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The structure-activity relationships of the genin moieties of digitalis glycosides are commonly elucidated by determining the inhibitory potency of a variety of genins toward the plasma membrane Na+, K+-ATPase; qualitatively these relationships appear to be fairly independent of the specific Na+, K+-ATPase preparation utilized for the analysis. To determine whether this is the case with regard to the sugar moieties of glycosides, the inhibitory effects of 12 monoglycosides of digitoxigenin toward four Na+, K+-ATPase preparations of different origin were measured. It was found that while recognition of the major structural determinants of sugar activity appeared to be independent of enzyme source, recognition of the minor structural determinants of activity showed some source dependence. It was also observed that the intrinsic sensitivity to sugar potentiation may be source dependent and unrelated to intrinsic sensitivity to inhibition by digitoxigenin. These observations are compatible with a model of the Na+, K+-ATPase sugar binding site(s) in which intrinsic sensitivity to sugar attachment as well as recognition characteristics (for sugar structural features) both determine the extent to which a sugar moiety may contribute to the activity of monoglycosides. Further, in these studies one of the Na+, K+-ATPase preparations employed was obtained from rat brain, a tissue known to contain a mixture of ouabain sensitive and insensitive isoforms. We have observed that the rigorous purification techniques employed appear to have selectively removed from or denatured the less ouabain sensitive al isoform found in this enzyme preparation.  相似文献   
黔桂边境六县植物区系组成及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李光照   《广西植物》1990,10(4):297-306
黔桂边境六县植物区系有维管束植物203科921属2255种(变种)。其中种子植物含25种以上的有22科,代表成分有樟科、山茶科、壳斗科、五加科、桑科和椴树科。区系的特点是:地理成分复杂、分布交错;热带、亚热带性质明显;区系起源古老;特有珍稀种类多;喜酸成分较喜钙成分占优势;草本与木本种类近等。此外,对本区系自然条件及植物资源利用也作了简述。  相似文献   
The degree of intergradation between two species of Sulawesi macaques,Macaca tonkeana andM. hecki, was studied by examining the diagnostic external characteristics of more than 100 monkeys kept as pets by natives. Two possible hybrid monkeys were found and both originated from the borderland between the two species, located in the most proximal region of the northern peninsula of Sulawesi. The previously postulated wide area of integradation between the two species at the possible contact zone was, however, not recognized, and typical examples oftonkeana orhecki were found to be present on the two sides of a narrow “hybrid” zone which was defined by direct observations. Furthermore, despite considerable individual variations, we were able to allocate most monkeys to one or other of the species. Each of ten external characteristics of the members of both species more or less encompassed the individual variations, but may undergo changes with the development of the monkeys. The mechanisms of reproduction of hybrid monkeys and the maintenance of differences between the species are discussed.  相似文献   
Morphological observations of pet and wild monkeys were made in the area that was inferred to be the borderland betweenMacaca tonkeana andM. ochreata in Sulawesi. Almost all individual monkeys could be classified into one of two species by their external characteristics. The possible borderland was estimated to extend from the La River in the east and to around Karaena River in the west. These two species may make contact in the forest in the western area of the borderland. Some external characteristics exhibited wide individual variations in the two species. Some monkeys originating from the borderland showed external characteristics that were intermediate between those of the two species. The possible intergradation between these two species is discussed in terms of the morphological variations found in the two species.  相似文献   
Summary Ultrastructural parameters of muscle fibre types of the carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were measured and compared with their contractile properties. In red fibres, which are slower than pink fibres, the relative length of the junction between the T system and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (T-SR junction) is smaller and the Z lines are thicker than in pink fibres. Pink fibres have a smaller relative length of T-SR junction than white fibres from the axial muscles. The two types of red fibres present in carp muscle also differ in their relative lengths of T-SR junction. Significant differences in the relative areas of the SR were not found.The relative volume of myofibrils in red fibres is two-thirds that in pink fibres, a difference that is not reflected in the maximal isometric tetanic tensions of these types. Red fibres, which are less easily fatigued than pink fibres, have larger relative volumes of subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar mitochondria. Small pink fibres have a larger relative volume of subsarcolemmal mitochondria than large pink fibres, but have a similar relative volume of intermyofibrillar mitochondria. Small and large pink fibres differ in the relative volumes of their membrane systems, but have similar relative lengths of T-SR junction.  相似文献   
Recognition sequences of restriction endonucleases and methylases--a review   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
C Kessler  P S Neumaier  W Wolf 《Gene》1985,33(1):1-102
The properties and sources of all known endonucleases and methylases acting site-specifically on DNA are listed. The enzymes are crossindexed (Table I), classified according to homologies within their recognition sequences (Table II), and characterized within Table II by the cleavage and methylation positions, the number of recognition sites on the DNA of the bacteriophages lambda, phi X174 and M13mp7, the viruses Ad2 and SV40, the plasmids pBR322 and pBR328 and the microorganisms from which they originate. Other tabulated properties of the restriction endonucleases include relaxed specificities (Table III), the structure of the restriction fragment ends (Table IV), and the sensitivity to different kinds of DNA methylation (Table V). Table VI classifies the methylases according to the nature of the methylated base(s) within their recognition sequences. This table also comprises those restriction endonucleases, which are known to be inhibited by the modified nucleotides. Furthermore, this review includes a restriction map of bacteriophage lambda DNA based on sequence data. Table VII lists the exact nucleotide positions of the cleavage sites, the length of the generated fragments ordered according to size, and the effects of the Escherichia coli dam- and dcmI-coded methylases M X Eco dam and M X Eco dcmI on the particular recognition sites.  相似文献   
Verticillium lecanii (Fungi: Deuteromycete) blastospores were applied to a chrysanthemum crop by an ULV electrostatically charged rotary atomiser (APE-80). The deposition of spores and subsequent control ofAphis gossypii were compared to high volume hydraulic application. A full rate treatment (2×1013 blastospores per ha.) was applied by the APE-80 at week 1 and reduced spore rates of 1/6th and 1/12th applied by both the APE-80 and the hydraulic sprayer once and twice a week respectively for weeks 1 to 6. Untreated plots served as controls. Initial deposits of spores were higher with the electrostatic sprayer and better distributed with respect to the position of the target aphids. Significantly lower aphid populations were recorded on the electrostatically treated plots in week 4. The single full rate treatment had significantly fewer aphids than the untreated plots from week 3 and all treatments had significantly fewer aphids than the untreated plots from week 5 onwards. The proportion of the aphid population killed byV. lecanii was higher on the electrostatically treated plots until week 6.   相似文献   
Recent molecular biological, chemical, physiological and morphological studies indicate that Trichosporon cutaneum and related species should be reclassified. In this study, antigenic characteristics of the species were determined. The results of adsorption experiments revealed that there were at least three serological types: I, II and III. Specific factor sera I, II and III were prepared on the basis of adsorption experiments and isolates were serotyped by cell slide agglutination (CSA). Since the CSA test was difficult to read in some strains, the results of the CSA test were compared with the findings from an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). For the ELISA, crude polysaccharide antigens prepared from the culture supernatant were used as the antigen. The types determined by ELISA correlated well with those determined by the CSA test. These data suggest that T. cutaneum and related species have at least three serological types, and that the typing can be done by either CSA or ELISA.  相似文献   
露水草的光合特性及其生态学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用盆栽和遮阴试验研究了露水草(Cyanotis arachnoidea Clarke) 的光合作用特征,比较了不同遮光水平对光合速率、光合器官特性及光合产量的影响。结果如下:1.露水草是一种耐阴偏阳的C3 类草木植物,其光合作用的光饱和点约为650 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1,光补偿点约为17 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1,且具有高达130×10- 6的CO2 补偿点。2.露水草的最大净光合速率为12.45 μm ol·m - 2·s- 1。叶片净光合速率的日变化规律呈双峰曲线,主峰在11~12 时,次峰在15时左右。3.遮光20% ~50% 有利于露水草的生长。与对照相比,叶片中叶绿素b 的含量增加了47% ~83% ,并且由于净光合速率(相对光合速率)的提高,使光合生产量增加了12% ~18% 。  相似文献   
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