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Sexual dimorphism in the emergence of the deciduous dentition of French-Canadian children may be explained by differences in recumbent length. Relative to the chronological age scale, boys are longer and their teeth emerge earlier than girls. Recumbent lengths attained at the exact age of emergence, as estimated by fifth-order polynomials fitted to each subject's serial data, are comparable between the sexes. Multi- and univariate analyses of variance show no significant sex differences in the lengths attained at the age of emergence of the deciduous teeth. These findings suggest that clinical standards for emergence of deciduous teeth scaled relative to length rather than chronological age are more accurate and efficient.  相似文献   
Osmotic properties of human red cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary When an osmotic pressure gradient is applied to human red cells, the volume changes anomalously, as if there were a significant fraction of nonosmotic water which could not serve as solvent for the cell solutes, a finding which has been discussed widely in the literature. In 1968, Gary-Bobo and Solomon (J. Gen. Physiol. 52:825) concluded that the anomalies could not be entirely explained by the colligative properties of hemoglobin (Hb) and proposed that there was an additional concentration dependence of the Hb charge (zHb). A number of investigators, particularly Freedman and Hoffman (1979,J. Gen. Physiol. 74:157) have been unable to confirm Gary-Bobo and Solomon's experimental evidence for this concentration dependence of zHb and we now report that we are also unable to repeat the earlier experiments. Nonetheless, there still remains a significant anomaly which amounts to 12.5±0.8% of the total isosmotic cell water (P0.0005,t test), even after taking account of the concentration dependence of the Hb osmotic coefficient and all the other known physical chemical constraints, ideal and nonideal. It is suggested that the anomalies at high Hb concentration in shrunken cells may arise from the ionic strength dependence of the Hb osmotic coefficient. In swollen red cells at low ionic strength, solute binding to membrane and intracellular proteins is increased and it is suggested that this factor may account, in part, for the anomalous behavior of these cells.  相似文献   
Summary The osmotic water permeabilityP f of brush border (BBM) and basolateral (BLM) membrane vesicles from rat small intestine and renal cortex was studied by means of stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Scattered light intensity was used to follow vesicular volume changes upon osmotic perturbation with hypertonic mannitol solutions. A theoretical analysis of the relationship of scattered light intensity and vesicular volume justified a simple exponential approximation of the change in scattered light intensity. The rate constants extracted from fits to an exponential function were proportional to the final medium osmolarity as predicted by theory. For intestinal membranes, computer analysis of optical responses fitted well with a single-exponential treatment. For renal membranes a double-exponential treatment was needed, implying two distinct vesicle populations.P f values for BBM and BLM preparations of small intestine were equal and amount to 60 m/sec. For renal preparations,P f values amount to 600 m/sec for the fast component, BBM as well as BLM, and to 50 (BBM) and 99 (BLM) m/sec for the slow component. The apparent activation energy for water permeation in intestinal membranes was 13.3±0.6 and in renal membranes, 1.0±0.3 kCal/mole, between 25 and 35°C. The mercurial sulfhydryl reagentpCMBS inhibited completely and reversibly the highP f value in renal brush border preparations. These observations suggest that in intestinal membranes water moves through the lipid matrix but that in renal plasma membranes water channels may be involved. From the highP f values of renal membrane vesicles a transcellular water permeability for proximal tubules can be calculated which amounts to 1 cm/sec. This value allows for an entirely transcellular route for water flow during volume reabsorption.  相似文献   
The secretion and cellular localization of the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were studied in primary cultures of rat sympathetic neurons. When cultured under conditions favoring a noradrenergic phenotype, these neurons synthesized and secreted large quantities of the tetrameric G4, and the dodecameric A12 forms, and minor amounts of the G1 and G2 forms. When these neurons adopted the cholinergic phenotype, i.e., in the presence of muscle-conditioned medium, the development of the cellular A12 form was completely inhibited. These neurons secreted only globular, mainly G4, AChE. Both cellular and secreted A12 AChE in adrenergic cultures aggregated at an ionic strength similar to that of the culture medium, raising the hypothesis that this form was associated with a polyanionic component of basal lamina. In noradrenergic neurons, 60-80% of the catalytic sites were exposed at the cell surface. In particular, 80% of G4 form, but only 60% of the A12 form, was external, demonstrating for the A12 form a sizeable intracellular pool. The hydrophobic character of the molecular forms was studied in relation to their cellular localization. As in muscle cells, most of the G4 form was membrane-bound. Whereas 76% of the cell surface A12 form was solubilized in the aqueous phase by high salt concentrations, only 50% of the intracellular A12 form was solubilized under these conditions. The rest of intracellular A12 could be solubilized by detergents and was thus either membrane-bound or entrapped in vesicles originating from, e.g., the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
Summary Ribosomal mutants (rpsD) which are associated with a generally increased translational ambiguity were investigated for their effects in vivo on individual tRNA species using suppressor tRNAs as models. It was found that nonsense suppression is either increased, unaffected or decreased depending on the codon context and the rpsD allele involved as well as the nature of the suppressor tRNA. Missense suppression of AGA and AGG by glyT(SuAGA/G) tRNA as well as UGG by glyT(SuUGG-8) tRNA is unaffected whereas suppression of UGG by glyT(SuUGA/G) or glyV(SuUGA/G) tRNA is decreased in the presence of an rpsD mutation. The effects on suppressor tRNA are thus not correlated with the ribosomal ambiguity (Ram) phenotype of the rpsD mutants used in this study. It is suggested that the mutationally altered ribosomes are changed in functional interactions with the suppressor tRNA itself rather than with the competing translational release factor(s) or cognate aminoacyl tRNA. The structure of suppressor tRNA, particularly the anticodon loop, and the suppressed codon as well as the codon context determine the allele specific functional interactions with these ribosomal mutations.  相似文献   
Summary Mouse lymphoma L1210 cells maintained in vitro at a high cell density for a certain time period adapted themselves to the in vitro environment and were able to grow indefinitely. From these adapted cells, more than 30 clones were isolated. They all had much higher activity to take up cystine than the original L1210 cells, supporting a previous view that the deficiency of the cystine uptake limits the survival and growth of L1210 cells in vitro. The cystine uptake of one cloned cell line was characterized. The enhanced uptake of cystine in these cells was mainly mediated by a Na+-independent, saturable system and was potently inhibited by glutamate and some other anionic amino acids, but less by aspartate. Such activity of cystine uptake was not observed in the original L1210 cells. The results suggest that, upon adaptation in vitro, L1210 cells acquire a new cystine transport activity necessary for survival and growth in vitro.  相似文献   
A. F. Richter 《Aquatic Ecology》1986,20(1-2):165-172
Biomanipulation as a tool for lake restoration is discussed mainly using literature data. It is based on the exploitation of the interactions both within and between the trophic levels in an aquatic ecosystem. Important among the interactions are: competition for light and nutrients between aquatic macrophytes and phytoplankton and among different phytoplankton species; grazing by planktonic and benthic filter feeders; and size-selective predation by fish. In several case studies biomanipulation has proved to be successful in restorating mildly eutrophic small waterbodies. However, for long-term stability of the restored ecosystems supplementary measures like reducing the external nutrient loadings are needed. The feasibility of the different biomanipulation measures to improve the water quality in shallow Dutch lakes is discussed. Preliminary results on biomanipulation experiments in enclosures withOscillatoria agardhii and the benthic filter feederDreissena polymorpha are given.  相似文献   
Human blood was sheared between rotating polyethylene disks and plasma hemoglobin measured at intervals to produce kinetic hemolysis curves (KHC), plotted as free hemoglobin concentration vs time. The KHC produced by blood samples incubated in the presence of penicillin, streptomycin, gentamicin, and amikacin lie always below those for control samples, indicating a reduction in hemolysis; this reduction was greater as the drug concentration was increased. Explanations in terms of alterations in red cell structure were sought by several characterization tests of amikacin-loaded blood samples. Drug-localization studies demonstrated that significant fractions of the total dosage were associated with the red-cell membrane. Resistive pulse spectroscopy was used to show how amikacin affected cell size, deformability, and osmotic fragility; results were sensitive to storage age of the blood. In all cases, the effect of shearing was to reduce cell size, deformability, and osmotic fragility. Mechanisms for hemolytic protection by drugs are proposed.  相似文献   
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