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Semilunar courtship rhythm is a widely distributed phenomenon among fiddler crabs in the genus Uca (Decapoda, Ocypodidae). Typically, synchronous courtship has been reported to peak near spring tides. To determine whether a region of large tidal variation shifts reproductive activity, we measured the frequency of specific courtship behaviors including claw-waving and semidome building for U. lactea males on Kanghwa Island, Korea. We found that synchronized courtship for U. lactea peaked near neap tides, whereas near the spring tides, seawater flooded the habitat and males predominantly fed on the mudflat. Although active females, which hold their burrows and usually feed on the mudflat, are abundant near to spring tides, males rarely claw-waved to attract females. This pattern is atypical for the species because other populations of U. lactea on Japan and Taiwan are synchronous around spring tides. We suggest that males invest most of their time in feeding during spring tides because foraging is limited during neap tides. During neap tides, males feed infrequently and thus expend stored energy on courtship signals. We conclude that patterns of reproductive synchrony may be dependent on food availability in periodically changing environments.  相似文献   
Population genetic and phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial COI from five deep-sea hydrothermal vent annelids provided insights into their dispersal modes and barriers to gene flow. These polychaetes inhabit vent fields located along the East Pacific Rise (EPR) and Galapagos Rift (GAR), where hundreds to thousands of kilometers can separate island-like populations. Long-distance dispersal occurs via larval stages, but larval life histories differ among these taxa. Mitochondrial gene flow between populations of Riftia pachyptila, a siboglinid worm with neutrally buoyant lecithothrophic larvae, is diminished across the Easter Microplate region, which lies at the boundary of Indo-Pacific and Antarctic deep-sea provinces. Populations of the siboglinid Tevnia jerichonana are similarly subdivided. Oasisia alvinae is not found on the southern EPR, but northern EPR populations of this siboglinid are subdivided across the Rivera Fracture Zone. Mitochondrial gene flow of Alvinella pompejana, an alvinellid with large negatively buoyant lecithotrophic eggs and arrested embryonic development, is unimpeded across the Easter Microplate region. Gene flow in the polynoid Branchipolynoe symmytilida also is unimpeded across the Easter Microplate region. However, A. pompejana populations are subdivided across the equator, whereas B. symmitilida populations are subdivided between the EPR and GAR axes. The present findings are compared with similar evidence from codistributed species of annelids, molluscs and crustaceans to identify potential dispersal filters in these eastern Pacific ridge systems.  相似文献   
Although mating has been described in several hermit crab species, the mechanics of spermatophore transfer have not previously been demonstrated. Evidence from pleopod and gonopore morphology, video observations, and inseminated females indicates that in Clibanarius vittatus the male applies a spermatophoric mass directly onto the female via the gonopores rather than with modified pleopods 1-2 (gonopods) and/or genital papillae as in many other decapods. The single second pleopod of males of C. vittatus has a simple endopod with no apparent modifications for sperm transfer. There are no genital papillae extending from the male gonopores. The globular spermatophores are aligned in rows surrounded by a seminal secretion in the male ducts (vasa deferentia that terminate in ejaculatory ducts opening to the exterior via the gonopores). During copulation, described from time-lapse video recordings, the ventral surface of the last thoracic segment of the male, bearing the gonopores, was apposed to the ventral cephalothorax of the female. A massive amount of seminal secretion containing spermatophore ribbons, termed here the spermatophoric mass and described for the first time in a hermit crab species, was observed covering the sternites and coxae of pereopods 1-5 of a recently copulated female. It is suggested that during copulation the male emits the contents of the ejaculatory ducts directly onto the female without the aid of gonopods or genital papillae. Although spermatophore transfer is simple in C. vittatus, the presence of modified anterior pleopods or elongate genital papillae (sexual tubes) in other paguroidean species suggests the possibility of a more complex insemination process in these other hermit crabs.  相似文献   
To succeed on land rather than in water, crabs require a suite of physiological and morphological changes, and ultimately the ability to reproduce without access open water. Some species have modified gills to assist in gas exchange but accessory gas exchange organs, usually lungs, occur in many species. In accomplished air-breathers the lung becomes larger and more vascularised with pulmonary vessels directing oxygenated haemolymph to the heart. The relative abundance of O2 in air promotes relative hypoventilation and thus an internal hypercapnia to drive CO2 excretion. Land crabs have a dual circulation via either lungs or gills and shunting between the two may depend on respiratory media or exercise state. During their breeding migration on Christmas Island Gecarcoidea natalis maintained arterial Po2 by branchial O2 uptake, while pulmonary O2 pressure was reduced; partly because exercise doubled relative haemolymph flow through the gills. Related species rely on elevated haemocyanin concentration and affinity for O2 to assist uptake but this compromises unloading at the tissues and thus the aerobic scope of tissues. Aquatic crabs exchange salt and ammonia with water via the gills but in land crabs this is not possible. Birgus latro has adopted uricotelism but other species excrete ammonia in either the urine or as gas. Land crabs minimise urinary salt loss using a filtration-reabsorption system analogous to the kidney. Urine is redirected across the gills where salt reabsorption occurs in systems under hormonal control, although in G. natalis this is stimulatory and in B. latro inhibitory. While crabs occupy a range of habitats from aquatic to terrestrial, these species do not comprise a physiological continuum but across the crab taxa individual species possess appropriate and specific physiological features to survive in their individual habitat.  相似文献   
Polysaccharides and, in particular, microbial polysaccharides represent a class of important products of growing interest for many sectors of industry. Although many known marine bacteria produce exopolysaccharides (EPS), continuation in looking for new polysaccharide-producing microorganisms is promising. Hydrothermal deep-sea vents could be a source of novel EPS as indicated by the screening of a number of mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria recovered from different locations. Although originating from such extreme environment, some bacteria were shown to biosynthesize innovative EPS under laboratory conditions. Their specific rheological properties either in the presence or absence of monovalent and divalent ions, biological activities, metal binding capabilities, and novel chemical composition mean that these EPS are expected to find many applications in the near future. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 29, 204–208 doi:10.1038/sj.jim.7000298 Received 18 March 2002/ Accepted in revised form 13 June 2002  相似文献   
Amoebocyte is the single type of cell circulating in the horseshoe crab hemolymph, which plays a major role in the defense system of the animal. Granules present in these cells are sensitive to nanogram quantities of bacterial endotoxins, which form the basis of the Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) test. Normally, amoebocytes for the production of the LAL are collected by cardiac puncture; hence, development of the in vitro culture system for amoebocytes will reduce the variability of the lysate and help to conserve the 400 million-yr-old living fossil. In the present investigation we have attempted organ culture of gill flaps that have been shown to be the source of amoebocytes. The gill flaps were cultured at 28 degrees C on a rocker platform in a modified L-15 medium supplemented with 10% v/v horseshoe crab serum. This led to the release of amoebocytes outside the gill flaps for a period of 6-8 wk with a more or less steady number of amoebocytes during the weekly harvest. No significant difference was seen in the yield of amoebocytes from male and female horseshoe crabs. Confocal laser microscopy studies revealed significant difference in the size of amoebocytes released in vitro as compared with those obtained in vivo. Thus, we have optimized the culture conditions for the long-term generation of amoebocytes in vitro from the Indian horseshoe crab Tachypleus gigas by reducing the incidence of contamination, simulating in vivo conditions for the organ culture of gill flaps, and improvising the nutritional status using the modified L-15 medium, providing the desired osmolarity and pH.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate byssal thread production by the intertidal mytilid mussel Hormomya mutabilis in response to effluent from the predatory crab Eriphia smithii and the starfish Coscinasterias acutispina. During the early period of the experiment, large H. mutabilis exposed to crab effluent produced a significantly smaller number of functional byssal threads than mussels in crab-free water. No significant difference in the diameter of threads produced in the two treatments was detected. The number of functional byssal threads produced by small H. mutabilis exposed to crab effluent did not differ significantly from that of mussels in crab-free water. However, small H. mutabilis exposed to crab effluent tended to discard fewer byssal bundles, that is, they shifted their attaching sites less frequently than similar mussels in crab-free water. In the presence of waterborne cues from the crab, H. mutabilis tended to reduce both the secretion of byssal threads and movement across the substratum. No significant differences in behaviour were observed between large mussels exposed to effluent from the starfish and those unexposed. The adaptive significance of the responses shown by H. mutabilis is discussed in terms of protection against predators differing in foraging behaviour. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Molecular ecology of hydrothermal vent microbial communities   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Two out of three extremely thermophilic anaerobic archaea, isolated from deep-sea hydrothermal vents, produced pullulanase activity in the presence of maltose in the growth medium. Enzyme activities were mainly extracellular and characterized by optimum temperatures of 95°C and 80–95°C, optimum pH of 5.0–7.0 and a high degree of thermostability. One strain when grown in a fermenter with maltose as inducer produced pullulanase at 35 U/l. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
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