉鸡的脾脏指数和胸腺指数及对42日龄肉鸡的法氏囊指数差异显著(P0.05);降低了21日龄和42日龄肉鸡盲肠大肠杆菌的数量(P0.05),增加了盲肠乳酸菌的数量(P0.05)。(3)海藻粉和抗菌肽交互作用对前期、后期和全期肉鸡的料重比有明显影响(P0.05);对21日龄肉鸡的脾脏指数和胸腺指数及对42日龄肉鸡的法氏囊指数差异显著(P0.05);降低了21日龄和42日龄肉鸡盲肠大肠杆菌的数量(P0.05),增加了盲肠乳酸菌的数量(P0.05)。本研究得出以下结论,海藻粉和抗菌肽能促进肉鸡生长,提高肉鸡免疫器官指数和改善肠道菌群,且二者间存在协同效应,添加5%的海藻粉和300 mg/kg抗菌肽综合效果最佳。  相似文献   
耿天龙  李佛生  于敏  罗枫雪  唐琳  王胜华 《广西植物》2016,36(10):1238-1244
该研究以金发草愈伤组织为材料,通过分析比较不同抗生素种类(卡那霉素、潮霉素、头孢噻呋钠和氨苄青霉素)和浓度对金发草愈伤组织生长分化的影响,来确定适用于金发草遗传转化体系中的抗性筛选剂和抑菌剂。结果表明:(1)金发草愈伤组织对卡那霉素很敏感,且其分化率随着卡那霉素浓度的增加显著减少( P=0.01)。当卡那霉素浓度为10 mg·L-1时,金发草愈伤组织的生长分化受到明显抑制,且有大量的白化苗形成,但分化率仍有36.56%;当卡那霉素浓度为15 mg·L-1时,金发草愈伤组织的分化率为11.94%,只有很少部分的愈伤分化出绿色的丛生苗;当卡那霉素浓度为20 mg·L-1时,金发草愈伤组织基本褐化死亡,分化率仅为2.26%。因此,浓度为15 mg·L-1的卡那霉素适合作为金发草遗传转化体系中的抗性筛选剂。(2)金发草愈伤组织对潮霉素的敏感性要比卡那霉素弱,且潮霉素对金发草愈伤组织分化率的影响小,但毒害作用大。因此,潮霉素不适合作为金发草遗传转化体系中的抗性筛选剂。(3)300 mg·L-1的头孢霉素和氨苄青霉素对金发草愈伤组织生长分化影响很小且能有效抑制杂菌的生长,较高浓度的氨苄青霉素对金发草愈伤组织的抑制作用不太明显。因此,300 mg·L-1的头孢霉素和较高浓度的氨苄青霉素均可作为金发草遗传转化体系中的抑菌剂。该研究确定了适用于农杆菌介导的金发草遗传转化体系中的抗性筛选剂和抑菌剂,为金发草的遗传改良及功能性基因的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Symbionts and parasites can manipulate their hosts’ reproduction to their own benefit, profoundly influencing patterns of mate choice and evolution of the host population. Wolbachia is one of the most widespread symbionts among arthropods, and one that alters its hosts’ reproduction in diverse and dramatic ways. While we are beginning to appreciate how Wolbachia's extreme manipulations of host reproduction can influence species diversification and reproductive isolation, we understand little about how symbionts and Wolbachia, in particular, may affect intrapopulation processes of mate choice. We hypothesized that the maternally transmitted Wolbachia would increase the attractiveness of its female hosts to further its own spread. We therefore tested the effects of Wolbachia removal and microbiome disruption on female attractiveness and male mate choice among ten isofemale lines of Drosophila melanogaster. We found variable effects of general microbiome disruption on female attractiveness, with indications that bacteria interact with hosts in a line‐specific manner to affect female attractiveness. However, we found no evidence that Wolbachia influence female attractiveness or male mate choice among these lines. Although the endosymbiont Wolbachia can greatly alter the reproduction of their hosts in many species, there is no indication that they alter mate choice behaviours in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   
Sexual selection is considered a potent evolutionary force in all sexually reproducing organisms, but direct tests in terms of experimental evolution of sexual traits are still lacking for simultaneously hermaphroditic animals. Here, we tested how evolution under enforced monogamy affected a suite of reproductive traits (including testis area, sex allocation, genital morphology, sperm morphology and mating behaviour) in the outcrossing hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano, using an assay that also allowed the assessment of phenotypically plastic responses to group size. The experiment comprised 32 independent selection lines that evolved under either monogamy or polygamy for 20 generations. While we did not observe an evolutionary shift in sex allocation, we detected effects of the selection regime for two male morphological traits. Specifically, worms evolving under enforced monogamy had a distinct shape of the male copulatory organ and produced sperm with shorter appendages. Many traits that did not evolve under enforced monogamy showed phenotypic plasticity in response to group size. Notably, individuals that grew up in larger groups had a more male‐biased sex allocation and produced slightly longer sperm than individuals raised in pairs. We conclude that, in this flatworm, enforced monogamy induced moderate evolutionary but substantial phenotypically plastic responses.  相似文献   
Ecological speciation requires divergent selection, reproductive isolation and a genetic mechanism to link the two. We examined the role of gene expression and coding sequence evolution in this process using two species of Howea palms that have diverged sympatrically on Lord Howe Island, Australia. These palms are associated with distinct soil types and have displaced flowering times, representing an ideal candidate for ecological speciation. We generated large amounts of RNA‐Seq data from multiple individuals and tissue types collected on the island from each of the two species. We found that differentially expressed loci as well as those with divergent coding sequences between Howea species were associated with known ecological and phenotypic differences, including response to salinity, drought, pH and flowering time. From these loci, we identified potential ‘ecological speciation genes’ and further validate their effect on flowering time by knocking out orthologous loci in a model plant species. Finally, we put forward six plausible ecological speciation loci, providing support for the hypothesis that pleiotropy could help to overcome the antagonism between selection and recombination during speciation with gene flow.  相似文献   
Chromosomal inversions are thought to play a major role in climatic adaptation. In D. melanogaster, the cosmopolitan inversion In(3R)Payne exhibits latitudinal clines on multiple continents. As many fitness traits show similar clines, it is tempting to hypothesize that In(3R)P underlies observed clinal patterns for some of these traits. In support of this idea, previous work in Australian populations has demonstrated that In(3R)P affects body size but not development time or cold resistance. However, similar data from other clines of this inversion are largely lacking; finding parallel effects of In(3R)P across multiple clines would considerably strengthen the case for clinal selection. Here, we have analysed the phenotypic effects of In(3R)P in populations originating from the endpoints of the latitudinal cline along the North American east coast. We measured development time, egg‐to‐adult survival, several size‐related traits (femur and tibia length, wing area and shape), chill coma recovery, oxidative stress resistance and triglyceride content in homokaryon lines carrying In(3R)P or the standard arrangement. Our central finding is that the effects of In(3R)P along the North American cline match those observed in Australia: standard arrangement lines were larger than inverted lines, but the inversion did not influence development time or cold resistance. Similarly, In(3R)P did not affect egg‐to‐adult survival, oxidative stress resistance and lipid content. In(3R)P thus seems to specifically affect size traits in populations from both continents. This parallelism strongly suggests an adaptive pattern, whereby the inversion has captured alleles associated with growth regulation and clinal selection acts on size across both continents.  相似文献   
The evolutionary significance of widespread hypo‐allometric scaling of genital traits in combination with rapid interspecific genital trait divergence has been of key interest to evolutionary biologists for many years and remains poorly understood. Here, we provide a detailed assessment of quantitative genital trait variation in males and females of the sexually highly dimorphic and cannibalistic orb‐weaving spider Argiope aurantia. We then test how this trait variation relates to sperm transfer success. In particular, we test specific predictions of the one‐size‐fits‐all and lock‐and‐key hypotheses for the evolution of genital characters. We use video‐taped staged matings in a controlled environment with subsequent morphological microdissections and sperm count analyses. We find little support for the prediction of the one‐size‐fits‐all hypothesis for the evolution of hypo‐allometric scaling of genital traits, namely that intermediate trait dimensions confer highest sperm transfer success. Likewise, our findings do not support the prediction of the lock‐and‐key hypothesis that a tight fit of male and female genital traits mediates highest sperm transfer success. We do, however, detect directional effects of a number of male and female genital characters on sperm transfer, suggesting that genital trait dimensions are commonly under selection in nature. Importantly, even though females are much larger than males, spermatheca size limits the number of sperm transferred, contradicting a previous hypothesis about the evolutionary consequences of genital size dimorphism in extremely size‐dimorphic taxa. We also find strong positive effects of male body size and copulation duration on the probability of sperm transfer and the number of sperm transferred, with implications for the evolution of extreme sexual size dimorphism and sexual cannibalism in orb weavers.  相似文献   
The evolutionary potential of organisms depends on how their parts are structured into a cohesive whole. A major obstacle for empirical studies of phenotypic organization is that observed associations among characters usually confound different causal pathways such as pleiotropic modules, interphenotypic causal relationships and environmental effects. The present article proposes causal search algorithms as a new tool to distinguish these different modes of phenotypic integration. Without assuming an a priori structure, the algorithms seek a class of causal hypotheses consistent with independence relationships holding in observational data. The technique can be applied to discover causal relationships among a set of measured traits and to distinguish genuine selection from spurious correlations. The former application is illustrated with a biological data set of rat morphological measurements previously analysed by Cheverud et al. (Evolution 1983, 37, 895).  相似文献   
Theory indicates that numbers of mating types should tend towards infinity or remain at two. The social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum, however, has three mating types. It is therefore a mystery how this species has broken the threshold of two mating types, but has not increased towards a much higher number. Frequency‐dependent selection on rare types in combination with isogamy, a form of reproduction involving gametes similar in size, could explain the evolution of multiple mating types in this system. Other factors, such as drift, may be preventing the evolution of more than three. We first looked for evidence of isogamy by measuring gamete size associated with each type. We found no evidence of size dissimilarities between gametes. We then looked for evidence of balancing selection, by examining mating type distributions in natural populations and comparing genetic differentiation at the mating type locus to that at more neutral loci. We found that mating type frequency varied among the three populations we examined, with only one of the three showing an even sex ratio, which does not support balancing selection. However, we found more population structure at neutral loci than the mating type locus, suggesting that the three mating types are indeed maintained at intermediate frequencies by balancing selection. Overall, the data are consistent with balancing selection acting on D. discoideum mating types, but with a sufficiently weak rare sex advantage to allow for drift, a potential explanation for why these amoebae have only three mating types.  相似文献   
Theory predicts that sexual reproduction can increase population viability relative to asexual reproduction by allowing sexual selection in males to remove deleterious mutations from the population without large demographic costs. This requires that selection acts more strongly in males than females and that mutations affecting male reproductive success have pleiotropic effects on population productivity, but empirical support for these assumptions is mixed. We used the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus to implement a three‐generation breeding design where we induced mutations via ionizing radiation (IR) in the F0 generation and measured mutational effects (relative to nonirradiated controls) on an estimate of population productivity in the F1 and effects on sex‐specific competitive lifetime reproductive success (LRS) in the F2. Regardless of whether mutations were induced via F0 males or females, they had strong negative effects on male LRS, but a nonsignificant influence on female LRS, suggesting that selection is more efficient in removing deleterious alleles in males. Moreover, mutations had seemingly shared effects on population productivity and competitive LRS in both sexes. Thus, our results lend support to the hypothesis that strong sexual selection on males can act to remove the mutation load on population viability, thereby offering a benefit to sexual reproduction.  相似文献   
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