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Abstract Three unlinked genes, TDH1, TDH2 and TDH3 , encode the glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (triose-phosphate dehydrogenase; TDK) in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae . We demonstrate that the synthesis of the three encoded TDK polypeptides (TDHa, TDHb and TDHc, respectively) is not co-ordinately regulated and that TDHa is only synthesised as cells enter stationary phase, due to glucose starvation, or in heat-shocked cells. Furthermore, the synthesis of TDHb, but not TDHc, is strongly repressed by a heat shock. Hence, the TDHa enzyme may play a cellular role, distinct from glycolysis, that is required by stressed cells.  相似文献   
《Journal of Asia》2023,26(3):102080
Light traps equipped with light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been applied to manage some phototactic insect pests. The diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, is a cosmopolitan insect pest to be seriously harmful to many cruciferous plants. The present research focused on evaluating the phototactic behavior responses of the moths to several wavelengths and photon flux densities of LED lights under laboratory and field conditions. The results from the laboratory showed that the highest phototactic behavior responses of P. xylostella moths were recorded for UV (380 nm) LED light under 1.5 µmol m−2 s−1 and 2.5 µmol m−2 s−1. The moths were more attracted to light traps equipped with 4 LEDs and 6 LEDs of 380 nm, respectively, between 20:00 and 22:00 than the other groups and night times in the field. The finding from the field was consistent with the results from the laboratory. We found that the 380 nm LED light results in the strongest attraction rate of the moths by 92.4 % and the moths caught in light trap with the UV LEDs was 1.62 times more than that with a black light. These data clearly demonstrate that P. xylostella moths have a high sensitivity to 380 nm, therefore, a 380 nm LED light trap could be useful for monitoring and controlling the moths.  相似文献   
Here, we developed a model system to evaluate the metabolic effects of oncogene(s) on the host microenvironment. A matched set of “normal” and oncogenically transformed epithelial cell lines were co-cultured with human fibroblasts, to determine the “bystander” effects of oncogenes on stromal cells. ROS production and glucose uptake were measured by FACS analysis. In addition, expression of a panel of metabolic protein biomarkers (Caveolin-1, MCT1, and MCT4) was analyzed in parallel. Interestingly, oncogene activation in cancer cells was sufficient to induce the metabolic reprogramming of cancer-associated fibroblasts toward glycolysis, via oxidative stress. Evidence for “metabolic symbiosis” between oxidative cancer cells and glycolytic fibroblasts was provided by MCT1/4 immunostaining. As such, oncogenes drive the establishment of a stromal-epithelial “lactate-shuttle”, to fuel the anabolic growth of cancer cells. Similar results were obtained with two divergent oncogenes (RAS and NFκB), indicating that ROS production and inflammation metabolically converge on the tumor stroma, driving glycolysis and upregulation of MCT4. These findings make stromal MCT4 an attractive target for new drug discovery, as MCT4 is a shared endpoint for the metabolic effects of many oncogenic stimuli. Thus, diverse oncogenes stimulate a common metabolic response in the tumor stroma. Conversely, we also show that fibroblasts protect cancer cells against oncogenic stress and senescence by reducing ROS production in tumor cells. Ras-transformed cells were also able to metabolically reprogram normal adjacent epithelia, indicating that cancer cells can use either fibroblasts or epithelial cells as “partners” for metabolic symbiosis. The antioxidant N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) selectively halted mitochondrial biogenesis in Ras-transformed cells, but not in normal epithelia. NAC also blocked stromal induction of MCT4, indicating that NAC effectively functions as an “MCT4 inhibitor”. Taken together, our data provide new strategies for achieving more effective anticancer therapy. We conclude that oncogenes enable cancer cells to behave as selfish “metabolic parasites”, like foreign organisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses). Thus, we should consider treating cancer like an infectious disease, with new classes of metabolically targeted “antibiotics” to selectively starve cancer cells. Our results provide new support for the “seed and soil” hypothesis, which was first proposed in 1889 by the English surgeon, Stephen Paget.  相似文献   
The influence of urbanization on vegetation phenology is gaining considerable attention due to its implications for human health, cycling of carbon and other nutrients in Earth system. In this study, we examined the relationship between change in vegetation phenology and urban size, an indicator of urbanization, for the conterminous United States. We studied more than 4500 urban clusters of varying size to determine the impact of urbanization on plant phenology, with the aids of remotely sensed observations since 2003–2012. We found that phenology cycle (changes in vegetation greenness) in urban areas starts earlier (start of season, SOS) and ends later (end of season, EOS), resulting in a longer growing season length (GSL), when compared to the respective surrounding urban areas. The average difference of GSL between urban and rural areas over all vegetation types, considered in this study, is about 9 days. Also, the extended GSL in urban area is consistent among different climate zones in the United States, whereas their magnitudes are varying across regions. We found that a tenfold increase in urban size could result in an earlier SOS of about 1.3 days and a later EOS of around 2.4 days. As a result, the GSL could be extended by approximately 3.6 days with a range of 1.6–6.5 days for 25th ~ 75th quantiles, with a median value of about 2.1 days. For different vegetation types, the phenology response to urbanization, as defined by GSL, ranges from 1 to 4 days. The quantitative relationship between phenology and urbanization is of great use for developing improved models of vegetation phenology dynamics under future urbanization, and for developing change indicators to assess the impacts of urbanization on vegetation phenology.  相似文献   
乳酸菌应激反应及其在生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适应性反应是乳酸菌应激保护作用的常见方式。当细胞处于多种环境胁迫时,由一种适应性反应表达所诱导的交互保护作用,对细胞的生存很有利。乳酸菌的蛋白质组研究目前仍处于开始阶段。基因组和转录组分析无疑将补充现有的蛋白质组和遗传学知识。充分了解应激反应的机制可以更好地理解适应性反应和交互保护作用的基础,更合理地开发乳酸菌在工业生产中的应用。  相似文献   
利用地面观测资料,就西北干旱区河西走廊绿洲作物玉米(Zea mays L.)对变暖的响应进行了初步的探讨.结果表明:近二十多年来,西北干旱区作物玉米对变暖的响应以生长季提前和生长期缩短为主要方式.但是,存在一个临界温度,当玉米生长期间平均气温小于临界温度时,增温使玉米生长期缩短;当玉米生长期间平均温度大于临界温度时,增温使玉米生长期有不再减小的趋势.未来的持续增温可能导致玉米生长期平均气温超过临界温度,从而可能使西北干旱区玉米生长期延长.西北干旱区作物玉米对变暖的响应还表现出一定的阶段差异,增温使玉米拔节期以前的营养生长阶段缩短,抽雄-槭乳熟期的生殖生长阶段延长,乳熟-成熟期的生殖生长阶段缩短.西北干旱区作物玉米对变暖响应的这种特点可能与绿洲的气候特点、作物的生理特性及增温的季节差异有关,而其响应的生物学机制可能与变暖使自然植被秋季生长季延长的生物学机制不同.  相似文献   
丛枝菌根(arbuscularmycorrhizal,AM)真菌是一类能够与绝大多数陆地植物形成共生关系的土壤真菌,其根外菌丝可以侵染不同植物根系且可以进行菌丝融合,从而形成丛枝菌根网络(arbuscular mycorrhizal networks, AMNs)。AMNs可以在植物之间转运水分及营养元素如碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)等,最近研究表明AMNs还可以在植物遭受环境胁迫时向邻近植物传递防御信号,对周围植物起到“预警”作用。目前,关于环境胁迫条件下AMNs介导的信号物质传递研究仍处于起步阶段,许多问题亟待回答。该文首先回顾了目前有关AMNs介导的信号物质传递研究进展,继而梳理了这一研究领域值得进一步探究的科学问题,包括AMNs在植物间传递防御信号的可能途径及相关机制, AMNs介导的信号传递对菌根共生体系的可能影响,以及AMNs研究中常用的技术及其发展,最后讨论了AMNs介导的信号物质传递在作物保护等方面的可能应用。  相似文献   
Caretaker-infant attachment is a complex but well-recognized adaptation in humans. An early instance of (or precursor to) attachment behavior is the dyadic interaction between adults and infants of 6 to 24 weeks, commonly called "babytalk." Detailed analysis of 1 minute of spontaneous babytalk with an 8-week infant shows that the poetic texture of the mother’s speech—specifically its use of metrics, phonetics, and foregrounding—helps to shape and direct the baby’s attention, as it also coordinates the partners’ emotional communication. We hypothesize that the ability to respond to poetic features of language is present as early as the first few weeks of life and that this ability attunes cognitive and affective capacities in ways that provide a foundation for the skills at work in later aesthetic production and response. By linking developmental social processes with formal cognitive aspects of art, we challenge predominant views in evolutionary psychology that literary art is a superfluous byproduct of adaptive evolutionary mechanisms or primarily an ornament created by sexual selection. David S. Miall is Professor of English at the University of Alberta in Canada. He is the author of essays on British Romantic writers, empirical studies of readers’ responses to literature, hypertext and literary computing. Ellen Dissanayake is Visiting Scholar at the Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington. Her most recent book is Art and Intimacy: How the Arts Began (2000).  相似文献   
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