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Ma Y  Huang M  Wan J  Wang Y  Sun X  Zhang H 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(6):4410-4415
A laboratory-scale anaerobic-anoxic-oxic (AAO) system was established to investigate the fate of DnBP. A removal kinetic model including sorption and biodegradation was formulated, and kinetic parameters were evaluated with batch experiments under anaerobic, anoxic, oxic conditions. However, it is highly complex and is difficult to confirm the kinetic parameters using conventional mathematical modeling. To correlate the experimental data with available models or some modified empirical equations, an artificial neural network model based on multilayered partial recurrent back propagation (BP) algorithm was applied for the biodegradation of DnBP from the water quality characteristic parameters. Compared to the kinetic model, the performance of the network for modeling DnBP is found to be more impressive. The results showed that the biggest relative error of BP network prediction model was 9.95%, while the kinetic model was 14.52%, which illustrates BP model predicting effluent DnBP more accurately than kinetic model forecasting.  相似文献   
The protozoan community in eleven activated sludge wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the greater Dublin area has been investigated and correlated with key physio-chemical operational and effluent quality parameters. The plants represented various designs, including conventional and biological nutrient removal (BNR) systems. The aim of the study was to identify differences in ciliate community due to key design parameters including anoxic/anaerobic stages and to identify suitable bioindicator species for performance evaluation. BNR systems supported significantly different protozoan communities compared to conventional systems. Total protozoan abundance was reduced in plants with incorporated anoxic and anaerobic stages, whereas species diversity was either unaffected or increased. Plagiocampa rouxi and Holophrya discolor were tolerant to anoxic/anaerobic conditions and associated with high denitrification. Apart from process design, influent wastewater characteristics affect protozoan community structure. Aspidisca cicada was associated with low dissolved oxygen and low nitrate concentrations, while Trochilia minuta was indicative of good nitrifying conditions and good sludge settleability. Trithigmostoma cucullulus was sensitive to ammonia and phosphate and could be useful as an indicator of high effluent quality. The association rating assessment procedure of Curds and Cockburn failed to predict final effluent biological oxygen demand (BOD5) indicating the method might not be applicable to treatment systems of different designs.  相似文献   
植物叶片水力与经济性状权衡关系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
金鹰  王传宽 《植物生态学报》2015,39(10):1021-1032
叶片既是植物光合产物形成的主要场所, 又是整株植物的水力瓶颈、应对灾难性水力失调的安全阀门, 是植物碳水耦合权衡的重要器官。叶经济型谱反映了叶片经济性状“投资-收益”的权衡, 为验证植物进化过程中形成的物种对策提供了适用的理论框架。叶片水力性状变化会影响叶片经济性状及植物存活和生长。因此, 探索植物叶片水力与经济性状的权衡关系, 对建立植物碳-水耦合模型、揭示植物水-碳投资机理、扩展植物性状型谱等均有重要意义。该文首先综述了叶片水力性状、经济性状及两者之间的权衡关系, 分析了叶片导水率与水力脆弱性、失膨点水势、水容、安全阈值等水力性状以及与叶片的形态、结构和气体交换功能性状之间的关系。然后, 从叶片形态、解剖和叶脉网络结构以及气孔功能方面探讨了叶片水力性状与经济性状的调节机制。最后, 提出今后应加强三方面的研究: (1)探索建立植物根-茎-叶水力输导系统的碳-氮-水资源的整株经济型谱, 以揭示植物功能结构耦合、高效固碳用水的生理生态学机制; (2)探索叶片水力安全、水力效率和固碳效率之间的普适性权衡关系, 以深入理解抗旱植物叶片构建的生物物理结构与生理代谢的关系; (3)探索个体水平碳水代谢关系、水分运输与生长速率的耦合, 为代谢推演理论和植物群落尺度预测提供基础。  相似文献   
采用砂培方法, 在温室内将一年生核桃(Juglans regia)嫁接苗木和绿豆(Vigna radiata)进行间作, 研究绿豆对核桃苗木生长、水分平衡和光合特性的影响。该研究设有5种处理, 即: 对照(核桃单作, 正常供应氮素); 核桃单作, 不添加氮素; 核桃绿豆间作, 不添加氮素; 核桃绿豆间作, 正常供应氮素; 绿豆单作, 不添加氮素。结果显示: 种植绿豆可以增加土壤氮含量和核桃茎内氮含量, 但对核桃叶和根系中的氮含量影响不明显。种植绿豆显著增加不施氮核桃的高生长和直径生长, 但降低了正常供氮核桃的生长。无论种植绿豆与否, 不供氮处理降低了核桃的总叶面积, 提高了根冠比。核桃叶片气孔气体交换对各处理的响应和生长有相同的趋势。缺氮显著降低了核桃叶柄在中午的导水率、提高了导水损失率; 种植绿豆显著提高不供氮核桃的导水率而且明显降低了其导水损失率。然而, 种植绿豆使正常供氮的核桃降低了导水率, 加剧了导水损失率。同时, 绿豆受到间作的竞争压力, 产量和生物量有所下降。由研究结果可知, 在贫瘠的土壤上, 固氮植物绿豆改善了间作的核桃的氮营养, 有益于核桃木质部发育、水分平衡以及光合代谢。但是在氮充足的土壤中, 种植绿豆反而降低了核桃的水分供应, 影响其气体交换和生长。  相似文献   
We examined changes in branch hydraulic, leaf structure and gas exchange properties in coast redwood ( Sequoia sempervirens ) and giant sequoia ( Sequoiadendron giganteum ) trees of different sizes. Leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity ( k L) increased with height in S. sempervirens but not in S. giganteum , while xylem cavitation resistance increased with height in both species. Despite hydraulic adjustments, leaf mass per unit area (LMA) and leaf carbon isotope ratios ( δ 13C) increased, and maximum mass-based stomatal conductance ( g mass) and photosynthesis ( A mass) decreased with height in both species. As a result, both A mass and g mass were negatively correlated with branch hydraulic properties in S. sempervirens and uncorrelated in S. giganteum . In addition, A mass and g mass were negatively correlated with LMA in both species, which we attributed to the effects of decreasing leaf internal CO2 conductance ( g i). Species-level differences in wood density, LMA and area-based gas exchange capacity constrained other structural and physiological properties, with S. sempervirens exhibiting increased branch water transport efficiency and S. giganteum exhibiting increased leaf-level water-use efficiency with increasing height. Our results reveal different adaptive strategies for the two redwoods that help them compensate for constraints associated with growing taller, and reflect contrasting environmental conditions each species faces in its native habitat.  相似文献   
The present study aims at characterizing plant water status under field conditions on a daily basis, in order to improve operational predictions of plant water stress. Ohm's law analog serves as a basis for establishing daily soil-plant relationships, using experimental data from a water-limited soybean crop: 227-1. The daily transpiration flux, T, is estimated from experimental evapotranspiration data and simulated soil evaporation values. The difference, 227-2, named the effective potential gradient, is derived from i) the midday leaf potential of the uppermost expanded leaves and ii) an effective soil potential accounting for soil potential profile and an effectiveness factor of roots competing for water uptake. This factor is experimentally estimated from field observation of roots. G is an apparent hydraulic conductance of water flow from the soil to the leaves. The value of the lower potential limit for water extraction, required to assess the effective soil potential, is calculated with respect to the plant using the predawn leaf potential. It is found to be equal to –1.2 MPa. It appears that over the range of soil and climatic conditions experienced, the daily effective potential gradient remains constant (1.2 MPa), implying that, on a daily basis, transpiration only depends on the hydraulic conductance. The authors explain this behaviour by diurnal variation of osmotic potential, relying on Morgan's theory (1984). Possible generalization of the results to other crop species is suggested, providing a framework for reasoning plant water behaviour at a daily time step.  相似文献   
刘燕  张凌楠  刘晓宏  曾小敏  贾瑞萱 《生态学报》2023,43(24):10042-10053
全球气候突变导致干旱事件频发,进而易引发严重的植物衰退甚至死亡,聚焦植物尤其是树木死亡的生理学机制并期望基于此评估及预测气候变化导致植物死亡风险已成为热点话题。植物通过调整内在生理代谢过程,例如通过调节渗透物质的含量,来平衡渗透势、维持细胞膨压、调节植物激素的信号水平,诱导植物气孔开放程度降低,有利于植物保存水分、调控植物水通道蛋白的表达,进而保持体内水分稳定并对干旱胁迫做出快速响应。这些生理过程中的每一环调节都为了确保水分运输的效率和安全性,增加植物抗旱性以及生态系统稳定性。植物的抗旱性不仅体现在生理代谢方面的调节,还表现在植物水力特性与解剖结构间相辅相成。当植物改变水力特性的同时,其茎叶会在解剖结构上做出调整以满足植物在干旱环境下水分供需平衡,从而降低植物蒸腾水分散失、增强细胞储水并提高生存能力。植物应对水分胁迫的策略通常与水分消耗和碳获取之间的平衡有关,明晰植物水分消耗与光合碳获取间存在平衡关系的性状特征便于更好地理解植物的水分利用策略。然而,植物表现出的任意单一性状特征的强弱都无法代表整个植物适应逆境的优劣,未来只有通过将植物更多性状特征进行相互关联,以具有代表植物水力功能、结...  相似文献   
目的:研究大鼠脑损伤后非损伤区域缺氧诱导因子(hypoxia-inducible factor-1α,HIF-1α)与乳酸的表达变化。方法:取雄性SD大鼠36只,体重200-300g,参照统计学随机数字表将大鼠随机平均分为正常对照组(6只)、假手术组(6只)、造模组(24只),3组,造模组分四个时间点12h、72h、1w、2w处死动物(每时间点6只)。使用立体定位仪和液压打击装置,靶向打击大脑中动脉,造大鼠脑外伤模型。采用免疫组织化学法检测脑外伤后不同时间点损伤临近区域脑组织中HIF-1α蛋白表达及乳酸含量的变化。结果:正常组和假手术组脑组织神经细胞HIF-1α表达和乳酸含量无明显变化,而模型组损伤临近区域HIF-1α的表达及乳酸含量的变化规律基本一致,12 h时增多,72h时达到高峰,1w表达下降至2w时恢复正常。造模组12h、72h、1w3个亚组与正常对照组比较差异具有统计学意义p<0.01,造模组2w亚组与正常对照组比较差异无统计学意义p>0.01。结论:脑外伤后非损伤区域也有缺血、缺氧的改变,可能与脑外伤后的脑萎缩有相关性。  相似文献   
Warmer and drier climates over Eastern Amazonia have been predicted as a component of climate change during the next 50–100 years. It remains unclear what effect such changes will have on forest–atmosphere exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water, but the cumulative effect is anticipated to produce climatic feedback at both regional and global scales. To allow more detailed study of forest responses to soil drying, a simulated soil drought or 'throughfall exclusion' (TFE) experiment was established at a rain forest site in Eastern Amazonia, Brazil, for which time-series sap flow and soil moisture data were obtained. The experiment excluded 50% of the throughfall from the soil. Sap flow data from the forest plot experiencing normal rainfall showed no limitation of transpiration throughout the two monitored dry seasons. Conversely, data from the TFE showed large dry season declines in transpiration, with tree water use restricted to 20% of that in the control plot at the peak of both dry seasons. The results were examined to evaluate the paradigm that the restriction on transpiration in the dry season was caused by limitation of soil-to-root water transport, driven by low soil water potential and high soil-to-root hydraulic resistance. This paradigm, embedded in the soil–plant–atmosphere (SPA) model and driven using on-site measurements, provided a good explanation ( R 2 > 0.69) of the magnitude and timing of changes in sap flow and soil moisture. This model-data correspondence represents a substantial improvement compared with other ecosystem models of drought stress tested in Amazonia. Inclusion of deeper rooting should lead to lower sensitivity to drought than the majority of existing models. Modelled annual GPP declined by 13–14% in response to the treatment, compared with estimated declines in transpiration of 30–40%.  相似文献   
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